Evening Primrose (Devil's Hornets MC Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Evening Primrose (Devil's Hornets MC Book 2)
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It was the first time she realized that he hadn’t even taken off his clothes. Just pushed up his shirt and took his pants down to his knees. Humiliated and dripping with the seed of a man who’s name she didn’t know, she wondered if she should have made another decision when it came to Jack. She thought she knew the man, but after her display, what in the world would he be thinking of her? Would he even try to get her out of there or would he be mad and think she was where she deserved to be? This wasn’t even rational thinking. She was abducted; he’d better come and get her.


“I’ll go get the pizza.” She looked up at the man’s face and noticed it was hard for him to look her in the face. He was embarrassed too? Good.


There were wet wipes on the table, and he went over to get them, finally looking at her as she accepted the box from him.


“There are some clothes in the bins,” he said pointing to a few boxes, “feel free to wear them.”


She could only nod.


He left the room after he collected the tape from the recorder, but she felt like he was trying to say sorry. She was such a gullible ass. Why would he be trying to say he was sorry? He probably did this type of shit daily.


Usually good at perception, she would be honest and say that she didn’t think he enjoyed doing that to her and maybe that’s why he let Cheryl come to her first. She was going to count her blessings that at least he didn’t insert that huge monster he called genitalia into her; she would be split in half and locked in this room.








It had been a long 30 hours, but at least he was done for the moment. Working with the Reapers and the other clubs in town was never something he wanted to do, and they hadn’t come down off of what they wanted, but he couldn’t care less about it. The main guy that Jack had to work with was named the Juicer. Why? He didn’t know and he didn’t care, but the way the man smirked at him made him want to punch him in the teeth. It probably had to do with not being able to talk to Natalie at all in the last day or so, but he knew that Loud Mouth would have her covered, so he didn’t worry that he’d not heard from her.


Opening the door to his house he went straight to his bedroom since that’s always where Natalie seemed to be. There was a television, a couch, and a mini fridge in there so he could see why. She wasn’t there and he knew she wouldn’t be, but that would have been a kick ass surprise.


He sat down on the couch and was happy he was home, but he felt like something was missing. It would have looked odd if he’d have gone to look at Natalie’s store before he picked her up. Explaining away an extra service of taking some single woman home was one thing, but just popping up to say hello was another.


His phone rang before he could call Loud Mouth for a check-up.


“Yeah,” Jack said into the phone as it was his standard greeting.


“Hey glad you’re back Stormy, there’s been a lot of crazy shit that’s gone on while you weren’t here.” Bad Billy never called, so if he was calling to say crazy things were going down, he knew it was pretty bad.


“What’s up?” Jack said but the twisting of his stomach told him he was about to receive some shitty news, and he hoped it wasn’t about Natalie.


“You know that flower shop that had supreme protection?”


Jack’s heart sped up, and he was off the couch before an answer left his mouth. “Yes.”


“Loud Mouth told me he had it covered, but I haven’t seen the cute little brunette around, so I checked out her shop, and it looks like she’s been taken.” The man sounded so calm, and why wouldn’t he be? This wasn’t the woman he’d spent the last few months with she was just some woman they were doing protection for.


“What?” Jack was trying to keep a level head, but it wasn’t working. “Where’s Loud Mouth?”


“We found him tied up in a garbage can on 17
and Common.”


“Is he alive?”


“Barely, but we took him to the hospital to see what they could do.”


“I’m on my way to her house.” Jack was already out the door but made sure to take a look around. Was this a trap or something else? He should have paid better attention when Natalie was telling him someone was watching them. It just seemed so unlikely, but she was right.


“We’re already there ‘cause Mouth told us to check on her, but all we found is a tape from The Reapers with your name on it. Want me to look at it?”


Jack could almost feel the steam coming from him. He knew those dirty fuckers and had an inkling of what was on that tape. “No. I’ll watch it when I get there.”


“We called Kahuna, and he says he wants to know what’s going on including what’s on that tape.”


