Eternal Bloom - Book 5 (The Ruby Ring Saga) (9 page)

Read Eternal Bloom - Book 5 (The Ruby Ring Saga) Online

Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #love, #paranormal, #time travel

BOOK: Eternal Bloom - Book 5 (The Ruby Ring Saga)
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My hands were shaking like they’ve never shook before. I panted between breaths. I thought this could be the end for me and my unborn child. As the heat intensified all around me, a tear slipped down my cheek.

The man in charge walked toward us holding out his hands as fire sprung from them to destroy us all. Liz held out her hands and streams of water poured from her palms. Hissing and crackling filled the air, like the sound of ice melting on a hot bed of coal. Water sprayed everywhere as it collided with the dancing flames in midair. I blinked the droplets out of my eyes. 

Erica flattened herself on the soaking wet ground. I could see how scared she was and she had every right to be freaking out. Getting out of this alive would be a miracle. But I wasn’t a quitter so I’d just keep fighting to live.

Liz shot me a terrified look, water dripping down her hair and face. “I can’t hold him off forever.”

“Just try!” Erica said.

I stiffened as I glanced up. A towering surge of spray hovered above our heads as the Immortal pushed back the water with his streams of fire. Pushing back wet strands of tangled hair, I wiped my eyes.

The Immortal was winning.

“Concentrate! Fight harder, Liz!” I shouted, pulling at my wet dress.

Water streamed off her hair and down her cheeks. She focused and a sudden wind howled, whipping her hair across her cheeks and eyes. A wave of water hovered above our heads and then rolled down with the momentum and force of a mighty tsunami. The mass of water smashed through the door, slamming into the Immortals like a giant fist.

Within seconds, the Immortal stepped back through the door with an angry look. We’d definitely pissed him off. The back of my throat felt dry, and a rush of heat swept over me in spite of the cold water soaking my clothes.

“The house is surrounded!” Erica yelled into my ear. “What are we going to do? I have to save Harvey!”

Erica kept screaming for Harvey. I didn’t know if it was her sleeping son or boyfriend, or even her husband. My heart sank knowing there was another person in the house. I’d hoped the Immortals hadn’t killed him yet.

Liz grabbed my arm. “I’m going to have to tap into that unstable energy of yours.”

“What’s that going to do?” I asked.

“It’ll be like squirting lighter fluid into a fire.”

My unstable energy could hurt us as well. It would be like a bomb going off. Erica would die immediately if Liz lost control.

“It’s our only option,” she said.

I used her stupid symbolism right back at her. “Fine. Use the lighter fluid sparingly and evenly. We don’t need an explosion or more lives lost.”

“I’m going to put us in a temporary protective bubble. So you don’t get electrocuted. It only lasts for a minute, but that should be enough time.”

A yellow force field suddenly surrounded us as Liz blinked her eyes shut. Once the bubble was created, Liz’s eyes fluttered opened. As the Immortal threw streams of fire toward us, Liz grabbed my shoulder with one hand, and aimed with the other. As she tapped into my energy, I felt the biggest electric shock ever. She blocked the roaring flames from ever reaching us. The walls and the floor lit up in a blue, electric glow. A huge blaze of swirling electricity engulfed the remaining army. Their screams carried through the air as they crashed to the ground in trembling heaps as volts of electricity shook their bodies. 

Air whooshed from my lungs as I fell backward, splashing in the water. Hands wrapped around my throat and began to squeeze as I was held underwater. Guess Liz’s protective bubble wasn’t working anymore. My lungs burned and screamed for air. Dizziness flooded through me and I couldn’t breathe. I struggled to no avail. My head pounded. I tried to loosen the cold fingers but their grip was too tight. I felt around the water and my fingers wrapped around what I assumed to be a letter opener. With my last bit of strength, I swung at the Immortal’s head. He released me. I sucked in gulp after gulp of air. I couldn’t stop coughing. When I glanced down, the man was down for the count. He didn’t move one muscle.

This acrid smell assaulted my nostrils, making me gag. My head ached with every single breath and I tried to keep from puking. The fire blazed high in every direction. The house was illuminated by a sea of flames and roared like a freight train. Wood crackled and snapped as they were devoured by the inferno of impenetrable heat rising all around us. The dense smoke, sizzling crackles, and blinding heat made my heart race something fierce. Suddenly the burning ceiling creaked and I glanced up. I took a step back, my entire body suddenly shaking. The burning timber fell toward my face as everything came crashing down.

