Read Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: T.J. Michaels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Paranormal, #Collections & Anthologies

Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (30 page)

BOOK: Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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Then she moved.

Shit. So much warm slick flesh slid against his, while her cunt pulled on him, begged for the very thing he was trying to hold back. Lowering his head, Rahn sought her lips and poured all his desire and every downright nasty inclination into that lip lock. Her tongue boldly tasted his, joined in a magical dance that sent his head spinning as he slowly eased deeper into her body.

The walls of her sweet channel closed in around his length and squeezed. The woman was absolutely delicious. So wet, tight and his.

The exquisite friction of sliding his hardness into her hot, sopping flesh sent a tremor clear down to the fine hairs on his toes. Rahn couldn’t let another second tick by without having them joined lip to lip, chest to chest and cock to pussy.

The inside of Chrys’ strong thighs rubbed against his hips as she wrapped her legs around him. Settling her heels into the base of his spine, she tightened her grip and urged him deeper. God, the woman squeezed him everywhere—cock, waist, spine. Not to mention the arms wrapped firmly around his back, holding him so tight, he struggled to breathe. Then again, the demanding rhythm of Chrys’ hips keeping time with every thrust of his rod may have had something to do with the lack of air in his lungs. She sucked the very life out of him. And damn, he liked it.

“God, love, you feel so good wrapped around my cock.” Rahn eased out slowly, his throbbing erection coated with her dewy juices. “Come for me, Chrys.” A ruthless, balls-deep plunge back into her depths. “Come around my cock. Milk me, love.”

Her eyes were glazed over with passion. Her answering pant and moan preceded a gentle nudge against his shoulders. Reluctantly, he eased his weight off her and pushed up on his palms. Rahn sucked in a shallow breath at the rush of air flowing between them, cooling the heated flesh of his pecs. That single breath remained locked in his airway after Chrys’ hand disappeared into the space between their bodies.

His stomach muscles clenched wildly as her fingers traipsed over the ridges. But she didn’t stop there. The woman teased past his abs and wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock just as he pushed forward into her pussy again.

“If I go, you go…oh, oh,” she squealed.

The inviting “O” of her luscious lips made him wish he had two cocks, one for her mouth and one for her pussy. Eyes closed, he knew the moment her fingers reached her clit. The quiver and pulse of her sex was immediate.

Death was imminent. There was no way he’d survive such exquisite pleasure. The sensation of her cunt encircling him, combined with the fingers traveling from her clit back to the base of his cock over and over again, shredded any bit of imagined control.

“Oh god, fuck me!” she demanded.

He drove into her, then pulled back until just the flared head remained inside. Then buried himself again. Fast. Faster.

She panted and moaned, mixing an occasional “Oh my god!” with Rahn’s own wild grunting.

Just before he went up in flames, Rahn lowered his head and sank his teeth into the soft flesh between Chrys’ shoulder and neck. Not enough to draw blood, but enough to still the wild thrashing and clawing as she sought her own release.

With a final thrust of his hips, he slammed into her cervix with a mix of pleasure and pain. Sleek pussy walls pulsed around his erupting cock and they came together with an intensity that yanked a roar of completion from his throat and a sensual scream from Chrys.

His arms gave out and he collapsed on top of her. He sighed while her fingers lazily traced the bones of his spine through the light sheen of sweat cooling on his skin. Sliding toward what he knew would be the sweetest sleep he’d had in a while, he was taken by surprise when Chrys flipped them over, her sweet cunt still clasped around his softening cock.

Mimicking his behavior of only moments before, she bit into his thick trapezius muscle between neck and shoulder. The sting of the bite sent a blazing rush of blood to reawaken his cock. He’d never recovered this quickly before, yet here he was instantly hard and just as hungry for the woman as the first time.

Thank god Chrys was already impaled on his flesh. There was nothing to delay him pumping like a madman while she kept a grip on his neck.

She bit down harder. He bucked like an unbroken bronco and she rode him like the most experienced cowgirl until they once again fell apart in each other’s arms.



Chapter Eight


Rahn rolled over with a groan. The goofy grin on his face disappeared when his hand made contact with a cold pillow where Chrys’ head should have been.

