Every Day with Jesus (19 page)

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Authors: Andrew Wommack

BOOK: Every Day with Jesus
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Proper intercession can actually keep Satan at bay from an individual who is living in sin. This is good if the person uses this freedom from the consequences of their sin to repent and come back to God. On the other hand, if they use this freedom from the wages of sin to commit more sin, there comes a time when intercession ceases to be beneficial. In that case, intercession against Satan’s attacks should be withdrawn, and we should actually bind that person’s sins to them so they can no longer get by without experiencing the death that sin brings. (Rom. 6:23.) As they start reaping what they have sown, hopefully it will cause them to turn back to the goodness of God they once enjoyed.

This is the binding and loosing being referred to in this verse. Heaven and earth are affected by your binding and loosing. As you intercede for those you know that are backslidden today, be led of the Holy Spirit whether you are to bind their sin to them or loose it from them.

June 17: Unlimited Forgiveness

Matthew 18:21-35

Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?

Matthew 18:33

Peter thought he was being very generous by offering to forgive his brother 7 times in one day, but Jesus said he should forgive him 490 times in one day. Of course, it would be impossible for someone to sin against you 490 times in one day. Jesus was actually saying there should be no limit to forgiveness.

When we are offended or hurt, we often feel justified in holding a grudge. The Old Testament law expressed this when it stated, “Eye for eye, tooth for tooth” (Ex. 21:23-25). Until the offense was paid, people did not feel free to forgive; however, God dealt with all offenses by placing sin upon the perfect Savior, who was judged in our place. To be so forgiven by God and then demand that others earn our forgiveness is not like Christ. He died for every person’s sins, extending forgiveness to us while we were yet sinners, and we should do the same.

The main thrust of this parable is that when people wrong us, we should remember the great mercy God has shown to us and respond likewise. Any debt that could be owed to us is insignificant compared to the debt for which He forgave us. We should have compassion on others as He had on us.

You have been given unlimited forgiveness from God through the shed blood of Jesus. Let the reality of this truth resonate in your heart today, and if anyone offends you or hurts you, that truth will enable you to forgive them quickly. This is one of the major ways you will grow up in God and become a mature witness for Jesus Christ. By forgiving those who cause you harm in any way, you are allowing the love of Jesus to flow freely through you to them.

June 18: A Matter of the Heart

John 7:21-24

Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers;) and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man.

John 7:22

The covenant of circumcision was given to Abram in Genesis 17:9-14. God said that any man who did not carry this sign of the covenant in his flesh was to be killed. This placed a great importance on the act of circumcision. Paul says in Romans 4:3-13 that Abraham had already been justified by faith before he was circumcised. Abram’s faith in God and His promise saved him at least thirteen years before He commanded Abram to be circumcised.

Through the centuries, the Jews turned their focus to the outward act of circumcision instead of the inward act of faith as the reason for salvation. This was a source of contention between Jesus and the religious leaders too. They emphasized all the outward acts the Lord had commanded and were totally disregarding the condition of their hearts. Jesus said that if an individual would cleanse their heart, their actions would inevitably change too.

The condition of a person’s flesh is not the important thing. It doesn’t matter if that flesh is circumcised or not. It is the condition of the heart that matters to God. Today the act of circumcision is not the issue, but we get hung up on the doctrine of water baptism, church membership, and other outward acts that some preach are necessary for salvation.

Your faith in the love of God, as expressed through Jesus on the Cross and in His resurrection, is the only thing God demands for your justification. Religious rites mean nothing when it comes to being saved. You can rejoice today that the only thing that counts with God is your faith in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

June 19: Effortless Fruit

John 7:37-41

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

John 7:38

These “rivers of living water” are referring to the Holy Spirit and the effects He produces in the life of a believer. Galatians 5:22-23 says, “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” These qualities should flow out of us like an artesian well. They should not have to be pumped. They will flow as we conform our thinking to God’s Word.

