Everything is Everything Book 2 (29 page)

BOOK: Everything is Everything Book 2
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Chapter Ten


Scotty felt something poking at his eye and he almost jumped out of his skin. He looked over and saw a toddler peering at him and trying to wedge his eyes open.

Scotty relaxed and smiled at his son. Well it didn’t look like that bar on his feet kept him from exploring. He had climbed down from the bed in the other room and had wandered into the living room.

“Good morning buddy,” Scotty yawned.

“Cheese!” Crash replied.

Scotty sat up and looked at Crash’s smiling face.

“Do you want some cheese?”

“Cheese,” Crash confirmed.

Scotty lifted him into his arms. “How about we change your diaper first.”

Scotty located the diaper bag, his eyes sweeping the apartment for anything out of sorts that his son might have fiddled with before he’d poked him in the eye.

He made a mental note to baby proof the apartment and then got his son’s diaper changed.

“My cheese!” Crash reminded.

“You eat cheese for breakfast? How about eggs? Daddy will make you eggs.”

After his son was changed he lifted him and the two of them went into the bedroom where they found Vanessa curled up in bed, still asleep.

“Is mommy’s sleeping?” Scotty whispered to his son from the doorway.

“My mommy.” Crash shook his head no but Scotty figured he meant to nod yes.

“We have to be quiet and let mommy sleep,” Before they left the room Scotty saw one of the toy cars that belonged to Crash. He picked it up and his son squealed happily and grabbed for it.


Scotty closed the door with a chuckle. “So this is the ever popular cheese.”

Scotty spent the next few minutes trying to teach his son to say car. However his son refused and was adamant that his toy car was called cheese.



Vanessa rolled over in the unfamiliar bed and then sat up. She felt for Crash who was not in the room. Vanessa quickly climbed out of bed and hurried out the room.

Crash and Scotty looked up from the kitchen table where they were enjoying their breakfast of eggs.

“Mommy!” Crash kicked to be put down so that he could properly greet his mother but instead of letting him down Scotty carried his son over to his mother.

“Good morning.” He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss onto her lips. Vanessa quickly rubbed down her messy hair and then she lifted Crash from his arms.

“Good morning,” she replied. “How long have you two been awake?”

Scotty returned to the kitchen. He was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts and Vanessa admired his ass and legs.

“About half an hour. Our son is an early riser, I see.”

Vanessa couldn’t help but to smile at that. No one had ever been able to say ‘our’ son to her before today.

“I hope you’re hungry. Crash and I made bacon and eggs for breakfast.”

She followed him into the kitchen. “I’m starving. Sorry I slept so late.”

“You’re fine.” He turned to look at her and his eyes swiftly moved across her body.

She felt a tingle travel up her spine. She was wearing sweats and a loose shirt which was her normal sleepwear these days. But that one look made her feel like a Victoria Secrets model.

There was so much for them to get caught up on before just jumping into bed together. Because as much as she was attracted to Scotty, Vanessa worried about just assuming that they had to get back together just because that’s where they had come from.

She couldn’t forget that there had been a time when the man she thought she’d spend her life with had faced a devastating problem and instead of allowing her to face it with him had pushed her away. And obviously she had retreated without giving the people she loved the benefit of change and forgiveness.

Scotty placed food on a plate for her, chatting about how amazing Crash was and she watched him falling in love with him all over again.

“I’m not going back to New York.” She said, out of the blue.

Scotty paused while buttering her piece of toast. “Are you sure?”

“I have people here that need to be around Crash and vice versa. So, yes, I’m sure.”

Scotty brought the toast to her and then he lifted her hand and swept his thumb across the engagement ring on her finger.

“I noticed that you were still wearing it.”

She was suddenly uncomfortable. She wanted a future with Scotty but there were things that had to be repaired before that could happen.

“I think we have a lot to talk about … before we talk about the ring.”

Scotty nodded but he bent and kissed her hand.

“What are your plans for Christmas?” He asked while taking his seat across from her..

Christmas was in two days and suddenly she had people that she wanted to spend the holidays with.

“I’m not sure. I came to spend the holidays with Charisma’s family but then me and grandma made up so I definitely want to spend it with her. But “now,” she reached out and held Scotty’s hand. “I want to spend it with you, too.”

