Escape: A Stepbrother Romance (24 page)

BOOK: Escape: A Stepbrother Romance
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“Added what?”

“Don’t be naïve, Vicky. You know what I mean.”

Never let a stranger buy you a drink.
How many times had they told us that in school? We’d even had lessons about keeping our thumbs over bottles in case someone slipped something inside it. How could I have been so stupid? I’m sure I would have been more aware in a typical nightclub, but something about the setting at Cambridge had lulled me into a false sense of security. If Caiden hadn’t been there… I didn’t want to think about it.

“Thank you,” I said. The words were inadequate for what Caiden had done for me, but I didn’t know what else to say. We both stood there for a few minutes staring at each other. I’d had a lucky escape, but that wasn’t what occupied our thoughts right now. I’d reminded Caiden that what we had would soon be ending and neither of us knew how to handle that.

We both curled up under the covers and watched TV before falling asleep in each other’s arms. There was no easy solution and possibly no solution at all. At some point soon we would then have to face up to the fact that our time together was coming to an end. All we could do was make the most of it.

Things changed after Cambridge. We still talked to each other as normal; plenty of teasing, flirting, and joking around, but for the first time since we started sleeping together we went forty-eight hours without sex.

I’d been two days without sex plenty of times. One of the hassles of not having a steady girlfriend was needing to find women to screw, so occasionally there was downtime. It had never bothered me that much before and I enjoyed letting the frustration build up, knowing that the next time would be furious and passionate. This time it didn’t feel like that.

I don’t know if it was because I was used to having sex every few hours now or if I just couldn’t cope without Vicky. Either way, I was getting increasingly tense.

Vicky refused to let me join her when she spoke to her mom. She blamed her auntie who apparently said it was too soon to introduce me. I knew that wasn’t true, but I still had no clue what was going on. What Patrick had told me was… unsettling. I considered confronting Vicky with the information, but knew there had to be a reason why no one else had told her. Until I knew all the details I didn’t want to go further.

Vicky made an excuse for not taking the phone call at home and said she was going outside to talk to her mom somewhere private. Just as she left, she announced that she was going to ride her bike there instead of drive. This was my chance to find out what was going on. As soon as she was out of sight, I grabbed one of the spare bikes from the garage and followed her.

She cycled as cautiously as she rode, so the only challenge was keeping far enough back that she didn’t see me if she looked around. The trip took me to a part of the town I didn’t even know existed. There was a small shopping district that had a convenience store, a couple of takeout restaurants, and a few small offices that looked like they might contain dentists or tax accountants.

Vicky cycled up to the district and padlocked her bike up against one of the railings. She didn’t do a very good job of it. She wrapped the lock around the front wheel which meant anyone could steal the back wheel and the frame of the bike. Front wheels were easily replaceable so that would be appealing to a thief.

I could have snatched the back wheel and the frame and run off with them to teach her a lesson. Fortunately for Vicky she lived in a relatively upscale area, so bike theft was probably low, but she would need to be more careful in Cambridge. Bikes were everywhere in that city and where there were bikes there were bike thieves.

I kept my distance and watched as Vicky sat down on a bench. She took her phone out of her purse, but it didn’t look like she was dialing anyone. A few moments later my phone vibrated with a message from Vicky. I panicked, thinking she had spotted me and was asking what the hell I was doing, but when I opened the message I saw that she was merely asking if I wanted her to pick up any food on the way home.

I sent a quick reply telling her not to bother and wishing her good luck with the conversation. She sat on the bench until one o’clock and then stood up. She walked over to a small building next to a Chinese take-out. The only thing indicating the building was not vacant was an open sign on the front door. After waiting around for ten minutes I decided to approach. The building had large windows, but the blinds were shut from the inside so unless Vicky happened to peek out she wouldn’t be able to see me.

When I got within ten feet of the building I could read the list of services provided inside. If I needed any more confirmation that Patrick had been telling the truth then I was staring directly at it. Vicky had a problem. A big problem, and unlike the situation at Cambridge, I didn’t know if this was one I would be able to help her with.

I’d be leaving the country in less than a month’s time. I had to leave; my visa was expiring. It was bad enough that we were going to be torn apart—possibly forever—but we didn’t have enough time to deal with this problem. She must have been suffering for years. I didn’t know if I could help in just a few weeks, but I was damn sure going to try.

Vicky could come out any second, so I quickly walked away and went back to hang out behind some nearby trees. My phone vibrated and again I panicked thinking that Vicky had spotted me. She hadn’t spotted me, but I almost wish she had. The message was from Naomi and was far worse.

Peek-a-boo, I don’t see you.
The message was quickly followed by a selfie of Naomi standing outside Vicky’s house.

Don’t fucking move
, I replied. The last thing Vicky needed right now was a run in with Naomi. Hell, the last thing
needed was a run in with Naomi. I had to get rid of her and fast.