“Fine. I’ll meet you at the club house.” Jack wanted nothing more than to bust into The Reapers camp and start fucking shit up. That would start a war that would get a lot of people killed, and even he knew they wouldn’t have her somewhere as easy as their club house.


He donned his jacket and took off on his bike hoping the ride would slow the throbbing pulse that was ready to kill for the woman who dug her way under his skin. There were so many things he wanted to say and do to her and for her that he hadn’t done. Whatever was between them needed to be handled better than he was doing it, that was for sure. First things first, he had to make sure that Natalie was alive, remained alive, and not shipped away to wherever those goons put people they wanted taken care of. Thinking of his sweet sexy Natalie in their hands was making him see red. If he wasn’t careful, he wouldn’t be able to make it to the club house.


Using a litany of calming phrases, Jack was able to calm himself enough to get to the club, but the look on Kahuna’s face when he got there told him a few things like… he’d already watched the tape, he was concerned about how this was going to go down, and he wanted some answers.


“Let me see the tape,” Jack said, knowing Kahuna wanted his pound of flesh, but he just wanted to make sure Natalie was alright.


“Didn’t you tell me that you and the flower shop girl weren’t a thing?”


“We weren’t… until we were. I didn’t know I had to report who I was fucking to you, prez.”


“I’ve never been concerned on where you dip your dick, Stormy, but I need to know what we’re working with. When I asked about the flower shop and why she got so much protection, you didn’t give me much information so I looked into her shop. It’s pristine. There’s nothing going on there, and I took off a lot of the detail. If I was told that she was your girl and that was the reason you’re fucking up when it comes to your job, we would have done a better job protecting her.”


“Great. It’s my fault. I accept that. Now I’d like to see the tape.”


“There isn’t anything on there that’s going to do more than royally piss you off. In a nut shell, they have Natalie, and they are doing what they want with her.”


The rage that Jack felt consumed him, and he needed an outlet immediately. The calm exterior was cracking as the heat of fury bubbled inside him. Concrete walls bore the anger well and did much better than his knuckles did.


“Come on, Storm. That’s not going to get your girl back.” Kahuna was right about that, but he didn’t know how else to get this angry energy out of him so he could think.


“Who says she’s my girl?” Jack snapped back at him.


“If she wasn’t, then you’re getting mad about a half ass porno with a shitty ending, but I don’t think that’s the case. You’re going to have to come out with the truth if we are going to find the girl and crack some heads.” Kahuna was right even though Jack was apparently not done trying to cover his tracks, but the whole damn thing was exposed, and there was nothing he could do about it.


The pain in his hands and the words of Kahuna brought a bit of sanity back to him, and for that he was grateful. The prez was talking to him, and he couldn’t even concentrate enough to listen, but the only way to do this was to focus.


“We are going to have to work together. After I watched the tape, I put a few feelers out there to see what’s going on with the Reapers… if anyone is making any noise about anything.”


“I’d love to know what you’ve found out. I can say that they want a piece of the East Side for their product Reaper Dust, but they can’t sell where we do. They’ve been asking semi-nicely, but last night they grew very cocky and demanding. I guess they knew they had a powerful piece to bargain with.” Jack felt cold, but he knew they wouldn’t kill her because they needed her for what they wanted. It was his hope that they didn’t damage her. She was such a sweet person, and he doubted they would care much about that.


Kahuna’s phone rang, and he picked it up to talk. Jack was trying to hear what was going on based on the side of the conversation he’d heard, but it wasn’t that simple. The president knew how to keep the conversation vague so no one knew what was discussed and how he felt about it. Jack did the same thing, but it was annoying as hell when you wanted, no, needed, the information. He ended the call and looked over at Jack.


“Well, what did you find out?”


“I think I know where she is, but we’re going to have to go over there to get her out. They have it all blocked off and practically all of their members are there. It’s not like they are going out of their way to hide where she is. I think they want us to come get her, but it’s going to be a fight.” Kahuna was texting, and Jack knew he was getting the army together. A war had been declared, and Jack was ready to fight. He just hoped Natalie wasn’t one of the casualties.


