Evanesce (The Darkness #2) (23 page)

Read Evanesce (The Darkness #2) Online

Authors: Cassia Brightmore

BOOK: Evanesce (The Darkness #2)
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“Fine,” Marcus answered from a few feet behind Gabe. “As you requested, here I am.” Gabe spun around, ready to fight. Marcus’s was shrouded in the only dark corner of the room. He walked a few feet forward and into the light, revealing himself. Gabe stumbled back, shocked.

“What do you think of my new look, Gabe? I assume you’ll approve. And we both know that Nora will,” he winked. Gabe was floored. He was staring into his own face. A carbon copy of himself was standing just a few feet away…raising a gun…

It was his own voice that floated out from Marcus’s lips as he cocked the gun. “Don’t worry, Gabe. I’ll be sure to tell Nora and
son that you send your love.” He fired the gun in rapid succession, emptying the clip into Gabe’s chest.

Gabe hit the floor, gurgling as he choked on his own blood. His own face swam before him as he fought to stay conscious, to stay alive. Marcus raised the gun again, aimed at his head.
Nora, I’m sorry,
was his last thought before the gun fired and everything went black.

Theo raced down the great staircase with Caleb in his arms and Greta and Hope behind him. Almost running headlong into Brady, he screeched to a halt.

“Was that?” he asked, his face pale. Brady nodded and confirmed his thoughts. “Gunshots, from in there.” He motioned to a set of sliding double doors. The doors suddenly opened and Gabe came running out, looking frazzled.

“Come on, we have to get out of here, I just killed Marcus,” he told them. Spotting Theo and the baby, his face broke out in a grin. “Caleb?” he asked, overjoyed.

Theo nodded and smiled, holding his son out to him. Gabe took him and cradled him close. “I’ve got him, let’s go.” He stopped and looked at Brady. “Wait. Did you find anyone else?”

Brady shook his head sadly. “No other survivors, no other infants. I did however, find a graveyard in the back of the field. We’re gonna need to come back and exhume those bodies; identify them.”

Gabe stared at him for a few beats and then took a deep breath. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. I’ve seen enough of this house to last me a lifetime. I just want to get home to my family.” Letting the others exit the house ahead of him, he shut the heavy oak doors with a final snap, grinning wickedly. Whistling, he shuffled down the steps, ready to claim his new life.


omfort was the
last thing she wanted and the only thing she could accept. Reluctantly, she let herself be drawn into his arms, his scent enveloping her as her face melted into his chest.

“Baby, I’ve got you. Remember that.” His words were meant to numb the ache and beat away the pain, the devastation that had settled into her heart.

“I know. I just can’t believe all that was recovered from that house. All those poor women whose babies are lost. It’s just so horrible, Gabe.” Her reply was muffled, she wasn’t sure he heard her as his hand trailed up and down her hair.

“Nora, the police are opening a brand new case. They are going to chase down every lead and with Brady and his department involved, I know they will help bring as many of those children home as they can,” he sought to reassure her.

“I’m just so glad that Caleb is okay. That you, Theo and Brady made it out of that hellhole alive. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you. I love you, Gabe.”

He smiled down at her and placed a light kiss on her forehead, wrapping his arms around her once again.

She would never see the slow, deviant smile spread across his face, or know the dark glee that danced in his veins at her surrender.

The prize had been caught.

In the background, Caleb began to cry, missing his Daddy.



Reading Order – Catch Up On The Series!

Malevolent – AVAILABLE NOW




Denouement – COMING SOON


I have a lot of people to thank that have been with me through thick and thin as I wrote this novel. This story touched me deeply and opened up some very raw emotions. Towards the end of writing it, I unexpectedly lost my mom. To say that I am heartbroken over this is an understatement. My mom was the kindest person, so loving and supportive. She was proud of me and my accomplishments. I hope I have made her proud with this book. So to my mom I say this:

 – thank you for giving me some of your strength. Thank you for the guidance and the kick in the pants when I needed it. Most of all, thank you for being my mom. I love you and I miss you.

Jerzie, Charlee, Lexie
 – my three BFF’s, My G’s. I love you guys so much. Thank you for being there with me as I did this again. Two books! Who would have thought?

Toni Thompson
 – My FANTASTIC PA! Thank you so so so much…I don’t even have words to say how lucky I am to not only have your help with everything, but to also call you a friend. Love you, whore.

Gilly Grybas, River Savage, Alissa Evanson Smith (Ed, Lissy, and THE River Savage bahaha)
 – I don’t know how I would get through the day without any of you! Our friendship is so precious to me and I am so fortunate to have met you. Thank you for all of the support along the way, especially during the hard time.

Ellie McLove
 – Thank you for working with me again! I trust you so much and I’m so happy I have you to rip my work to pieces and then help me put it back together again. You are an amazing Editor, lady.

L.J. Anderson at
Mayhem Cover Creations
 – There is just nothing that I can say that will express how much I value you, L.J. You are so amazing at your work! You have given me two spectacular covers now that I’m in love with and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you for always being there and for saving me from disaster many times haha.

My Betas:
Kiki, Dawn, Melissa, Gilly, Toni, Ivy, Jerzie, Charlee, Lexie – you ladies saved me!!! Thank you so so much for all of your hard work and feedback on Evanesce. You listened to my rants, you encouraged me and picked me back up when I was ready to quit. For that, I will be forever grateful and indebted to you. Evanesce wouldn’t be the book it is without your help!

My Street Team: Cassia’s Sassy Sirens:
You are the light of my day! I love each and every one of you and appreciate the support you offer me so much. I feel as though I’ve come to know all of you and I hope you know how much it means to me that you share your lives with me. I am truly a very lucky girl. Thank you for listening to my rants and keeping me from killing everyone (haha).

To My Family
 – thank you for putting up with me through the writing of another book. I know it’s not easy. The absent nights, the wonky hours and the talking to myself as I plot out scenes – you’ve been there by my side through it all and I’m so grateful for all the support. Thank you for believing that I could follow my dreams.

To The Book Community
 – We are a close-knit family, aren’t we? I truly feel honoured to be a part of such a supportive, kind, generous community. I need to say a huge thank you to everyone that reached out to me over the past few weeks. The out pouring of emotion and support I received just blew me away. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it gave me a little bit of light in a very dark time. A special thank you to all of the Bloggers, Authors, Readers that have supported me. The indie world is lucky to have people like you!


Cassia Brightmore is a Dark Romance Author. Her first series, the Darkness Series includes three books, Malevolent, Evanesce and the upcoming Denouement. Each book can be read as a standalone; although it is recommended to read all books in the series to experience all the thrills.

Writing has always been a passion of hers and publishing her first novel is truly a dream come true. She enjoys writing dark stories that she hopes will thrill the reader.

Cassia lives in Grimsby, Canada with her two furbabies, Harley and Molly.





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