Jesus speaks of bearing fruit in John 15 and declares, “Without me ye can do nothing” (v. 5). This fruit is the product of the Holy Spirit, not our efforts. However, since, “He that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit” (1 Cor. 6:17), this fruit of the Spirit is also what our born-again spirits produce. Our spirits always have these attributes regardless of what we feel in our emotions.

Failure to understand this truth has caused many Christians to think they would be hypocrites to express joy when they feel depressed. However, it is only our soulish part that gets depressed. Our spirits are always bearing the fruit of the spirit. A person who seeks to walk in the spirit is a hypocrite when they allow their soulish emotions to dominate their spiritual emotions. Those who understand this have the choice of letting their souls depress them or letting the Holy Spirit, through their born-again spirits, release His joy and peace.

Your fruit is not produced by you; it is produced by the Holy Spirit in you. Your part is to yield to Him and show His emotion, not yours. Do this today, and you will live in union with Him, producing much fruit!

June 20: The Measure of Faith

Romans 12:1-12

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Romans 12:3

If someone was serving different people soup out of a large pot with just one ladle, the ladle would be the measure, and everyone would receive the same amount of soup. Likewise, the Lord doesn’t give us different amounts of faith. He’s given every believer the measure of faith” (italics mine).

What about the places in Scripture where Jesus speaks of great faith (Matt. 8:10) and little faith? (Matt. 8:26.) He’s saying that we can use and manifest great faith or little faith, but this doesn’t affect the amount we have been given. We are all given the measure of faith.

Paul said the faith he used was “the faith of the Son of God” (Gal. 2:20, italics mine). Also, he didn’t say “faith in the Son of God,” but “the faith of the Son of God.” We have been given Jesus’ faith! And if we all have the same measure of faith, and Paul’s measure was the same as Jesus’, then ours is too. There isn’t a shortage of faith. There’s just a shortage of people who use the faith God gave them.

There are many things you can do to release the God-given faith in you, but before you can do any of them, you must believe the faith is there, that it is His faith, and that His faith can change and overcome anything. Instead of acknowledging your lack and shortcomings today, acknowledge the faith of Jesus you have in your heart. This is the first step toward making your faith effective (Philem. 1:6) and manifesting great faith in your life.

June 21: Avoid Evil Communication

1 Corinthians 15:32-34

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

1 Corinthians 15:33

Have you ever noticed that it’s easier to gain weight than to lose it? It’s also easier to destroy things than to build them, to get sick than to stay well, and to ruin a relationship than to maintain one. It seems that the things we desire are harder to come by than the things we wish to avoid. It’s the same way with what we hear.

Values and attitudes that take a long time to build can be easily destroyed by just a few words. Certainly, everyone has had their enthusiasm quenched by the disapproving words of someone else. Our words are important but so are the words of every person we hear. To succeed in the kingdom of God, we not only have to watch what we say, but also we must guard what we hear.

In our day and age, Christians are exposed to the negative words of this world as never before. Most of us pipe those words right into our homes and automobiles. In seconds we are aware of all the terrible things going on around the world. Some people even listen for entertainment to songs that wail about the miseries and sorrows of mankind. Yet these words have power—evil power. They have the ability to depress us and cause us to be afraid. We don’t need that! We are to be a people of faith and hope.

Think about the words you hear today. Do you really need or want what you’re seeing and hearing? Choose life instead of death. (Deut. 30:19.) If a word spoken to you does not increase your faith and draw you to Jesus, rebuke it and reject it. Then turn your thoughts to His Word and be glad.

June 22: The Blessed Hope

Titus 2:11-15

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Titus 2:13

The promise of the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is a great comfort. Regardless of how bad things get in this life, we have the promise that our Lord is coming again in total triumph and power.

While in basic training before I went to Vietnam, I was often overwhelmed with all the ungodliness around me. My drill sergeants delighted in mocking God. They started every training session by having me stand in front of the company while someone blasphemed God, told a filthy joke, or shared what he had done with a local prostitute the night before. They did this to embarrass me and to try to provoke me. I remember the sergeant saying, “Preacher, I love to see you blush!”

