Read Evelyn Vine Be Mine Online

Authors: Chelle Mitchiter

Evelyn Vine Be Mine (34 page)

BOOK: Evelyn Vine Be Mine
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Stone’s eyes fixed on my breasts, watching my hands clutch at them and rub them for warmth. I moaned in embarrassment as he stood there just watching, as if waiting for a private showing.


I wasn’t feeling that bold tonight!


In fact, I was starting to feel very self-conscious, lying here with my skirt hiked up and nearly everything on display. I nervously pushed at the hem of my skirt, resolutely keeping my legs together, even though part of me wanted to lick my lips and spread them wide…just to see his reaction.


Stone moved closer to the foot of the bed. He picked up one ankle and stroked it slowly with his fingers, sending ripples of pleasure up my leg. He carefully unbuckled my shoe, taking his time as he slid it from my foot and then massaged the aching tendons. Deliberately, he bent and pressed a hot, open-mouthed kiss to the sensitive top of my foot, before slowly returning it to the bed. He did the same with my next shoe, but didn’t put my foot down. Instead, he started to kiss up my shin, nudging my legs apart to accommodate his shoulders as he kissed up to my knee, his other hand keeping his balance on the low footboard.


I couldn’t believe how incredible it felt! I’d thought I’d known about sex. I thought I’d had adequate experience with the many different facets of intercourse. But never had I imagined I’d be moaning at the feel of a man’s mouth on my knee. It was almost too sensitive and I writhed against the sheets, stirring the water below me as I fought to escape the pleasure, yet not wanting it to stop.


Just as I was about to cry for mercy, his lips shifted, moving up my thigh and away from the ticklish sensitivity of my kneecap. Instead, a new sensitivity grew. I closed my eyes as his shorn head crept ever closer to that needy, hot centre at the apex of my legs. I’d never liked it when Ben had kissed me there…but I had a damn good feeling that, with Stone…it’d be a damn good feeling. I hiked my skirt up eagerly to give him better access, but with a growl, he fisted the fabric in his hand and yanked it down my legs. He let go of the footboard, flicked my knees wide and bent to prop himself on his elbows between my legs.


The depression of weight at the bottom of the bed sent the water rippling up beneath me, offering my sex up to his face like a gift. He chuckled and licked me, before the water moved again and my hips dropped. He smiled up at me; a naughty, wicked and genuine smile. It stole my breath and suddenly, I didn’t want him all the way down there. I wanted him on me, in me, smiling down at me right before he kissed me.


“Grant,” I said beseechingly, holding out my arms. He stared at me for a moment, reading my intent in my eyes, then stood up and removed his jeans.


I groaned and pressed my legs together, not even thinking about my naked state as I took him in. More than six and a half feet of muscle stood before me, clothed in only a tight pair of grey boxer-briefs. His very short dark-blonde hair looked dark brown in the dim room, except for a few golden rays of light. I could hardly see the colour in his grey eyes, but I could see the small scar over his eyebrow, the old breaks in his nose, and the two days worth of beard growth amongst the bruising. He looked like a terrifying Viking that had been cast out of his clan and shaved his head.


He was free of tattoos and piercings, just tanned, taut skin and a light dusting of light-brown hair across his chest and down his stomach. His shoulders were impossibly wide, his shoulders and arms bulging with muscle, but not unattractively so. His pectorals were hard, but relatively flat, leading down to a ripped abdomen and lean hips. My eyes skated shyly over his underwear to check out long, leanly-muscled legs as he toed out of his shoes. He seemed to hesitate a moment, before reaching down into his discarded jeans (giving me an oh-so-delicious glimpse of his back) and retrieved his wallet, tossing it onto the bed beside me with a guarded look.


I blinked at him in confusion. Did he think I wanted payment? I shook my head at the absurdity of that thought and opened his wallet, stilling at the brightly wrapped packages inside. I quickly closed it before reading them, feeling stupid that I hadn’t thought of protection.


I looked back at him with a blush and realised he was waiting. He was waiting for me to give him an answer – for me to specify what I wanted.


