Erogenous Zones: Monica's Secret (9 page)

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Authors: Saskia Walker

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General

BOOK: Erogenous Zones: Monica's Secret
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The temptation was there though, however briefly. Of course the fact that Owen was so close against her back had its own appeal.

“Ready for your surprise?” The way he whispered that against her ear made her shiver with anticipation.

“Only just.” She rested her hand briefly against his where it covered her eyes. She liked his hands there, taking away one of her senses. If only he could take away the sixth sense that blighted her life.

“So sensual,” he whispered, and kissed the side of her face before he removed his hands.

Several black and purple bags were set out on the same table that’d had an aphrodisiac menu arranged on it the night before. The bags bore the name “Mistress” and had a silhouette illustration of a woman trailing a whip in one hand and a chain in the other.

That gave a pretty big hint at what was inside the bags. “It looks as if you’ve had quite a shopping trip.”

From the corner of her eye she saw that Alec was in the adjoining room, on the phone.

“Just a couple of things I thought you might like.” Owen made the comment then stepped behind the table and looked at her over the shopping bags, as if urging her to consider the goodies.

As she stared over she thought about the diamante handcuffs from the Hollywood suite. The night before she’d been bound in her own stockings and she recalled how good it felt, being unable to touch, and yet being thoroughly exposed and vulnerable in her sexuality. Submitting to them that way had brought her pleasure beyond anything she’d ever



felt before. She remembered, too, Owen’s fingers on her wrist at lunchtime, when he latched that bracelet together and called it a promise of things to come.

What was in the bag?

Owen rested his hands on the table and gazed at her before he reached in and lifted something out. The item was wrapped in tissue paper. He unwrapped it carefully and pulled it free, showing it to her.

Monica found herself inexorably drawn towards the table so she could get a better look at whatever that was in his hand.

There were cuffs, two soft black leather cuffs. Between them was not a chain though, but a straight piece of metal. When he saw her looking at it, he manipulated the object and the metal lengthened.


“I am. What is that?”

“It’s a restraint device.” Owen lifted the item over his head, one hand on either cuff, indicating how the wrists could be spread apart by the cuffs.

Monica’s lips parted and she gave the softest of laughs as she realised how absolutely perfect the decadent bondage item was for her. When he saw her pleasure, he put it down on the table, rolling it towards her.

“Nice,” Alec commented when he joined them from the room beyond and saw the gift.

Monica picked it up and moved her fingers along the cool metal and the soft black leather wrist straps. It took a moment for her to realise Owen had lifted a second such item from the other bag.

“These can also be used on ankles, to spread the legs.”

Monica’s skin raced, every nerve ending sparking with electricity as she pictured herself restrained at wrist and ankle with these things. If she was naked, she would be exposed in every way, vulnerable, accessible, and at their complete command. She could scarcely stand up straight thinking about it, and had to rest the tips of her fingers on the table so as not to stagger. It made her a teeny bit afraid. Mostly she wanted to assume whatever position they chose to put her in. Her body was clamouring for more of what she had gained before, to be used and released through submission to them.




A moment later the sound of a champagne cork popping jolted her from her trance.

Alec was busy pouring them a drink. When he held out a glass to her, she stepped over to collect it and swigged back some of the frothy wine to ease her nerves.

Owen accepted his drink and lounged in the captain’s seat. He never took his eyes off her. She took another sip of the champagne, and ran her fingers over the cuffs. As she did, sexual energy funnelled into her. “Oh.”

She was about to withdraw her hand when she felt the source. Owen. She glanced across at him. He lifted his head, watching her.

“You handled them in the shop, and you thought about this moment while you did that.”

“True.” The fascination in his expression made her want to say more.

She pressed the soft leather between her fingertips. “The image I am seeing is a decadent looking shop. It has red velvet curtains and cedar wood cabinets. On top of the cabinet there are velvet cushions with black tassels at each corner. These are used to display the erotic bondage items that are kept in the cupboards below.”

