Erotic Amusements (10 page)

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Authors: Justine Elyot

BOOK: Erotic Amusements
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“The modelling?” Jeremy accepted a dry martini, sipping and wincing a little at its unexpected strength.

“The modelling.” She nodded contemplatively. “Leading on to other opportunities. A part in
, perhaps, then on to presenting, or even a singing career.”

“You’re ambitious. How is the modelling going?”

Laura sucked provocatively on her cocktail-pronged olive.

“Slower than I’d hoped,” she admitted in the end. It seemed Daddy’s clout, alas, did not extend very far beyond Goldsands after all. “I’m an unfashionable type. Nowadays it’s all about the jolie laide. I’m more the golden glamour girl. Too many curves. I’ve tried to flatten myself out, but my stupid bloody boobs won’t play along.”

“Your stupid bloody boobs look just perfect as they are. You don’t need to change a thing.”

“Oh, I don’t care what
think, Jeremy dear. Apart from the powerful gay ones who dictate the direction of fashion. I know all you testosterone-charged boys want to fuck me. That’s irrelevant, though. I don’t want to be fucked. I want to shine. I want to shine like a star.”

Jeremy found that he had no coherent reply to this. He found Laura’s nakedly expressed ambition disturbing and alluring in equal measure. Exquisite beauty and calculating coldness were an exotically potent mix and he simply licked his lips and pushed a hand through his hair.

“I’m sure you will,” he said eventually. “Quite sure.”

“And you’ll help me, won’t you?” she beseeched, perching next to him on the cold cream cushions.

“If I can.”

“If you can? Oh, I’m disappointed.” Laura pouted, moving her knee closer to Jeremy’s in its light chino cotton.

“I’ll talk to the editor about that feature. I have a friend at
Larging It

Larging It?
Not my style, Jeremy.
would be better.”

“I’ll email round the crowd from college. I’m sure some of them must be doing something useful.”

“Thank you.”

The knees bumped, lightly but meaningfully, as if glasses had been clinked.

“So…” Jeremy began, greatly daring, hoping that this gambit wouldn’t result in the flinging of dry martini and the wettening of a good shirt. “If you don’t want to be fucked…why were you fucking Rocky Anderson?”

For a second, the possibility of murder crackled in the air. Then, with an artificially light laugh, Laura turned to fully face Jeremy and said, “Because he was begging for it.”

“Begging for it?”

“Yes. Dirty little slut, strutting around in all that black leather, trying to get all the girls into bed with him. He needed a woman who wasn’t going to lie down and roll over for him. There’s only one woman who could give him that. And besides, he was so gorgeously rough. The absolute opposite of all those perfumed hair-gelled Henries Daddy is always trying to pair me off with. I could smell him, Jeremy, and he smelled of man. Pure man. Mmmm.”

Laura’s hand rubbed her knee, then a bloodred fingernail trailed up the seam of her skirt from hem to midthigh.

“He got me so hot and bothered,” she whispered. “He’d try to take control, and then I’d fight him, and it turned him on even more. We fought like cat and dog, Jeremy, hissing, spitting, clawing fights that ended up in bed every time. I suppose it was doomed, though, right from the start. Two control freaks are a bad combination. And I do simply have to be in control, you know.”

“I see that.” Jeremy was afraid to move, his hair no longer floppy but frozen in appalled, thrilled stasis.

Laura broke the tension with a long, tinkling laugh, leaning back and subjecting Jeremy to mocking scrutiny. “Oh, look at you,” she gasped. “You look like one of those men in wildlife documentaries, trying to find the right moment to grab the poisonous snake by the neck. Poor Jeremy. I don’t bite, you know.” She put a hand on his knee. “Okay, I lied. I do bite. But only in a nice way.”

Jeremy threw back his head, exposing a long, stubble-dark neck.

“Bite me,” he whispered.

“I’ve been wanting to all night.”

He put his glass down hastily and let her yank him forward by his loosened tie until their mouths met and converged in a kiss that Laura seemed determined to treat as a battle.


