Escape: A Stepbrother Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Escape: A Stepbrother Romance
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“I think Vicky would like a churro,” Caiden said. “I’m sure she’d like to get her lips round one of them.”

Sheri shrugged and turned back to the sink to finish cleaning the last few dishes. Caiden took one of the churros and slowly moved it towards his bagel before thrusting it into the hole. He even made mock orgasmic faces as the churro moved in and out of the bagel.

He was like a child sometimes. So immature. How could a man like that drive me so wild with his tongue when normally his mouth spouted such utter nonsense?

Caiden handed me the churro that had been penetrating the bagel. “There you go, Vicky, get your lips round that.”

“Thanks,” I said timidly, so as not to appear rude in front of Sheri.  

“It’s quite big,” Caiden said. “Let me know if you can’t handle all of it. I know you’re not used to eating... churros.”

I ignored Caiden’s comments, which was easy to do when it felt like paradise was setting up home in my mouth. Sheri’s cooking put mine to shame, but I had plenty of time to learn and practise.

If only I didn’t have to go to Cambridge and waste three years of my life in crappy dorm rooms and kitchens without any equipment.

I looked back at Caiden and saw his tongue rimming the hole of the bagel. The same tongue that had moved expertly around my pussy lips, before finally diving inside me in a moment that shocked and pleasured me in a way I hadn’t known was possible.

Caiden put two fingers in the hole and started licking above the bagel. My mind flashed back to when his tongue left my entrance even though I begged him to keep going. He’d replaced his tongue with two fingers and rubbed aggressively against my wall while his tongue moved on to my clit.

The soft licks were enough for me to lose all control of my senses, but when he took my clit between his lips and sucked on it, my back had arched into the air and I’d surrendered to him completely. I’d come hard on his face. The after effects of the orgasm had lasted for minutes, and when I’d next opened my eyes he was looking down at me with my wetness all over his face.

I couldn’t be in the same room as him any longer. I thanked Sheri and made some excuse about needing to shower and dashed upstairs to my bedroom.

My pocket vibrator was in the bottom drawer beside my bed. It would only take me seconds to come; could I risk it? My hand was on the drawer when I heard my dad’s bedroom door open. Shit, this is just not going to happen today. I pictured a summer spent getting excessively horny and frustrated as memories of my night with Caiden haunted me and opportunities to masturbate became rarer and rarer.

Instead of opening the bottom drawer, I opened the top drawer and removed something my dad would be almost as disgusted with as my vibrator. A brochure for Tante Marie Culinary Academy.

The Cambridge acceptance letter really belonged to my father. My dream wasn’t to study PPE or law, it was to work in the food industry. I wanted to be a chef of some kind. To create recipes. I sighed and put the brochure back in the drawer where it was destined to remain.

The culinary school cost money. Money I didn’t have, and Dad certainly wouldn’t pay for it. University was just three years. I could get through three years. Then I’d have to get a job and save some money, but eventually I would do it. One day I would do what
wanted and not what my dad wanted. One thing was for certain—I wouldn’t end up like my mother. I wouldn’t spend my years as a housewife for a man who didn’t appreciate me.

It wasn’t Dad’s fault Mum nearly died and still hadn’t fully recovered. I didn’t even really care that he had moved on. He never kept her happy anyway. I did care that he hadn’t appreciated her before the crash. I wouldn’t end up like Mum.

I needed a shower. A cold shower. I couldn’t look at that girl without the blood rushing every place but my brain and that made me a little crazy. Did I just imagine that a bagel was her pussy? The bagel tasted good, but not

Vicky had tasted like sweet innocence that night. She’d undressed quickly and waited for me on the bed with open legs. I hadn’t been expecting the shaved pussy and for a moment I’d wondered whether I’d been wrong to assume she was a virgin.

Some women kept a tidy bikini line, but did virgins often remove every single hair from their snatch? Unless she had planned to get laid that night all along? It was possible, but she could have anyone. Why did she pick me when she clearly despised me?

She hadn’t despised me when my tongue had been in her cunt though. I explored every part of her I could reach, and if she hadn’t come and started begging for my cock I would have carried on eating her all night.

Her pussy lips were untouched, and when I’d slid my fingers inside her, the tightness that awaited my cock was almost too much to bear.

When I’d slipped on the condom and entered her, I almost shot my load instantly. That wouldn’t have been good for my reputation. Her hole practically sucked me inside her, and its tight grip wouldn’t let me leave.

I grabbed her legs and threw her knees up by her ears as I eased into her. She looked uncomfortable at first, but after just a few minutes she had her hands on my ass and was begging me to fuck her harder. Not bad for a first-timer.

After taking her innocence, I nearly made a huge mistake. I nearly left. I didn’t stick around any longer than I had to, and it wasn’t like we would be able to fuck again. She’d be sore for a few days after her first time.

I’d underestimated her. A lot. She took the initiative the second time and straddled me, barely giving me time to slip on a new condom as she eased my cock between her folds and rode me with a passion I didn’t think she had inside her.

The poor girl’s tits took a fair bit of abuse as my desires got the better of me, but if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear she enjoyed it. I left bite marks around her nipples, but that didn’t stop her from asking for round three later on.

The third time scared me a bit. Usually by that point I’d be bending the girl over and slamming my cock into her from behind, but instead we settled into the missionary position again. And we went slowly. I blamed the exhaustion. We were well into the early hours of the morning at that point and we were both tired. We had to be. Why else would I have relaxed instead of giving her a spanking?

