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Authors: Elisabeth Naughton

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal

Entwined (40 page)

BOOK: Entwined
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“Yes, it does. Right now it’s all that matters.”

“That isn’t your curse to bear.”

She slid her arm around his back and ran her fingers over the scars there now. Her scars, which he’d taken from her when he’d opened himself fully to her. “It’s not yours either.”


“I would go to the ends of the earth with you if I could, Zander, but I can’t. We both know Atalanta is going to be gunning for Casey and Isadora and me. And Max isn’t safe in the human realm either.”

“I can protect you both.”

Her hand curved around his cheek, and reflexively he leaned into her touch, wanting it everywhere, anywhere. “And who’s going to protect you? If something happens to me, it happens to you. And then who will take care of Max? We can’t abandon him there again.”

“I…” His heart squeezed tight because he was getting exactly what he wanted—her love—and yet, he would never have her. She was right. How could he take them into the human realm and know there was a strong chance doing so could condemn their son all over again? And yet if he stayed here…

He closed his eyes as the pain in his chest condensed to the only thing he could feel. “I can’t live without you.”

Her other hand came up to frame his face. “You don’t have to. You never have to. I’m always going to be right here.”

Yeah, but he wouldn’t be. He looked down at her. “The king won’t change his mind. He—”

“You promised me you would make all of this right. Do you remember that? At the colony? Zander, this is your chance to do that.” She took a deep breath. “You have to go through with the binding ceremony. You have to marry Isadora.”


“Do you think I want this?” Her eyes filled with tears. “I want you and us and the life we should have had a long time ago, but that can’t happen. And more than that, I want our son to grow up in a world where what happened to me won’t happen to another female.”

She moved in close until it was all he could do not to grab her and hold on for dear life. “Zander, you have a chance to change things, to make a difference, to help Isadora reshape our world. It’s ironic, don’t you think, that Ar-golea was a realm set aside by the gods, a place of peace, and yet we have as many problems as they do on earth?” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Make this right for Max. And for me. You can do that for us. You’re the only one who can.”

“What you’re asking me to do…” His eyes fell closed again. “I can’t love another. I’ve tried. Gods, I’ve tried. But you’re it for me,
. Just you.”

“I will always be yours, Zander.” Her voice quivered. “And not because some curse says I am. Open your eyes and look at me.” He did, and when he focused on her violet eyes he saw everything he felt reflected back on her face. “I’m yours because I love you. Because the connection we share is stronger than anything the king decrees or does. No binding ceremony can break that. For me there’s no one but you. But we need you here. To stay in this realm, to be there for Max, to help the Argonauts and to make our world better. If you leave we can’t go with you. But if you stay…Oh, Zander, there’s so much good that can come from it.”

His heart broke into a thousand pieces. He never thought—not in a million years—that her love wouldn’t be enough. But it wasn’t. Fate seemed to be pushing them in different directions and he was powerless to stop it.

He rested his forehead against hers and just tried to breathe. But even that hurt. “This sucks.”

Her fingers twined around to run through the hair at the nape of his neck. “It does. I agree.”

Silence settled between them. And like it always did, the silky smooth glide of her fingers against his skin calmed him from the inside out.

“A true leader sets aside his personal wants for the good of the whole,” she whispered. “And he makes sacrifices. Ones that, in the end, justify all that came before.” When he lifted his head and frowned at her, a sad smile spread across her perfect face. “Someone once told me that.”

“Sounds like a moron. I’m not a leader.”

“No, but you’re a guardian. The best one I know. And you’re a father. That makes you a leader, whether you think so or not. Zander, do you know your irises are silver?”

What was left of his heart pinched. Tight. He rested his forehead against hers once more. “Because of you.”


“You’re holding up the proceedings, Argonaut.”

The king’s irritated voice echoing from above brought tension to Zander’s shoulders all over again. He glared up to the balcony where the fragile king stood leaning against the banister in his white regal suit, a scowl on his wrinkled face and a cane in one hand. It was clear he couldn’t see them, but he could hear them, and Zander had no doubt the now-blind king could picture what was happening below.

Theron, dressed in his uniform and red cloak, stood at the king’s right, Casey at his left. Neither the leader of the Argonauts nor his bride looked thrilled with the situation, and the king was positively fuming.

Callia’s soft fingers against his cheek drew his face back to hers. “Ignore him.”

“He’s your biological father. He should care.”

“He’s doing what he thinks is best. Look at me.” When he did, the shine of tears in her eyes told him this was as hard for her as it was for him. Probably harder. “Don’t let him poison our last few seconds together.”


She brushed the hair back from his temples, and her voice hitched when she said, “I love you, Zander. Always. Remember that whenever things get to be too much. Me and Max. We’re yours no matter where you go or what you do. Nothing,
no one
, can change that.”

As he looked down into her eyes, he saw his life broken into two parts. The way it was before her, empty and meaningless, and the way it had been since she’d come into it, full and with purpose. She’d uncovered the humanity in him, given him balance and healed him in a way no one else ever could. And though part of him burned with the heat of a thousand suns knowing they couldn’t be together, she was right. She was his. Would always be his.

He drew in a shaky breath and memorized every curve, every angle, every line and plane of her gorgeous face so he could call it up whenever he needed. For the rest of his life. No matter how long that may be.

“I love you,
. Only you.”

Two tears spilled over her sooty lashes to slide down her creamy skin.

“Zander,” the king announced in a hard tone from above, breaking their bittersweet moment, “this binding ceremony will go on as scheduled. You cannot stop it. My daughter will be bound today. Acacia,” he barked at his side.

“What?” Casey said next to him, irritation coating her words as well.

“Find something more appropriate for Callia to wear. Even though I can’t see her, I know how she dresses. She can’t have her binding ceremony in commoner’s clothing.”

