Entrepreneur Myths (50 page)

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Authors: Damir Perge

Tags: #Business, #Finance

BOOK: Entrepreneur Myths
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Good luck and Godspeed.


Table of Contents


Entrepreneur Myth 1 | Entrepreneurs are born

Entrepreneur Myth 2 | Education is critical to be a successful entrepreneur

Entrepreneur Myth 3 | You must risk it all to make it

Entrepreneur Myth 4 | You must have domain expertise to start a venture

Entrepreneur Myth 5 | The best time to start a venture is when you’re young

Entrepreneur Myth 6 | You’ll be your own boss

Entrepreneur Myth 7 | Control is not an issue

Entrepreneur Myth 8 | Failure is not an option

Entrepreneur Myth 9 | Men are better entrepreneurs than women

Entrepreneur Myth 10 | Married couples should not entrepreneur together

Entrepreneur Myth 11 | Entrepreneurs have a balanced life

Entrepreneur Myth 12 | If you fail, you can try, try again

Entrepreneur Myth 13 | The journey is the reward

Entrepreneur Myth 14 | Ideas are a dime a dozen

Entrepreneur Myth 15 | All you need is a great idea in order to succeed

Entrepreneur Myth 16 | Make it and they will come

Entrepreneur Myth 17 | Ideas and ideation come through purpose or special intent

Entrepreneur Myth 18 | You must be first to market

Entrepreneur Myth 19 | The business plan is critical

Entrepreneur Myth 20 | Sales projections are critical

Entrepreneur Myth 21 | You must have an office

Entrepreneur Myth 22 | You don’t need an attorney

Entrepreneur Myth 23 | In business, most people tell the truth

Entrepreneur Myth 24 | Competition is not important as long as you focus on your customer

Entrepreneur Myth 25 | Getting distribution is easy

Entrepreneur Myth 26 | The best exit strategy is an IPO

Entrepreneur Myth 27 | Raising capital is easy if you have a great idea

Entrepreneur Myth 28 | You have to “dress for success” when raising capital

Entrepreneur Myth 29 | You need capital to develop your product or service

Entrepreneur Myth 30 | Money grows on trees

Entrepreneur Myth 31 | You can raise money overnight

Entrepreneur Myth 32 | Dumb money is bad money, and smart money is good money

Entrepreneur Myth 33 | Take the money, take the money and take the money

Entrepreneur Myth 34 | The check’s in the mail

Entrepreneur Myth 35 | Raising big money is harder than small money

Entrepreneur Myth 36 | Investors are easily found

Entrepreneur Myth 37 | OPM is the best way to fund your venture

Entrepreneur Myth 38 | Angels are Angelic

Entrepreneur Myth 39 | VCs are smarter than you

Entrepreneur Myth 40 | Venture capital is risk capital

Entrepreneur Myth 41 | Getting a venture capital meeting is easy because your idea is so great

Entrepreneur Myth 42 | You can trust a venture capitalist

Entrepreneur Myth 43 | Venture capital is the best way to fund your venture

Entrepreneur Myth 44 | Sweat equity is extremely valuable

Entrepreneur Myth 45 | Valuation is based on numbers

Entrepreneur Myth 46 | Your employees understand your daily pressures

Entrepreneur Myth 47 |Your employees will work as hard as you do

Entrepreneur Myth 48 | Your employees are entrepreneurs too

Entrepreneur Myth 49 | Your friends and family will be honest about your idea

Entrepreneur Myth 50 | Family members make great employees


Entrepreneur Myth 51 | Your partners are willing to share the same risk as you

Entrepreneur Myth 52 | Equal partners do equal work

Entrepreneur Myth 53 | Good partners are easy to find

Entrepreneur Myth 54 | ‘Til exit do partners part

Entrepreneur Myth 55 | Boards and advisory boards are critical to the success of your venture

Entrepreneur Myth 56 | Venture capitalists are vultures

Entrepreneur Myth 57 | A power law works in your favor

Entrepreneur Myth 58 | You can’t build a billion dollar company overnight

Entrepreneur Myth 59 | Bubblepreneur: Party like it’s 1999

Entrepreneur Myth 60 | Pets@office is not professional

Are you an entrepreneur?

Should you start your venture?


Chapter Notes

Damir’s Recommended Book List

Recommended media, blogs and other entrepreneur resources





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