Read Eve Online

Authors: Iris Johansen

Tags: #Mystery, #Missing Children, #Mystery & Detective, #Women sculptors, #Duncan, #General, #Suspense, #Women Sleuths, #Facial reconstruction (Anthropology), #Thrillers, #Mystery Fiction, #Fiction, #Eve (Fictitious character)

Eve (27 page)

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She went to her worktable and covered the reconstruction she’d started on Dale. “Just a little interruption,” she whispered. “You’ve waited a long time. Wait just a little longer.” He was her job, her duty. This was the part of her life that had been born when she had lost Bonnie. But she had to return to the time before she had become the woman who had brought all those other children home until she could come back and do that duty.

If she came back.

Was that why she was having this feeling of destiny, the conviction that Bonnie was guiding her? Was she going to die and join Bonnie? Did Bonnie know that this time Eve would not come back to Joe?

The prospect held no fear for Eve. Joe would be safe. Joe and Jane would have each other.

And she would have Bonnie.

*   *   *

flight for Milwaukee,” Queen told Jacobs when he hung up the phone. “I’ve told one of our people in the Chicago office to get over to Milwaukee and make sure she’s under surveillance.”

“Why Milwaukee?” Jacobs asked. “Quinn wasn’t with her?”

“No, he’s at ATLPD headquarters.” Queen smiled unpleasantly. “I think she’s given him the slip. Maybe Quinn was wrong about Gallo taking Eve Duncan. It could be that she decided to renew old times. They must have been a hot item when they were younger.”

“You believe she’s gone to join Gallo again?” Jacobs repeated, “Why Milwaukee?”

“Gallo grew up in Milwaukee. He knows it like the back of his hand. He’d feel comfortable there.” He paused. “Maybe enough to find a hiding place for the ledger.”

“And you believe Duncan is joining him because they’re having an affair?”

“Women seem to find him attractive. He’s had several mistresses over the years. Even a couple movie actresses. Why else?”

“I researched her when Gallo requested the files on her. She’s not the kind of woman who’d abandon her career and a stable relationship to jump into bed with a man she hasn’t seen in years.”

“She was willing to do it when she was sixteen. Maybe she still has a yen for him.” He shrugged. “At any rate, we should explore it. I doubt if Gallo feels the same way, but if there’s a chance, we’ll grab it.”

“There’s another possibility.” He paused. “Paul Black.”

Queen shook his head. “I don’t think Black has surfaced yet. He had me e-mail him some information about Gallo’s employees, and I sent him current info about Eve Duncan as well, including the fact that she’s on her way to Milwaukee.”

“Why pull Black into it?”

“Why not? The hunted pursuing the hunter. Better he go after Gallo than me. I knew I shouldn’t have tried to hand Black over to Gallo. It boomeranged, and it could have been fatal. But I handled it damn well.”

“So you say,” Jacobs said. “But you’ve been prone to impulsive behavior of late. You didn’t have to burn down Gallo’s place. It will make him difficult to negotiate with if that becomes necessary.”

Bastard. Jacobs hadn’t had to deal with Gallo all these years. He hadn’t realized what bullshit Queen had had to take from him. “It won’t be necessary. I’ll find him, and I’ll find the ledger. The woman may be the answer.” He turned and moved toward the door. “She’s going to find Gallo a little too hot to handle.”

*   *   *

on the coffeemaker on the counter.

Joe had expected it. He had tried to phone home twice before he’d gotten into his car and driven home. He tore open the envelope and pulled out the sheet of paper.

I’m with John Gallo. He can lead me to Black. You know why I didn’t tell you before. It’s time I assumed full responsibility. God knows, I’ve leaned on you too long. This isn’t your war, and I won’t have you be a casualty.
I’ll be in touch. I love you.

His hand clenched the paper, then he crushed it into a ball and hurled it onto the counter.

Control the anger … and the fear. He had known this could be coming. It had been building for the last few years, and he had been able to fight it off.

He would still fight it off.

But he had to find Eve first.

He pulled out his phone and dialed Eve.

Voice mail.

He called Catherine.

She answered immediately. “Trouble?”

“Why would you think that?”

“Eve was too quiet.”

“She’s gone to John Gallo. He’s convinced her he can take her to Black.”

