Eraser Blue

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Authors: Megan Keith

BOOK: Eraser Blue
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Copyright © Megan Keith 2014

All Rights Reserved

Cover by Kari Ayasha at Cover to Cover Designs

Cover Photo –
Bigstock © by blanaru

Formatted by Integrity Formatting


Edited by Renee


This book is a work of fiction.  Any references to historical events, real people or real places are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All songs titles and lyrics quoted herein remain the property of the respective copyright holders.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the written permission of the author, unless in quote form.

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Not for the weak, feint-hearted or for people with a stick up their ass (unless you like that sort of thing, sexually that is).
  This novella is for
MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY!  It contains explicit sex scenes and BDSM type scenarios are eluded to herein.







Eraser was only ever meant to be a novella – a short story about one night of passion with a man with no name.  A fantasy of what it would be like to go home with a kinky stranger (the epilogue wasn’t even an original inclusion).  I never intended to write more to the story, it was just a bit of fun.  However, Mackenzie and the mysterious man felt more of their story needed to be told and, apparently, so did a few readers…

This novella picks up exactly where the original novella ends.  You haven’t read it?  YOU MUST READ THAT FIRST!  If you have, then go ahead and get re-acquainted before settling in for the next instalment…








To Renee ~ for believing in me

For April, AJ, Kelly & Anna ~ w
ho pushed for more Sir.  You win!




Dream me, see me.

You will never know me.


Whip her, strip her.

Make her scream for SIR.


Mystery man, expensive drinks.

I demand to be ALL Mackenzie thinks.


Take you, give you more,

It's a sweet torture you adore.


Whimper for me, whisper in my ear

All those wicked things I long to hear.


Sweetest moan, crying strings

Flutter gentle
papillon wings.


Intrigue you, tease you.

In desire I will see you through.


Blindfolded a
nd tie bound.

In my mind delicious kink to be found.


Bite you, scar you.

I aim to break you.


Try you, Taste me,

You can never
Erase me.


My rules, my game.

I know you wish, you knew my name!


AJ Summer,

Author of Guard My Heart







stretched his hand out across the bar, turning it on its side for her to shake.  “
I’ve come to take you home.”  Did he really say that?  Seriously? 
Flashes of their night together came to mind as his eyes bored into hers. 
He’s here.  And he wants to take me home!

“I’d like to introduce myself.  My name is…”

Mackenzie unsteadily reached across the bar to grab hold of his hand, but before they touched they were distracted by a loud screech of tires outside on the street.  They both snapped their heads in the direction of the front door of The Blue Room, the bar where she worked.  It was dark out, but the street lights allowed them to see a flurry of shadows through the frosted glass panelling.

Sir bolted for the door, Mackenzie’s eyes heating his back as he left.

“I better see what that’s about,” Alex murmured, trailing him.

Mackenzie quickly followed, stopping at the door to peer out.  Through the window pane she could see a blue car parked on an angle across the road, blocking traffic.  Two men were arguing beside a car she recognized as Sir’s – it was the expensive black one she rode in only a week before.  She noticed Sir’s driver just as his fist connected with the other guy’s face.  She watched Sir ducking through traffic to make it to the men fighting on the opposite side of the road.  A heated argument ensued, though she couldn’t make out what was being said until Sir’s voice raised in volume.

“Get back in your fucking car, Greg!” Sir yelled, then shoved the guy backwards.

“You wrecked
” Greg yelled back, pushing Sir’s shoulder. 

Mackenzie looked at the man she was so excited to see mere minutes before, he wore a
deep frown, his relaxed demeanor completely gone.  The look on his face was one of fury.  Without hesitation, Mackenzie pushed the brass handle of the door and stepped out into the brisk night air.  She pressed her way through a few onlookers and halted at the edge of the road as a taxi cab went by. 

“No, that was your own doing.”  Sir spoke calmly.  “Leave. 

“You should have minded your own business.  You had no right interfering in our relationship.”

Sir’s arm reared back, before slamming forward, connecting with Greg’s face.  Greg stumbled backwards, blood dripping from his nose.

“I had
right,” Sir said menacingly, towering over the man.

“Fuck you, asshole!” Greg sp
at, before righting himself and backing away.

