Enzo (Jinx Tattoos Book 1)

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Jinx Tattoos Book 1


Shyla Colt




This Book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, duplicated, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the author’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


Copyright © 2016 by Shyla Colt


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are

either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Cover Artist: Dreams 2 Media

Photographer : Eric Battershell photographer 

Editor: There for you Editing, Leanore Elliot 

Edited for Hot Ink by: EAL Editing Services


Published by

Hot Ink an imprint of CHBB Publishing

All rights reserved.


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by

any means without written permission of the author.






I Can’t Make You Love Me: Bonnie Raitt
If: Janet Jackson
It Hurts: Angels & Airwaves
Fade Into You: Mazzy Star
I Gave You All: Mumford & Sons
Love Will Tear Us Apart: Joy Division
In My Veins: Andrew Belle
Almost Lover: Jasmine Thompson
#1 Crush: Garbage
I’m Only Happy When it Rains: Garbage
White Blank Page: Mumford & Sons
The Cave: Mumford & Sons
I Know You: Skylar Grey
Scars: Papa Roach
Forever: Papa Roach
Summertime Sadness: Lana Del Rey






Nothing Gold Can Stay ~ Robert Frost
Things We Dare Not Tell ~ Henry Lawson
Hymn to Physical Pain ~ Rudyard Kipling

She walks in Beauty ~ Lord Byron

Gold Star Chili
Old St Mary’s Church


I’d also like to thank my wonderful beta readers, Tina Harris, Meghan Jackson, Christie Mitchum, Crissie Sutcliffe, Lee'Ann Hardin, Andrea Huseman, and Carrie Roberts for all of their support.



Aibhlinn is prounced Ave-Lynn, which is why you’ll see her called “Ave”

Aoife – Ee-fa

Keir- Keer



A leanbuh (uh LAN-uv): my child         

“A mhuirnín” (uh WUR-neen): “darling”

“A chroí” (uh KHREE): “heart”

M’fhiorghra (Meer-Grah): my true love (literal translation of the soulmate concept)

A Chuisle (Uh Khush-leh): pulse

Leanbh (Lan-uv): child

Bairn: babe

IRA: Irish Republic Army

The Army: nickname for the Irish Republic Army

Jinx Tattoos Book 1
Shyla Colt


Thanks to the man upstairs for giving me the talent and motivation to not just weave a story, but continue to become a better writer. For all my Colts out there! Thank you for trusting me to entertain you. Your support means so much. For my husband who deals with my eccentrics during the writing process, my children who inspire me to a better person all around, and my mum.


From childhood’s hour I have not been
As others were—I have not seen
As others saw—I could not bring
“Alone” Edgar Alan Poe



Chapter One


he alarm mocked him as he woke to limbs tangled with his own. The blonde from the night before snuggled into his side. He ran a hand through his hair and rested his head on the pillow. Overnights weren’t his norm, but waking up alone on today of all days wasn’t an option. He had a love-hate connection with the day of his birth, and thirty-four was too old to deal with shit with liquor. So…he fucked in excess and kept his liquor consumption to a minimum instead. Normally, he would be ready to go for round three, but all he wanted was silence…some peace. He moved away from the blonde and rolled from the bed, ready to wash away the night before.

“Time to go home, sweetheart,” he said.

She stretched her arms above her head, letting her blanket fall to her lap. Her perky breasts were perfection and obviously fake.

Still, Enzo took a moment to appreciate her investments.

“You sure I can’t tempt you into breakfast?” she purred.

“Positive, got somewhere to be.”

She pouted her plump red lips.

What kind of makeup shit lasts overnight?
The thought of the chemicals involved made him shudder. “As amazing as you were last night, I’ll have to pass.”

She huffed and tossed the blankets aside, swinging her shapely legs over the side of the bed as she stood. She was petite, tanned, toned, and plastic. It made her easy to look at, have a good time with, and say good-bye to.

Not that he ever felt bad. She knew what she was getting into, they all did. He made it clear he didn’t do seconds and wasn’t looking for more than a mutual exchange of pleasure. Still, some of them seemed to think they would win some magical lottery, and things would change in the morning. He’d seen Tracee around the tattoo shop a million times. She was an ink chaser.

She wanted a tattoo artist for an old man in the worst way. He made it clear she was barking up the wrong tree, but she kept coming around. He wasn’t looking to have a significant other, and her desperation to land someone who would take care of her made his skin crawl. This would kill two birds with one stone.

“You’re a real ass, Enzo, you know that?” Tracee asked as she poured her body back into her skin-tight black dress.

“You already knew that, though, Trace. We knew this wasn’t more than a night of fun.”

She cocked her hip and narrowed her eyes. “You sure about that, sweetheart? We had a lot of fun. Imagine that in your bed every night.”

“Not looking for that, Trace,” he said with a shrug.

“Would you say the same thing if I had my head stuck in a book and my body covered from head to toe?” Tracee scoffed.

“What the fuck did you say?” Enzo asked, stepping forward.

The color drained from her face. She snatched up her sky-high heels and fled. “Nothing, see you around,” she muttered, skittering out the door before he could respond.