“Then we have to find Gallo. I suppose she’s not answering her phone?”

“Voice mail.”

Catherine was silent. “Okay, so I track down Judy Clark while you go after Hanks?”

“Can you? How is your son?”

“Luke is fine. I’ve hired a live-in tutor for him. Sam O’Neill used to work for the CIA, but he retired a few years ago. He was a teacher before he joined the Company, and he decided to go back to it. I figured they’d be a good match. Sam’s a nice guy but tough, and they get along. Luke wouldn’t know what to do with a cozy, maternal housekeeper.” She added, “Luke doesn’t need me. After being on his own all these years, he’s totally independent. He reads and studies, and sometimes we even have discussions. It’s a start.” She paused. “I wish he did need me. But that will come.” She added brusquely, “I’ll call Venable and see what we can pull up on Hanks and Judy Clark.”

“And I’ll go to the airport and check to see if Eve left her car there. It’s not here.” He added, “Thanks, Catherine. I need to move fast.”

“Do you think I’m doing it for you? It’s Eve. Every time I look at my son, I remember that I wouldn’t have him with me if it wasn’t for her. And you do need to move fast. Gallo has her blinded. Hell, maybe she’s right about him, but he scares me. He’s unpredictable. Queen could be right about him having a split personality, and there’s no one more convincing than someone who believes that he’s telling the truth. Let me know if she’s taken a flight.” She hung up.

Split personality. Possible answer. Eve was not easily fooled. She had great instincts about people and would not be easily dazzled.

But Gallo had dazzled her when she was sixteen.

Don’t think about it. Think about the Eve you know now.

The Eve who could be walking into Gallo’s trap.



as she walked off the jetway in Milwaukee.

“Go to the Avis rental pickup,” John Gallo said. “A tan Toyota Camry has been rented for you. I’ll see you soon.” He hung up.

Short and to the point, Eve thought as she moved down the aisle. Evidently, he was taking no chances on their conversation being bugged. Not that she could blame him. His home had been burned to the ground a little more than twenty-four hours ago. But where was she supposed to go after she went to the Avis lot?

And when she got into the Camry, there was no note on the seat to help her. What was she supposed to do. Just sit and wait for—

The GPS.

She activated it. An address was on the bottom of the GPS. Marriott Hotel. Downtown, Milwaukee.

She drove out of the lot.

Marriott Hotel.

It had been to a Marriott that she had gone with John when her mother had been in trouble. Some sort of puckish whimsy?

But John had never had that kind of humor. He had always had a reason for every action.

She glanced at the rearview mirror.

Was she being followed?

*   *   *

in front of the Marriott, Colonel,” Brandell said. “She’s going up to the front desk and registering. Shall I follow?”

“Not yet. Any sign of Gallo?”


“Then park and go inside. Find out what room she’s been given.”


“I don’t give a damn. Bribery is usually good.” He hung up. He was surrounded by idiots and incompetents.

Brandell called back ten minutes later. “Room 1502.”

“Keep watch outside and make sure you know when she leaves the hotel.”

Queen hesitated a moment, then dialed another number. “Marriott Hotel. Room 1502.”

“How very accommodating of you,” Black said.

“Accommodating? I’ve practically drawn you a picture,” Queen said. “Just get me what I need.”

“Gallo’s head and the ledger,” Black said. “I’ll probably have to take out the woman, too. It would be dangerous to leave a witness.”

“Then she has to just disappear. She has contacts with the Atlanta PD.”

“Disappear. No problem. Do you think that I’d still be free if I wasn’t an expert?” he said mockingly. “One can’t just leave bodies lying about. Actually, it’s rather fitting, isn’t it? Her daughter disappeared, and now poor Eve Duncan herself.”

“As far as I know, Duncan is still hale and hearty and able to cause me trouble. I don’t care what you do to any of them. Just get me what I need. It shouldn’t be hard now that I’ve done your groundwork.”

“You don’t know anything about it. I may not even choose to use your precious information. I’ll have to decide. It’s sometimes better to go for a fresh, unexpected approach. It’s certainly more enjoyable.”

“I’m not interested in what’s enjoyable for you.”

“You may be very interested at some point, Queen.”