Owen nodded. His expression had grown serious. He wanted to know more.

“You handled this and you imagined me in the restraint.” She had to pause, because of the rush she got. He’d pictured her on her hands and knees, naked. He stood behind her, with his erect cock in his hand. She drew her fingers away and looked at him.

“And?” He seemed to be waiting expectantly, and she put the glass down on the table.

Looking at him, she responded. “You got a hard-on, and you were eager to get back to the hotel.”

“Yes, and I’ve been anticipating it ever since.” He beckoned her closer. “All the way through lunch, and afterwards.”

She stepped nearer and, as she did, she studied the enigma that he was. Confidence oozed from every pore—confidence to the point of arrogance. He looked at her as if she was his possession. It shouldn’t have, but those very facts made her want to fall to her knees and beg for his attention. Either that or run. Which would it be? She didn’t have long to consider the question because once again he took charge.

“Are you ready to begin?”

She stood in front of him, waiting for his command. She nodded.

“Strip,” he instructed.




With shaking hands she removed her clothing, carefully laying each item over the back of a nearby chair. This was different to last night. Alec had gone to take shower, leaving them alone. When she got down to her underwear, she paused.

His hands embraced the arms of the captain’s chair he sat in, as if he was pacing himself. Then he lifted one finger and pointed at the bra. It was instruction enough. The way he sat, so expectant, so ready to pounce, told her everything she needed to know. She reached around and unhooked her bra, slowly taking it off.

“Touch your breasts for me, show them to me.”

His eyes flickered as she followed his instruction and cupped her breasts in her palms.

She manipulated them, and as she did memories of the night before flashed through her mind. A breathless moan escaped her mouth, and she squeezed both nipples between thumb and forefinger, eager for the dart of pleasurable pain that action sent from her breasts to between her thighs, where the pulse in her clit thudded wildly.

When she made that sound he stood up, and reached for one of the restraints, readying it. “Enough.”

Her hands fell to her sides, which left her breasts aching for more.

While he contemplated her, the metal bar glinted in his hands. He bristled with barely contained power. “I want you naked. Everything else comes off, now.”

Monica’s hands shook as she reached for the zipper on her skirt. She wanted to do it, but the idea that she followed a man’s instructions regarding getting undressed—a work colleague, no less—went against everything she thought she would ever do. At that moment she was under his command though, and doubted that she could force herself to argue.

Kicking off her heels, she shuffled her skirt off then ran her thumb under the band on her lace undies, pausing.

Owen lifted one eyebrow.

When she shoved her underwear down the length of her legs and stepped out of the abandoned lace, his mouth moved in an appreciative smile. From top to toe, he examined her. With a shaky intake of breath, she kicked off her heels then lifted one foot and placed it on a chair, so that she could roll her stocking down her leg.

Before she’d even got one stocking off, he’d sauntered over and rested up against the table next to her, eyeing her while she took off the stockings. When she changed to the other leg he reached in and stroked his fingers along the seam of her bare pussy. The brief,



provocative touch sent her nerve endings crazy. It was hard to keep undressing, but she had to. Once entirely naked, she dropped the second stocking and presented herself to him.

He held the slim metal bar out in front of her, his fist wrapped around it. Monica melted. Everything about him suggested strength and control. It was what she had to be like every day of her life to keep her psychic self in order, but handing that over to him was an experience way beyond anything she might have imagined. It was hard, but it was also the biggest temptation she’d ever known.

“There are so many reasons why I shouldn’t do this,” she whispered as she put her left wrist into the leather cuff.

Owen did up the metal buckles that held the soft leather in place. “It’s also what you want, what you crave. You showed me that.” Nodding at her right wrist, he closed the leather over it. “Whether you intended to or not is debateable.” He smiled as he buckled her in.