A scream froze in my throat.

I took one last breath and closed my eyes. Victor’s face flashed in my head.
I love you, Victor
, I thought. My thoughts went back to the dream-like state Victor had taken me to when he proposed to me. I pictured glitter falling on him like snow while butterflies swirled all around him. I focused on his face and beautiful smile. The haze cleared a little, and my mind seemed clearer.

Chapter 11

iery wood beams fell on my legs, trapping me, pinning me helplessly to the ground. I screamed as the fire consumed my flesh. I knew this was it. I drew in choked breaths and peered around me, a sense of dread settling in the pit of my stomach and encompassing my entire body.

It wasn’t the unstable energy that would kill me after all, but a house fire, followed by a gruesome beheading by a mob of angry blue-ringed Immortals. I let out one final scream as tears rolled down my cheeks. 

I could feel the cold wet carpet on my face as the flames roared all around me. And then the scene disappeared before me into complete blackness. I froze, my breath caught in my throat.
Did I die?
Suddenly, light started to emerge all around me. I tried to move but I couldn’t. Within seconds, my face was plastered in the soft, lush grass. Birds sang the most beautiful melodies and I wondered if I was in heaven. When I opened my eyes, my jaw dropped. Liz dropped next to me, Beth and Erica lay sprawled somewhere behind me. I spotted Beth’s car in the driveway. We were in Erica’s front yard. I was alive. My heart pounded. How? What was happening? I slowly stood trying to ponder what had taken place. One minute I’d been laying on a wet carpet with flames burning me, and the next, I was laying in the soft grass comforted by the soothing melodies of songbirds.

“Sarah,” Beth said, a wave of confusion washing over her face.

Joy overwhelmed me as my face lit up. I met Beth’s gaze and embraced her in a long hug.

“You’re alive!” I shouted, my voice choked with emotion.

“Yes!” Beth said, laughing. “I have no idea how.”

Liz jumped up and let out a long breath. “It was me. I did a tiny time travel jump. We went back in time about an hour or so. Not really sure of the coordinates. It’s all I could muster up.”

“How did you do that?” Beth asked.

“It’s a very dangerous jump that many Immortals die even attempting. Charles made me swear to never use it. I figured we didn’t have any other options. I was dying anyway once those Immortals got their hands on me.”

I hugged my sister in a giant bear hug. I couldn’t begin to express my gratitude. “You risked your life to save us. I can’t thank you enough.”

She smiled. “I knew Mom was making her famous pot roast tonight. Can’t miss that.”

I laughed as a tear rolled down my face. I realized my hands were shaking, and I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves.

“I can’t believe I’m alive,” Beth said.

Beth rushed over to Liz and wrapped her arms around her as tears flowed down her face. “Thank you,” she said. “You fought so hard for us.”

“I used every big trick I knew,” she said.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart, but I couldn’t quiet the sudden panic inside at the prospect of Immortals invading this house at any given moment. And I sure wasn’t ready for Round 2.

Erica was gasping between breaths.

“It’s okay,” Beth said, throwing an arm around her like they were best friends.

“But things haven’t changed,” Erica said, grimly. “They’re coming to kill us.”

I swallowed hard. “Then let’s get the hell out of here.”

“But I have to get Harvey,” she said.

“Her son?” Liz asked. “I didn’t know there was a kid even here.”

We let her run back inside. Terror filled me knowing her child would’ve died in that house fire as well. Liz chased her inside to destroy the tape. As long as that tape existed, it’d cause nothing but trouble for everyone involved.

Erica came running out with an animal in her arms. When I peered closer, I noticed it was a pet skunk.

Beth shielded her face from the sun. “Is that a...”

“Yep. It’s a skunk.”

“That’s Harvey?”

I shook my head. “Must be.”

“That’s not coming in my car!” Beth said.

Liz waved the cage as she approached. “I’ve got something to put the loveable skunk in.”

Beth shook her head. “Absolutely not!”

“He doesn’t spray,” Erica said. “He’s my pet and I won’t leave him.”

I petted the adorable Harvey. “He’s cute.”

“It can come,” Liz said. “Let’s just hurry up and leave. And let’s take a back route so we don’t cross paths with those idiots by accident.”