At times, this all seemed too much. I longed for the Lord to come and just wipe them all out, but I knew that wasn’t right. Then one evening as we were forced to march and my body and emotions were screaming, I looked up and saw one of the most gorgeous sunsets I’ve ever seen. This displayed the awesome power of God in such a way that all the corruption around me just vanished. The cursing of the vilest men couldn’t stop God from showing His glory. Jesus was still the same and on His throne, and there would come a day of reckoning. (Matt. 12:36.)

This is the hope that the second coming of our Lord produces. He’s not deaf or blind as some people’s actions suggest. He’s just patient and waiting for the full harvest of souls to come in before He reveals Himself. At that time, every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord, and the righteous will shine as the sun in its brightness. Our victory is nearer than we think. Hold on to that blessed hope today.

June 23: Forgiveness Brings Miracles

2 Kings 5:1-14

And the Syrians had gone out by companies, and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman’s wife.

2 Kings 5:2

Jesus came to obtain forgiveness for our sins and transform our hearts into forgiving hearts like His, and there is no better demonstration of the fruit of forgiveness than the healing of Naaman’s leprosy. This was one of the greatest miracles the Lord did through Elisha; yet it never would have happened if it hadn’t been for a young servant girl who chose to forgive.

This maid informed Naaman’s wife about God’s healing power. If she had not spoken up, no miracle would have taken place. This is especially meaningful when you realize this young girl was an Israelite who had been captured during a Syrian raid and taken back to Syria as a slave. The Hebrew word used for maid in this verse means “a young girl from the age of infancy to adolescence.” This means she certainly wasn’t out on her own yet. She was taken from her parents! It is possible her parents were killed by the Syrians or made slaves themselves. She easily could have been bitter and could have chosen not to tell her mistress about her God who healed.

Leprosy in those days was considered by many to be God’s judgment on sin. She could have thought, It serves him right! She even could have prayed for his death. Instead, she showed concern and compassion for her master. Apparently, she had forgiven him and overcome any bitterness. This allowed God to use her as an instrument to touch the highest-ranking general in the Syrian army. No doubt, many Syrians came to faith in the Lord because she decided to forgive and serve God where she was.

You cannot change your past, but you can decide your future and how you will affect others. Regardless of what situation you find yourself in, bloom where you are planted. It’s possible that the very ones you have grievances with would respond to the touch of God if you reach out to them. Show someone God’s love today.

June 24: Go All the Way

2 Kings 5:1-14

Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.

2 Kings 5:14

When someone came to Jesus to be healed, He always was willing and healed them immediately. In light of that, Elisha’s actions and instructions to Naaman were strange. What was he trying to accomplish by telling Naaman to go dip himself in the dirty Jordan River seven times?

For one thing, Naaman hadn’t really humbled himself before the Lord yet, which is a very important part of faith. Jesus said that no one can believe who is seeking the honor that comes from men more than the honor that comes from God. (John 5:44.) Naaman was too impressed with himself. That’s why Elisha didn’t even bother to go out and see him. He sent his servant to deliver his instructions to Naaman.

This incensed Naaman. He headed back to Syria in a rage. Elisha hadn’t responded to him as his position deserved. Besides, he thought any Syrian river was better than the Jordan in Israel. Naaman definitely had a pride issue, but his servants prevailed on him to give the prophet’s instructions a try. Need often drives people to do things they wouldn’t otherwise do, and so Naaman humbled himself and dipped in the Jordan River.

Nothing happened the first or the second time. His healing didn’t come gradually. He was still a leper after dipping six times in the Jordan. But on the seventh time, his flesh was completely restored. Just think: Naaman’s pride almost caused him to miss his miracle!

Are there issues of pride in your life that have kept you from doing what God has told you to do? If so, humble yourself and obey. Don’t do it halfheartedly. Your deliverance will come when you go all the way.