Laura loved those fighting kisses, and this was one of the best. She wanted to capture and conquer his tongue, his teeth, the insides of his cheeks—she wanted dominion over the throat that brought forth his speech. She flung the little helpless sighs that came up from his chest right back down, pushing them back with her determined tongue. She nibbled at his lower lip, snagging it with sure teeth before biting down, holding his shoulders steady to preempt the escape attempt that always followed this move. She enjoyed the way his head shook, and the strangled sounds of objection that emerged into her mouth, and his complete inability to dislodge her.
Poor Jeremy
, she thought indulgently.
What has your inquisitive little nose got you into, eh?
Taking eventual pity, she released him and watched him wipe his mouth and press against the now swollen lower lip with indignant fingers.

“Christ, Laura, are you a vampire? I’m not into pain, you know.”

“Not even a little bit?” she coaxed, stroking the bitten flesh. “I thought you might be. Oh well. Never mind. Lie down and let me kiss it better.”

“You will just…kiss, right?” Jeremy was wary but seemingly compelled to obey, flattening his spine against the couch and removing his spectacles.

“I will make you feel so good, Jeremy. So good.” She bent over him, a ravenous goddess intent on her prey, and straddled his hips, her skirt riding well up to reveal taut golden thighs. Her lips descended on his neck, tasting warm, salt flesh so tempting that she had to lick it. Tiny nibbles rose in a winding path to his ear, and Laura groaned at the spasms and shivers that his body transmitted. He was clay in her skilled hands; she could mould him with sex. He would be hers, a pet journalist, to use as and when she wished. What could be more useful or ornamental than that? When she pushed her tongue with blunt force at the spot beneath his earlobe, he cried out and she chuckled, chewing and sucking for good measure. His erection bumped and brushed her thighs, straining against the restrictive cotton trousers, bursting for release.

Not yet, you impatient boy

She purred into his ear, making him stiffen his spine and then squirm so she felt like the rider of an erotic bucking bronco, and sat up again, ripping off the tie with a flourish and casting it aside.

“Oh, this shirt is lovely,” she commented, running her hands over the luxurious heavy cotton. “Thomas Pink?”

“Yeah,” said Jeremy under his breath, too aroused to speak further.

“Oops.” Laura smiled as the buttons pinged and flew around the room. “I’m so clumsy. But I just had to see what was underneath.”

His chest, smooth, broad and hairless, was rising and falling rather rapidly beneath her palm. She laid an ear to his rib cage and listened to the exaggerated tattoo of his heart.

“I can hear your heartbeat,” she told him. “It’s quite fast. I wonder why.”

“Because you—oh God.” She had a hand over his mountainous crotch now, and she was squeezing it, bunching the fabric in a strong fist.

“I think somebody is having naughty thoughts. Am I right, Jeremy? What naughty thoughts are you having, you bad boy? What do you want me to do to you?”

“Wha-whatever you want,” he whimpered, urgent hands reaching for Laura’s hair, but she brushed them away and tutted.

“Don’t touch me, Jeremy. I don’t want you to put your grubby hands on me. In fact…” She hopped off her willing victim and retrieved the tie, then wound it around his compliant wrists and fastened them behind his head with a very convincing reef knot. “Mmm, now, that’s how I like you.” She began to strip off, beginning with her necklace and shoes, keeping her gaze fixed on Jeremy’s lust-glazed brown eyes.

“In my room, Jeremy, you follow my rules. That’s fair, isn’t it? And one of those rules is that you don’t touch me unless I give you permission. Hmm. I wonder if I should tie your ankles too. I think I might. You know, Rocky only let me do this to him once. He was curious, I think. Submission isn’t really his thing. God, he looked amazing, though, especially with the gag. Shall I gag you? Maybe another time. I like to hear your pathetic little yelps. They are music to my ears. I’m going to make you beg, Jeremy, and then I’m going to make you come like you’ve never come before. What do you think of that?”

She paused in her undressing, down to her bra, knickers and hold-up stockings, and posed with a hand on her hip.

Jeremy moaned his reply, swivelling his hips frantically in an effort to produce maximum friction between his underwear and his cock. Not being able to touch it or set it free was torture of the dreamiest kind, and Laura knew it.

“Do you like my body, Jeremy?” she asked him, performing a series of poses, like a lewd ballerina going through her paces. She thrust out her chest, bent over with her legs spread so that her face peered through her thighs, then she stood and thrust one hand down her knickers, gyrating gently and licking her lips as Jeremy watched with bulging eyes. “It takes a lot of work to keep it in this condition. I have a personal gym next door and I swim every day. I also make sure I have as much sex as possible. I like to take the lead, you see, because it burns more calories. These thighs are like steel, Jeremy.” She squeezed them together, trapping her hand between eager sex lips. “And so are my buttocks. I make sure my glutes get plenty of toning. Do you?”

