Escape Velocity (54 page)

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Authors: Mark Dery

Tags: #Computers, #Computer Science, #Social Aspects, #General, #Computers and civilization, #Internet, #Internet (Red de computadoras), #Computacao (aspectos socio-economicos e politicos), #Sociale aspecten, #Ordinateurs et civilisation, #Cybersexe, #Cyberespace, #Cyberspace, #Kultur, #Sozialer Wandel

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Kadrey, Richard, 80, 91, 279 Kelley, Mike, 143

Mark Dery

Kelly, Kevin, 16, 47, 205

Kemp, Martin, 178

Kennedy, Alison, see Queen Mu (aka Alison

Kennedy) Kennedy, John E, 22, 45 Kesey, Ken, 26, 28-29, 45 Keyboard, 75, 77 Kidder, Tracy, 66, 219-20 Kienholz, Edward, 129 "Killing Machines," 124-25 Kimbrell, Andrew, 232, 304, 312-13 King, Stephen, 190 Kirn, Walter, 49 Klein, Alan M., 260-61 Kroker, Arthur, 169, 246-47, 281 Kroker, Marilouise, 246-47 Kruger, Barbara, 231 Kubiak.W. David, 250-51 Kubrick, Stanley, 45, 224, 252 Kuenz, Jane, 149 Kulz,Greg, 275-76, 282-83 Kurtz, Steve, 257-59


automation's effect on, 141, 145, 146

chasm between technocratic elite and underclass, 251

ephemeralization of, 3,6

female workers, 245

illnesses association with working at computers, 146

worker as robot, 141, 146 Lacan, Jacques, 195-96 Laidlaw, Marc, 31 Lane, Tony, 59-60, 72 Lang, Fritz, 103, 116 Lanier,Jaron, 22, 217, 292 Laurel, Brenda, 22, 215-16, 222 Lawnmower Man, The, 7, 211, 248, 260 Lawrence, D. H., 34, 236, 248-49 Leary, Timothy, 22, 23, 27-28, 32, 35 Lebel.Robert, 189, 211

Lecht, Charles, 316-17

Leeb, Bill, 82

Leonard, John, 288

"Let's Get Radical: Why Should the Right

Have All the Fun?," 39 L'Eve Future ("The Future Eve") (Villiers de

I'Isle-Adams), 196-97 Levi-Strauss, Claude, 112 Levi Strauss, David, 274-75 Levy, Steven, 26, 66, 198, 219, 220, 221 Lewis, Peter H., 218 Leyh, Greg, 130 L-5 Society, 36, 302-03 L'Homme Machine ("Man a Machine"), 141 Liddy, G. Gordon, 129 Life, 28

Life against Death (Brown), 38, 277 Lipkin, Efrem, 26 Little Heroes (Spinrad), 104-05 Litton Industries, 145 "Living Large," 261 LVraX, 148 Lord, M. G., 242 Lovelock, James, 43 Lukas, Victor, 202 LULU, 214-15, 217

Mac Arthur, John R., 122-23 McCaffrey, Larry, 80, 91, 92, 94, 101 McEvilley, Thomas, 158 McGovern, Farrell,'67 Machinery (Black), 188 Machines:

bodybuilding and, 261-62

control of, and control by, 147, 156, 165, 172-73

fear of being superseded by, 87

human-machine hybrids, see Borging or cyborging; Cyborgs

mechanical spectacle's use of electronic components and parts of, 111-40, 148

parallels between organisms and, 309

Escape Velocity


sex machines and machine sex, 183-99,

219,221,225 useless, 148

see also Posthumanism (posthuman evolution) Machine Sex, 117, 118 Machine That Changed the World, The, 146 Machover, Tod, 77-78, 79 McKenna, Terence, 9-10, 45, 48, 52-53,

298-99 McLuhan, Marshall, 3, 28, 45-47, 116-17, 154,165,167-68,279,294 on sex, technology, and death, 183-84,

192, 199, 222, 223 technology as auto-amputative, 116-17, 160, 164, 234, 319 MacMurtrie, Chico, 111, 131-36, 147, 148,

