Ever Winter (21 page)

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Authors: Alexia Purdy

Tags: #Fiction, #Fairy Tales; Folk Tales; Legends & Mythology

BOOK: Ever Winter
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Brushing her was soothing to say the least. It had taken Shade about five days to feel normal again. Her Grandmother Lana’s memory ampule had been so powerful, added to her own blood, it was downright lethal. She was sure Lana hadn’t meant it to be so bad. Shade was pretty positive that her grandmother had counted on Shade being near help if it’d done something to her. Regardless, it was over with. She just wanted to get to the southern realm and get what she could get organized for Aveta’s invasion.

The wards falling all around Faerie had been a surprise to everyone. Even the Teleen were spooked. No one was sure who was doing it; they were only certain that Aveta was involved, one way or another. Shade wondered if someone was helping her. Obviously it wasn’t Corb. Someone powerful had to be helping her though. Even so, the breaking of the wards was slowing down, indicating that whoever was behind it was exhausting their resources.

“Horses are wonderful at judging a character.”

Her attention snapped toward the young Teleen warrior, Nautilus, approaching Lily, offering her a morsel of apple. The horse snatched it on up and allowed the warrior to pat her long, brown mane.

Shade wasn’t sure what to say to him, she’d been avoiding the lake cavern since their encounter and still found him disarming. The overwhelming outpour of suitors had her on edge and the relief she’d gotten once she and Dylan had promised themselves to each other had been most welcomed. Still, she stiffened when he approached. Noticing her uncomfortable state, the warrior didn’t come any closer.

“Lily was my sister’s horse, but she died two summers ago.” Nautilus lovingly stroked the horse’s neck, earning a happy whinny from the mare.

“Oh, I didn’t know she belonged to your family.” Shade suddenly felt awkward attaching herself to Lily. Maybe it would be a bad idea.

“No, no. Please. I’m happy to see her take to another rider. She’s been so glum since my sister passed. I really thought she’d never want to take to the trails again.” He sighed, smiling as he switched his gaze from Lily to Shade.

She felt her cheeks burn a rosy pink under the intense look of this warrior. He looked slightly different than the other Teleen. His eyes were not only grey, but speckled with amber rimming the irises. His skin was a shade or two darker than Dylan’s, signifying that he too didn’t stay out of the sun for too long. Long braids of black wavy hair tied back some of his thick hair but some of it remained shrouding his shoulders. He looked different out of the water out here in the open. Still, she wondered if he had heard the news of her engagement to Dylan. She couldn’t see why not.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I did want to congratulate you on your engagement to Dylan.”

Shade took his hand and shook it, feeling him emanating a bit of his fire power as he touched her skin. It sent a ripple of a thrill down her arm, making the darkling mark burn ever so slightly. So Dylan’s replacement in the Teleen Guard as Captain had a lot more than met the eye.

“Thank you.”

“You’re most welcomed. News gets around pretty fast here.” His eyes twinkled as he held onto her hand a moment too long before dropping his grip. The look on his face was similar to the way Dylan had looked at her when they’d discovered he couldn’t electrocute her with his Teleen skin of blue fire and electricity. Even with the promise ring on her finger, he seemed unperturbed.

“I hope I haven’t offended you in any way, princess.” The way his voice curled around the title made her shiver. Glancing back toward Nautilus, his face was serious and still, awaiting her answer.

“No, not at all. It’s just I’m a bit overwhelmed with all that’s been going on.” She grabbed a carrot from the trough and began feeding it to Lily, who happily complied by chomping on the thick piece of vegetable.

“I understand. I can’t imagine all the trials you’ve been through. And now, marriage. I can’t imagine how it must make you feel.” He headed toward the water trough, dumping a bucket of fresh water into it that she hadn’t seen him carrying. She wondered if he cared for the horses, he was awfully comfortable around Lily. If not, who did?

