Escaping the Darkness (20 page)

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Authors: Sarah Preston

Tags: #Abuse, #Autobiography, #Biography, #Child Abuse, #Family, #Non-Fiction, #Relationships, #Social Science, #True Crime, #Violence in Society

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Many women go through, and at this moment, young children are still experiencing the things I was subjected
to. More often than not they go through far worse. Each one of them will be affected in different ways. Some will be strong, some won’t. Each one of them will be a statistic, a statistic the world does not need. I wonder, if I did a survey, what the percentage of abused females would be? Twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five, forty? I just know it will be far greater than any of us realise. The saddest part is that not enough will survive their ordeals.
The time I lived through my abuse sits firmly secured in my memory bank. Monsters that pray on the young and the innocent shouldn’t be allowed to roam free, coming out of their dark, dank shadows to play games we don’t want them to play. I have grown to realise that as a society we need to do more. A new approach is what is needed because some of the old ones allow these predators to still do what they do best: taking the innocence and beauty away from our children.
I think it is important that each child has its rights recognised and not be swept away like they are inconsequential specks of dust by people who should be loving and protecting towards them. I want my book to be a beginning that will put some of you, when you read this, on a road to recovery that will make you whole again. Allowing you all to be real people, to live your lives again, and to not get lost in the same world where I was once lost, where I thought I was worthless and dead.
Remember, all you need is hope, and if no one gives you that hope, find it yourself. Never give up looking. It may only be a tiny bit you discover, but never let it slip
through your fingers. Hope grows like an acorn grows into a mighty oak. All you have to do is hold on tight. Treat every minute like a precious gift, which has the ability to give you bright, shiny new memories. Memories of a life that is about to start, completely covering you in the joy that has been waiting so long to find you.
Wake up, grab the dream. The dream that belongs to you – it’s your dream. And live your life freely, away from the memories that have kept you locked up against your will.
Smile and enjoy your new day, after all, it is still yours.
Pack your memory boxes with hope – and never look behind you.
I WOULD LIKE to thank Sam, our beautiful sons and their amazing wives and fiancées for continuing to support me through my journey. Without their love and strength guiding me through some of the most difficult times in my life, I probably would never have come this far. I love you all so much, thank you for giving me precious memories, sharing infectious laughter and laying the path for the memories we haven’t had chance to make, but which I know are waiting just around the corner. I would also like to say thanks to my ‘big sis’. She has not just been a sister but a true friend; our bond continues to gain strength. She’s fab and I love her.
My heartfelt gratitude goes to John Blake, my publisher, for believing in me as a writer. Without him none of this would have been possible and my story would have remained untold. Also my thanks go to Chris Mitchell,
my editor, for guiding me through the last steps of this journey.
Finally, to my friends, you all continue to amaze me… you are my superstars!
Published by John Blake Publishing Ltd,
3 Bramber Court, 2 Bramber Road,
London W14 9PB, England
This edition published in 2014
ISBN: 978 1 78418 028 7
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