150,283 Mac?laymate, 210 Magic of Tone and the Art of Music, The

(Rudhyar), 83 Magid, Larry, 207

Making of a Counter Culture, The (Roszak), 2 5 Male Fantasies (Theweleit), 266 Mandel, Tom, 210-11 Mandlebrot, Benoit, 86 Marans, Michael, 77 Marie Claire, 185 Marinetti,F.T, 190, 261,263 Markofr,John, 5,60, 75 Marx, Karl, 32 Marx, Leo, 10, 316 Matrix, the, 5-6 Mazlish, Bruce, 236 Meagher, Dr. Lance, 287-88 Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man,

The (McLuhan), 184 Mechanical spectacle, 111-40, 143, 147-50 as critique of high-tech weapons, 119-22,

126-27 as cyberpunk art form, 128, 130 described, 112

feminist criticism of, 127, 128 precedent for, 112-14 Mechano-eroticism, 87, 183-84, 187-92,

198,221,222,271 Medical records, confidentiality of, 257 Medical technology, 161, 229-33 genetic engineering, 175, 230, 233, 298,

302 political uses of, 174-75 Meeks, Brock, 207

Mega Brain Power: Transform Your Life with Mind Machines and Brain Nutrients (Hutchison), 58-59, 293 Melman, Seymour, 126-27 Merry Pranksters, 22, 26, 27, 28-29, 32,

45 Metal Machine Music (Reed), 81 Metrophage (Kadrey), 279 Metropolis (Lang), 103, 116 Michalik, Steve, 261 Micro Millennium, The (Evans), 65 "Microsurgery: The Future," 291 MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)

instruments, 79, 105, 172 Milhon, Jude, 198-99 Milkman, Harvey, 221-22 Millenarianism, 8, 9-10, 308

high-tech, 10, 48-49, 71-72 Miller, Jean Baker, 265 Miller, Laura, 225 Miller, M. S., 44 Miller, Mark Crispin, 98-99 Mind Children: The Future of Robot and

Human Intelligence (Moravec), 300, 306 Mind machines, 33, 57-58, 59, 293 Mindplayers (Cadigan), 86 Minitel, 218

MinskyMarvin, 232, 300 Mirrorshades, 24-25, 92-93, 97, 99-100,

102 Mirror stage of psychological development, 195-96

Mark Dery

Misfortunes of Desire: Acted Out at an

Imaginary Location Symbolizing

Everything Worth Having, 119 Misogyny, 195 Missile Envy (Caldicott), 127 Moby-Dick (Melville), 275 Modern Primitives, 275, 276, 277, 278-79 Modern primitivism, 275-80 Mono Lisa Overdrive (Gibson), 55, 128 Mondo 2000, 17, 22, 31-41, 47, 83, 87,

93-94, 186-87,198, 280, 305-06,

314-15 Monster truck rallies, 143-44 Mook, William, 70-71 Moorcock, Michael, 94-95 Moore, Michael, 143 Moore, Paul, 80 Moravec, Hans, 8, 236, 299-301, 306-08,

309,312,313,315,316 More, Max, 302, 304 Morello, Carol, 224 Mori, Masahiro, 196 Morphs and morphing, 229, 230,

242 defined, 202 gender, 202-03 see also Borging or cyborging Mosher, Mike, 213 MTV, 88, 97-99,102 Mu, Queen (aka Alison Kennedy), 22, 31,

33,34,39,305-06,314-15 MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons, Dimensions,

or Domains), 205-06 Munari, Bruno, 148 Musafar, Fakir, 166-67, 278 Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder

(Fussell), 262 MUSEs (Multi-User Simulation

Environments), 205 Myers, David, 82-83 Myst (computer game), 54, 55

Naked Lunch (Burroughs), 253

Nanotechnology 8, 33, 71, 302, 319

National Review, 239

Nauman, Bruce, 158

Necronomicon books, Giger's, 282, 283

Necrophilia, 193,225

Neglected Fixations, 171

Nelson, Ted, 26-27

Net, The, 256,257

net.sleazing, 205

Neuro-Associative Conditioning, 232

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), 232

Neuromancer (Gibson), 55, 76, 82, 83,

91-92,93,94,249-52,286 "Neuromantic Cyberpunks, The," 106-07 New Media, 209 New Medicine Publishing, 209 Newsweek, 22 Newton, Adi, 54, 55 New York Times, The, 3, 5, 47, 54, 69, 76,

207, 236, 240, 290 New York Times Magazine, The, 46-47 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 302 Nightwatch, 209 Nine Inch Nails, 84, 87-90 79^4 (Orwell), 170,173 1990s computer culture and counterculture

of, 21-33,45, 51, 71-72 1960s, 98, 99, 101,277 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone

Corporation, 290 Nixpix, 206 Nomad, 172

North, Timothy, 170, 172, 173, 178 Nova, 124-25 Nora (Delany), 155 Numan, Gary, 81

Objectification, 311, 315 Omni, 145, 219, 288, 290 O'Neill, Gerard, 36 O'Neill, William, 38-39

Escape Velocity


One Man and His World, 209 On the Media, 122 Oren, Tim, 205 Orgasmatron, 199, 213 Orlan, 239-41 O'Rourke, P. J., 42 Orpheus, Rodney, 53-54, 67 Outlaw Biker Tattoo Review, 284

Pacheco, Marcus, 282, 283

Paglia, Camille, 25

Paik, Nam June, 112

Palac, Lisa, 185, 186

Panopticism, 141

Paradise Garden, 137

Patten, Terry, 58

Pauline, Mark, 111, 115-22, 126-31,

143-44, 147, 148, 150, 225, 283, 285 PBS, 146, 156 Pengo, 93

Penley, Constance, 62 Peoples' Computer Company, 26 Persian Gulf War, 120, 121-25, 158, 223,

224 Philadelphia Inquirer, 224 Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God, and the Resurrection of the Dead, The (Tipler), 9 Picabia, Francis, 188, 189 Pirsig, Robert, 72 Pittman, Robert, 97-98 Pixar, 134

Plastic surgery, reconstructive, 285, 286-87 see also Cosmetic surgery Piatt, Charles, 317

Playboy, 28, 29-30, 46, 129, 206, 222, 230 Poaching, 62 Politics, 251

advertising and, 176

body politics, 231, 233, 236-42

radicalism of the sixties, 32, 98

religion and, 169

technology used as power mechanism, 169 see also Socioeconomic and political

problems, indifference to Pollack, Andrew, 290 Pollitt, Katha, 244 Pomeroy, Jim, 127 Pornography, 206-08, 217-18 P-Orridge, Genesis, 52, 55, 61-62, 81 Portrait of an American Girl in a State of

Nudity, 188 Post Human, 293 Posthumanism (posthuman evolution), 9, 45,


292-319 cosmetic surgery and, 241, 242 perils of, 292-306 reconstructive surgery and, 286-87 Posthuman sex, 187, 212-17 Postman, Neil, 70 Poststructurahsm, 244, 245, 246 Power of Myth, The (Campbell), 65 "Precession of Simulacra, The," 295-96 Pretty Hate Machine, 87 Prigogine, Ilya, 297 Privacy, issue of, 174-75, 257 Privacy for Sale: How Computerization Has

Made Everyone's Private Life an Open

Secret (Rothfeder), 257 "Probability Pipeline," 31-32 Procter, Lynn, 277 Prodigy 5, 207 Proportional Study of a Man in the Manner of

Vitruvius, 178 Prosthetics, 231, 233, 288, 289 "Prosthetics, Robotics and the Remote

Existence: Postevolutionary Strategies,"

164 Psychedelic drugs, 25-30, 37, 43, 48, 49 Psychic TV, 52 Punkmusic, 81,91, 105-07 Push Piece, 158

Mark Dery

Queen Mu, see Mu, Queen (aka Alison

Kennedy) QuickTime software, 209 Quine, Robert, 91

Rabinbach, Anson, 266, 267

Radzik, Jody, 47

Ranaldo, Lee, 80

Rand, Ayn, 302, 304, 307

Ratcliffe, Mitch, 13

Raves and ravers, 22, 52-53

Rayns, Tony, 270


rechoosing, 42-43, 49

virtual reality, see Virtual reality Reality Hackers, 36 Reed, Lou, 81, 92 Reich, Robert, 3, 69 Reiss, Jonathan, 88 Religion, 179-80

politics and, 169

technology and, 169, 173, 179

see also Rituals, cultural Re/Search, 117,223

Modern Primitives issue of, 275, 276, 277, 278-79 Restak, Dr. Richard, 163-64, 318-19 Reznor, Trent, 84, 87-90 Rheingold, Howard, 22, 24, 120, 205, 211,

212,213,215,225 Riefenstahl, Leni, 103 Ritual Mechanics, 171-73 Rituals, cultural, 159, 168, 169

of cyberculture, 166

resistance through, 275 Road Warrior, The, 282 Robb, Paul, 80 Robbins, Anthony 232, 302 Robbins, Rossell Hope, 174 Roberts, Elizabeth J., 225 Roberts, Jane, 57 Robertson, Pat, 85