“Do you tend to them?” Shade waved her hand toward the stables as he placed the bucket on the ground.

“Yes, it’s kind of a hobby, a second job so to say, if that’s what you call it. On my down time, I come out here, make sure the horses are groomed, well fed, well watered and exercised. Not a lot of Teleen like to come out here, but I don’t mind at the least. It’s soothing.” He was standing so close to Shade, she could feel his energy exciting the air around her. She gulped and took a small step back, one hand still mindlessly stroking Lily’s neck.

“Hey,” Dylan approached with her saddle, and waited for Shade to finish brushing and securing a blanket on Lily. As he worked the straps securely around the horse, he kept glancing between Nautilus and her as she continued nuzzling the horse, offering it scraps of food. “Is he bothering you, Shade?”

She shook her head, lowering her eyes as she resumed brushing the horse.

“Nautilus.” Dylan acknowledged the current Captain, bowing his head slightly with respect.

“Dylan, good to see you again.”

“Likewise. You’re still Captain, I see.”

“Yes, it keeps me quite busy.”

“Not enough, apparently.” Dylan’s stared relentlessly at the Captain, challenging him silently as they glared at one another.

Shade rolled her eyes and sighed. The testosterone around here was over the top to say the least. Nautilus had been the only Teleen man gutsy enough to speak with her, most preferred to send scores of flowers and presents to her room with love notes and letters of persuasion to court her. Nautilus at least had the guts to actually approach her and he seemed like an interesting person. Not that she would choose to rescind her promise with Dylan, she still felt a bit stunned at their engagement. Nonetheless, it was amusing to see the men challenge each other. Stifling a chuckle, she pretended not to notice their exchange.

“I was just on my way out.” Nautilus broke the silence and gave her a curt nod. “Shade, it was an absolute pleasure to see you again.
I do hope we can talk some more and become great friends.” His twinkling eyes were captivating as he reached out a hand to take hers into his warm palms. Bowing down, his lips graced her hand, pressing their warmth on her skin and kissed it softly before straightening again. The twinkling mischief in his eyes never left as spun and continued down the path back into the caverns.

Shade waved at him as he disappeared over the hill. With that, she resumed grooming Lily, avoiding Dylan’s surprised look.

He was getting nice and comfortable around her without Soap to contend with, apparently, and the promise she’d made to marry him. It felt more normal to see him seething with jealousy than relaxed and unworried.

“Hey, you ready for another journey?” Dylan snickered, knowing Shade would groan about the journey part. He didn’t want to think too much on Nautilus
’ advances on her at the moment. So like him to change the subject.

“Yeah, like I’m ready for an arm to get ripped off.”

Dylan chuckled, patting the horse as he finished. Nautilus had been quickly dismissed from his thoughts already. “Well, at least we can have some time to chat during this trip. It’s a straight shot down to the southern realm. It’s far from the Unseelie realm too, so I don’t expect too many problems.”

Shade peered over toward him, nodding, but lost in her thoughts. “Even the Seelie are not always so kind, though. I’d trust no one,” she muttered. Nothing could have sounded more jaded than that. Shade hid her solemn face as she turned to pick up her pack and swing it onto her back.

“You know, not everyone in Faerie is evil. It may seem that way since that’s all we’ve run into lately. But, I think you’ll see there’s still good in the world, more so than evil. It’s just hard to notice it, sometimes, since it’s so surrounded by filth.” He pulled his own horse from the stall and began brushing it, throwing glances at her every now and then. Shade’s sanity was a bit better since she’d left the desolate beach where she’d recovered, but darkness was still there, swimming just beneath the surface and threatening to overtake her with any chance it got.

“When is Soap getting here?” she asked.

“He’ll be joining us later. He’ll be too far behind to catch up to us so he’s already headed toward the Scren Palace. Brisa’s with him.” The last part made Shade freeze. Brisa was coming? She’d thought her friend would be back at her apartment, safe and sound and going to college. How could she give up on that?