June 25: Tempted Like You

Hebrews 4:15

For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

Hebrews 4:15

Have you ever pondered the temptations of Jesus? How could He really have suffered the temptations that come with marriage when He was never married? How could he have suffered the temptation of drug addiction when He never encountered cocaine? There are many pressures we battle that seemingly He never did. However, God’s Word plainly says He was tempted in all points just like we are. This underscores the truth that our actions are not where temptation actually takes place. It’s in our beliefs that we are tempted.

Jesus was tempted to not believe God just as we are, but He kept believing and stood strong. The material things and pleasures Satan tempts us with aren’t the true temptation. All of his devices are simply bait to get us to bite the hook of unbelief—that God will not or cannot supply everything we need and desire in life.

Too often the church argues against sin on the basis of the physical consequences it produces. For instance, they say homosexuality is wrong because it produces disease. What if they find a cure for AIDS? Would that mean homosexuality would no longer be a sin? Of course not! As bad as the consequences of our actions are, the real root of sin is the rejection of God’s Word. This is the temptation that takes place in our hearts long before we act it out. A person is tempted to not believe the biblical truth that God created male and female for marriage, period. When they give in to that temptation and reject God’s Word, they inevitably sin. The root of all sin is rejecting God’s truth. That is the real temptation.

Today, make it a point to choose to believe God and His Word no matter what people say or do to tempt you to not believe. Your faith in Him will bring joy and peace regardless of the situations you face.

June 26: Don’t Look Back

Hebrews 11:1-15

And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.

Hebrews 11:15

If Abraham and Sarah had been mindful of the country they left, they would have been tempted to return. However, since they weren’t mindful of that country, they weren’t even tempted to return. What a revelation! Their temptation was linked to their thoughts. You can’t be tempted with something you don’t think about. Therefore, control your thinking, and you can avoid temptation. We can be powerful in God if we avoid being tempted. By controlling our thinking, we can do just that.

Many believers try to control their actions but don’t realize that actions are a direct result of the way they think. They allow themselves the luxury of pondering things they shouldn’t, and then when temptation comes, they struggle to remain faithful to God. They often wonder why they are tempted all the time. It’s because of what they are thinking about.

God has called all of us to leave things behind. It may not be a country but it may be a lifestyle or certain friends. Maybe there are habits or hobbies He has asked us to lay down. The secret to walking away from them is not dwelling on them. Thinking, What if? is always a faith killer! We don’t need to be looking back; we need to look forward to what God has promised us and called us to.

Today, turn your thoughts from what you have left behind to what you have to look forward to in your life in Jesus Christ. Take a look ahead through faith at what God is calling you to do and all the wonderful brothers and sisters you will be doing that with. You’ll find that your positive thoughts will bring you hope instead of temptation.

June 27: Replacing Evil Thoughts

Hebrews 11:1-16

But now they desire a better country.

Hebrews 11:16

You can’t get rid of negative thoughts by rebuking them. Unwanted thoughts must be replaced with new ones.

Think of an apple. Now quit thinking of an apple. Rebuke thoughts of an apple. Don’t think of an apple in Jesus’ name. Refuse to think about apples. Are you still thinking about apples? Of course you are! Trying to not think about something only causes you to think about it more.

Instead of thinking about apples, turn your attention to strawberries. See a beautiful, plump, red strawberry. Think how sweet it would taste. Imagine a whole strawberry patch with all the delicious berries just begging to be picked. Or think about bananas. See a whole bunch of them. Imagine going to some tropical island and picking them yourself. Wouldn’t that be great?

If you continue that line of thought, in just a short time you will have forgotten about apples altogether. You can only get rid of thoughts by replacing them with other thoughts. Any effort to resist negative or sinful thoughts actually strengthens their hold on you. The better way is to replace them with God thoughts from His Word. As you read His Word, His thoughts begin to dominate your thinking, and soon the negative thoughts are gone.

Abraham found something better to think about than what he left behind. He desired a better country. God has given you a new life in Christ Jesus. I’m sure you have something wonderful to think about today.

June 28: What Do You Doubt?