RoboCop 2,261

RoboCopulation, 192-93, 198-99 see also Sex machines and machine sex

Robopsychology, 219

Robosaurus, 143

Robot Group, 113

Robots and robotics, 8, 111, 112-15, 118-20, 131-50,155,163,218,300-01 battles fought by 123, 124 entertainment, 115, 142, 144-49 history of, 114-15, 140-41 at monster truck rallies, 143-44 "organic." 118

RoboCopulation, 192-93, 198-99 teleoperation of, 120-21, 124, 134 in the workplace, 145-46, 150 see also Sex machines and machine sex

Robot Wars, 114


Rock of Ages: The Rolling Stone History of Rock SlRoII, 97-98

"Rock On," 100-01

Roger and Me, 143

" 'Roid rage," 261

Rolling Stone, 27, 47

Romulus Entertainment, 209

Rose, Barbara, 240

Rose, Tricia, 270

Rosen, Dr. Joseph M., 116, 285-86, 287, 291-92

Rosenthal, Rachel,-167

Ross, Andrew, 62-63, 111-12, 115, 146, 250, 251-52, 262-63, 306, 313, 315

Ross, David, 301-02, 318, 319

Rossetto, Louis, 46-47

Roszak, Theodore, 25, 27

Rothfeder, Jeffrey 257

Rothstein, Edward, 54

Rotten, Johnny, 186

Roxy Madam, 129

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), 153, 156

Escape Velocity


Rucker, Rudy, 31,63,93, 187 Rudhyar, Dane, 83 Ruppersberg, Hugh, 48 R.U.R., 114

Rushkoff, Douglas, 23, 31-32, 41-45, 48, 49

Saenz, Mike, 209-10, 214, 218, 219

Sainsott, Craig and Charlene, 113

"St. Jude" (Jude Milhon), 198-99

Sandia National Laboratories, 124

"Sandman, The," 196

"Sane Revolution, A," 34

San Francisco Chronicle, 124

San Francisco Examiner, 239

Santos, David, 113

Savage, Jon, 81

Sayre, Rick, 134-35, 148

Schickel, Richard, 148

Schismatrix (Sterling), 6, 95, 155, 296, 297

Schneemann, Carolee, 158-59, 165, 223

Schodt, Frederik, 196

Schwartz, Barry, 170-71, 283

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 7, 262, 263, 264,

266, 268 Science and Invention, 124 Science fiction, 88, 166, 168

cyberpunk, see Cyberpunk, science fiction

cyborgs and borging in, 155, 231

rock music and, 81

see also names of individual sciencejiction authors and works Science Fiction Eye, 94 Scorsese, Martin, 294 Scott, Giles Gilbert, 179 Scribe, 114-15, 147 Scrying, 62 Seaside Suspension: EventJor Wind and Waves,

157 "Second Thoughts on the 1960s," 42 Seizing the Future: How the Coming Revolution in Science, Technology, and Industry Will

Expand the Frontiers of Human Potential and Shape the Planet (Zey), 314 Self, 185

Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 308 Self-transformation, 302, 303, 305, 312 Seth Material, The (Roberts), 57 Sewell, Brian, 177 Sex, 183-225, 233, 236 advertising and, 184, 188, 279 automobiles and, 189-92 CD-ROMs, adult-oriented, 208-10, 218 computer slang and, 220-21 cybersex, see Cybersex death, and technology, 223-24 death and, 126 interactive X-rated computer programs,

199 machines, and machine sex, 183-99, 219,

221,225 male desire displaced onto machinery,

219-23 mechano-eroticism, 87, 183-84, 187-92,

198,221,222,271 on-line, see Text sex posthuman, 187,212-17 religious sacrifice and, 89-90 technoporn written from female

perspective, 198-99 teleoperated computer, 201 text, see Text sex Sex machines and machine sex, 87, 183-99,

219,221,225 Sharp, Elliott, 84-86 Shatter, 209

Shaw, Jonathan, 278, 281, 283, 284 "she being Brand," 190 Sheeler, Charles, 10 Shepard, Lucius, 86 Shiner, Louis, 75-76,93,97 Shirley, John, 91, 93-97, 101, 102-03, 105,

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