“Why’s she coming? She has classes to make up at college.” Shade waited for Dylan to answer, but felt that there was something he wasn’t telling her.

“He sent a message a few days ago, she’s coming with him, she wanted to.”

“Was that all he said?” Shade played with the frayed end of her shoulder strap, avoiding looking up at Dylan while asking about Soap. She hadn’t seen him for over three weeks. Now, he had Brisa attached at the hip. She wondered if there was anything going on between them. She hadn’t exactly been the best girlfriend, and it was no secret how much Brisa would stare longingly at Soap any time he was around.

“He wanted to make sure you knew that he was relieved that you were okay and that he couldn’t wait to see you again.” Dylan finished strapping on the saddle on his horse and motioned to Shade to come over, never missing a step. “I want you to meet Danther. He’s been my horse for long time now. I’ve missed him terribly since I left. It’s good that I get to take him out again.”

Dylan offered a carrot to the horse and he snatched it up with a quick snap of jaws. He wasn’t going to give Dylan a chance to take it back. They both laughed, enjoying the warmth of the sun beaming down on the stables. They were located outside the caverns, which was her favorite place now since the claustrophobia of the caves made her want to run out of there as fast as she could, especially after the growing crowd of suitors.

“He’s beautiful.” She reached out to stroke his long, black hair. It felt like silk of the softest kind. Nowhere had she ever seen such beautiful horses. Faery horses were stronger and could run twice as long as regular horses without tiring. Their magic was earthy, mingling with her own softly against her skin.

Her power had amplified since her stay at The Great Divide. She wondered if it was because she somehow was harnessed to Corb’s power once he bound himself to her. She turned to watch the Ice King getting his horse ready nearby. It seemed odd to see him without his Kelpie demon horse, but he couldn’t ride it into Seelie territory without causing a panic. Still, even without his black riding outfit and his hellish horse, he was still going to be an eyeful for those who recognized him as Aveta’s lieutenant. He was going to cause more than one flare up amongst the Seelie fey along the way to the Scren Palace. Hopefully, his binding bracelet would be proof enough of the leash he had wrapped around him like a noose.

Corb looked up, feeling her eyes on him. Quickly darting them away to focus on the saddle, she mounted the horse and gave Lily a gentle pat on her neck. The land and its creatures were comforting to her, and she actually felt more alive now than she had in months. Somehow, things had begun to fall into place, finally. She hoped it wasn’t short lived and that tragedy was not, yet again, just a step away as it always was. Brushing the negativity away, she pressed her heels into the horse’s side and trotted forward, bringing her around to stop by Danther, who had Dylan riding proudly. He was already awaiting her and threw her a wide smile, filling his face with light, like he was made of it. Which he was technically, but he looked brilliant none the less.

“You look radiant, Shade. You always manage to, even on long, rugged journeys.”

“Well, you don’t look so bad yourself.” She laughed, elated to see Dylan in an excellent mood. Even the presence of Corb couldn’t dampen their spirits. Corb’s blank face remained unchanged as he guided his horse over toward them. The white and black spotted stallion he perched on wasn’t exactly happy about the arrangement, but distracted itself by chewing on some hay from a nearby pile.

“Ready for a long ride, Corb?” Shade inquired.

“If you want to know how I am, just ask me. Otherwise, don’t bore me with incessantly forced small talk.” He kicked the sides of his steed, the horse protesting with a huff right before it took off ahead on the trail out of Teleen. Shade was stunned at his annoyance but tried to shrug it off.

“Just ignore him. He’s just mad because he’s got his hands tied behind his back. Dose of his own medicine is just what he needs to figure out just what a prick he is.” Dylan winked at her and took off down the trail too. Shade shifted on her saddle, leaned forward and whispered to her horse.

“Alright there Lily, time to get this wagon trail moving.” With that they took off after the others, letting the wind rush past with an exhilarating roar.

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