e.Vampire.com (8 page)

Read e.Vampire.com Online

Authors: Scarlet Black

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires

BOOK: e.Vampire.com
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“Watch me Dorian and learn. Then, you shall have your pick of these human whores to do with as you wish.”

And there, in the dark room with only the light of candles casting an eerie light about the place were chains fastened to a wall attached to leather cuffs. There was a chain fastened to the floor as well with an ankle cuff connected to it. Whips, long and short hung
from spikes, and of course there was a bed in the center. A lovely four poster bed complete with soft, white sheer bed curtains, above which more candles were lit.

This was where he’d lure the women in with the promise of romantic love making on the beautiful bed. He’d spread fragrant, blood red petals of roses upon it. Women sighed when they saw it. They were so fixated on it and on him they ignored the more malevolent objects in the chamber.

Dorian was instructed to watch Malachi seduce these women. Most we’re common whores from the streets, but not all. Some were total innocents and those were the ones Malachi defiled in the worst ways imaginable.

Malachi would swagger into the room with his arm around the woman he’d chosen for that night. They always giggled and made seductive gestures toward him. Dorian was embarrassed and attempted to look away, but Malachi wouldn’t allow it.

“Do not look away Dorian. She doesn’t care who is watching.” And with that, he’d crook his index finger under her chin and tilt her head up so she had to look into his eyes. They were instantly hypnotized by them. “You don’t mind if my friend watches us, do you love?” His voice was as soft as silk.

“No,” the girls would murmur breathlessly.

Their desire to have Malachi seemed to wipe out all reason.  Dorian was shocked at the brazen behavior of most of them. Was there no one who could refuse him? 

The ones he cuffed to the bed and mounted writhed beneath him.  They moaned and were left wanting more. And that’s when he had them, when he knew they’d submit to
he wanted to do to them.

Dorian always knew when that moment had come by the diabolical look in Malachi’s eyes.

They didn’t complain when he chained them to the wall, instead they were enraptured. He grabbed them by the hips and wrapped their legs around his buttocks. They couldn’t get enough of him. Dorian was forced to watch and listen to them scream when they climaxed; watch as Malachi threw his head back and sank his teeth in and witness their eyes grow dull as he rode them into lifeless oblivion.

One night, after he’d witnessed many of these sessions, Malachi left one of them chained to the wall. The girl was young, beautiful and seemingly insatiable.

“It’s your turn Dorian,” Malachi said. “This shall be your first taste of both the flesh and the blood. It’s a heady mix. I assure you. Go. She awaits your touch.”

“I’ve not been with a woman before Malachi. Allow me my privacy.”

Malachi paused as if pondering the request. His brow furrowed in disapproval. Yet, he said nothing.

“It’s not a request Malachi. Leave us. Now,” Dorian commanded. The time had come to start standing his ground with his maker.

“Very well. I shall take my leave. Come to me when it’s finished.”

After Malachi left the room, Dorian was alone with the lovely young girl.

He was becoming weary of Malachi’s ability to read his thoughts. Even if he’d been given his privacy physically, he had none mentally. He must figure out how to shield his thoughts from him.

He looked at the girl. Her eyes were wide with fear. She was no longer under Malachi’s enchanted spell and noticed the chains and the tight leather cuffs fastening her wrists. Dorian went to her and silently released her.

He took her in his arms and carried her to the bed and gently laid her down. She gazed at him in adoration. Surely she thought he was her savior, her hero. He was neither of those things. He was the devil himself, a creature whose nature she couldn’t begin to comprehend. He was hungry for her body and her blood.

She watched him raise her arms above her head. There, he tethered her wrists to the bed posts. And she gave herself over to him completely. He saw it in her manner, her eyes and the moan that escaped her slightly parted lips. He felt a surge of power
unlike any he’d ever experienced. She was his to do with what-ever he chose.

Roughly, he spread her legs apart. His erection was huge and throbbing as it touched the soft fleece covering her sex. He bent her knees so she was wide open to him. Supporting himself on his arms he entered her. He heard her gasp with pleasure. He moved slowly in and out of her warm, wet heat. She threw her head back and moaned loudly. The sound of it mingled with the the unbearable need for her blood was intoxicating.

He lost himself in her flesh, moving faster and harder as her hips gyrated under his loins. Just as she reached orgasm, he climaxed as well and swiftly moved his lips to her throat where the vein in her neck pulsed up and down. He opened his mouth and bit down, his fangs going deep into the vein. The gash in her throat poured the warm streaming blood into his mouth.

The drink brought him even more pleasure than her flesh! He never wanted the moment to end.

He had a fleeting thought of his sister who was a lady through and through. What would she think of her brother now?

Dorian abruptly stopped feeding on her. He would not, could not take her life. He left her barely conscious but very much alive.

Malachi came into the room then. “Why haven’t you finished the deed, Dorian? She cannot survive! She’s seen us both.”

“I can’t take her life, Malachi. I won’t
! Let her go. I’ve had my fill and so have you.”

“No. If you can’t kill her, then I will.”

“We don’t need to, Malachi. We can blindfold her and take her from this place. No-one need know! You can erase her wounds with a simple wave of your hand.”

“I don’t
to let her go. If you will not make use of her, I shall not waste this opportunity. Now leave the room and let me finish what you will not.” Malachi’s eyes blazed both in anger at Dorian and lust for the girl’s blood. He killed her.

Dorian understood now why Malachi had chosen the name “The Dark Island,” to describe this place.

