Read Every Move She Makes Online

Authors: Jannine Gallant

Every Move She Makes (21 page)

BOOK: Every Move She Makes
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“Don’t tell me your relationship with Kane is purely professional. I may be getting old, but I’m not blind. I saw the way you looked at each other.”

“We’re friends, Mom.”

Sharon came in with the serving dishes and snorted. “Friends with chemistry, the kind that could set a building on fire.”

“All right, maybe there’s a little more between us, but don’t make a big deal out of nothing.”

Her mother fisted her hands on her hips. “It doesn’t seem like nothing when a man drops everything to look after a woman he’s just met.”

“He was already on extended vacation from his job, so it isn’t some kind of noble sacrifice. I’m not pretending I don’t find him attractive, but things are messed up right now. We aren’t in a normal dating situation. My main concern is to keep the girls safe.”

“Of course, but it doesn’t hurt that the man protecting you is handsome, now does it?”

Rachel rolled her eyes. “You’re hopeless, Mom.”

“No, I’m hopeful.”

“Fine, but keep your hopes to yourself. Right now I need Kane, and I don’t want you to scare him off.”

Audrey reared back. “Would I do that?”


Sharon pressed her hand over her lips but couldn’t hide a grin.

“What’s so funny?” Lark strolled into the room.

Rachel started rinsing the dishes. “Nothing. Did you come to help clean up?”

“I came to see what happened to the dessert.”

“We got a little distracted.” Audrey headed toward the pantry. “I baked an apple pie. Get out the ice cream, honey, and you can help me serve it.”

After everyone had finished dessert, Rachel cleared her throat. “I suppose we should talk about a schedule.”

Her mother straightened. “We certainly should. Lark, you go first. What do you have in the way of activities this week?”

“Just dance. Can I work in the gift shop like we talked about, Aunt Sharon?”

“I could use another cashier if your mom approves.”

“Mom, can I, please?”

“Of course you may, as long as you’re not in the shop alone.”

“She won’t be,” Sharon promised.

Rachel smiled at her sister-in-law. “Great, Lark is covered. I’ll drop her off in the morning and pick her up before dance class.”

“Next!” Chet called out in a jovial tone.

“Funny, Dad. Jade is easy. She has soccer camp all week. How about you, Ivy?”

“I just have swimming and a play date with Melissa on Wednesday. Her Mom called earlier to invite me.”

“Then you can drop Ivy off tomorrow morning when you bring Lark. I’ll take her to her swim lesson, and you can pick her up when you come back at four.” Audrey smiled. “Easy.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind, Mom?”

“Of course I don’t mind. Ivy can help me in the garden, and maybe I’ll find that old easel I put up in the attic. You can paint when you’re tired of picking vegetables, sweetheart.”


“I guess we’re all set then. It sounds like I’ll be able to catch up at work.” Rachel let out a relieved sigh.

“And I can get started on those interviews.” Kane stood. “In fact, I’d like to set something up this evening. Are you ready to go?”

Rachel nodded. “Thanks for dinner, Mom.”

“You’re welcome. We’ll see you in the morning.”

With good-byes said all around, Rachel herded the girls out to the car.

Kane ran out a minute later to join them. “You have a nice family.”

“They were certainly very impressed with you.”

He snorted as he backed up in the driveway. “I haven’t done anything impressive yet. When I catch the deviant stalking you, then they can be impressed.”

“Let’s hope it’s soon. Knowing someone might be watching me all the time gives me the creeps.”



Chapter 16


“Promise you’ll be careful.” Worry nagged at Rachel, and she bit her lip. “If Chip’s the one who attacked me, who knows what he might do if he feels threatened.”

Kane rolled his eyes. “I’m not afraid of Chip Stevens.”

“You don’t have to be afraid to be cautious.”

“True, and I expect you to heed your own advice. Are you sure someone’s in the bookstore?”

“Ellen’s car is parked across the street.”

“Then I’ll see you around three-thirty.” He cupped her chin in his hand and gave her a quick kiss. “Have a good day.”

Rachel grimaced. “We’re acting like a fifties sitcom, one where the parents sleep in twin beds and give each other a peck on the cheek before heading off to work.”

Heat flared in his eyes as he pulled her hard against him and kissed her thoroughly. “Is that better?”

