Eternal Destiny (15 page)

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Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #Ruby Ring#2

BOOK: Eternal Destiny
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There’s nothing greater in the world than pure unconditional love.” Caressing her face, he stared into her eyes, and then devoured her lips in a hungry kiss. He scooped her up in his arms while lavishing her neck and shoulder with hot kisses, and strode toward the soft green moss covered with a bed of tiny white flowers; her arms still tightly clutched around his neck.

The sweet fragrance of wildflowers wafted in the breeze. Victor’s lips were soft and warm against her skin…inviting. As her stomach fluttered, he lowered her body down gently.

His mouth drifted down her neck
while she let out a soft moan, his hard pulsating manhood brushing against her thighs.
“You’re so beautiful, Sarah.”
His long hair tickled her shoulder; and she slid her fingers through his tangle of wet, dark hair. Sarah’s heart thrummed as his hands roamed up and down her sides, heat spreading across every spot he touched. Her nipples tightened as the fire between her legs throbbed. She rubbed her hands in circles over the hard contours of his broad shoulders, strong arms, and finally his sculpted chest.

Victor’s hands slipped under the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head, throwing it into a heap. His hands slipped to her breasts and cupped the fullness as he gently cradled them, then he closed his mouth around her hard-tipped nipples. A soft whimper fell from her lips. And she knew she’d never forget this magical night when her husband made love to her for the first time underneath the starry sky.







Chapter 11

Victor cuddled Sarah close, his powerful arms wrapped around her tightly.

Turning to face him, she said, “That was mind-blowing. I saw fireworks!”


“It means that what we shared was absolutely amazing.” She couldn’t stop the smile forming on her face.

He grinned widely as he stared deep into her eyes. “I love you, Sarah, with all of my heart, body, and soul.
To have known you and to have loved you has been like a beautiful dream. I can only hope that I never wake up.”

Tears welled up in her eyes. “That’s the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me.”

He gently caressed her cheek. “I haven’t been this happy in centuries.”

“Centuries, huh?”

“It takes a lifetime to find someone, in my case centuries, but only a moment to fall in love. And even if we have only this one moment, I’ll treasure it forever.”

“I’m sorry for creating so much havoc in your life. If it weren’t for me, your life wouldn’t be in danger.”
“My life is worth living now because I’ve found someone worth dying for.”

Sarah could tell by the emotion in his voice that he meant every single world. She grinned and snuggled against the warmth of his chest.

“How does it feel to officially be Queen Sarah Vesque?”

“Wonderful, my king. I’ve discovered that “love” is just a word until someone comes into your life and gives it meaning.”

He captured her lips in a heated kiss.

A twig snapped way off in the distance. She sat up when he playfully pulled her against his body. “Where are you going, my love?”

“Did you hear that?” she asked.

Above the roar of the waterfall, she heard a familiar voice calling out her name.
? Her heart started to race in her chest.
But how…how did he manage to escape?
Her heart fluttered faster as she called back to him, hoping he would hear her. She grabbed Victor’s hand. “Frank’s here!” It wasn’t like she was trying to hide anything, but explaining everything would take too much work. Scanning her surroundings, she didn’t see him in the dim light.

“Over there!” Victor pointed to his right at the ragged cliffs that built a natural staircase that rose high into the sky. “Better get dressed then,” Victor continued, slipping on his pants.

She hurried and slipped on her soaking wet dress. As she turned, she saw Frank breaking through the vegetation, his voice frantic.

“Sarah! We have to…we have to get out of here.” He rushed over and hugged her. “My gosh! You’re soaking wet. Did you fall in? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

“No.” She shook her head in disbelief that Frank could not make the connection. “It’s a long story. Listen…I’m glad you’re okay.”

Her hand ran over his arm, but she made sure to keep the touch superficial, meaningless. Her emotions were running high, almost choking her. He had escaped from the Immortals, but she didn’t know how he had found her. He was alive, though, and that was what she needed to concentrate on.

His voice wavered as he spoke. “They’ve…oh, Sarah, those monsters killed the others! I…they just…Sarah, I barely escaped with my life!”

She glanced up, tears welling in her eyes at the news that the others were dead. It was hard for the words to sink in. Beth was carrying an innocent baby in her womb, and none of them deserved to die like that. “Wh-what happened, Frank? Tell me what happened!”

Victor slid an arm around her waist, as if to comfort her, and drew her closer as he whispered in her ear, “Please don’t leave with him.”

“There’s no time to explain, but staying here would be crazy,” Frank said, shaking his head. “We have to get back through the portal right now.” He took a step forward to grab her.

Victor planted himself firmly between Frank and Sarah. “What do you think you’re doing?” Victor hissed. “You will not force my wife to go anywhere with you!”

Frank grabbed her arm and glared at Victor. “I’m sorry, buddy, but fake ceremony or not, she ain’t staying here with you.”

Victor crossed his arms and widened his stance, towering over Frank. “Do you think she wants to go with you?”

“Both of you, stop it!” Sarah demanded, rubbing her temples. “I need a minute to think.”

Frank let out a huff. “There’s no time for this, Sarah. The Immortals are on my butt. I’ll take you home, where we both belong. You know as well as I do that this guy is no good for you.”

She hesitated. “I can’t leave without talking to my sister.”

“She’s here,” Frank said. “She was right behind me, moving as slow as a snail.” He darted into the vegetation and called Liz’s name.

A female’s voice echoed in the air and broke through the towering ferns. “Sarah, it’s me, Liz.” Cocking a brow, she said, “Your dress is on backwards. I can see how much you desperately want this divorce.” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.

Sarah bit her lip as she fixed and adjusted the material. There was no way she could explain her way out of this one.