This beautiful home set high upon a hill where the ocean lapped at the shores and there was nothing but forest and sand and water to be seen was where he satisfied his darkest desires.

discreetly removed the girl from the dungeon. Dorian knew he’d discard her body in the Everglades, just as he had all the others.

What about the wolves?
Dorian thought. Couldn’t he live off the blood of animals? After all he was made strong by their blood as well. He was forced to look deep within himself, toward a truth he’d just as soon not admit. The blood of animals didn’t quell his hunger like the girl’s had.

Malachi came back and sat across from Dorian, no longer angry. He spoke calmly. “You can live off the blood of animals for a while. However, it is in your nature to drink the blood of humans. No matter how hard you try to fight it, in the end the hunger will overcome you and you’ll need to drink the blood of a mortal.”

“How often?” Dorian whispered. He was still reeling from the pain and pleasure, the peace and torment of what he’d just done. While he hadn’t administered the killing bite, he felt responsible for the girl’s death. After all, she was meant to be his first kill, that’s why she was there.

Malachi shrugged. “It depends.”

“On what?”

“On the age and willpower of the vampire. Wipe your conscious clean my friend. What’s done is done and can’t be undone.

Dorian never really got over that young girl’s death. Now, 97 years later he drank only from humans when the temptation and hunger became unbearable. He never killed them; instead he took small drinks from many. These days there was no need to kill even an animal.

There were blood banks aplenty and they were easy pickings for the vampires. That was the source he and the others at e.Vampire.com used most. The blood was warmed and poured into wine glasses.

As far as sex went, he’d found many women willing to explore the dark side of desire with him. No one could resist him. In this, he’d become just as powerful as Malachi himself.

As the times changed, men and women became more open about their sexuality. It was in the early twenty-first century that he began to form an idea.

He remembered that night as if it had just passed. He and Malachi were still in London at the time, having witnessed everything from the horrific sinking of the Titanic to the turbulent 1960’s, the money driven 1980’s and onward to the passing of a new millennium.

By the year 2002
, Dorian was amazed at how much technology had changed the world. It was then that Dorian discovered his passion for designing computer software. Human beings spent hours on computers, cell phones and the other magnificent devices of this age.

Nothing seemed impossible for this generation. The old superstitions of the past regarding the existence of creatures like him was gone.

Vampires were silent witnesses to the passage of time and what each new age brought. This new world saw him as a beautiful, if somewhat elusive, brilliant and confident young entrepreneur. 

However, in his heart
, he considered himself a monster. Each time he fed upon a mortal he lost a little more of his humanity. He was becoming as hard, cold and emotionally void as his maker. And he didn’t like it.

Of course, Malachi who killed his prey insisted that he was ridding the world of those who’d committed heinous crimes and other such undesirables. But what about the whores and the innocents he had sex with and killed viciously? What was his excuse for such sadistic behavior? He offered none.

Finally, when Dorian worked out his idea and formed a business plan, he approached Malachi. He was very methodical and thorough when it came to planning anything.

“We could run a dating website. We could bring our sensuality to the men and women who drink us in with their eyes and desire us.”

Of course, this had to be a side business.  Taylor and Van Ness was now a major player in the world of electronics. Dorian’s intentions had less to do with business than with their lack of a personal life. The truth was, he was lonely.

“Hmm. Interesting concept.” Malachi rubbed his hand back and forth across his chin, pondering it. “You know I think it might work.” He turned the pages of Dorian’s business plan quickly. The ability to read and write very fast was another attribute of the vampire. “Miami, Florida? You wish to leave England and go to the states? Why?”

“There are various reasons why I chose it. It’s warm. I grow weary of the rains and the cold winters here. Perhaps we will feel the warmth on our skin.  It’s a major city and we’ll be able to blend in. No one will suspect what we are.”  Dorian was rushing through his words, wanting to convince Malachi to do this thing. 

“I must admit. I find the notion intriguing. Vampires passing themselves off as humans pretending to be vampires. I find it deliciously decadent.” Malachi closed the business plan and handed it back to Dorian.

“Then, you believe such a thing is possible?” Dorian asked.

“I believe anything is possible. We shall embark on this journey, together.”

Now it was Dorian who was in control of Taylor and Van Ness as well as e.Vampire.com. He’d really come into his own with this business. Malachi was more interested in his extra-curricular activities and the games at e.Vampire than running Taylor and Van Ness.

Thankfully, after years of trying, Dorian had finally achieved the ability to cloak his thoughts from his maker.

He turned on his laptop. Absentmindedly, he scrolled through the pictures of the people coming for the dance in half an hour.

Glitzy women and men appeared on the screen. They were all the same as far as he was concerned. They all wanted to fuck and suck a gorgeous male or female “vampire.”

He remembered a time when he’d cringe at the use of such crude words to describe sexual acts. However, what Malachi said about them made sense. “We do not make love to these humans; we
them and
on them. We give them that which they cannot get anywhere else, a rapture of the body and mind. They don’t know what hit them when they leave one of our lovers. They only know they want more. That is the plain truth of it. Besides, words only have the meaning we attach to them.”

Looking at the many faces, he saw none that were even remotely interesting or special. Sighing, he didn’t bother viewing the rest of the profiles. He shut down his laptop without seeing her. Jennifer Reese.






















Chapter 6


Jennifer and Julie quickly filled out the request for membership on e.Vampire.com
’s website before heading out to the dance.

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