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Authors: Dee Gordon

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Cloak, Betty (née Ryan) – emails from nephew, Ray Sinclair, July 2014.

Cloughton, Betty (née Sewell) – personal history (held at Braintree Museum) written for 2009 exhibition at Bocking Institute by Braintree District Museum, titled ‘Women’s Land Army and Timber Corps’.

Crosswell, Olive – ‘Oral History Archive’, Southampton City Council Arts & Heritage, 1983, reference 7482.

Daines, Win (née Wretham) – interviewed by author on telephone, 28 April 2014.

Firmin, Kathleen (née Grimwood) – interviewed by author on telephone, 26 April 2014.

Gentry, Hilda (née Crab) – ‘Colchester Recalled’ oral history project, Essex Record Office, SA1896.

Green, Edna (née Mead) – interviewed by author on telephone, 1 May 2014.

Hansford, Maude (known as Pips) – god-daughter Jan interviewed on phone and by email, July 2014.

Haysman, Elsie – interviewed by author, 7 May 2014.

Hoy, Rita – oral history for ‘Second World War Memories’ project, 1994, conducted by the Essex Sound Archive, Essex Record Office, ref SA24/1316/1.

Jennings, Dorothy (née Foster) – daughter Marion interviewed in London by author, 22 February 2014.

Jiggens, Iris (née Bush) – daughter Janet interviewed by author, 19 February 2014.

Levesque, Jean – written history lodged at Harlow Museum, from USA, 1988.

Marsh, Mary – see website list.

Milbourne, Vie – interviewed by author, 16 April 2014.

Morey, Doreen – Imperial War Museum, oral history 9798.

Newman, Babs – Mersea Museum, 2008, oral history MMAV001.

Osborne, Vera (née Tyreman) – daughter Jan interviewed by author on telephone and by email, July 2014.

Page, Mary (née Nichols) – written history transcribed by Diane Lodge, for 2009 exhibition as per Betty Cloughton.

Parratt, Eva (née Funnell) – daughter Rosemary interviewed by author, 31 July 2014.

Penfold, Margaret – Mersea Museum, 2008, oral history MMAV002.

Phillips, Vicky – oral history for Ted Haley Recordings, 1980, Essex Record Office, SA 20/1/28/1.

Pratt, Vera (née Robinson) – interviewed by Steven Russell for
East Anglian Daily Times
, May 2014.

Pudney, Gladys (née Cooke) – interviewed for Writtle Archives oral history project, March 2013.

Rawlings, Florence – see Winnie Bell.

Richardson, Iris (née Smith) – interviewed by author, 8 April 2014.

Rix, Barbara (née Cutting) – ‘Colchester Recalled’ oral history project, Essex Record Office, SA1902.

Robinson, Connie – oral history for ‘Bronwen Cook Project’, Essex Record Office, SA26/61/1.

Robinson, Doris (née Heap) – Imperial War Museum, oral history 12582.

Rogers, Amy – see Winnie Bell.

Russell, Annie (née Balls) – daughter Pauline interviewed by Lauren Oldershaw for the Southend
in 2014.

Shead, Iris – oral history for the Basildon Borough Heritage Group, 1986, Essex Record Office, SA3/296/1.

Sibley, Victor – ‘Colchester Recalled’ oral history project, Essex Record Office, SA8/1843/1.

Strange, Dorothea (née Nevison) – daughter interviewed by author, 14 May 2014.

Theobald, Joyce (née Mumford) – see websites, plus emails from son Alan in April 2014.

Thorogood, Geoff (regarding Gwen Thorogood) – interview conducted by the Essex Sound Archive, 1996, Essex Record Office, SA 26/63/1.

Verlander, Irene (née Hart) – daughter Linda interviewed by author, 9 February 2014.

Vince, Lynette (née Pledger) – ‘Colchester Recalled’ oral history project, Essex Record Office, SA1898.

Waldman, Celia – interviewed by author, 2 August 2009.

Walker, Alice (née Stenning) – correspondence and emails from Margaret and Edmund King, April 2014.

Watsham, Jean – Mersea Museum 2006, oral history MMAV003.

Wilkinson, Rene – see Winnie Bell.

Willsher, Joyce (née Chaplin) – series of emails from Australia, April 2014.

Woodham, Lillian (née Hooper) – interviewed by author, 9 March 2014.

Some quotes are included where every effort was made to find the copyright holder but without success, namely:

Fisher, Barbara – brief personal account self-published as ‘The Land Girl’ (undated leaflet).

Shaw, Betty (née Bradley) – written history at Imperial War Museum, ref. SJO/DOC5.

(Mary Marsh)
(Memoirs of Douglas Savill)
(War horses)
(Joyce Theobald, née Mumford)


First published in 2015

The History Press

The Mill, Brimscombe Port

Stroud, Gloucestershire,
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This ebook edition first published in 2015

All rights reserved

© Dee Gordon, 2015

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978 0 7509 6347 3

Original typesetting by The History Press

Ebook compilation by RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk

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