Genesis 3:1-13

For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Genesis 3:5

Adam and Eve’s sin was unbelief. Eating the forbidden fruit was just the action that expressed the unbelief that was already present in their hearts. What did they doubt? There were two things the serpent seduced them into doubting about God.

First, they doubted God’s Word. They did not believe what He said about the consequences of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He said they would die. Obviously, they chose to eat of the fruit because they no longer believed that. They doubted God’s Word, and the first sin was committed.

Even more important, Adam and Eve doubted God’s love for them. Satan accused God of not wanting what was best for them. He said God was denying them something that would make them wiser. This was a direct attack on God’s love and integrity. He had been wonderful to them, providing everything they needed and even visiting with them every day. However, Adam and Eve chose to doubt His love. They took the word of a talking snake over the Word of God.

When you think about it, it is illogical to ever doubt God’s love when you consider Jesus’ death on the Cross and His resurrection. You have a revelation of just how far God’s love extends, and yet you may still worry about whether your needs will be met and your body healed. You try to justify these worries by saying everyone has them. “They’re just normal.” They are only normal for people who don’t know God’s great love! When you receive a full revelation of God’s love, your doubts will vanish.

If you have any doubt about God’s love and infinite care for you today, then open up your Bible and being reading and believing what He says about you. Dispel all your doubts by choosing to believe what He says, and your faith in Him will allow His blessings to flow freely in every area of your life.

June 29: Faith Brings Understanding

Hebrews 11:1-3

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Hebrews 11:3

In the Dark Ages, the church demanded acceptance of all its commandments and beliefs without any explanation or justification. The infallibility of the pope left no room for error. This led to terrible situations both inside and outside the church. Science was despised, and many scientists were persecuted.

Then came the Reformation, the Renaissance, and the Age of Enlightenment. The world was found to be round instead of flat. Many things that the church had pronounced as plagues from God were found to be the result of viruses and unsanitary living conditions. Many “God-imposed” limitations were found to be only limitations placed on people due to ignorance.

This caused a total shift in people’s thinking. They went from an unquestioned, blind faith in religion to the Age of Reason when they scoffed at faith. No doubt, this liberated people from many of the misconceptions and errors of false religion, but it also left modern man void of simple faith.

The author of Hebrews says that some things can only be understood through faith. God did not deem it necessary to explain everything to us. He is greater and more complex than we can understand with our peanut brains. It’s impossible to figure out Him and His ways completely. We must have faith in God.

In this day of technology, your need for faith is greater than ever before—not a blind faith that leads to superstition but an educated faith that is schooled in God’s Word and based on your experience with the Holy Spirit. Faith is not mindless; it just acknowledges that there is a spiritual reality that you cannot examine in a test tube.

June 30: Amazing Grace

John 8:1-11

They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

John 8:4,5

This was potentially the most damaging temptation the scribes and Pharisees ever presented to Jesus. Much of His widespread popularity was because of His teaching about God’s mercy and forgiveness toward sinners. This was received with great enthusiasm by a people who before this time had been presented with only a harsh, legalistic, judgmental picture of God.

The scribes and Pharisees often tried to portray Jesus as condoning or practicing sin because of His association with sinners and His ministry to them, especially when it violated Jewish traditions such as the Sabbath. However, Jesus had successfully turned every attack into a victory for God’s grace and mercy.

This time the Jews believed they had cornered Jesus. If He held to His teaching of forgiveness and refused to stone this woman, He would be in direct rebellion to the law of Moses. This would give these Jews legal grounds to kill Him. On the other hand, if He stoned the woman as the law declared, the people would forsake Him. It looked like they had Him trapped either way He went.

As always, the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and Jesus rose to the occasion. He did not condone the sin nor disregard the law of Moses. He simply told the one who was without sin to cast the first stone. As the Holy Ghost began to convict them of their own sin, they all had to leave; therefore, they could not fault Jesus for not stoning the woman.

As you go about your day, you will probably have opportunities to be angry, hurt, or offended with those who sin against you or someone else. Whenever that happens, remember how Jesus treated this woman and practice His amazing grace.

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