“Much.” Her voice came out in a breathless gasp as she reached behind her for the door handle. With a last backward glance, she slid out of the car then carried the bags of muffins and scones into the Book Nook. Setting the baked goods on the counter, she leaned against the door.

“I’m not surprised your legs won’t hold you.” Ellen walked by with an open carton of books. “After witnessing that kiss, I need a cold shower.”

Rachel blushed. “The man does know how to kiss.”

“I bet that’s not all he knows how to do.”

“You’re right about that.” She pressed her hands to her hot cheeks. “I’m in trouble.”

The other woman turned, eyes wide with concern. “What’s wrong? Did that pervert come after you again?”

“No, nothing like that. I’m in trouble with Kane. I think I’m falling in love with him.”

“That’s wonderful. What’s the problem?”

“When this is over and he leaves, it’ll break my heart.”

Ellen frowned. “Why would he leave? He dropped everything to help you out, and there’s obviously chemistry between you.”

“I know, but getting involved with me means taking on three half-grown girls. A few more days with Lark, and he’ll be more than ready to go back to his old life.”

“Is Lark being difficult?” She set down the box and pulled out the pastry trays to fill them with muffins.

“She’s not exactly happy Kane and I are involved.”

“Doesn’t she like him?”

“I think she does, but she won’t admit it. There’s a lot of tension in the house, and I don’t want my feelings for Kane to add to it. Sometimes I think even trying to have a relationship is a mistake. Life with Lark was tough enough before, and now it’s worse.”

Ellen gave her a commiserating smile. “No one ever said life’s easy. Sometimes it’s so hard you don’t want to get up in the morning. But you do.”

“You’re right.” Rachel sighed and glanced around the shop. “I suppose I should get busy.”

“If you have paperwork, I’ll be fine. Tim should be here soon.”

“I do need to finish the inventory.” She nodded toward the box on the counter. “Are those the self-help books I ordered?”

“They were just delivered. I’ll shelve them this morning.”

“Thanks, Ellen.”

In her office, Rachel turned on the computer but couldn’t concentrate. Her head ached with worrying about Kane and the interview scheduled with Chip Stevens. If Chip was her stalker, maybe he’d slip up and say something incriminating. Then this unbearable situation would be over.

* * * *

Kane was nearing the freeway when his cell phone rang. The number on the display wasn’t one he recognized but looked vaguely familiar. He pulled to the side of the road to answer it since he had plenty of time to kill before his meeting with Stevens.


“Hey, Kane. Bob Mayfield here. I got your message. What can I do for you?”

“I hope you can answer a few questions. Any chance you’ll have some free time today?”

“A cop was here to check on my whereabouts for last Friday. He said Rachel Carpenter was attacked up in Tahoe. Is that why you want to talk to me?”

“It is. I have a few follow up questions.”

“Why would you think I know anything?” His tone took on an aggressive edge. “I met Rachel for the first time at Granite Lake. I have no reason to hurt her.”

“Maybe if we talk, I can eliminate you as a suspect.”

“Fine.” An annoyed sigh echoed through the line. “I’ll tell you anything you want to know. I plan to be home all morning.”

“Great. I’ll be there shortly.”

“Do you need directions?”

“I have the address.”

Kane smiled as he disconnected then pulled back onto the road. Chip was the only suspect he’d reached the night before, and their meeting wasn’t scheduled until noon. This interview with Bob was an added bonus. He couldn’t wait to hear what each man had to say about the other.

Twenty minutes later, Kane parked in the lot behind the complex where Mayfield lived. Smiling at a toddler eating a banana in a doorway two apartments down, he rang the bell. The door opened abruptly, and Bob waved him inside.

“You’ll have to excuse the mess. I’m in the middle of packing.” He gestured toward a chair. “Have a seat.”

“Thanks for seeing me.” Kane sat at the small dinette table and glanced around the room full of boxes. “You moving?”

“Yep. I’m out of this dump. I just bought a house in Marin close to the beach. I always wanted to live by the ocean.”

Kane’s brows rose. “That must have cost you a bundle.”

“It’s not large, a cottage really. My grandfather left me a good-sized inheritance.”


Bob crossed into the kitchen then held up a coffee carafe. “Want a cup?”

“No thanks.”