People wondered about him and his best friend, Aibhlinn. They didn’t think a man and a woman could be friends without jumping in the bed together. His theory was the exact opposite. Sex ruined things. It broke up lifelong relationships, made people paranoid, and upset the natural order you first had before romance entered the picture. No, his spitfire Irish lass with the piercing blue-green eyes and flowing chestnut mane would remain off limits forever.

The very thought of her made him smile. Even on his darkest day, she never failed to bring him a little happiness. He walked to the front door of his house and locked the door behind Tracee. A quick glance at the clock told him he had about thirty minutes to get his ass into gear. He walked back over the maple hardwood floor and into the bathroom. The white on white tiles and glass shower enclosure made the room appear more open and easy to get into and out of, which made the space tolerable.

Turning on the hot water, he sank onto the bench at the far end of the massive stall and let the gathering steam clear his pores and his muddled head. Lack of sleep and beer had him feeling sluggish. After a few minutes, he rose to his feet, stepped under the spray, quickly soaped down, and rinsed off.

He was pulling on his plaid button up when the doorbell rang. A few moments later, the lock turned.

“You decent, birthday boy?” Aibhlinn called with that slight lilt he’d grown to love.

“Yeah, I’m coming out now,” Enzo called back. He appeared in the doorway and smiled.

Dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans that hugged her thick thighs, and large ass, she was mouthwatering.

Off limits didn’t mean he couldn’t admire her assets. An off the shoulder Pink Floyd sweater displayed tantalizing porcelain flesh. She had her hair pulled up into a messy bun that showed off her long, slender neck.

“You ready to go?” she asked.

“What? No breakfast?” he shot back.

She rolled her eyes. “Smart ass. We’ll be back for that later. If you don’t hurry, we’ll miss the sunrise.”

He nodded his head and walked toward her, wrapping an arm around her waist as they hugged. He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Thanks for coming, Ave.”

“Where else would I be?” she whispered.

Anywhere, with someone worthy of your time and affection
. It was his deepest fear. That she would enter a romantic relationship and their friendship would go by the wayside. It was selfish wanting her to remain his number one girl…she deserved more. It worked for them now. They were both artists obsessed by the act of creating.

The years were passing swiftly, and she’d gone from unknown to sought after in her career field.
First come loves, and then comes marriage
. He snarled, pushing the thought of the day she, too, left him far in the background of his brain.

“Come on, I’ll drive,” she said, pulling him to the door.

He allowed her to manipulate him.

At five-foot-eleven, she still lacked the strength to move him if he resisted. Along with fucking, he liked to workout. It kept his head from getting overcrowded and allowed him a healthy way to work out his frustrations. Locking the door behind them, he followed her to the black SUV.

She hit the fob and unlocked the door.

Enzo was at the driver’s side, opening her door before she could protest. He knew how to treat a woman. He wasn’t so fucked up that he felt a sick need to use and abuse them. His mother, the angel who adopted him and straightened his ass out, would skin him alive if he ever went that route.

“Thanks, Enz,” she said, climbing into her seat.

He made his way to the passenger side then leaned his head back against the headrest, and zoned out as she pulled out of his driveway and headed for their destination.

Fog hung in the air, creating a thin layer of white. The haze turned the massive structure that was their destination into something mystical, or creepy, depending on how one looked at it. Bundled against the fall chill, they made their way from the car and into Ault Park, in the direction of the pavilion.

After the climb, his eyes drank in the frosted landscape. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

This park held good and bad memories. His birth mother brought him here many times. Originally, he thought it was because she was a good mother who loved the outdoors and knew he loved to be among the beauty the park offered. As he grew, he understood it was a public place to get her fix. No one thought twice of a man, a woman, and a child walking through the woods.

He would never forget the first time his brain registered the cash she gave Uncle Ian was for drugs. The tiny brown squares were heroin. They’d found her body here on his sixteenth birthday, needle still in her arm, eyes vacant, and body cold. She’d turned a day he already loathed into something even worse.

He inhaled, embracing the chilly air that crept down his throat and into his chest.

The ache meant he was alive. That he’d survived against the odds. Thinking of the days scrounging for food in garbage cans, stealing from the stores, and running drugs for dope boys to feed his starving gut…he shuddered. She’d always saved the most fucked up shit for his birthday, like an anti-birthday gift. That last day she’d left and never returned was his twelfth birthday.

He bowed his head in solemn remembrance. All the bullshit made it hard for a guy to feel joy on the day he came into the world and landed in a pile of festering shit.
But that’s not where I am now
. He glanced over at the woman standing beside him as the sky yielded from an inky blue to a purple, and a dusky orange. The sun’s rays turned everything golden, and for that moment in time, things were clean and new. The world was a hopeful place. The darkness was banished.

Nature’s first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; but only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, so dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay
,” he whispered, quoting Robert Frost’s “Nothing Gold Can Stay”. There was a man who understood how to live in the moments before dawn ended. He hadn’t gotten there yet.

Ava tangled her fingers with his, and he let her. She was a blazing white light in the murkiness. His Irish angel on his shoulder, constantly encouraging him to do better, insisting he reach for his dreams, and repeatedly telling him he was worthy. She was the best present he’d ever received, on the same day his mother left this Earth. Perhaps that’s why he liked having her with him on his birthday.


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