e.Vampire.com (29 page)

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Authors: Scarlet Black

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires

BOOK: e.Vampire.com
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She hesitated for a moment before slapping the cuffs on and securing them.

“I hope you know where the key is Jennifer. Or do you plan to keep me locked up as your sex slave forever?” His voice was both amused and seductive.

“Lie down on the bed and don’t move,” she said.
My God, having total control over him was intoxicating,
she thought.

“Are you going to fuck me, Jennifer? Make me yours?”

“No. I’m not. I’m going to
make love
to you. We’re doing it my way, remember? I own you. You
mine,” she whispered breathlessly, draping her body completely on top of his.

She kissed him hard, pulling his head back by the hair, holding him prone with her hand, her body and her mouth. Her
kisses grew more demanding. She moved her mouth down his chest to his nipples, kissing and licking them, while sliding her hand down between his legs and taking hold of his manhood. She moved her fingers up and down the shaft, cupped his balls and lightly tapped them with her fingers before taking the whole of him in her hand, squeezing him from the base to the head. She kneaded the tip in a slow circular motion.

She heard him sigh and whisper “Jennifer.”

Without word she mounted him, pushing down until his manhood completely filled her.
This position was the best yet,
she thought.
I can feel him deep inside me

She moved up and down, gaining momentum, until she was riding him fast, her hands firmly planted on his chest. She looked into his eyes, watch
ing his pleasure, his eyes half closed, his mouth slightly parted. He pushed his hips up to meet hers.

“Ride me as hard as you want,” he murmured, breathless.

She rode him with wild abandon, moving in a carnal frenzy, throwing her head back and moaning loudly, her fingernails digging into the skin on his chest hard, when the first wave of ecstasy hit her, “Oh. . . Dorian!” She cried out, as the second and third wave hit her and she came in an earth shattering climax.

She watched his face. His eyes fluttered, his breathing became shallow. He called out her name when he came.

She lay on top of him, completely satisfied. He was still inside her. She never wanted to move again.

“Perhaps you can take the hand-cuffs off now, Jennifer. I want to hold you in my
arms crush you to me and kiss you madly.”

“Oh alright, I’ll let you go. Although, I do like holding you captive.” She teased.

“You don’t need hand-cuffs to hold me to you. You completely captivated me long before tonight.”








Chapter 25


Dorian went to work Friday night. Jennifer was meeting her friends for drinks at a small outdoor bar on South Beach. He’d told Ian to have no less than three men keep an eye on her all night. Ian didn’t question him. The man knew how vicious the vampires of e.Vampire.com could be, especially Malachi.

And then there was Shane, Malachi’s assistant. He never smiled and was truly afraid of his boss. Dorian felt sorry for him, but he was also weary of the man because he would most likely do anything, no matter how distasteful to avoid Malachi’s wrath.

Dorian looked at the ruins of his desk. It was worse than usual. He hadn’t been in his office in days. He’d shown up only for the brief pre-dawn meetings. During those meetings, his mind was on Jennifer, but his eyes were on Malachi.

He hadn’t spoken a single word to Dorian since their last conversation. He stared at Dorian throughout with a menacing and utterly chilling smile on his face. Dorian knew the look was a warning of sorts. So far he’d been able to keep a close watch on Jennifer. Was it realistic to believe he could protect her indefinitely?

He noticed something else during those meetings. All of the other vampires ignored him, yet they gave their full attention to Malachi. He was gaining their loyalty. Dorian, who was spending most of his time with mortals wasn’t.

Dorian looked out the window. Twilight was coming earlier now that fall had arrived. He was able to rise by 7:15 each night.

He sighed, went back to his desk and started sorting through the paperwork. He answered a ton of e-mails quickly and efficiently. Sometimes it was good to be a vampire. He was thankful for the gift of speed.

Malachi came strolling in, sat in the chair directly in front of Dorian’s desk, and crossed his arms. “You finally showed up. I
take it your human whore is busy this evening,” he said sarcastically.

Dorian gave him a dirty look and went back to sorting papers.

“Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away, Dorian. If you think I’ve forgotten our last talk you’re sadly mistaken, my friend.”

“I’ve not forgotten. Just what the hell do you want from me, Malachi? If you think I’m going to profess my love for you, get down on my knees and give you a blow job, you’re crazy. I will never be your lover.
. Why can’t you just let this go? I’m not harming anyone.”

“Yes you are. You’re harming me and the others. They feel you pulling away. You spend absolutely no time with any of them. I want things to go back to the way they were. I told you, sex wasn’t the issue, although I’d be lying if I said I don’t want you. I can wait forever if necessary. After all, the clock does not tick away time for us. But it does for her.”

“I need her Malachi,” Dorian blurted out, forgetting this creature was void of any compassion or love. His understanding of love had less to do with emotion than possession. He believed he owned him and didn’t want to let him go.

“You’ll get over her in time. And when you do, I’ll be here. I’ll always be the one you come back too. You simply have no choice.”

“And if I don’t?” Dorian’s anger rose to the surface. He felt his eyes burn and was sure they’d turned a preternatural bright red.

“You cannot protect her from us. No matter how hard you try. We can get to her. And we will. It’s just a matter of when.”

Dorian swallowed hard, biting back his anger. He had to keep her safe, no matter what the cost and he was sure it would be high. If it were as simple as giving Malachi his body, as repulsive as he found such a thing, he would do it. He knew full well the cost would be much greater than that. The price would be devastating.