Callia’s eyes grew wide. And hope, just the tiniest shred,
slivered its way into Zander’s chest. They both looked up at the king.

“Contrary to what you all think,” the king said with a scowl, “I’m not a heartless bastard. I still believe sacrifice is necessary, but not at the expense of one daughter over another.”

Lucian stepped up next to the king then, peering over the banister with a less-than-thrilled expression on his face.

“After much debate,” the king went on, “Lord Lucian has finally agreed to recognize Maximus as a legitimate heir to the throne, until such time as Isadora produces her own heir. Acacia, go tell your sister she was just granted a reprieve. At least until I figure out what in Hades to do with her.”

A wide grin swept across Casey’s face. She shot a look at Theron, who was also smiling, before she darted off toward Isadora’s rooms.

Zander whipped back to Callia. And though excitement flared in his veins, he tamped it down because there was still one matter left unaddressed.

“Oh, my gods,” Callia whispered.

.” He gripped her arms. “You don’t have to do what he commands. I won’t let him dictate your life the way he does Isadora’s. It has to be your choice. If you don’t want—”

She threw her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth to his. And when she eased back, her smile beamed. “I want you. I’ve always only ever wanted you. Zander, bind yourself to me. To us,” she corrected, glancing at Max, still standing with Titus, smiling himself. “Today. Right now. We’ll figure everything else out later.”

His chest filled to bursting. Only this time, it was happiness, not rage, that consumed him. And he knew it always would be. “Ah,
,” he said softly, closing his arms around her and drawing her tight against him. “I don’t need a ceremony to tell me what I already know. Our lives have been entwined from the very start. Do you think I could ever choose anyone but you?”

Her victory smile widened. “No, thank the Fates, you can’t.” She leaned in to kiss him. “And I won’t ever let you. You’re mine, Guardian. Forever.”

He smiled himself as his lips met hers. “It’s about damn time.”

Eternal Guardians Lexicon

; pl.
—Male Argolean.

—Term of endearment; angel.

Argolea—Realm established by Zeus for the blessed heroes and their descendants.

Argonauts—Eternal guardian warriors who protect Argolea. In every generation, one from the original seven bloodlines (Heracles, Achilles, Jason, Odysseus, Perseus, Theseus, and Bellerophon) is chosen to continue the guardian tradition.

Council of Elders—Twelve lords of Argolea who advise the king

daemons—Beasts who were once human, recruited from the Fields of Asphodel (purgatory) by Atalanta to join her army.

—Mind-control technique Argonauts use on humans

Fields of Asphodel—Purgatory


; pl.
—Female Argolean

Horae—Three goddesses of balance controlling life and order

Isles of the Blessed—Heaven



—Term of endearment; beloved.

Medean witches—Covens in the mountains of Argolea that follow the teachings and traditions of Medea

Misos—Half-human/half-Argolean race that lives hidden among humans



Orb of Krónos—Four-chambered disk with the power to release the Titans from Tartarus


—Ancient red robe worn by members of the Argolean Council



Tartarus—Realm of the Underworld similar to hell

—Term of endearment; goddess.


Rave Reviews for Elisabeth Naughton!

“Gripping, dangerous, and sinfully sexy,
is a top-notch read! Elisabeth Naughton combines dynamic dialogue and sizzling romance with a wicked cool world. Do NOT miss this series!”

New York Times
Bestselling Author Larissa Ione

“The sensuality of Sherrilyn Kenyon and the intensity of Patricia Briggs. Naughton’s foray into paranormals is deep, dark and sexy as hell.”

New York Times
Bestselling Author Angie Fox


“This third book in the Stolen series is full of intrigue, secrets and undeniable love with characters you can’t get enough of…An awesome read!”

—Fresh Fiction

Stolen Seduction
kept me entertained. It was a fast-paced suspense read that had me guessing.”

—All About Romance

“An adventurous story of twists and turns, this story will keep you guessing until the very end. And the chemistry between Hailey and Shane is sizzling hot. Naughton combines passion and danger in one fast-paced story.”

—News and Sentinel


Stolen Heat
is an awesome combination of deadly suspense, edgy action and a wonderful romance with characters that you’ll laugh, cry and yell with.”

—Night Owl Romance

“Ms. Naughton hooks you with characters way too human to be perfect, and plotlines that are delivered with laserlike precision.”

—Coffee Time Romance

“Ms. Naughton offers readers an intense read with nonstop action, suspense, and sizzling chemistry.”

—Darque Reviews

“This book has got it all: an adventure that keeps you turning the pages, an irresistible hero, and a smoking romance.”

—All About Romance

Stolen Heat
is a very well-written romantic suspense with excitement and intrigue on every page. I fell in love with the characters and their witty personalities. A great read!”

—Fresh Fiction


“Wow, what a roller coaster ride! Naughton nails her debut with a hot hero, a sassy heroine and a plot with more twists than a pretzel! Well done!”

—Karin Tabke, author of

“A rock solid debut…Naughton’s intelligent adventure plot is intensified by the blazing heat that builds from Lisa and Rafe’s first erotic encounter.”

Publishers Weekly

“Naughton deftly distills deadly intrigue, high adrenaline action, and scorchingly hot passion into a perfectly constructed novel of romantic suspense.”

Chicago Tribune

“…Naughton creates an action-packed and satisfying story line. She also delivers one very charming and sexy hero—with a heart of gold.”

RT Book Reviews

“This is an exciting romantic suspense thriller that starts off hot and…from there turns up the heat and the action.”

Midwest Book Review

“Elisabeth Naughton can spin a tale to captivate the reader and take them for a ride.”

—Coffee Time Romance

BOOK: Entwined
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