Jack was getting up to grab a drink before the battle began when Kahuna came over to him.


“We are going to need to talk about the trust factor in this. I know now is not the time, but all of this could have been alleviated if we would have known something was going on with you and the flower girl. You should have told us. Now she is a pawn, and we look bad. Unable to protect our customer and distrust within the ranks. That’s how they knew how to hit us. You let deceit creep in this house and break into the brotherhood.”


Jack didn’t know what to say about that because first it was true, and second now wasn’t the damn time for all that. He knew it was something that would have to be dealt with, but for everything that was ever considered holy… not now.


“We will deal with that later. You all but admitted Natalie was your woman, and she’s going through hell for something that isn’t her battle,” Kahuna walked over to the shelf and picked up the small cassette tape. “You should at least see what your deceit has brought to her.”


Fuck. When he put it that way, Jack wanted to punch himself. He took the tape from Kahuna and wanted to crush it, but the man was right. Since Natalie had to go through it, he should at least see it… so he could avenge it. He’d never backed down from anything, but just thinking about what was on that tape was making him feel like lava was going to be flowing out of his ears.





Jack didn’t remember a time when he’d ever been so angry. There were almost no words, but he’d have to find them. Kahuna had found where they were holding Natalie, and they were all heading out. A few of them jumped in the van they kept the heavy artillery in just in case they had to blast their way into their compound. They were going to take the van in a different way to the site and hope that everyone would be watching the large show of Devil’s Hornets arrive on motorcycle. The van was so silent Jack thought he’d go mad because he could almost hear her in the absence of sound. When Jack’s phone rang and the caller ID showed the call was coming from Natalie, he couldn’t have been more surprised. It was like he’d summoned her with his thoughts.


“Hello,” Jack said and hoped like hell Natalie was on the other end of the line.


“You’ve probably gotten my tape by now.” The voice on the other side of the line was the leader of the Reapers, Elderwood Johnson. He’d know his voice anywhere, especially since they had been in talks over the last day or so. The man had worn a smug smile for most of their talks. Jack had thought the man was just a cocky arrogant bastard, but now he knew it was more than that.


“I got it. Any reason your friend thought I needed to see how he lays pipe? That’s not my thing.” Jack knew the plan, but it still hurt. Faking indifference shouldn’t be that hard; he’d done it before but not about someone he really cared about as much as he did her. He didn’t want to talk about Natalie like this, and he didn’t want to do what he knew needed to be done, but for her life he would.


“You trying to tell me that’s not the piece of ass that’s been warming your bed for the last few months?” Johnson tried again, but he’d get nothing from him. There were moles on both sides of this motorcycle club, so the man probably knew they were on their way, but only the tightest of the tight knit group of Devil’s knew about the heavy hitting van.


“I wasn’t aware you were so interested in my bed partners, Johnson, but yes I’ve been sleeping with her. It was fun. She doesn’t deserve to be in the middle of this mess, and you’ve calculated poorly if you think that snatching up a flower shop girl was going to get you more area in our streets.” Jack listened to the silence on the other side of the phone and could practically hear the creaky cogs of this jackass’ brain trying to add up the pieces.


“I’ve seen you with your women. You’ve taken that woman way out of town for all your dates where you usually come out looking like you fucked her every which way from Sunday. That’s not the way you normally do it.”


“You’re right, but when you’re looking to fuck a good girl, you have to put in the work. Common sense would have told you idiots that if I did want her again, which I don’t… the novelty has worn off; you wouldn’t have sullied her with the stench of a Reaper. Nobody would want her after that.” Jack was happy he wasn’t a religious man, because the lies he was vomiting out were vile. If there was a hell, and he wasn’t already going for other shit he’d done in the past, he was definitely going for this.


“I think you’re bluffing,” Johnson said with an uneasy chuckle.