“Damned woman. Why can’t she stay where I put her?”

Mahpiya yawned big in his head. *
It will take more than a bite on the neck to tame that one. Then again, perhaps you do not wish to tame her at all

Hmm. Well, maybe not. After all, the whiny doormat type had never appealed to Rahn. Chrys was his equal in every way. She was a hell of an undercover agent, educated, honorable, loyal. She didn’t take any crap off anyone for any reason, but also knew when to negotiate. And she’d try her best to kick his ass if he ever pissed her off enough and then was stupid enough to let his guard down. Yes, she was a challenge. A worthy mate.

Their mating was far from complete, but last night had certainly been a fabulous start. Now all he had to do was get her to accept him completely, to accept what they were to each other. And he was certainly up to the task.

He ducked back into his bedroom for a quick shower. Dressed in nothing but a pair of comfortable jeans, Rahn grabbed his secure satellite phone off the nightstand and spoke into the voice recognizer.

“Dial Mother Hubbard.”

After a few
, ringing sounded through the earpiece.

“Stud, here.”

“Hey, Geri. Just checking in.”

“How’s the investigation going?”

“The captain has provided me with more good information. And since I can’t get him to stay out of this, we’ve come up with a plausible excuse for him to accompany me here and yon. He’s going to play tour guide.”

“And how’s Chrys?”

“A handful if ever she was, Geri.”

“Has she figured out anything since the last time we talked?”

“Hell, no. But if I know Chrys, she’s just not saying anything.”

“You’ve got that right, Rahn. Just be careful. If you get hurt on this mission, Chrys will have your head. If she hasn’t, er, had it already.”

“A gentleman wouldn’t dare go there. But I will say that I certainly have a better reason to be on this ship than finding a serial killer.”

“Is that reason about five-foot-nothing with a muscular build, short wavy hair and brown eyes?”

“Actually, yes. I’ll call you when I have something more to report, all right, boss?”

“Right. Mother Hubbard, out.”

He snapped the phone closed and stuffed it in the back pocket of his jeans. Barefooted, he padded to the kitchen, pulled some fresh greens from the fridge and sat them on the built-in chopping board on the counter.

Suddenly, he wasn’t in the mood to cook. In fact, he didn’t want to eat either, not unless Chrys was on the menu.

Leaning against the nearest wall, Rahn reached out along the bond with his spirit guide.


Her ears perked forward. *
, hoksila?*

‘Where is my mate?’

Shouldn’t you know?
* she teased.

But, yeah, he should know. And if he had anything to say about it, he would know from now on.

‘Mah, would you mind…’

Yes, I know, my dear. Would I mind asking my Adonei where she is?

He felt like a little kid again, but smashed down his pride and muttered, ‘Uh, yes, ma’am.’

After a moment of silence, Mah’s thoughts filled his head along with the images she’d borrowed from Adonei. Chrys was in the exact spot he’d found her yesterday morning—in their private hot tub.

He picked up the phone and dialed the food service people.

“Hello, this is Rahn Benson in 15E. We require the service of the personal chef for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have a menu in mind. If you can have a chef arrive within the hour, he can fix all the meals and we’ll reheat them later. Oh, and I’ll leave the front door unlocked. We’ll be busy.”

Rahn hung up the phone, strode to his room and dropped his jeans in the middle of the floor. The glass doors that led from his room to the balcony moved on silent tracks. He stepped out and there she was. Arms spread wide, head thrown back and resting on the edge of the tub, Chrys looked to be asleep. Then a forearm moved, bent at the elbow until a hand settled on her right breast and caressed with care. Her head rolled from one shoulder to the other. She sighed and dropped her hand back to the side of the tub.

Damn, she had such lovely breasts. Rahn could see the outline of her nipple straining against the fabric of her royal blue bikini from here. And the stiff little peak called his name, begged him to come set it loose so it could greet the morning sunshine.

Rahn padded to greet his mate.


* * * * *


My god, what was she going to do? How the hell was she supposed to make it through this whole vacation with both her heart and pussy intact with a virile man like Rahn sharing her apartment?

