Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series)

Read Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series) Online

Authors: K. S. Haigwood,Ella Medler

BOOK: Eternal Island (Book 1 in the Eternal Series)
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By: K. S. Haigwood & Ella Medler


Copyright © K. S. Haigwood 2012


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review or article, without written permission from the author.


Dedicated to: You – If you are reading this, then this book is dedicated to you.


Acknowledgements: Kristie and Ella would like to give their sincere gratitude to the readers and all their writer friends that encouraged them to never stop following their dreams. None of this would have been possible without you.

Special thanks to Kate Cowan for the awesome cover and to Donnie Light for his equally awesome formatting.

Also the beta readers:

Don Martin

Liz Charriez-Cabrejos

Susan Griscom

Karli Rush

& to Jenay Walters who has been there since day 1. Thank you.


Mwah to you all! Happy Reading! =)


Eternal Island – A place where vampires rule, witches play, danger lurks and dreams really do come true.


There was no answer, but the nurse continued to hold the phone to her ear, distracted by the commotion in front of the elevator. Ariana Lochalan’s friends – her next of kin, if the notes in her file were correct – came in for a visit seemingly unaware of the fact that Ariana had been discharged three days previous. Now they were locked in some sort of argument over whose fault it was that someone died.

They were loud and disruptive, and under different circumstances they would have been escorted outside and encouraged to vent their frustrations on someone who cared. On this occasion, however, the nurse was quite happy to let them carry on where they were, because at least they were preoccupied enough to not pester her anymore.

They’d been quite insistent when they asked for details on Mrs. Lochalan’s
, as they called it, almost rude, she thought. How dare they insinuate that a high-standard institution such as Livenbrook Mental Hospital would just allow a stranger to walk in off the street and kidnap one of their patients?

True, Ariana Lochalan had been completely unresponsive on the day of her admission. Not physically hurt, but just in some sort of shock-induced coma. Unable to talk or move a muscle, so her miraculous recovery was, indeed, a mystery. The nurse clicked her computer keys a couple more times, looking for more information. Ariana Lochalan had apparently lost her husband and went into shock at the news. It was him the youngsters by the elevator were arguing about, she was quite sure.

She turned her head to look at them, trying to ascertain the degree of further abuse she would have to suffer from the couple, and cursing the fact that the Head Nurse would not be available at the exact moment she would be needed most. It had to happen on her shift.

To her surprise, the young lady and the man accompanying her, who had been so close to a boxing match a minute before, were now glued together at the lips. The nurse pulled the phone away from her ear, distracted.

“I’m scared, too, and I’ll never walk out on you again, Janie. I mean, what kind of boyfriend does that?” the young man said, and then gave the girl a nervous smile.

“Are you asking me out, Lance Harmon?” The girl’s face opened up in a huge smile.

“Well, I like you. I like you a lot.” He fidgeted with the buttons on his shirt. “I guess these last couple of weeks…”

“Yes,” she said, smiling up at him.

“Yes?” Lance looked up at her in disbelief, but a slow grin spread across his face as her bright smile confirmed is question. “Yes!” He picked Janie up and twirled her around the small area between the elevator and the nurse’s desk.

Classic. The nurse clicked emphatically on the ‘x’ at the top of the screen to close down the file and slapped the phone down on her desk.

The girl had heard her and immediately rushed over, a blur of emotions on her pale face, now mottled with pink-flushed patches.

“I’m sorry,” the nurse pre-empted a fresh influx of questions by speaking first. “I’ve done my best but I can’t get hold of the nurses who were on duty Wednesday night. If anything else turns up I’ll let you know.”

The nurse could tell Janie was on the verge of screaming at her, but the girl checked herself at the last minute and started to cry instead. She put her hand over her mouth and sobbed, great dollops of tears streaming down her pretty face. Lance pulled her into his arms and let her fall apart.

“Come on, let’s go to the police station and file a missing persons report, then we’ll go to Mr. and Mrs. Lochalan’s house and let them know what’s going on. You’re going to stay with me tonight. I don’t want you at Ariana and Michael’s all alone.” Lance plucked a Kleenex from the box on the nurse’s desk and pressed it into Janie’s hand. “Here, wipe your eyes and blow your nose. We’ll figure this out together,” Lance said as Janie nodded and wiped her tears away.

It was heartbreaking to see the kid so upset. The nurse looked up and spoke calmly, aiming to soothe.

“I will keep you informed, I promise. Janie?” she checked. Janie nodded. “I’ve got your number right here, dear,” the nurse patted a worn organizer. “It’s probably a simple misunderstanding that will be sorted out in no time at all. Don’t distress yourself unnecessarily.”

Janie nodded fervently and allowed Lance to tow her to the elevator doors. Her sobs had subsided to faint hiccups by the time they disappeared from view.


Three Days Earlier


Over a thousand miles away, Abe walked into Rainey’s lair just like he had weekly for over seventeen years. Rainey was a very talented psychic and witch but, more importantly, she was
psychic witch that had evidently been sent to him by God. And he knew there must be a God because the big guy had a sense of humor, judging by the unbroken sequence of bad news he received on a regular basis.

It was Tuesday, so Abe figured Rainey’s summons for him tonight had nothing to do with Code Red or any other light-hearted activity on the island, but was possibly just another look into his future, and he braced for the inevitable bad news. If vampires could get ill, his stomach would’ve turned every time he saw her number on his cell phone. Rainey had never given him any good news – a hell of a track record for any psychic.