“Tell me what you require of me,” Dorian said quietly.

“Stop seeing her. Let her go or I’ll kill her. Soon.”

Dorian’s heart skipped a beat. His mind was caught in a whirlwind. He tried to think the problem through, to find a satisfactory solution. One that didn’t involve letting her go. He couldn’t come up with one. He loved her enough to put her safety above all else.

Dorian nodded reluctantly. “I need one more night with her Malachi. Just one. You owe me that much. Because you have no idea on earth what you’re asking me to give up.”

“Very well.” Malachi rose. “Have your last fling if you must. But be warned. You cannot see her or contact her ever again thereafter. You’ll come back to me where you belong.”

“Give me your word, Malachi. Tell me you’ll never harm her if I abide by your wishes.” Dorian held out his hand to his maker.

“You have my word,” Malachi said solemnly. He gave Dorian a firm handshake and walked out of the office.

How in the world can I give her up? She’s the only thing that matters in my life
. She made his heart quicken like no other.

Like him, she was alone. They needed each other. He knew how she felt about him without her telling him. He saw it every night in her eyes, her quick smile and the way she lit up when he walked in the room. And she’d ignited more than passion in him. He was completely and irrevocably in love with her and would be until the end of time itself.  He’d have all eternity to try and forget her, although he knew he never would. Even after her inevitable death, still he’d love her. Oh, how he hated Malachi for this! He’d never forgive him.

Over time, he knew he would’ve told her the truth about what he was and hoped she loved him enough to accept it. He decided a clean break would be best. Maybe she’d be able to forget about him and move on with her life. Perhaps she’d find love again in another’s arms. The thought of her with someone else crushed him.

He looked at his cell, notin
g it was a few minutes before 8:00 pm, time to text Jennifer for the very last time. How he loved that little ritual; loved imagining her reaction to some of the words he wrote. Tonight he balked. He couldn’t think of any quirky remarks. He couldn’t think at all. He needed to hear her voice. She was probably having a good time with her friends, unaware that her heart was about to be shattered into a million pieces.

He called her. She picked up on the first ring. “What’s this? Are you checking up on me? Making sure I don’t sound drunk?”

He heard the laughter in her voice. He said nothing.

“Dorian? Are you there?”

“Yes I’m here.” He struggled to keep his voice strong and confident, although he felt none of those things.

“You sound far away,” she said seriously.

“Do I? I called because I wanted to hear the sound of your voice tonight.”

“Are you saying you miss me?”

“More than you know.”

There was a pause before she said anything. “Dorian is something wrong? Seriously, you sound different.”

“Nothing’s wrong. It’s probably because you don’t hear my voice on the phone very often, that’s all. I can’t wait to see you, sweet girl. I’ve planned a very special night tomorrow.” He knew exactly how they’d spend their last night together and it would be wonderful, while it lasted anyway. “I’m going to give you something you’ll never forget.”

“Hmm. Something I’ll never forget. Is that some sort of sexual innuendo or have you gone and bought me a plane or some other outrageous item?”

“No, I’ve not bought you a plane. That’s all I’m willing to tell you so don’t ask me any more questions.”

“And he’s back!”

She sounded so happy. Let her stay that way for a little while longer
, he thought.

, Jennifer. Don’t drink too much or I’ll know.”

, control freak. Oh, I mean Dorian.”

He heard the smile in her voice and it was killing him. He said goodbye and hung up.




Jennifer was on her third Margarita. She was a little disturbed by her conversation with Dorian. Again, she got the impression that there were things he wasn’t telling her. She knew deep down, he had an enormous secret. His voice had sounded strained, as if he were making an effort to sound like his normal self. Something wasn’t right with him.

“Earth to Jen. Are you still with us?” asked Julie

“Um, yeah. Sorry. I was just thinking.”

“About him, I’m sure,” said Suzanne.

“Of course, wouldn’t you be if you had a guy like that?” asked Mary-Lou.

“Has he said those three magic words yet?” Julie sipped on her drink.

“What magic words?” Jennifer had no idea what Julie was referring to. She was so distracted by Dorian and the secret she knew he guarded with his life. What could possibly be so bad he couldn’t tell her?
He’d already told her about the women he’d hurt and said he’d never killed anyone. So, what more could there be?

“Jesus Christ,” Julie laughed. “You really
as thick as a brick. I love you. Has he told you he loves you yet?”


“Why don’t you tell him then? Everyone knows you’ve fallen head over heels in love with him,” said Julie.

Jennifer looked at Suzanne and Mary-Lou.
They nodded.

“I can’t. What if I say it and he doesn’t say it back? I’d feel like a total idiot.”

“Take a chance, Jen. Life’s too short.”  Julie said seriously.

“If he doesn’t say it tomorrow night, then I’ll tell him the next time I see him.”











Chapter 26


Jennifer spent the next day recovering from a hang-over. She puttered around the apartment, drinking coffee non-stop. At noon she got an e-mail from Dorian.




I know you’re not feeling so hot today. Rest up for tonight.

You’ll need all your strength.


Love, Dorian


Dorian Taylor

CEO, Taylor & Van Ness
, Inc.


She groaned. Her stomach was churning and her head pounded and yet just knowing she’d see his beautiful face, hear his voice and be in his arms tonight made it all better. Still, the nagging feeling she’d had about him last night remained. Would he ever tell her he loved her and just what was his secret?

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