Did she want him? Absolutely. But what if it didn’t work out again?

The man seemed to be all into her right now, but what if he changed his mind?

Chrys tilted her head back to rest against the ledge of the hot tub. She tried to relax and let the hot bubbling water melt away her troubles. A glass of her favorite juice sat at her fingertips. A wisp of smoke from her favorite Kahlua mini-cigar floated up and mingled with the steam of the hot tub. And she hadn’t taken a single sip or puff. None of it appealed, given the butterflies dive-bombing her stomach.

Then she thought of how she’d tiptoed from her own bed in the early hours of the morning, and the butterflies were driven off by a band of ravaging ravens. She really needed help here.


I am here, Chrysalyn. Shall I come to you?

Her throat clogged with unexplainable tears. ‘Yes, please.’

Adonei’s powerful tawny body shimmered into view next to the hot tub just within arm’s reach. Chrys stretched her arm toward him and sank her fingers into the thick dark mane. He turned questioning brown-sugar eyes on her, and suddenly she wanted to hide, to sink under the turbulent water until it was over her head.

Why are you so upset, Chrysalyn?

‘Because I don’t know what to say or how to act the next time I see Rahn. Sure, he did the you-my-woman thing last night. In fact, he did it quite well.’ Her womb fluttered at the memory of what a fantastic lover Rahn had been. Every touch had brought her pleasure. No awkward moments. No missteps or blunders. It had been, in a word, perfect. ‘But that doesn’t mean he’ll be as sure about this, this…whatever it is between us now that morning is here.’

Woman, you make no sense. You had no problem facing him after coming together in the warm pool before

‘Hot tub, Adonei,’ she huffed.

As you wish. However, if you were able to face him then, you can face him now. He is your mate, you are meant to be. He knows this as well as you, yes?

‘Yes, I know he’s my mate.’ A deep sigh followed the admission she didn’t think she’d ever make, simply because she hadn’t expected to have Rahn.

Then why would he not want you as much in the light of day as he did under the light of the moon?

‘It’s just that before, when we had a chance to be together, it didn’t work out. And, well…hell, you know what happened. You were my spirit guide, after all.’

Yes, the spirit guide who tried to tell you

‘I know, Adonei, I know. You tried to tell me I was tripping and that he wasn’t serious about the woman he was working that case with.’

Yet you still chose to become engaged with that dreadful what’s-his-name.

Chrys grimaced. Sheesh, talk about the disaster of a lifetime. And she’d been so determined to walk into the disaster just to make Rahn jealous, it took her almost-mom-in-law disclosing the secret from hell to shake her resolve—she would have been wife number four. And it wasn’t just the number of marriages that made her back up and take stock, it was the fact the asshole hadn’t told her then, and still wouldn’t own up to it. Not to mention the way he’d gotten rid of wife number one. The sneaky bastard had movers come while he was at work, pack the woman up and ship her off. When he got home that evening, he was happily wifeless.

Unfortunately, by the time Chrys had come to her senses and broken off the engagement, Rahn had moved back to London.

Now here she was with a second chance to be with the man of her dreams and fear had her damn near paralyzed…unless she was in his arms being fucked silly, of course. In truth, other than the constant state of horny-ness since Rahn showed up on her doorstep, Chrys was scared down to her toes.

Do not worry, woman. There are events in motion larger than yourself. And they are all good things. Trust your instincts and listen to your guide. Neither of us has ever led you astray, yes?

‘Yes, you’re right. Thanks, Adonei.’

Of course, I am right
,* he sniffed, all smug male lion.

His ever-present place in her mind lessened and the big cat’s corporeal form glimmered and faded. Her stomach knotted nervously.

Chrys scented Rahn as he approached and almost groaned. She hadn’t had time to completely process the meaning of the explosive bout of lovemaking—scratch that—no-holds-barred jungle fucking they’d done on the living room floor. There was no way she could handle a confrontation with him right now.

Adonei popped back in long enough to say, *
And you know it will be a confrontation because…?

‘Oh hush, already,’ she admonished.

BOOK: Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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