He poured a mug full of the fragrant brew then joined Kane at the table. “So, what do you want to know? Why am I a suspect in the first place? I don’t understand why the police would even consider me a person of interest.”

“Someone from the camp was following Rachel prior to the attack in Tahoe. We’re looking at everyone at the retreat who had an opportunity.”

He scowled. “So I’m being hassled because I don’t have an airtight alibi for the night of the attack?”

“Our investigation shouldn’t inconvenience you greatly. If you have nothing to hide, you won’t mind helping us find the person responsible.”

“Fine. Fire away.”

“Whose idea was it to go camping at Granite Lake?”

“It was Chip’s. We’ve been friends for years. When he got some extra vacation time, he called me.”

“He knows you have plenty of free time now?”

“Would you still be working for a mail service if you inherited a few million dollars?” Bob swirled the coffee in his mug before taking a sip. He grimaced then added a teaspoon of sugar.

“Probably not. I understand you also inherited property up near Clear Lake.”

“Yes, also half interest in a house in San Jose. My sister got the apartment in New York. I was in Lakeport the night Rachel was attacked. I told the police that.”

“But you can’t prove it?”


“Did you recognize Rachel when you saw her at Granite Lake?”

He shook his head.

“Did Chip recognize her?”

“He never mentioned it if he did.”

“Do you have a girlfriend, Bob?”

The man frowned. “How is my personal life relevant?”

“Just curious. Do you have a lot of friends?”

“When you’re rich, plenty of people want to be your friend. People who wouldn’t give me the time of day before call to ask me to lunch. If I wanted a girlfriend, I could snap my fingers.”

“So why don’t you?”

“I’m not interested in a woman like that.”

“But you are interested in women?”

“I’m not gay.” His dark eyes glittered with annoyance.

“How about Chip? Does he have a girlfriend?”

“He was engaged, but they broke it off last Christmas. He hasn’t dated much since then.”

“Any particular reason why?”

Bob drained his mug then set it on the table. “He’s still hoping to patch things up with Angie. She broke their engagement because she wants to go to law school. Chip’s trying to convince her she can marry him and still get another degree. So far it isn’t working.”

“Ever been to Vine Haven?”

“I may have driven through the town a time or two, but I can’t remember stopping.”

Kane pushed back his chair and stood. “Thanks for your cooperation. If anything else comes up, I’ll be in touch.”

“You mean if Rachel is attacked again, I’d better have an ironclad alibi?”

“It certainly wouldn’t hurt, but I hope it won’t come to that.” His fists clenched at his sides. “No one will get near Rachel on my watch.”

“Sounds like you have a personal interest in this.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Not in the least.” Mayfield followed him to the door. “I hope you catch the guy.”

“I will.”

As he pulled out of the apartment complex, Kane glanced in the rearview mirror. Bob stood in his doorway, watching while he drove away.

Kane reached the diner where he was meeting Chip a half-hour early and spent the time writing down his impressions of Bob Mayfield. Something about the guy seemed a little off, but he wasn’t sure exactly what. Maybe Chip would be able to give him some insight.

He looked up when Stevens entered the diner. The man limped down the aisle wearing a brown uniform. He slid onto the vinyl seat across from Kane and smiled.

“I hope you don’t mind meeting here. I’m on my lunch break.” Chip paused as a waitress set a glass of water in front of him then handed him a menu. “I’m ready to order if you are.”

Kane nodded. “I’ll have a turkey club and iced tea.”

“A burger with onion rings and a Coke.”

“I’ll be right back with your drinks.” The waitress favored Kane with a lingering smile.

After she left, he studied Chip. Lines radiated from the corners of the man’s eyes. When he shifted in the seat, he winced.

“Did you injure yourself?”

“I tripped on a curb and sprained my ankle. It hurts like a mother.”

“Have you wrapped it?”

Chip nodded. “It isn’t helping. If my ankle doesn’t feel better by tomorrow, I’ll probably go see a doctor.” He let out a disgusted snort. “Ironic, don’t you think? I hike all over the Sierras without a scratch and then hurt myself in my own driveway.”

“Sometimes life has a warped sense of humor.” Kane squeezed lemon into the iced tea the waitress set in front of him. “Do you camp a lot?”

“I try to go at least a couple of times each summer.”

“Was there any particular reason you chose Granite Lake for your vacation?”

BOOK: Every Move She Makes
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