The corner of his lips lifted as he allowed himself to imagine her doing readings in a fair’s canvas tent. Would she be able to scrounge any good news at all for her customers, enough to make a living? He chuckled. Nah. They’d all be fleeing in terror. Humans were not designed to cope with the amount of bad luck he endured on a day-to-day basis.

Abe would have preferred to just accept the bad stuff when it came instead of knowing about it beforehand. Except for his first reading from Rainey, there hadn’t been one single time he could change or even guard against future events. He wondered fleetingly why he even bothered torturing himself like this – the world would keep on doing its own thing at its own pace regardless.

“Madam Rainey, Max said you requested to see me,” Abe spoke with a nervous quiver of lips that failed to form a smile.

She grinned serenely back at him. They played this proper game often, the same exchange of words, the same smile, maybe a little shakier on his part lately. It was quite comical, really, coming from the two least proper people on the island.

“Yes, High Vampire, I did. I see things are about to change for you.”

Goody, there’s a surprise, Abe’s eyebrows shot up and returned to their rightful places while she got busy picking up stones and throwing them on a platter already laden with sticks and a dark red liquid that eerily resembled blood, but lacked the smell – he tasted the air with his tongue – and flavor.

He walked closer and sat down beside her. “It can’t be good news, or we all would be having a party instead of just you and me hiding in your warren, looking at some rocks and sticks and stuff.”

Rainey gave him a sly smile. “It’s true I don’t offer you good news often–”


“Often,” she insisted. “But you should be grateful you still have your wits.”

“Sometimes I wonder how I manage that.”

Rainey let out a heavy breath and stared him down for a moment, like you would a misbehaving child. “Are you done moaning or would you like some more time? I simply assumed you would want to hear the news and decide which path to take before the island found out and chose a path for you.”

“I answer to no one,” Abe growled.

“Yes, and aren’t we all aware of that, oh, honored Sire?” she said with a roll of her eyes. “This decision has to do with the whole vampire community, and I think they will feel a little different about it than you will.” Rainey’s expression changed from scathing to warm, loving even. She continued in a quiet voice. “You see, this fortune is about you finding your soulmate, and if you choose this path there will be no way you could stop it from happening. I see you falling madly in love with a human girl, and she is… well… she’s beautiful, Abe.”

“Human?” he asked, disgusted. “Don’t you mean vampess? And besides, it’s ridiculous to even think I would fall in love. I have walked the earth for nine hundred fifty four years and never once felt there was more use to a vampess than to satisfy a sexual craving. I find any relationship,” the word twisted in his mouth, “annoying.”

He stretched his long legs, crossed his ankles and leaned back in the chair. “I seldom enjoy even that. Love is not for me. You’ve got this all wrong, Rainey.”

His black hair was longer than he normally wore it and Rainey could tell it had been a while since he had fed. Fatigue and stress radiated out of his aura. She stood and walked to the cabinet that held her herbs, potions and spell books. She rummaged for a bit and then emerged with a crystal ball in her hands.

An abrupt chuckle escaped Abe’s lips at her choice of fortune-telling tools. So cliché, Rainey, he thought.

Rainey stopped, hand on hip.” Are you questioning my wisdom, or my forecasts?” she asked then returned to her station and began moving her hands over the ball.

He hesitated. “No, neither. I…”

Rainey stopped suddenly. “I am certain you will fall in love. It is a very powerful love, one that only first-sight attraction could engender. Now, just for once, I need you to shut up and trust me, and choose your path wisely.”

She held silent, testing him. He was quiet, too, frowning at the fire in her words. She was one of few he allowed to speak their opinion. But that was because no matter how much he hated to admit it, Rainey was always right about her fortunes.

He didn’t know what he wanted. He didn’t get the
idea at all. Love happened to other people, normal people; it was the stuff of fairy tales and musicals. He was a damn vampire, for Christ’s sake, with a lot of responsibility and a good, healthy attitude towards satisfying natural urges, be they of a sexual nature or not.

Rainey was watching the play of emotion on his face. She looked serious, all teasing gone from her features, maybe a little sad even. “If you do not ever want love, get up and leave now. Your life and everyone else’s will remain the same. Nothing will change. But hear me, Abe, you will never in your existence have a chance to love again. If you choose the path to love, your life will change for the better, but that, too, is a very bumpy road. I sense there are people, some with very loud, strong voices, who will not be pleased to see your life warmed by love.”

Abe started laughing, but stopped abruptly when Rainey didn’t join in. Was she serious?

“You are mad, woman. Okay, for argument’s sake, I will choose love. Let’s see you pull this one out of your witch’s ha–”

Before Abe could get the word
out of his mouth, Rainey turned her crystal ball toward him. His eyes fixated on the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on.

Rainey smiled. “See, Sire, I am never wrong about my readings. You
in love, are you not? And she
a girl, a human girl, not a vampess.”

Abe jumped to his feet so fast he almost fell over a low table. All the confusion in his mind had scrambled his ability to think and his motor function, too, it seemed.

Eyes glued to the woman in Rainey’s ball, he felt as if there was no air to breathe, his body was consumed by flames and his head was about to burst. There was a strong ache in his chest where his heart had once beat, and nothing else in the world could make him tear his gaze away from the angel in the glass ball. The world could have come to an end right there and then – it wouldn’t have mattered. The swirl of thought and passion in his mind was impossible to settle. Only one thing was certain: he had to have her, he had to touch her face, he had to make love to this, this… human angel.

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