Back off. That last remark was aimed at him, and Black’s malice might also be changed to include Queen. He didn’t want to have to deal with Black until he had done his job and retrieved the ledger. He’d already lined up a hit man to take care of Black after he had no use for him. “All I’m saying is that nothing should get in the way of what’s important.”

“I thought that was what you meant.” Black sounded amused. “I’m certain you wouldn’t deliberately be rude.” He hung up.

Queen expelled the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Everything was in motion. All he had to do was sit back and watch and pick up the spoils.

*   *   *

pad on which he’d scrawled the room number in Milwaukee.

Eve Duncan’s room number.

He remembered her well. How could he forget?

And how well and in what ways did Gallo remember Eve Duncan? Queen had said she’d been with him in the house in the mountains.

Is it time to take your toy from you, Gallo?

He felt a surge of fierce pleasure at the thought. Not only the death of Gallo, but making him watch the death of someone he cared about.

But how to do it in the most pleasurable way for himself?

He thought he knew what path he wanted to take. He reached in his pocket and pulled out another note he had made.

San Cecilia.

*   *   *

key the clerk had given her and pushed it into the slot.

“No, my room.”

She stiffened and turned to see John Gallo standing behind her. He was wearing a black shirt and khaki pants and looked dark, lean, and completely casual and confident. “All of this cloak-and-dagger stuff is annoying, John. I feel as if I’ve joined the CIA like Catherine.”

He shook his head. “Nary a cloak or dagger in sight.” He nodded at an open door down the hall. “My room. It’s safer. I’ve ordered dinner.” He took her carry-on and rolled it down the hall. “You were followed from the airport.”

“How do you know?”

“I hired an old friend, Peter Chakon, to watch the Toyota and report to me.” He smiled. “Would I let you take a chance on being intercepted on your way here?”

“I don’t know what you’d do. Was it one of Queen’s people?”

“Maybe.” He stepped aside for her to enter the room. “Probably.”

She glanced around the room. Typical hotel room, blue synthetic-silk spread on a king-size bed, a desk and chair across the room. A small damask-covered room-service table was pushed against the wall.

“Not as nice as the last Marriott we were in together,” John said. “But then there are Marriotts and Marriotts.”

She looked at him. “That wasn’t a pleasant memory, either.”

“I know. But I couldn’t resist the temptation to repeat history on some level.” He shut the door and gestured to the table. “Sit down and eat. I don’t know how long we’ll have before we’re interrupted.”

She sat down in the chair. “You think someone is going to come. Then why are we still here?”

“Because I want to see who it is.” He uncovered the plates to reveal sandwiches and soup. “Ham okay?”

She nodded. “You said you were curious. I don’t think you’re this curious.”

He sat down across from her. “It’s important that I know who may be knocking on the door.”

“Queen.” She took a sip of soup. “Who else?”

He didn’t answer.

She studied him. “Who else?” she whispered. “Black?”

“It’s possible that Queen decided to bring him in on a job that he considered important. I worked very hard at being a thorn in his side to bring that about.” He poured coffee into her cup. “At least, I hope he did.”

“Bring him in?” Her grip tightened on her spoon. “Stop this. I have to know what you’re talking about. Start at the beginning. What do you have on Queen?”

He made a face. “The beginning? I try to avoid thinking of the beginning.” He leaned back in his chair. “But I’ll try to skirt around the really nasty parts. Korea. Five months after I left Atlanta. Fresh out of Ranger school. I was good and cocky and one of the chosen ones. I met Queen and his subordinate, Jacobs, at a meeting in Tokyo. Queen was a major at that time, and Jacobs was a corporal. Jacobs seemed to be some kind of assistant to Queen. They were officers in Army Intelligence and had requested special assistance from my unit. They said Washington had information that North Korea was buying nuclear raw materials to start their own program. They wanted proof but didn’t want to disturb diplomatic relations to get it. So they sent me, Ron Capshaw, and Larry Silak in to find it.”

“What kind of proof?”

“A ledger of transactions between the North Koreans and arms dealers of various countries. It was described as a slender leather-bound book and easily portable. The ledger was in the possession of General Tai Sen. He kept it at his country home near Pyongyang. Our orders were to go in and grab the ledger and head for the coast to get picked up. The theft went slick as glass.” He grimaced. “But everything went wrong from the time that we stole the ledger. We knew the chances were that we all weren’t going to make it to the coast. We hid the ledger and separated and took off on our own.”

