Read Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set Online

Authors: T.J. Michaels

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Anthologies, #Paranormal, #Collections & Anthologies

Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set (37 page)

BOOK: Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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“So, the good captain’s few minutes turned into almost an hour. But the details he passed to me were good ones. Someone got a decent look at our suspect.”

“What? That’s great news.” She turned in his arms and hugged him around the waist. Pushing away, she headed into the dining room and snapped off the light. Rahn trailed behind her, watching her check and double-check that each light was turned off.

“Still annoyed I’m not ready and dressed for our dinner date?”

“Me? Annoyed? Never,” Chrys laughed playfully. “Now hurry up and shower already. Every owner I’ve spoken to has complained about how hard it is to get reservations for this place, and we own the whole damned boat. Our seating time is 8:00 p.m.”

“What time is it now?”

The roll of her eyes should have answered the question clearly. “It’s 7:58 p.m., sir.”

“Well, why don’t you go on ahead? I’ll meet you downstairs at the restaurant. The fancy highfalutin Japanese one, right?”

“Yep, that’s the one.” She still moved around the apartment in an endless stride. Now she was checking the locks on the glass doors that led to the deck.

“Hey, I turned on the shower for you already. Move it, handsome,” Chrys called from across the expanse of the den and disappeared into his old bedroom, now termed the “guestroom”, to complete the security check. He couldn’t blame her. If she hadn’t done it, he would have. In their line of work, it became second nature after a while, almost a nightly ritual of sorts.

Shucking his clothes on the way to the master bath, Rahn couldn’t ignore the sense of foreboding that rode him like a damned cowboy rode a bucking bronco. He simply couldn’t shake it.

Mah, go with Chrys and your mate to the restaurant. I’ll shower quickly and meet you in about ten minutes

Mahpiya’s presence dimmed. Chrys’ giggle from the living room told him that she and Mah were probably teasing the hell out of poor Adonei about something or another.

Males. They just couldn’t get a break. And god help them when the two women got together and ganged up on them. Witty, smart. Damned merciless. And he wouldn’t have them any other way.

Soothing hot water felt good sluicing over his sore muscles. He and Chrys had sparred every day for the last three days that the ship had been in port in Greece. The woman packed a wallop and gave as good as she got. If he’d had time, he would have rather soaked in the hot tub to loosen up the tense muscles and soothe the knots and bruises up and down his back. The woman had really worked him over. He’d taken it easy on her, but Rahn was sure there were a few choice spots where she could stand a soak.

He was soaping up when Chrys walked in. Neatly arranged on a set of hangers were his favorite suit and a shirt-tie combination that matched her dress. She headed straight to the closet and hung it up. On her way out, she stopped, did a double take then backed up five steps.

“Dayum! You look so yummy.” She slid her fingers over the glass, leaving trails across the steam-covered glass. “Too bad the Mastersens are meeting us for dinner, otherwise…”

The words hung in the air as those same fingers teased over the swell of her breasts, as her little pink tongue peeked at him from the corner of her mouth.

Heat crept up Rahn’s neck, and it wasn’t from the shower. When the woman touched herself like that, said things like that, he couldn’t help but feel…well, flattered. Nobody affected him like Chrys. No one could make him feel sexy, cherished and wanted like she did.

“Well, that’s all right,” she sighed dramatically. “I’ll get mine later. On top.”

His cock shot to attention.

She grinned and practically skipped from the bathroom. “See you in ten minutes.”

Damned tease. But she was his damned tease.

A few minutes later, he stepped out of the shower and stood for a moment, breathing in the thick humid air. Chrys had left the bathroom door open, but her scent lingered. It never ceased to amaze him what a simple whiff of the woman did to his nervous system. His poor cock should be crying out for mercy by now, rather than begging him to call her on her cell and tell her they were having dinner in bed.

Drying quickly, he ducked into the cedar-lined walk-in closet. A smile kicked up one side of his mouth when he saw the underwear and socks sitting perfectly folded on the shelf for him.

She was such a neat freak. Good thing she didn’t expect him to be one.

He’d just zipped up his pants when a faint rustle caught his attention. Chrys must have forgotten something.

Rahn walked out of the closet. His stocking feet touched the steam-dampened tile of the bath area when he met pain so intense, the breath froze in his throat. The muscles of his back seized and twitched. From behind, cold steel twisted and plunged deep into his body, separating his ribs to pierce the organs underneath.