When it was in place, he wrapped his fist around the middle between her hands, and lifted it, stretching her arms over her head. The movement was so sudden and so unexpected that she gasped aloud. Her shoulders rolled and locked, her breasts lifting with the movement. Tension beaded down her spine.

He stared deep into her eyes. “This morning, when I thought you couldn’t stand to be touched…that really messed with my head.”

There was a pained note to his voice that made her ache.

His gaze drifted down to her breasts and back up to meet hers and locked. “Because what I really wanted to do was explore every inch of you.”

Instinctively, her fingers curled into palms when he mentioned ‘touch’ but her hands were totally excluded from the scenario by the leather cuffs on the metal rod. He noticed what she did though, glancing at her hands, before he stroked her jaw softly with his free hand. “I’ll keep you safe.”

With that he lowered the bar and used it to lead her towards the bedroom door. The tug on her wrists was delicious, and the fact that he was leading her made her body grow ever more ready for him. He stood her by the bedroom door, turned her around and eased her back against it. Lifting the bar, he latched it over the coat hook that was there. She was pinned there.




“I’m going to indulge my need to explore you now.” He stroked her jaw again, then wrapped his hand round her throat. He looked into her eyes as he did so. It was as if he demanded her trust. Monica nodded, lowering her eyelids. His hand splayed at her collarbone then he led one finger between her breasts, following her breastbone down. As he did so he moved in and kissed her. The thrust of his tongue into her open mouth made her reach for him and her back arched against the door. Owen drew back, making her reach again before he thrust his tongue deeper, claiming her and owning her.

Each time she felt the thrust of his tongue in her mouth her centre ached for him to thrust there too. The heat between her thighs had built, and she could feel the sticky tracts of her own juices marking her inner thighs. Her heart soared, the rush of raw emotion she felt for the way he handled her entwined with the real physical desire she felt. All of that was bound up in the certainty that he would take her and make her his.

His hands closed around her breasts, his thumbs grazing the hard nubs of her nipples.

That launched such an intense barrage of stimulation that she moaned into his mouth and swayed. Breaking with the kiss, Owen looked down at her, studying her while he squeezed the flesh of her breasts in his hands. The intense scrutiny made her shiver and shift within her restraint.

Then his hands were on her thighs, to either side of her pussy, and as he dropped to a squat in front of her he ran his thumbs down her seam to open her up. Inside a heartbeat, his mouth had covered her clit. The metal restraint creaked when her body jerked against the door. He stroked his tongue up and down over her clit. She was so sensitive that she felt sure she would have pushed him away with her hands on his shoulders, had she been free. It was almost too much, and when his tongue rode back up, there was nothing she could do but submit. “Owen, Owen, please.”

Back and forth his tongue went, and his hand stroked around her thighs and down her legs to clasp her calves, it was as if he couldn’t hold enough of her. Her clit thrummed, and a wave of release hit her. She’d barely inhaled, and his fingers were exploring her folds.

When she glanced down she found him looking up her with dark eyes, possessive eyes.

He rose to his feet and held her waist in both hands as he looked at her. “So much beauty, so hidden away. It’s a crime, Monica.”




The intense pleasure she found in the simple compliment made her glance away and she had to bite her lower lip in order not to deny what he’d said. She wasn’t used to it, and her reaction was to deny it, to walk away.

“Good girl,” he added, as if he knew how hard she found this. There was a wicked flash of humour in his eyes. He was right up against her, and when he drew away she leaned into him and kissed his collarbone where his shirt was open, tasting the salt on his skin, kissing his throat gratefully. Her body trembled as she considered what he might do with her. With her wrists bound and split, it was like a step into the unknown, but it was because her wrists were bound that she felt able to rest her cheek against his shoulder and show him how much she wanted him. “You make me crave what I shouldn’t have,” she whispered.

“It’s not wrong to want these things, Monica. I obviously need to educate you.” He lifted her chin.

It was true, he did need to educate her. What if she liked it too much, though? In a matter of days, they’d be gone.

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