I cycled back home as fast as I could. The bike was old and the gears didn’t work properly, so I was stuck pedaling furiously and hardly getting anywhere. I barely looked as I crossed roads and jumped traffic lights to the beeping of car horns and cursing of drivers.

Despite barely working up a sweat on ten mile runs, by the time I got back to the house I was dripping in sweat and out of breath. It was more from panic than physical exhaustion, but I would definitely need a shower before Vicky came home.

Naomi was sat on the doorstep when I got back to the house. She’d made herself comfortable as if it were her home and she had just forgotten her key. She had crazy written all over her. I couldn’t believe I’d been stupid enough to have sex with her.  

There’s a fine line between eyes that contained sexual desire and outright craziness. Usually I could tell the difference, but this time I had completely misjudged. Naomi certainly had intense sexual desires, but she was also crazy as they came. Coming all the way from California to track me down in a small town outside London when I had clearly told her not to definitely fit within the definition of crazy.

I stormed up the driveway and was in front of her before she noticed me.

“Get up,” I yelled.

Naomi stood up and, completely missing the tone in my voice, threw her arms around me and said how good it was to see me again.

“The feeling is not mutual,” I replied. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“I came here to see you of course,” Naomi said, as if it were a completely natural thing to do. “You are a hard man to find.”

“That’s because I didn’t want you to find me. Don’t you think if I’d wanted to see you I would’ve just told you where I was staying.”

“I assumed you were just embarrassed,” she said, the smile still visible on her face. She was responding to my words, but not reacting to them. She still assumed I was pleased to see her. “One minute you’re living in some fancy London penthouse and the next you’re stuck out here in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Don’t worry, I understand that something is going on with your mom. I don’t care baby, I still love you.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I groaned loudly. I grabbed her arm and dragged her away from the front of the house. I could have just thrown her off the property, but that wouldn’t have gotten rid of her. She would’ve still hung around and then Vicky would have seen her when she returned home. I had to convince her to leave here for good.

I dragged her around to the back garden and behind one of the large trees where we had a degree of privacy from the two neighboring houses that had a view of the garden. You never knew who might be watching.

“You need to listen to me very carefully,” I said slowly. “I do not want you here. I don’t want you at all. I fucked you, but now I’m done with you. Do you understand?”

“You just got scared,” Naomi said. “I get it. You’re not used to falling in love with girls, but we had something special and I’m prepared to give you a second chance. I know you’ve been with other women since me, but I bet those women don’t do the kind of things we did.”

I partly had myself to blame for this. Naomi was one of those women who wanted to think that ideas like having sex in the car or using handcuffs in bed were completely original and something I hadn’t done before. I’d gone along with it, because she had big firm breasts and gave good head. Good enough to overrule what my mind was telling me.

“You were nothing special,” I said. “I’ve had better before you, and I’ve had better since.”

“You don’t mean that,” Naomi said. A hint of doubt crept into her voice, but quickly disappeared. “You’re just scared of being in a relationship.”

“You’re right,” I confessed. “I am scared of being in a relationship. Being in a relationship with you, anyway. I can’t think of anything scarier.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t miss this,” she said, as she grabbed my hand and thrust it between up her skirt against her pussy. I pulled away instantly, but she wasn’t wearing any panties so my fingers brushed against her wetness.

“You’re fucking crazy. Just because you need to get laid doesn’t give you the right to come out here and make demands of me.” I’d once heard similar words from a woman I’d been chasing in my younger days. The irony was not amusing.

“You loved fucking me. Don’t deny it. And I’m prepared to do whatever you want now. Do you still want to shove your cock up my ass? Do it. Right now. I don’t care, I just want you so much.”

I hadn’t ever pressured her to have anal sex, so she must be confusing me with someone else. This girl really was crazy.

“You need to leave,” I said slowly. “You need to leave and not come back.”

Naomi responded by turning her back to me and lifting up her skirt to reveal her nakedness. She bent forward slightly and leaned against a tree. I could see her asshole and the pussy I had eaten many times before but which now held no appeal in the slightest. Since when had eating pussy not held appeal? I knew the answer to that question, but didn’t want to go down that rabbit hole just yet.

“Put that nasty thing away,” I commanded. I figured insulting her would eventually get through, but it didn’t seem to be working. All she did was reach a finger between her legs and start parting her pussy lips. She inserted a finger inside and moaned.

“You don’t need a condom,” Naomi said. “I want to be filled with your cum. I don’t care if it’s in my pussy or my ass. Just fill me up.”

“This is wrong and you need to get out of here.” I went to grab her hair, being careful to avoid getting anywhere near her ass, when I heard the sound of a foot crunching on leaves behind me.

I turned to look at Vicky. She must have been walking her bike towards the garage when she overheard us and came to investigate.

“Who’s this ho?” Naomi asked. She turned to look at Vicky, but made no effort to pull down her skirt.

“I was about to ask the same question,” Vicky said. She looked at me for a few seconds and then let her bike fall to the floor before running back into the house.

“Come on then,” Naomi said. “Are you going to do me or what?”

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