Sir lunged toward
the man again but was stopped mid stride, by his driver’s hand gripping his shoulder.  He pinned Sir with his eyes, willing him to stop the theatrics.  Sir glanced around, the scene had already drawn enough unwanted attention.  Mackenzie could see there were a few men and women stopped in the street, gawking.  Greg jumped into the car that was parked haphazardly beside Sir’s and drove off.

She saw Sir open his car door and stop.  As if he could sense she was watching, he looked up and his eyes immediately found hers.  His face contorted into a look of dismay.  He only held her gaze for a second before his driver ushered him into the car and closed the door.  Moments later, the sleek vehicle pulled away from the
curb, without her. 

No, no, no!  Where is he going?

Mackenzie’s shoulders dropped with disappointment while she helplessly watched his tail lights disappear into the night.  She felt hurt and confused. 
He left me.
  One minute he was in front of her saying he was taking her home, and the next…
he was gone.  What the hell just happened?

Alex turned toward
her, saw the look on her face and gave a wary smile.  He took a couple of steps in her direction.

“I’m sorry, honey.”

She walked into his arms, needing the comfort.  He held her for a moment, giving her back a light rub.  She was grateful that Alex knew her so well right then.  He understood her, even if she couldn’t quite understand the crushing feeling of disappointment herself.  A tear slid down her cheek, confusing her.  She quickly wiped it away in embarrassment. 

“Ugh, I don’t know what’s gotten into me.  I shouldn’t be this upset,” she murmured against Alex’s chest.
He remained silent and rubbed her back once more before she pulled herself from his arms.  Alex opened the door to The Blue Room for her.  She felt his concerned eyes on her but couldn’t look up at him as she passed.

I can’t believe he just left me
, Mackenzie thought sullenly.  She walked around the back of the bar and stepped into the staff room to grab her belongings.  Taking a deep breath she berated herself for being so emotional. 
What has gotten into me? I need to calm the hell down.

When she returned to the bar Alex gave her a reassuring smile.  “Well, that was a bit of excitement for the night.”

Mackenzie gave him a weak smile in return. 

“Hey,” he said, putting a comforting arm around her shoulders.  “He’ll be back.”  He gave her a squeeze before returning his attention to counting the day’s takings.

Mackenzie put her things on the end counter, grabbed a rag and polished the top of the already pristine bar.  She wondered if Alex was right – Would he be back?

“What happened out there?” she asked.

“I don’t know.  You followed me out, I know about as much as you do.”

They worked in silence for a few minutes before Alex turned to her.

“Mack, I’ve gotta ask,” Alex said.  “You know he’ll bed any woman that will bat an eye his way.  Why would you want to get involved with him?”

“I’m not
with him,” Mackenzie snapped, then immediately felt guilty for it.  It wasn’t his fault she felt like she just got dumped.

wanna be though,” he teased, giving her a cheeky grin.  That was one thing about Alex, it didn’t matter if she was rude, nothing fazed him.

“We had sex, that’s all.” 
Except maybe that,
Mackenzie thought when Alex visibly cringed.  She smiled at his discomfort, pleased that he always had a way to cheer her up.  “Don’t be like that Alex, you
that’s what happened, don’t try to pretend otherwise.”

“I don’t get it.”  He shook his head.


“How he does it.”

“I don’t know… he’s sexy.”  Mackenzie shrugged.

“Not to me.”  Alex smiled.

She stared dreamily at Sir’s usual chair.  “He has a power that draws you in.  His eyes, his stance… just everything about him-”

“Screams predator.”  Alex chuckled and Mackenzie threw the rag at him.

“That’s not-”

“Yes.  That’s exactly what he is.”  Alex threw the rag back at her and she stuffed it under the bar.

“Maybe,” she conceded.

“He looked different tonight.  Relaxed…”

“He did, didn’t he?”  Mackenzie’s fingers drew to her mouth and she played with her bottom lip.  Memories of the week before flooded her. 
Why did he come back only to leave again?

“Who is he Mack?”

“I – I don’t know.”

“Well, what’s his name?  Google him.  He’s obviously rich, so he’d probably be well known, I’m sure you’ll find something on him.”  Alex tucked the rest of the day’s takings into the money bag and headed for the safe in the back office.  Moments later he returned, an expectant look on his face.  He wanted an answer.