“And you were caught.”

“Capshaw and Silak were shot and killed. I was taken to prison and questioned. They wanted to know what happened to the ledger. I told them that I was only a noncom and that Capshaw as the commanding officer had taken it with him when we separated. I thought they believed me, maybe they did for a while. The Koreans have an almost slavish obedience and respect for their officers.” He lifted his cup to his lips. “But General Tai Sen decided they had to be sure when they still couldn’t find the ledger.” He looked at her and his lips twisted. “And this is where I start to skip a few years, if you don’t mind.”

She shook her head. No, she didn’t want to hear about the years of torture and starvation. It hurt her to think of them. “But you didn’t tell them where to find the ledger?”

“No, first I thought I was being a patriot. Then I was angry; and then I just endured.” He shook his head as if to clear it. “I told you about escaping and the Tokyo hospital and going to Atlanta.”

“Queen visited you in the hospital. He told Joe and Catherine that you were raving and that Army Intelligence was afraid you might give away top secret information.”

He shrugged. “I
raving at the time. And I was probably even more unbalanced than I was later. I’d completely blocked out most of the things that happened. The only thing I remember about Queen’s visits were his questions about the ledger. He kept at me.”

“You’d forgotten that, too?”

“It was the one question they kept asking in the prison. I blocked it so thoroughly that there was no way it was going to come back without a hell of a lot of time and therapy. That was why Queen got me dismissed from the hospital. He didn’t want me talking to any therapist.”

She shook her head. “You must have been in terrible shape.”

He nodded. “I didn’t work my way through the worst of it for years after Queen sent me off to try to get me killed.”

“You knew they were suicide missions?”

“Not at first. I was still in a haze for a long while. I was operating on automatic.”

And that automatic had clearly been lethal if it had kept him alive. “You said you came back to the U.S. some years later.”

He nodded. “Because I’d become clearheaded enough to realize that I was a target. I started to wonder why Queen was so determined to rid himself of me in a way that wouldn’t be questioned. Oh, they were very determined.” He paused. “And it all came back to the ledger.”

“Which you couldn’t remember.”

“By that time I’d worked my way through the haze enough to start to remember some details.” His lips tightened. “And I’d realized that it probably wasn’t dedication to home and country that had driven Queen. Some of the missions they sent me on were a revelation. They appeared to have nothing to do with protecting home and country. Dirty. Queen was definitely dirty. So I decided to go back to Korea and retrieve the ledger.”

“That must have been—I’d think that you’d have avoided that place like the plague.”

“It wasn’t easy. The North Koreans had become even more belligerent, and I was on their most wanted list. I was in a cold sweat most of the time I was there.” He paused. “But I found the ledger and I took it to Tokyo and had it translated.”

She tilted her head. “No nuclear secrets?”

“Drugs and stolen ancient artifacts. General Tai Sen was a joint partner with Queen. He received the merchandise and saw that it was sent to Tokyo to Queen for distribution and sale. The ledger belonged to the general and listed all the transactions in detail, naming names. The most prominent of which were Queen and Jacobs. The general was trying to cut them out of the business and threatening to send the ledger to their superiors if they caused any trouble.”

“So they had to have the ledger.”

“And didn’t mind throwing me into a hellhole and killing two of my buddies to get it.” His hand tightened on his cup. “You might say I was a little angry. If I’d found out a year earlier, I would have set up a prison like the one I called home for all those years and done a few experiments on Queen. Maybe I would have hired a North Korean to help. They know the way it’s done.”

There was such savagery in his face that Eve inhaled sharply. “But you didn’t do it. Why not?”

“I found out Queen’s connection to Paul Black.”

She stiffened. “What?”

“For years, Paul Black has been engaged as an assassin by Queen. When I left the hospital in Tokyo, they hired Black to follow me and to terminate me at the earliest opportunity.” He looked down into his cup. “He must have been following me when I came that day to see you and Bonnie. It had to have been obvious as hell what I was feeling when I was staring at Bonnie and you. It was one of the most powerful moments of my life. From what I’ve learned about him, Black appears to be very thorough and takes his time. Evidently, he didn’t find the right time and place to kill me while I was in Atlanta.”

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