Ever After (39 page)

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Authors: Heather McBride

BOOK: Ever After
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This beautiful amazing creature had come into my life and stolen my heart. A heart I thought not capable love, or such emotions. Corrine swears I saved her, showed her life was worth living. In reality, she had saved me, and shown me how happy I could be. She was my love and my life. I could not breath without her, I did not want to.


Doc rushed us to his black Hummer, we had no time. If it was as Taylor had heard, Corrine was out in the freezing weather, and with a dark vampire. Roth and I left before the others. I could not wait a minute longer for them. Doc and Pratt would follow Tyler, and Riley, a few others would follow them.


It was a long drive to the area the Dark ones were hiding. I knew each second was one we did not have to lose. So it began the search for Corinne. I would not stop looking for her ever. We followed the long winding road, next to the river to Doc’s childhood home once known as the Parker manor.






















Chapter 26


Back to Corrine”


The Woods


I had fallen asleep, but awoke now. I was not sure if I was dead but when I felt the bitterly cold wind hit my still wet clothes, I knew I was very much alive. I moved my arm, and heard a crunching sound; ice had formed on my coat, while I slept. I knew I did not have much longer. I was so tired I could not even hold my eyes open, breathing was a major effort. I tried to go back to sleep, when I heard the sound of some animal waking close to me.


I tensed up, or thought I did, being a half vamp, half-human ice cube made it hard to tell. I had no strength to open my eyes, so I didn’t bother trying. I really didn’t care; whatever it was could go ahead and eat me for all I cared. The “
” was moving closer, it stopped for a long time as if it was listening or waiting for something, maybe for me to run from it.


I had news for it; unless it liked frozen food, I was not going to be a very good meal at all. It moved again, and I did get nervous now, it was closer. I was still half-human and my stupid fight or flight instinct was kicking in. I tried to get up, but where would I even go. I couldn’t even stand up. I quit trying; it was not to be if this animal wanted to attack me, I would have no way of escape.


It was next to me now I could hear the pine needles crunch as it crouched next to me. I tucked my head down, as some lame way to keep it from eating me head first.


I felt it touch me, but it was not a paw or a set of claws it was a hand, it caressed my face.


“Corrine, my God can you hear me?” It was my William, he was here now.


“William.” I managed to whisper. I reached out my shaking hand blindly as I could not open my eyes. I felt him take it in his own. I felt him pick me up and cradle me in his strong warm arms; his breath was as warm on my icy cheek as he kissed me softly.


“I thought you might be gone already, you were so still. I was afraid to touch you and know the truth. I went ahead of Roth; he’s not far behind me. We will get you back to Doc and Pratt; it’s going to be ok honey.”


“No.” I whispered weakly. “I don’t think I can make it, I’m so sorry.”


“No don’t say that, now” He whispered louder. “You’re going to be ok, just hand in there just a little bit longer please.” He begged.


I knew he wanted me to be strong now, but it seems all the times I had to fight for my life, had drained me. I had no more strength. I could not do this anymore. I wanted desperately to stay with William and never leave his side, but my body was not going to let me.


“Corrine, please I’m begging you, just hang on a little longer. Roth’s coming; he will drive us back to the coven house.”


“I will try, it just hurts so badly, and I’m just so cold. I can’t move.” I struggled to open my eyes. I needed to see him, to look into his eyes possibly for the last time. I slowly fought the heaviness in my head, and looked up at him. He smiled, placing one hand on my face.


“I’m here my love, right here. It will be ok now.”


“You can’t stay, the Dark coven will be coming, and they are looking for us!” I sighed, clinging to his warm body.


“Us? You mean you and me?” he looked puzzled.


“Well yes, but Sayann too, she helped me escape, you must make sure Doc and them do not hurt her. She wants to be one of us. That animal Kyle made her a vamp against her will two years ago. I would not be here if she hadn’t helped me escape.” I rested my head on his chest.


“Really? She did this, got you out of there. I’m shocked, but I had heard they often stole people and turned them against their will, if they wanted too, it’s sick”


“Yes, she was so sad. I trust her, you must tell the others, not to see her as an enemy. She went ahead after hiding me here, I couldn’t go on anymore. I think she was heading for the road, to try to get a cell phone signal to call you.”


“She will run into Roth, he might see her as an enemy, your right. I know I’m not nearly old enough to use mental messages, but with him, it has always worked for some reason. I will tell him in my mind to look for her, and that she is not an enemy.” He smiled at me, and kissed my forehead.


I tried to rest in Williams arms, as he picked me up. We could not stay here, it was two dangerous. If Leo and his vamps found us, I knew Will couldn’t fight them off. I felt pain with each step he took; despite the fact, he was trying not to shake me up to much. It wasn’t long until we reached a clearing of trees.


Will stopped for a minute to let me have a rest; we were very near the road so we were almost to safety. Will knelt down against a tree to get me out of the wind, for a little bit. In a few minutes, we would move on again, and meet up with Roth. I felt William tense up when I heard leaves and ice-covered branches snap. He pulled me closer to him, and bent over whispering in my ear.


“Corrine, listen to me, we are not alone. Another vampire or two may be close and they are
Followers. I’m going to put you over next to that giant pine tree, the trunk will hide you. You must not move, or they will see you.” I was terrified; it had to be Todd or some of the Dark coven.


“Ok, but please be careful, wait for Roth.” I whispered in his ear.


“I will try. I just hope it’s some rouge vamps not the dark ones. This could be very bad. Promise me Corrine, even if something happens to me. You must not let them know you are over here, stay hidden. Doc and Pratt will be here soon, they were following me and Roth, I just went faster.” He whispered softly.