I wanted him. No matter my many doubts about our relationship, this answer was simple. I wanted to have sex with Grant Stone…and I wanted it right now. No more sidestepping. No more backing down.


“Grant,” I repeated, holding out my arms again, the wallet resting on my chest, close to my heart…within easy reach.


That was all it took. His face lost its impassivity, tightening with lust as one large knee settled on the bed and he levered himself over me. The water surged, throwing him off balance and landing him on his back next to me with a heavy smack. I squealed as my back left the bed momentarily, the resulting wave sent me up and away from him, making me giggle as I tried to regain balance on the choppy surface and roll back to him.


Stone snorted and rolled on his side toward me, causing the bed to dip and my little body to roll down a wave to smack against him. We were well and truly wedged together, movement nearly impossible for me and if Stone moved, everything else would too. He sighed and hooked an arm over me, holding on tightly as he flopped onto his back. He held me to his chest as we rode out the waves, but as soon as I tried to move on him, the bed started up again.


“Fuck it,” he growled, tipping me off him and climbing out of the bed. My stomach dropped in disappointment, my carefree laughter dying in my throat.


“Grant?” I whispered uncertainly, crawling to my knees near the edge of the bed. He was already turning to grab me though. He hoisted me off the bed, my legs wrapping around him as I squeaked in surprise. He started moving quickly towards the front door, grabbing his wallet on the way. My mind whirled as I tried to work out what was happening.


Surely he wouldn’t go outside like this?


He dropped me back on the table and moved to the bunks, grabbing two single mattresses and dumping them on the floor. He tossed the pillows carelessly on top, not even looking to see where they landed as he lunged back at me, lifting me and tumbling me down onto the mattresses. Apparently the delay on the bed had ebbed at his patience, because there was nothing slow and calculated about the way he kissed me now.


His mouth ate at mine greedily, yet with finesse. I felt my earlier hunger rise again, twice as needy as, and more desperate than before. My sex clenched longingly, urging me to find something – anything – to fill it. Stone’s hungry mouth moved to my breasts, one elbow propped above my shoulder as he thrust a hand between our bodies and cupped me.


“Yes!” I whispered very softy, but the small word was infused with emotion, wrung uncontrollably from my lips.


His mouth was torture against my breasts, his still hand even worse. I bucked my hips in a silent request and was rewarded with the hard glide of a finger inside me. My gasp was more a high-pitched cry as I raised my legs higher and clutched at his head. More, I wanted to shout, but Stone was a step ahead of me, groaning quietly as he thrust a second finger inside. His teeth tugged gently at my breast, his tongue rolling around my nipple in a way that had me mewling like a distressed animal.


“Grant,” I whispered desperately, pushing at his hand to no avail and yanking his head up to make eye contact. Now!


He shook his head ever so slightly, a fierce look in his eyes. “You’re not ready.”


“I am!” I protested with a pained groan.


He growled at me, his eyes narrowing and his jaw tensing. “I’m big,” he ground out, no smugness or pride in his rough voice. He thrust a third finger inside me and flexed his fingers, stretching me. My eyes widened and I let go of him to clutch at the sheets beneath me.


His words penetrated through my daze. I glanced down at his impressive cock and I bit my lip. I hadn’t thought about it before - too busy admiring it to figure in the logistics.


“I’ll go slow,” he murmured, as if sensing my apprehension, and then he growled again, “But I’ll fill you deep.”


His fingers pressed further and I moaned raggedly from deep within my chest as I imagined just how much wider he’d stretch me; how much deeper he’d reach. My walls clutched at his hand hungrily in anticipation, the muscles in my thighs flexing.


He chuckled roughly, his eyes dark with lust. Like that, don’t you, naughty girl?


Fuck yes, I liked it! I wanted it now.


“Give it to me,” I demanded, surprising us both with my sudden assertiveness as I reached for his cock.


His fingers left me abruptly and he grabbed my wrists, pinning them above my head as he moved over me and growled, his lips a breath from mine, “Oh I’ll fucking give it to you,” he assured me.


He smirked slightly and lifted his hips away from mine when I tried to rub against him.