“Then there is nothing else to say.” Jack pushed the button that ended the call and was ready for battle. There was so much more to be said on the matter, and he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to get it all out.


Danny Boy killed the head lights on the van and slowed down to a snail’s pace. They could hear the crew on the other side of the building where they’d been told practically all of the Devil’s Hornets were waiting for the attack. They moved in close, turned off the van, and got out of the vehicle to load up on weapons.


Pyro was to his left, and T-Bone was on his right. The rest of the killer squad was behind them. The legend of their killer squad set fear in the mind of the locals, and they all were the best in their craft. Pyro brought the fire. Henderson could get into any lock within a minute. Randy and T-Bone were expert shooters, and both could hit a target from 75 yards with precision. Jameson was a fearless scout. Danny Boy was the best damn driver there ever was making his way into and out of tight jams whether in a motorcycle or a big ass bus. Ruthless was just what his name said; there wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do to get what they needed done… done. Jack knew his place. He was the man with a plan; a slick tongue and a calm mind were the only tools he needed to figure out what they should do next. There weren’t many times that all of them were needed but they were here to make a statement. ‘You don’t fuck with The Devil’s Hornets because we can show you hell.’ That’s what they told people, and once again they aimed to prove it.


The door on the back wall of the building was propped open, and Jameson ran quietly up to see if it was a viable way to get in. He put 2 fingers up and motioned that they’d need to be taken down. T-Bone and Randy were on it. They put on their silencers and moved to where Jameson was. They both shot at the same time, and a heavy thud was heard from the building. The plan had already been made, but it was never set in stone. Plans like this evolved and this team worked well together when they had to.


It was a warehouse, and it was pretty quiet. The crew stood in the shadows and waited for Jack to tell them where they should go next. It was a light faint sound, but he knew it was coming from the left side of him, so he motioned that everyone move that way. Up the stairs and on to the next landing, he saw faint light coming from under the door. They all pulled their guns and kicked in the door just in time to see Natalie slapped to the floor.


Johnson looked a bit startled, but he recovered himself well. “If I knew you wanted to see part two of the movie so much, I would have gotten a few seats together and made popcorn.”


“What’s the matter, Johnson? Can’t you find a woman who’s a willing participant? Must you Reapers rape everyone? Maybe you should change your name to the Rapers. Then everyone would know what they were coming up against.” Jack ached to kill this disgusting man who had put his hands on Natalie, but if she was going to get out of here alive, he was going to have to feign nonchalance until the end.


“You said she was nothing to you… a quick fuck, right?”


Jack knew where he was going with this, and that was right where he wanted him to go. “I didn’t say it was quick. Natalie here loves a slow fuck too. Isn’t that right, Natalie?”


He looked at her quickly and saw the color blanch her face. This wasn’t about comfort. This was about the end game and him wanting her to be able to see more of her life than she’d live so far. The pain on her face made him steel himself tighter to what had to be done.


“She doesn’t want to talk about it I guess, and that’s fine.”


“So if you don’t care anything about her and you were just playing with her all these months… why are you here now?” The man thought he had them where he wanted them. He’d probably stayed up nights with his cock hard thinking about how he was going to screw over the Devil’s Hornets and come all over their promises to their customers and each other, but boy was he mistaken.


“She is under our protection. It will never be said that our customers will be harmed and attacked by the competition. You have made a grave mistake, Johnson. Someone has to pay for this, and it looks like it’s going to be you.”


“There are men all over this compound, and they will be here within minutes.” Johnson said the words confidently, but his eyes said he was scared as shit. Good. That’s how he’d felt from the moment he realized Natalie was taken. His sweet, sexy flower girl had been used and abused while under his care. A bullet to the head was too good for the mastermind that created this hellishly stupid plan, but he couldn’t see what else could be done. He looked at Danny Boy who gave him the thumbs up when he finished reading the text from his phone.


“Where is your phone?” Jack asked the former leader of The Reapers.