“Listen, I don’t care about your love life. We’ve got big problems, sis! You’ve got to move fast, before it’s too late.”

“What about Victor?”

“Bring him with you!” She looked up at Victor. “Are you coming or not? If we don’t get a move-on, we’re all as good as dead.”

Victor drew himself up straight and spoke with authority, like a man who routinely gave out commands and expected them to be obeyed. “No, I am not coming. Now go get your father and husband so we can all discuss this.”

“Are you kidding me?” Liz didn’t seem to be fazed, and there was a smug look on her face. “What’s wrong with you? You can’t be as dense as you seem. Let me spell it out for you…You stay here, you’re dead. Now, I don’t really care about what happens to you, but I will not stand by and let you endanger my sister’s life any further.” Liz rushed at Victor, plunging her sword deep into his stomach.

A stabbing pain exploded in Sarah’s abdomen as Victor fell into the grass. “Liz! Wh-why did you stab him?” Sarah moaned, crumbling to the ground. “Where’s…where’s Frank?”

“Who cares? The guy’s a bore, but your husband? He’s a different story. I’ve seen him in battle, and he’s quite a glorious sight. When a neighboring king crossed him over the simplest matter, he took out his entire army without even blinking an eye. It is a good thing I caught him totally off guard.”

Sarah’s mouth opened to speak when Liz cut her off.

“Sorry about hurting lover-boy, but he’s not right for you. A lamb should never wed a wolf. Why would you marry the big, bad, scary warlord anyway?”

“You know why, and I hope you know if you kill him, you’ll kill me,” she managed to get out between gasping breaths.

Liz’s gaze narrowed. “Who said anything about killing him?”

“Liz, I’m begging you to stop this…please.”

Victor winced on the ground. For a moment, Sarah thought he was wincing with pain, and she almost hurried over to help him up. A second later, he rose to his feet, clutching his side, but the garish wound didn’t stop him as he inched forward. “Out of respect for your sister, put down the sword.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Liz whispered. In a burst of light, Victor lay on the ground, his feet and hands bound behind his back, a blindfold over his eyes. He struggled against his bindings. Liz obviously had her powers mastered. She laughed and said to Victor’s shocked expression, “It’s special rope meant to detain Immortals, so don’t waste your time thinking you can break free. Sorry I had to cover your eyes, but I can’t have you using your powers against me, now can I?”

Sarah grabbed Liz’s hand, ready to plead with her sister. “Why are you doing this, Liz? What’s wrong with you? You’re acting…weird. Just let him go.”

“No can do, sister dearest. He has a date with the Royal Court…and so do you.”

“What?” Sarah asked, staring into Liz’s cold, lifeless eyes. “You saw the future, Liz. They’re going to kill me—kill us all!”

“Sucks to be you.” Liz whipped out her sword and strode toward her.

“What’s wrong with you?” she yelled, jumping to her feet, unable to fathom why her own sister would be so deadest on hauling her off to court so the Immortals could whack her head off. It wasn’t the Liz she knew.
Maybe she’s…possessed or something, but by what? Who knows in this whacked-out place?

“Liz, please do not betray us like this!” yelled Victor. “I beg you, for the love of your sister!”

Sarah reached for Victor’s sword, sliding it out of his sheath in one swift motion just as Liz’s sword fell, savage and fierce. Sarah blocked the reckless blow as sparks flew.

“Not bad,” Liz said. She raised her iron blade again. “You’re a rare breed in this world, Sarah. Many women refuse to fight.”

“Well, that’s not me!” Sarah grunted as their swords clanged against each other in a series of mighty blows. With all her might, she kicked her opponent. Liz flew against a tree, sending splinters of bark through the air.

Laughing, Liz swung her sword, and again their blades collided. Liz stepped back and swung as Sarah dodged to the right, her shoulder grazed.

“Ouch! What was that for?” Sarah moaned.

“Just a little sisterly love.”

Sarah wondered how her crazy sister would fare in a two-on-one fencing match. She raced over to Victor, cutting his bindings in seconds.

Liz raised her sword for another blow.

All Sarah needed to do was get the sword out of her hands. She was sure that if she could get her to calm down for just one moment, she could figure out why she was so mad and acting insane. Sarah swung back with everything she had. Her blade sliced Liz’s chest, and silver—liquid—more like mercury than blood—came gushing out.
Crap! I…I didn’t mean to cut my sister! I only wanted to make her drop the weapon. Is that what Immortal blood looks like? No…it can’t be! Mine was red, like normal, when I got hit with the arrow, and so is Victor’s

Liz staggered back, grunting in pain. She fell to the ground, dropping her weapon to the grass with a soft

“Liz!” yelled Sarah, racing over and putting pressure on the wound. Waves of guilt flooded over her. “I’m so sorry.” Liz might’ve had a temporary lapse of insanity, but that was no excuse for her sister to stab her.

“Get away from her!” yelled Victor, holding up his sword. “Look at her blood! That’s not Liz.”

Sarah took a few steps back, and Victor yanked her away. Particles shifted in hues of light as Liz’s limbs twisted into some kind of unnatural shape. Dazzling crystals enveloped Liz, and fingernails extended, morphing into claws while teeth turned into fangs and feet turned into paws. A black leopard emerged with a roar that made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end.
A shape-shifter?
Before her mind could even function and she could make sense of it all, the animal pounced.

Victor jumped in front of Sarah, holding his blade high. As the leopard pounced forward, the sword cut through the animal’s flesh, sending it backward with a loud shriek. In another burst of light, it fell to the ground.

Oh my gosh! Frank was never even here at all! The shape-shifter…did it take his image right out of my head?
It must be able to dig thoughts out of my mind. Sarah let out a sigh of relief. It meant her friends were all still alive, not dead like the lying shape-shifter had claimed.

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