I’d held on to her taste and the feeling of her tightness on my cock for as long as possible, but now I needed another hit. I needed to get my cock inside that tight hole of hers again.

Damn it, Caiden. It’s bad enough that you’ve screwed your step-sister already. Now you want to do it again? This. Is why. You don’t. Fuck. Virgins. Nothing but drama.

I grabbed a fresh towel and headed to the bathroom. I had my hand of the door when I heard Vicky sigh next to me. She was holding new clothes and getting her first taste of sharing a bathroom with her new step-brother.

“Need a cold shower?” I asked. “You looked a little flustered downstairs. Did you like the little reminder of what I can do with my tongue?”

“Just don’t spend too long in there and try not to use all the hot water.”

“Why don’t you join me? We got dirty together; why don’t we try and get clean together?”

“I don’t feel like I’ll ever be clean again after what we did.”

“It’s a good thing I know you’re lying,” I said. “Otherwise I might be offended. Why don’t you let me scrub those little titties of yours? It won’t take long.”

“You disgust me,” Vicky said, pushing me away from the bathroom to the airing cupboard so that we were further from her dad’s room. “I made a mistake that night, but it’s not one I plan to repeat. I know you’re enjoying this, but you need to understand that I am not interested in you.”

“It was just sex,” I said, moving closer to her. There was barely an inch between us now. I could smell her hair again, but that wasn’t the scent I was after. “We fucked. You’re allowed to enjoy it. And by the way, I
you did enjoy it. Your body gave that away.”

“Well now my body is making it clear that I’m not interested in a repeat performance.”

“How can I tell?” I asked. “Unless you let me touch you again. Let me touch your pussy and I’ll know one way or the other. I bet you’re dripping wet right now.”

“I don’t know what I saw in you,” Vicky said. She gripped the clothes tightly in her hands, but didn’t make any effort to move.

“You saw my cock sliding in and out of your dripping wet snatch,” I said. “Remember? You kept turning to face the mirror and get a better view of the action. In and out. In and out.”

“It’s not happening again,” Vicky repeated. She was trying to convince herself, but failing.

I just wanted to open that dressing gown and gorge on those pert little titties before plunging myself deep in her slit. I didn’t notice my cock stiffening until it was too late.

“Feels like you want a repeat performance more than I do,” Vicky said, as she felt me grow against her.

I tried to shrug casually, but I couldn’t control the boner growing in my pants. “I never said I wouldn’t fuck you again and you’ve caught me on a bad day. I’m stuck in a boring town and you’re the only person around here I can fuck.”

“Except you
fuck me,” Vicky said. “Never again. Even if we weren’t about to be related, I wouldn’t fuck you again anyway. You were a bit of fun before I headed off to university. That’s it.”

“I am going to have you again,” I said. “There were things we didn’t do, and I intend to continue your sexual education.”

Vicky shook her head and tried to push me out of the way to open the linen cabinet. She took out a towel and shut the door, but not before I saw something of interest.

“You know,” I said, opening the door again. “Now that you’re living with me, our dirty laundry is going to get mixed up. Oh look, what is this?” I reached my hand into the wash bin and pulled out a pair of panties that were far too small to belong to my mom.

“Put them back,” Vicky yelled, forgetting that we were supposed to be quiet.

“I’m going to be honest with you, Vicky. You taste good and I need another hit.” I put the panties up to my face and took a deep breath in through my nose. The smell was weak, but it was there and enough to satisfy my cravings for a few minutes.

I’d never needed a woman’s pussy like this. I usually ate pussy as a means to an end, but damn if I didn’t want to eat her almost as much as I wanted to fuck her.

“That’s disgusting,” Vicky said. She tried to snatch the panties out of my hand, but I moved them away just in time.

“I’m keeping these until the scent fades or I get my hit some other way. Are you sure I can’t tempt you into a repeat performance?”

I pressed my hard cock against her. She stared into my eyes, but didn’t fight me as I parted her dressing gown. My shaft rubbed lightly between her legs but she didn’t waver. This girl had some willpower.

“Enjoy your shower,” I said. “You go first. I’m going to deal with this thing,” I pointed to my cock, “while your in there getting all wet and soapy.”

Vicky disappeared into bathroom while I went to my bedroom. I resisted the urge to masturbate. I still had hopes of finishing what I started with Vicky and I didn’t want to fire blanks when that happened.

She might enjoy playing games and keeping me waiting, but at some point Virgin Vicky would drop her guard again and I would get to see Slut Vicky again. I liked Slut Vicky; I just hoped she made an appearance sooner rather than later.


Apart from a few changes of clothes, all my things were still at the penthouse in London, so I had nothing to do in my bedroom short of picturing Vicky in the shower. I headed downstairs and, after checking that the coast was clear, I slipped into the living room and turned on the TV. I still hadn’t quite gotten the hang of all those British TV channels, but there were more than enough American shows for me to find something I liked enough to pass the time.

I quickly got bored of the mindless sitcoms and started flicking through some of the documentary channels before finding a program detailing the Reformation of the church in England during the reign of Henry VIII. It was a topic I was fairly well-versed in already, but it was either that or shows about the Nazis and World War II. Thousands of years of history to choose from and the History Channel always picked the same thirty year period in the first half of the twentieth century.

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