And he knew he was a dead man.


* * * * *


With a smile at the light banter going on in her head, Chrys followed an immaculately clean waiter through the restaurant. Rice paper lanterns sent a gentle glow from the center of each large circular table. Japanese kanji symbols strategically placed along the walls and the rich red cinnabar ornaments here and there, gave a feeling of “rightness” to the atmosphere. She wasn’t really into Feng Shui, and doubted the decorators of this Japanese restaurant were either, considering the art was of Chinese origins. Either way, her spirit guides seemed to love the energy of the place.

Chrys settled down in her chair, sat back and allowed a sense of peace and relaxation to envelop her—something she hadn’t felt since she learned of the case Rahn was working.

The Mastersens were seated and already sipping on frozen, delicious-looking green cocktails. Several couples Chrys didn’t recognize were in the middle of ordering the same thing when Mrs. Mastersen spoke to her.

“Chrysalyn, dear,” Mrs. Matersen beamed. “I’m so glad you could join us for dinner. You must try one of these. It’s a Midori Sunrise and tastes like tropical paradise.”

Mrs. Mastersen was an all-out chatterbox. On the way back aboard ship on Ibiza, the woman had amused Chrys when she’d spotted the bag of specialty cigars she’d purchased. She’d introduced herself and her husband, then asked to try one without an ounce of shame. Gray-haired, feisty and carefree, the two were enjoying their retired years sailing around the world. Chrys had loved them on sight.

“Your dress is downright sexy, young lady. Now where is that delightfully handsome beau of yours? And he let you out looking like that? He’d better be careful or Harold here might put the moves on you. Mr. Mastersen was quite the rake in his day. Still has great skill…”

Chrys wondered if the woman had taken a single breath.

“And even after all these years, he still makes sure I come before he does.”

Chrys coughed on the iced water she’d been sipping. Way more information than she needed to know. Clearing her throat, a quiet giggle escaped between words.

“Thank you for the compliment on my dress, ma’am. As for Rahn, an earlier outing took a bit longer than he thought.”

Captain Laurens sat down at the head of the table and said, “That would be my fault, I’m afraid. Hope we didn’t put too much of a dent in your plans.”

Chrys smiled and said, “When I left, Rahn was getting ready. He sends his apologies and should be walking in the door any minute now. So, I think I’ll order his drink for him. Waiter?” Chrys called, and another smartly dressed young man headed her way. “I’d like a glass of your best chilled rice wine for my, er, friend. And I’ll have one of those green things, please.”

“Friend, eh?” Mrs. Mastersen gawked excitedly. “How fabulous for you, my dear. You’ve dated a while, have you?”

“We’ve worked together for more than six years and know each other well.” The rest of it was none of anyone’s business. Out of nowhere, the image of Rahn in the shower burst into her thoughts.

I am sure my charge would blush if he knew what you were thinking just now. Can you think of nothing but his cock?
” Mahpiya whispered to Chrys, her tongue lolling to the side.

‘Oh, hush up, you. You’re not supposed to tell all my secrets, and I can tell from the way the bond feels that Adonei is listening in.’

Of course I am listening in. It is my job, is it not?
* Adonei sniffed indignantly, then turned to Mah, fussing. *
And do you have to speak so boldly regarding your charge’s private parts?

Chrys almost laughed out loud. Didn’t he know by now not to set himself up like that? Before she could form a single smart-assed response, Mah was all over him.

My dear Adonei, I believe you are in need of schooling, and given your old age
,* Mah paused for dramatic effect, *
you know I certainly do not have to use the word cock. I have been a spirit guide for eons. There are many other ways to express myself, mate.*

Chrys clamped her lips together, picked up her water and sipped, trying to hide the smile at the corner of her lips. Oh, boy, here it comes.

I could have called it by some of the other words I have heard over the years, like bacon bazooka…

Bacon what?
* Adonei queried, his brow pulled down in a confused frown.

Do you not like that word? ‘Tis much better than cock, don’t you think? No? Perhaps pork sword?

What is it with you and pig meat?
* Adonei groaned, clearly wishing he hadn’t said anything.

Fine. No more pork. So what about tally whacker? Tickle-gizzard? Wanker? Tube steak?