When I’m good and ready, his eyes warned.


I tried to touch him, to urge him on, but I couldn’t move my arms. I was completely at his mercy. He could do anything he wished…he could draw out my pleasure for hours and I was powerless to stop him. It shouldn’t have turned me on…but it did.


I panted as I tried to move again, to rub against him, to pull my wrists free. I whimpered and cried out in excitement, my breaths coming in short, puffs of air against his face. His eyes narrowed, before he slowly, carefully, tightened his hold on my wrists…as if testing the source of my sudden spike in arousal. I shut my eyes, trying to hide the emotion in them as my body instinctively arched and then shuddered against him.


He hummed his approval and I blushed, wanting to burrow under the covers and hide in shame. His hands let go and I breathed a sigh of relief, only to have it turn into a squeal as he gripped my waist and flipped me onto my stomach. I tried to roll over, but he slapped my ass in warning. I yelped at the pain and froze, fear making me tense even as tendrils of lust crawled up my spine.


He lifted my torso off the mattress slightly and slid a pillow beneath me, propping me up so that my face wasn’t pressed to the sheets. Two big hands splayed against my back and slowly traced their way downward, over my ass and down my thighs to my knees, pushing them wide and up to spread me. I fought against them, my face on fire from the heat of my blushes. I felt open and exposed, completely helpless to his touch and…his eyes.


I felt them on me. I felt them take in the curves of my shoulders, the faint ripples of my ribs, the hollow of my spine…the cheeks of my ass and yet lower and more intimate still.


“Grant, please,” I muttered desperately, this time out of shyness rather than desire. He covered my body with his in response, no longer looking, but touching it everywhere with his skin, gently pressing me down as he held most of his weight at bay.


“You’re so fucking hot,” he whispered against my shoulder, covering it with wet, hot kisses as he made his way toward the nape of my neck and then starting down my spine as he eased back a little. He grabbed my arms and captured both of my hands in one of his, holding them behind me, pinned to the cleft of my ass. I cried out in surprise and then moaned as I tipped my head back and shivered at the feel of his lips moving down the sensitive flesh of my arms.


“Mmmm,” I sighed, loving the delicious, tingly trail his mouth was leaving as he inched closer and closer to my ass. He licked and sucked at my fingers, the proximity of his mouth to one of my most private areas adding that little hint of danger to the pleasure - a hint of wickedness and sin.


He bit one of my cheeks and I bucked in alarm, feeling his dark chuckle vibrate through my skin as he licked the mark. His free hand smoothed over my thigh, sliding underneath me as his kisses moved to work up the length of my spine. I felt his thumb swirl around my clit in a swift, teasing caress, before three fingers slid in. I sucked in a breath at the hard penetration, but ground against his hand, showing him I was willing to take more. Much more.


He let go of me and backed off, a crinkle of foil reassuring me that he hadn’t gone far.


“Turn over,” he commanded and I leapt to do his bidding, flipping myself eagerly onto my back, pulling the pillow out from beneath me and wrapping my legs around him as he sheathed himself and moved over me.


He kept his weight off me, holding himself up on his hands and watching my face as he nudged my entrance. I tried to swallow my gasp, shocked at how large the head felt as it pushed its way inside, but it was inevitable. I gripped his hard forearms and shivered in anticipation, biting my lip as he pushed in another inch. He didn’t seem to be breathing at all, and his eyes closed for a second, before he fixed them back on me and pressed forward more insistently.


“Aa-ah, mmmm,” I stuttered over my sounds, overwhelmed by the slowly driving force of him invading me. He paused and took a shuddering breath, letting me adjust to the newness of holding him inside me. I thought that was all of him – that I couldn’t possibly take any more if there was. Yet he pushed forward another two inches, burying himself to the hilt with a raw sound. I squealed as I felt him pulse inside me and my walls contracted instinctively, making me moan in delight, even as Stone hissed like he was in pain. I locked my ankles behind his back and slid my hands around his neck, drawing him down for a deep kiss.

BOOK: Evelyn Vine Be Mine
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