My eyes were still burning from all the smoke as I sucked in gulps of fresh air. When I looked back at the house, it was completely back to normal. I took several breaths to slow my racing heart. We all jumped back in Beth’s car including our new found friend Erica.

Erica clutched her pet tightly. “Are you going to kill me because I know Liz’s secret?”

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Liz said.

“But I will if that skunk sprays in my car!” Beth hissed.

“He’s de-scented and neutered,” Erica said.

“Then you’re going to feed on me,” she said. “Like those freaks who killed my brother.”

Liz eyed her up and down, then licked her lips. “You do look tasty.”

Erica’s eyes widened and I tried not to laugh as my sister messed with her.

“Don’t worry,” Liz said. “You’re not my type. I like a big, fat, juicy hamburger.”

“What?” she asked.

“Sorry to inform you that I’m from a different race of Immortals. Our kind doesn’t need to feed on humans, thank goodness. Our kind likes to pig out on food, especially junk food.”

I laughed as Beth grinned.

“You swear?” the woman asked terrified.

“No, I don’t swear. My mom hates it when those gutter words come out of my mouth.”

“Nobody is eating you,” I said. “But you’re coming with us.”

“Where are you taking me?” she asked.

“It’s for your own protection. I’m taking you to Dr. Meyers. She’s an Immortal who can help you. She’ll put you in protective custody. And if you don’t go, then you’ll soon be dead.”

“I’ll go!” Erica said. “They were going to burn me alive. How could they be so cold?”

I let out a trembling breath. “You have no idea what they’re capable of. They tried to kill my baby and I barely escaped.”

“But I’ve lost everything and I never got the chance to say goodbye to my loved ones.”

Liz patted her hand. “Just be lucky you’re alive. If we hadn’t come to interview you, you’d be dead right now.”

Tears slipped down Erica’s face. “I know. Thank you so much. I should’ve never meddled with them. But I was so upset when they killed my baby brother right before my eyes.”

“Trust me,” I said. “We’re going to make them pay.”

“Are you going to tell Victor about all of this?” Beth asked.

“I can’t keep it from him,” I said.

“I didn’t know it’d turn out like this,” Beth said. “I just thought we were going to interview a witness.”

Erica wiped the tears from her eyes. “The Immortals must’ve found out about the television interview.”

“You think so, huh?” Liz asked with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I had no idea what I had gotten myself into.” 

Liz met her gaze. “Well now you do. Don’t ever mess with them again.”

“I don’t plan too.”

We dropped off Erica off at Dr. Meyer’s house. She said she’d take care of everything, then Beth drove to my house and dropped off Liz and I. We told Victor the entire story, and then Liz drove home. Victor wasn’t happy with me for taking such a risk. But I tried to explain to him that I didn’t know it was going to turn into such a scenario.

“They feed on people,” I said.

“I say we cancel this trip with Jackson. He’s beyond dangerous.”

I shook my head. “No way. This is my life we’re talking about.”

“Exactly,” he retorted. “How do we know he’s not whisking us away to one of his labs?”

“We don’t. But I don’t think that’s the case. He needs us.”

“Or maybe he’s pretending he needs us. The whole thing could be a...what do you call it?”

I cocked a brow. “A smoke screen? A farce?”

He waved his hand in the air. “Yes.”

“I don’t think Jackson is lying to us. I can read people good. And I could see the sincerity in his eyes.”

“We have no idea what’s on that island. Keeping you safe is my first priority.”

A flood of uneasiness gathered in the pit of her stomach “You can’t keep me safe if I’m dead.”

“The man comes from a race of beings who feeds on humans,” Victor said. “They have to kill people to survive, to live another day. I don’t want to be any part of that.”

“Why don’t we just ask him?” I said. “I would love to hear what he has to say.”

“He’ll lie to us.”

“He might sugar coat it, but I think he’ll tell us.”

“And what makes you say that?” Victor asked.

“Because he needs me. And if he doesn’t tell me the truth, then I’ll end our little agreement.”

Victor hugged me as I wrapped my arms around him. It wasn’t long before a car sped into our driveway.

“Charles,” Victor said.

“I need a moment with your wife alone.”

Victor cocked a brow. “What’s wrong?”

“Your wife almost got Liz killed,” he yelled.

I’d never seen him so mad and out of control.

He waved his hands in the air. “I love Liz! She’s my life. How dare you take chances with her life?”

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