Chrys’ own eyebrows flew up at that last one. Tube steak? Eww. Adonei swiped a huge paw at Mah, but the lioness dodged it with a laugh and simply kept right on.

Maypole? Meat whistle? Milk bone? Mr. Happy?

Adonei rolled his eyes and grumbled something about the Great Spirit’s sense of humor and boneheaded mates.

Suddenly, the muscled body of the tawny-haired lioness stiffened. Alarm and no small amount of fear streaked down the bond and settled in the pit of Chrys’ stomach.

‘What? What is it?’ Chrys demanded, thinking the lions were upset because Eden was headed their way. The man walked right up to the captain, bowed low and managed, yet again, to insinuate himself into their plans. But it wasn’t Eden. It was something else.

Mahpiya’s head swung from side to side as if she were looking for something. After a moment or two of soft, seeking roars, her shaken gaze turned inward to Chrys and Adonei. The lioness’s answer was laced with undisguised panic. Something Chrys never imagined to see or hear from the great huntress.

My charge! He is gone! I cannot feel or hear him
,* Mahpiya wailed even as Adonei tried to sooth his distraught mate with broad strokes of his tongue just behind her ear.

Chrys squirmed in her chair in a subdued version of the pee-pee dance. “Excuse me, you all. I need to take a trip to the powder room.” Glad no one questioned her, she grabbed her little clutch purse and scooted back from the table, keeping her movements slow and deliberate.

Out in the hallway, Chrys ducked past the entrance to the ladies’ room and hurried down the hall, speaking to her spirit guides. She tried to ease Mahpiya, who paced nervously at the forefront of her mind,

It’ll be all right. Nothing short of death could take a charge from his spirit guide
,* Adonei reminded them both.

That’s what I am afraid of
,* Mahpiya screeched.

Adonei nipped the skin just above her shoulder with a muted growl, steel grit behind every word. Mahpiya stilled, startled into a quiet contemplation.

You will cease this negative talk of your charge. Speeding negative thoughts or energy his way will gain you nothing.Come with me, now
,* he demanded with the quiet authority only an alpha could pull with one so great as Mahpiya.

Before Chrysalyn’s eyes, the air in front of her shimmered and blurred as the two big cats took on their corporeal forms. It was the first time Adonei had ever come to her in this form without being summoned. She didn’t hesitate.

‘Both of you go ahead of me. Find Rahn.’

Adonei turned to Mahpiya and said, *
We hunt, my love

With a nod of her large regal head, Mahpiya agreed and let out a ground rumbling roar that would have frightened the stoutest heart. They turned and took off in opposite directions.

Walking as quickly as her high-heeled sandals would allow, Chrys moved quietly down the hallways and toward their apartment.

Moments later, Adonei pushed into her mind. What he reported made her strip off her shoes and tuck them under her arm. Her slender fingers dipped down into the front of her dress to retrieve her apartment key as she ran like the wind.

‘Oh, no, Rahn. Rahn, don’t you dare die, damn it,’ Chrys ordered along the bond with their spirit guides, knowing they would both send her thoughts and feelings along to Rahn the same way they sped his current state to her. He was there, but just barely hanging on to the edge of consciousness. But based on Mahpiya’s slight sighs of relief, it was more than there had been when she’d reached out to him mere moments ago.

Chrys burst through the front door, dropping her shoes and purse in the foyer. A quick stop in the kitchen for the first-aid kit, and she was off again, following Adonei’s specific directions through the apartment. She knew exactly where to find him—on the master bathroom floor, bare-chested in a pool of his own blood. The tile was so slick with it, she almost skidded as she sped over the threshold. Dropping to her knees, the first-aid kit landed next to his too-still body with a loud clank. The gash in his side bled profusely. Afraid to move him, but knowing she must, Chrys called to the spirit guides waiting to aid her.

Adonei, lend me your strength
,* she grunted, trying to roll Rahn over on her own.

The lion’s brute strength rushed into her muscles, filling them with supernatural might, heightening not only her own strength, but all of her senses as well. The scent of Rahn’s blood and freshly showered skin and hair filled her nose and mouth. The sound of his shallow, barely there breathing spilled over her and filled her with an urgency mixed with a strange dose of melancholy.

BOOK: Eternally Bound: Paranormal Romance Boxed Set
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