“I don’t know his name.”  Embarrassment made her cheeks red at the admittance. 

“You what?”  Alex’s wide-eyed stare made her embarrassment heighten.  “How do you go home with someone for a night and not ask his name?”

“I did ask… he didn’t answer.”  She shrugged.  It didn’t seem that important to keep pressuring him at the time.  He held the power.  She willingly gave it. 
He wouldn’t have told me anyway.
It wasn’t like she could divulge that to Alex though, he wouldn’t understand.

“Well that’s just plain weird, Mack.  Maybe you shouldn’t get involved with him.”

“I don’t think that will be an issue,” Mackenzie grumbled, picking up her bag and jacket.  She turned the lights off as Alex waited for her at the front door.

“You deserve to be happy Mack.  And from what I’ve seen… I’m thinking he might not be the right guy for you.”

“Yeah?”  Mackenzie laughed.  “And how many times did Tina’s friends say that about you, huh?”

“Low blow,” he replied, feigning shock before a smile broke out on his face.  Alex knew she was right.  He used to be a player until Tina came along.  Once he met her, he changed his tune and now he was happily married.  Mackenzie had heard the full story.

“Thanks for your concern, Alex,” she said, putting her hand on his arm.  “But I will make my own decisions.”

“I know you will.  That’s one of the things I like about you,” he said with a small smile.  “You’re so damn head strong.  Just be careful.  That’s all I ask.  I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Too late,
Mackenzie thought.  She looked up into Alex’s baby blue eyes and returned his smile.  “You’re such a sweetheart.  Thank you.  I’m lucky to have you.”  She gave him a peck on his cheek then walked through the door and put on her jacket.

“Hey now, don’t go saying nice things about me, those words will get back to Tina and she’ll expect me to be good to her too.”  Mackenzie laughed.  She had met his wife a couple of times now and he was even sweeter when he was in her presence.  She watched him lock the front door.

“Good night, Alex.  See you next week.”

“Have a great weekend, Mack,” Alex replied, tossing his keys around in his hands and turning the corner of the building to go to his car.

Mackenzie started the short walk to the train station in the opposite direction.  Pulling her jacket tighter as the cold Chicago wind found her.  She wished she had remembered her scarf today, she’d left in a hurry, leaving it on the hook by the door when she’d left for work.  Her heels clicked noisily along the concrete as she walked the desolate street.  The crowds from earlier now gone, except for the few people milling about the entrance to the small casino next door.  She could hear the hum of traffic in the nearby streets as she walked.  Taking the steps quickly to warm up, she made her way to the platform to wait for the next train.

Her thoughts returned to Sir. 
Why did he just leave like that?
  She had been surprised that he had come to ‘take her home’ and now she didn’t know if she should expect to see him again.  When he had arrived, she had thought she was different to him, more than the other women he would go home with.  But then he left.

Her eyes stung, not only from the cold night air, but also from the thought of not seeing that man any more.  She had been so thrilled when he came in.  Shocked to see him wearing anything but a suit.  Excited by the offer to take her home… but now she was stuck waiting for a train, just like any other night.

In one night, he’d made her feel more alive than ever before.  It was a lot about the sex, sure, but that wasn’t all.  There was something else.  It was the man himself, it was being in his presence, a feeling of belonging, of being wanted.  She’d felt something since the first time she’d laid eyes on him, so long ago.  But last Friday night, going home with him, it had changed her.  It was one thing to fantasize about him, but after having a taste, her feelings were impossible to ignore – she wanted more, from life, from him. 
What if I don’t see him again?

A clatter of a soda can pulled her from her thoughts as the wind blew it along the ground. She chastised herself for falling victim to the ‘what ifs’.  She had felt like that all week – What if he came back?  What if she meant more to him than the others?  What if she didn’t?  What if she could go back to his apartment just
one more time?

It wasn’t her.  Mackenzie was a strong and independent woman.  She knew what she wanted and she took it.  She didn’t need to dwell on the past or sit around contemplating the ‘what ifs’.  For a fleeting second, she actually wished that he hadn’t taken her home, then she wouldn’t have seen what could have been, and she wouldn’t be wanting it so badly now. 

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