Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)

BOOK: Everlasting Embrace (Embrace Series)
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World Castle Publishing

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author

s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

World Castle Publishing

Pensacola, Florida

Copyright © by Charlotte Blackwell 2012


First Edition World Castle Publishing
May 1
, 2012


License Notes

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you

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Cover: Karen Fuller

Photo: Shutterstock

Editor: Maxine Bringenberg



For all the amazing fans that support me every day. This one is for you.

A Special Thanks to Mary Ting and the Crossroads Saga, I have enjoyed this crossover more than anyone could know.

More Special Thanks

Everyone knows how much I love music and writing this book would have never happened without the amazing playlist I have. I want to give a huge thanks to the bands that helped inspired me to complete this book. Their music gave me the push when I was ready to quit and through twitter their band members cheered me on. Thank you so much boys!

Marianas Trench – Twitter @mtrench

Fighting For Ithaca – Twitter @FightingForIth


Halfway To Hollywood – Twitter @HalfwayToHolly

whose song Breakdown is the only reason there is an end to this book.



(The Crossroads Saga) By Mary Ting


God created the world in seven days. Filled with the living and fruitful land, it was perfect

paradise. He then created man in
image to walk upon His world. Then God sent angels known as the watchers with pristine, enormous white wings. These beautiful creatures

sole purpose was to look after
creations; but they could not resist the temptations confronting them. Thus, forbidden children were created, half angel and
, called nephilim.

For their sin and betrayal,
was flooded for
days and
nights, wiping the land clean
ut He saved the ones who asked for forgiveness. After the land was fruitful again, God sent the Twelve and
angels to guide his creations. The Twelve resembled watchers with their majestic wings, but the
angels had none. The

s role was to guide and interact among
creations as the Twelve balanced the world, keeping it safe from unworldly creatures.

Again, temptations were irresistible and nephilim were born. Instead of cleansing the land once more, the Royal Council, a group of God

s first angels, sent the nephilim to a place called Crossroads. These nephilim were known as the alkins

he only group of nephilim sent to Crossroads. All was peaceful until Aden, one of the Twelve, rebelled and procreated a legion of evil angels known as the fallen. More of the fallen escaped when he opened the gates of the Abyss with Alexa Rose

s help. Out of the Abyss came many demons and fallen, and one of God

s first angels named Aliah

the most dangerous, heartless angel ever created.

Chapter 1




look out

I scream as Nathanial grabs Ben with his newly enhanced speed and races down t
he dimly lit street, d
own the cobblestone path,
back to the car he got from my parents on our first Christmas together.

Please stop. He

s not a danger to your kind, and I can assure you he will keep your existence a secret,

Ebony pleads with the angel
hunters that

ve been trying to protect Ben from.

Witch, we came to you for help.
cannot be left free to roam the
. We need
to find and destroy them all. These
and half

caused God to flood the
. He destroyed most living things o
to clean
it of
. W
e cannot allow anything like that to happen again. It is just too big of a risk. He might
to be good
as you call it now, but it could change at any time, and we are not willing to take that risk.

The few
along the way
begin to flicker as he speaks with authority.

Ebony has control of the situation, so
I stand a few steps behind her and let her work a different kind of magic
. With all the demons and rogue vampires we

come across, nothing has ever terrified me the way this angel does. This supposed creature of God standing before us is the most terrifying creature I

met. I watch Ebony as she tries to convince him to leave Ben alone. She looks more powerful and passionate than I

ve ever seen her.
he really is a Magnificent One
and I

m seeing more proof of that today than I ever have.

Are you freaking kidding me? That

s just life
can change. Take me
for instance
I was a lost little girl. T
hen all the sudden I gained powers
and I

m supposed to help save t
he world. Things changed though.
I ended u
p being a teen bride and mother

but lost my life, a
t least my mortal life
and became a vampire. It

s now in my nature to be evil, but I

m not
. N
either is my family. We live a peaceful life and are here to help. You really think there will be another freaking Noah

s ark? Give me a break. All Ben wants to do is live his life peacefully, and we

ll help him. Just give us time,

Ebony defends.

You make a good fight
oung witch.

ll give you and your demon vampire family six months to prove you can control the
. Just be warned
, like me, will be looking for him
and are not as trusting. I will
be keeping a close eye on you. If at any point
I feel he is slipping
to the dark side
he will be destroyed
nd I cannot promise that those around him will not get hurt as well.

Thank you. W
e will not fail you

but pleas
tell me who you are. What arch
angel are you?

Little girl
you need to do more research. I am not an arc
angel. They have stepped down and left things in the hands of the twelve ch
osen angels. My name is Martian. I am one of Samuel

s watchers

is one of the twelve angels. We come here to protect the world and feel
is too big of a risk
should not even exist. I have my orders
and it

s my job to destroy them all before they have the chance to slip. Now

s s
ee if you can prove me wrong

Large wings with feathers as smooth as silk
that appear to have black tips
shoot from his back, with a wingspan of
least ten feet. Then
without further ado
he takes off in fli
ght, leaving no further trace of his existence

except the sharp breeze from his wings flapping.

Oh my G
Ebony, y
ou were amazing! W
e better get back to Nate and Ben.

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