“Who do you think is out there, can you sense it at all, is it other vampires?” It was all I could do to talk but I was terrified something was going to get us.


“Yes, it is I can feel it, and they are Dark ones. I have no way to know whom though, it’s not Leo. Coven elders especially the chief elder never go out and get their hands dirty. He will send lesser ranked vamps from the coven to look for you and Sayann.” I could feel how tight he held me despite the fact I was nearly frozen through.


He was afraid and trying to hide it from me. The way he looked in my eyes, it was as if he feared this could be the last time. I wanted to tell him it was going to be ok, but honestly, I could not do that. This was the worst-case scenario, right here right now. We were alone, me just about dead and frozen.


Will was weak himself and unable to fight off full bloods. The worst part was we were alone, no Followers were here, and we needed them. I knew Will had run ahead of Roth because he was desperate to find me, but in splitting up, he may have just brought death to both of us now.


I held onto Will tightly, as he strained to hear where the intruders were. It was drizzling icy rain and the heavy mat of leaves crunching made it difficult at least for us, being half bloods to hear. Our hearing was not as fine-tuned as a full-blooded vamp, mine especially since I was not fully turned yet. It felt like an eternity, as we waited for whoever it was to get closer.


We were in a thicket, of a massive pine tree with branches coated in ice from the previous day’s storm. It was a safe area, if you were hiding from humans, not vampires. It would only be minutes and they would be there. If they got any closer, they would know where we were. I knew Will was going to have to leave me here.


It was possible they might not detect me, since I was still unchanged. Will looked down into my eyes, he was torn not wanting to leave me alone, but knowing he had to. He carried me further up under the trees over hanging branches, out of site to the clearing in front of the tree.


“I have to put you here love, they might not even sense your back here. It is crucial you not move or make a noise. I can handle this; Roth will be here any minute he will know where I am.” He gently laid me down, next to the pine trees trunk, leaned over, and kissed my lips.


“I won’t move, but promise me you won’t try to fight them alone William, you know you shouldn’t.” I pleaded as I held onto his hand so he could not go just yet.


“I will try not to, but if they move toward you, I will not allow it. Don’t make me promise you that, I will not let them hurt you. I love you Corrine, now I have to move away from you now before the get any closer.”


“I love you.” I weakly whispered it was useless to argue with him. I knew he would die trying to protect me and he would not hear any different.


I was too tired and cold to try to change his mind, and we were out of time. I watched him scuff up the snow, where his footsteps had been, so the dark vamps would not see them. The snow had a layer of ice on it from the cold drizzle, the weather seemed to be getting colder, or it was just me. I had no idea now; my vision was shot to hell.


I tried to see, but everything was blurry, so I gave up and closed my eyes. It was dark probably nearing two in the morning, I guessed. The full moon breaking through the clouds cast an eerie glow on the naked braches around me. I was kind of glad I couldn’t see so well the whole scene looked like something out of that Legend of Sleepy Hollow movie, totally creepy. I put my head down and tried to be still, and not make a sound. I ignored the fact my chest was hurting again, that was getting to be normal for me.










I could hear Will walking around. I rubbed my eyes. I just had to see what was going on, and it was killing me. I could see him now, the blurry vision letting up briefly. He stood near another pine tree mere feet from the one I was under. It was then that I nearly choked in fear as Todd Downs, followed by Kyle and another dark vamp walked out of the shadows towards William. This was a true and honest nightmare.


Will could not fight them all, even if he had not been made weak by the dead blood Vincent had forced him to drink. Half bloods could never over power full-blooded vampires, it was impossible. I couldn’t watch this, but I couldn’t look away. It seemed if I stared at Will, I thought maybe I could help him. It was stupid I know but I wished it could be true so badly.


The three seemed shocked to see him standing there. Todd most of all, as he narrowed his beady eyes and looked him over. It was as if they were assessing William.


“So, this is a surprise eh boys?” He moved towards Will slowly, the other two did not move. “What are you doing out here in the big bad woods all alone, pretty boy. Did you ditch your babysitters or what?” He was prodding Will, he had not changed one bit by becoming a vamp.


“You know why I’ m out here you piece of crap? You took her. Why can’t you just leave her alone, what’s your sick obsession with Corrine?” Will was balling up his fists, he wanted to hit Todd, and I knew it.


“Oh, now it’s not an obsession really, ah…I like to call it revenge; pay back, any number of terms will work really. Though really, it’s a job. I am one of the Dark coven now, and to appease Leo I will destroy her and give you to him. Why he wants you alive is still a mystery to me though, a sick one at that.” Todd sniffed and shook his head. I could tell her was enjoying the power trip he was on.


“It Seems you’re the last know blood tie to his beloved Vincent, that your idiotic coven elder Doc, so stupidly killed last fall. That was a very bad move on his part. Leo, lives to destroy the Followers, and all they represent now.”


“That will not happen; you all are sick and twisted. Doc will eliminate the dark ones first, or you will exposé your selves and bring your own destruction down on your coven. Do you think you all can live in the “
” way honestly Todd?” William took a step back, knowing he had to stay out of arms reach of Todd.


“Does Leo think he can cover up all the human deaths your coven leaves where ever they go? It’s insane, it’s not like the old days, which you know nothing about since you are a mere fledgling vamp. Yes, in the past vamps could pull of feeding on humans, and blame disease and accidents on their victim’s demise.” Will laughed and shook his head.


“Today, well it is not that way. You and Leo all of your coven will face it one day.” I knew what Will was doing, he was buying time. If he could keep my idiot ex boyfriend Todd and his sidekicks talking long enough, Roth would get there to help him.

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