Jeremy’s mouth opened and closed.

“I’ll tone them for you, Jeremy. I’ll give them a good workout if you like. I’ve a lovely dildo that the boys go mad for. I’ll introduce you sometime.”

“Oh God, you’re evil,” he wailed. “Please take my cock out. Please.”

“All in good time,” she cautioned, leaning over him so that her breasts in their sheer gauze bra almost grazed his face. “You don’t get to give the orders here, Jeremy. That’s my job. Now.” She unclipped her bra and let her nipples drift along Jeremy’s quivering lips. “Suck these for me, would you? Nice and hard. A little appetiser for you.”

Jeremy ran his tongue around the firm pink buds until Laura knew they were as stiff and tingly as they could be, then she withdrew them and turned around to present him with her firm bottom in its filmy black casing.

“Can you take these off with your teeth? I bet you could.”

It took him several attempts, but eventually the elastic made its slow progress over the curve of Laura’s bum until the knickers rested at the top of her thighs.

“That’s it. Good boy,” she approved, removing them along with the stockings, then standing naked by his side. “You can do a lot with your mouth, can’t you, Jeremy?”

She took a long, greedy look at him, his upper half naked and bound at the wrists while from the waist down he was dressed for a day at the office—albeit an exceptionally arousing one.

“Please…fuck me, Laura. Please,” he begged.

“Jeremy, you will need to learn some patience,” she scolded. “I like to hear you beg, but if you talk without permission again I’m going to whip your arse, do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said, causing Laura to wonder if the phrase had ever crossed his lips before.

“Poor lamb,” she crooned, settling onto the couch with her knees on either side of Jeremy’s face, lowering her shaved pussy towards his mouth, enjoying the look in his eye as he realised what was expected of him. “You’ll get your mind-blowing orgasm, pet. But first, I want mine. And it had better be a good one, Jeremy, or I might just keep you rock hard and tied up all night.”

Her wet sex landed gently but firmly on Jeremy’s mouth, which he stretched wide in anticipation of his task. Laura sighed with approval of the deep, luscious strokes her lover began to apply with eager tongue, rocking softly above him, making sure her clit got the majority of the attention. She watched his face turn shiny with exertion and her juices, felt the hard knot at her centre begin to unfurl and spread fronds of pleasure outward to all the farthest points of her body.

“That’s good, Jeremy, good, yes,” she instructed throatily. “I’ll reward you for this. Oh, yes.” His eyes were flickering, half-demented. He looked lost and a little bit scared. She smiled widely, enraptured with her find, filled with liquid, lascivious ecstasy and came hard into his mouth, grinding her pubic bone against him until the melting flood was past.

“Gorgeous,” she said, flopping down happily on top of him, her head on his chest. “That was gorgeous. Gosh, you’re uncomfortable to lie on, though. So lumpy. I suppose I ought to do something about that.”

Lazily she unbuttoned his fly and pushed the trousers down to midthigh, repeating the action with his pants so that his legs were effectively hobbled together, even though the long-imprisoned cock was now free and proud in the open air.

Laura clambered around so that she faced this desperado full-on, leaving Jeremy the view of her recently-licked-out pussy to admire while she dealt him her tender mercies.

“Quite a nice size,” she said dispassionately, wrapping tight, pinchy fingers around its girth. “That might feel good inside. It’s certainly not the worst I’ve seen. Perhaps I’ll take a photo of it and put it on the internet—Rate My Cock. See what the other girls think.”

“Ohhh,” moaned Jeremy, and she turned to look at him with vivid interest.

“Humiliation turns you on, does it? I knew I’d find your secret spot soon enough. Not pain, but humiliation. Well, I can give you that, pet. Plenty of it. Now, then.”

She began to knead the hard flesh, pressing and experimenting with it, looking for reactions. Her other hand wandered down to his tight balls and manhandled them lovingly while she played with his cock, amusing herself by stretching and pulling it into odd shapes until Jeremy began to mewl.

“Sorry, pet. I have a sadistic streak. I’ll try not to let it get out of control.” She settled into a hard, fast rhythm, making it clear she expected him to come quickly and without too much effort on her part. “You need this, don’t you?” She pinched the base of his shaft between thumb and forefinger while her other hand sped up and down in a blur.

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