“Why?” Johnson’s voice was as shaky as a newborn colt. The man was scared. He was looking at his last moments, and he was just glad the man knew it. It made Jack feel better that the man was sweating. He’d been the one to organize this whole botched attempt to get more control, and he’d hurt the only female he was beginning to think of as his woman. He was going to die a horrible death for that alone.


“You’re going to need to call your VP and tell him he is to never bother the Devil’s customers. Then you are going to apologize to the woman you brought into this shit storm and to us for having to go through all this trouble.”


“Fuck you, Jack.” The man yelled with his eyes getting wilder with fear. The people he thought would come to help him were dead, and the men outside had been controlled. There was no one to help him out of this mess.


Jack walked over to the man, almost elated that he’d taken the hard way out of this. If the man knew what was good for him, he’d have made the call and eaten the bullet like he had some sense, but now he was going to know a touch of how he made sweet Natalie feel. He backhanded the man so hard his cheek was sliced by the ring he wore. Watching the small rivers of blood stream down his face made him hungry for more. The second hit was a swift hard left to his gut followed by a deep right to the kidney. There wasn’t going to be much of this man left when they were done, but it wasn’t about what was left; it was about being right. After that Jack couldn’t tell what he was hitting as he blasted the man with punch after punch. Giving his all had never felt so good. The small hand on his back was the only thing that made him stop.


“Can we just go now?” Natalie had gotten up off the floor and come to stand behind him. He wanted to lean into her touch, but he didn’t deserve it… just like he’d never deserved her. All he brought to her was violence and destruction… of her life, her job and her well-being.


He didn’t answer her because he still wanted all of the shit he’d told Johnson to do to be done.


“I’m going to ask again. Where’s your phone? If I have to ask it again, I’m going to cut off your cock and feed it to you. Don’t think I won’t. At this point, I’m hoping you’ll say no.”


Johnson looked defeated and reached into his back pocket. All the guns in the room cocked and ready to fire, but the man brought out the phone and held it up for all to see.


“Put it on speaker,” Jack said loudly just so there was no funny business. He’d had enough of this man and his crew.


The phone rang a few times before it was picked up. “What’s going on in there? They’ve got us surrounded. I told you we should have brought in more people.” Smith was the VP of The Reapers and much smarter than Johnson. Jack didn’t know what asshole decided to make him boss, but at least it was over.


“I’m guessing I did the wrong thing here. We’re going to have to keep the Reaper’s Dust where we have it.”


“That wasn’t much of an apology, and I didn’t hear shit about staying away from our customers.” Jack was furious this punk was going to do it. He’d made the request unbelievably punk ass so he’d say no.


“I’m sorry lady for all the trouble.” The man wasn’t looking at Natalie, but Jack wouldn’t complain about that; he didn’t think he deserved to look at her pretty face before he met his maker.


“She has a name, and I’m sure you know it, but don’t bother saying anything else to her.”


“Smith, stay away from the Devil’s customers.” Johnson looked at Jack like he was searching for absolution, but he wasn’t going to get it from him.


“You know I don’t think much of you, Johnson, but I’m willing to take Smith’s word that he’ll do what you ask.” Jack moved a bit closer to the phone. “Smith, do I have your word?”


There was silence on the other end, so Jack kicked Johnson in the ribs.


“Give it, Smith,” Johnson yelled out.


“My word is given,” Smith said quietly.


Jack snatched the phone out of Johnson’s hand and chucked it at the farthest wall away feeling somewhat satisfied that there may be peace on the streets for a little while at least.


“Alright then fellas, let’s go.” Jack watched as everyone exited. He nodded to Danny Boy to get Natalie so he would be the last to leave.


“So what now?” Johnson said looking like a lost puppy. This was the man who was trying to form a club big enough to overtake the Devil’s, but he made a few wrong turns. Unfortunately they had to be paid for, and Jack was the one who wanted the payment.


“You did good, Johnson. I’ll let you keep your cock right where it is.”

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