“I’m happy you included me because I’d like to take you and Crash to visit the family-“

She slapped her hand across her mouth. “Oh my God I forgot to ask about Phonso and Beady and Miss Gloria and everyone else-“

“It’s okay honey. There’s no rush to talk about everything that needs talking about. If its okay I’d like to have dinner with the entire family tonight and then we can figure out Christmas later.”

“We can do that. But how is Phonso?” She loved the entire family but Phonso was like her brother and she wondered about him most of all.

“He’s good, better than good. Phonso got a job at a distribution factory and now drives a truck.”

“Phonso’s a truck driver?”

“Not a cross country trucker. He has a local route but he does drive a big rig.”

“Does he like it?”

“He complains but I don’t think my brother could ever settle down to an office type job. He really does like it despite what he says. Oh, and get this; he has been too busy to date. He even has his own apartment--alone.”

“No children?”

Scotty shook his head no.

“And Beady?”

“She and I will be graduating at the same time. The twins graduate from high school next year. EJ wants to join the army and Erica goes to a trade school for nursing. Tyrone makes the honor roll every year and Ginger still struggles but she does good at her school.”

“Was it tough for her?”

“Things got better once I was released but she has learned to adapt to change. She goes to a regular school and sometimes that’s good and sometimes its bad. But she’s made friends and that goes a long way for her.”

“Wow. I can’t wait to see them.”

Scotty licked his lips. “There’s another thing. While I was in prison I got to know Juan Carlos.”

“My father?”

“Yes. We even ended up in the same cellblock,” Even though Scotty knew that JC had been behind that move.

“How did you two get along?” She asked.

“At first, not so good. But later we got along much better.” He described how they spent time each day playing board games and how he would make dinner almost nightly. Scotty described J.C. as a man that had a lifetime worth of regrets.

Vanessa huffed and got up to take her dishes to the sink. “That’s easy to say after the fact, when all the hard work has been completed and its time to just sweep in and reap the benefits.”

Scotty’s heart fell a bit. Vanessa watched him taking in his look of disappointment.

“So you really think he’s changed?” She asked.

“I really do. He’s out of prison now and he actually has a real job. Although he thinks pimping is a real job. But I know it’s a job that he doesn’t want any longer. Anyhow, he knows you and Crash are here. He’d like to see you both.”

Vanessa nodded. “I don’t want him to have any expectations, Scotty. I don’t know this man and the time when his presence in my life would have meant something has long past.”

Scotty looked away but held a half smile on his face. “That’s almost exactly the same thing I said. I told him that he hadn’t earned the right to be my father.”

“And what did he say?”

“He said that his life was pretty pitiful that the high point of his life was just getting a few words from a kid that wasn’t really his and that hated him.”

Scotty stood up and closed the space between them. “I told him that I didn’t hate him. And I realized that I was telling the truth. And if J.C. could admit that he wanted a family; including all of my mother’s kids—then I could admit that I wanted a father.

Vanessa stared at him. After a moment she nodded. “This is very Wuthering Heights.”

Scotty laughed. He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Gee, thanks for equating me with an insane, egotistical tyrant.”

She hugged him quickly. “You know what I mean.”

He scooped her up and swung her around.

“Go get ready.” He released her. “There are a lot of things we need to do today.”

“Alright. Keep a close eye on Crash. He likes to put coins in his facial orifices and is intrigued by silverware and how well they fit into outlets.”

“Yikes. He gets that from your side of the family.”

She hugged Scotty and placed another kiss on his lips. This time she felt his erection rise between them. He smiled sheepishly and pulled his pelvis back.

“Sorry. He has a life of his own sometimes.”

She watched him with a grin. “Has he been very lonely?”

The smile fell from Scotty’s lips. “I haven’t been with anyone since you.”

Vanessa touched his face, running the tips of her fingers over his lips.

“Careful,” he whispered. “I told you he has a life of his own.”

“Then maybe you better be the one to take that shower Scott Tremont.”

He nodded his head and took a step back, but still wore a smile on his face.

“By the way,” she called after him. “Did you read Wuthering Heights as an assignment or for pleasure?”

He winked at her. “Both.”

He stripped out of his shirt as he headed for the bathroom and her eyes settled on the cut of his broad back.

“Oh, yes. He’s a keeper …” she whispered.

Chapter Eleven


“Where are we going?” Scotty had loaded them into his car and was driving them to some unknown destination.

“I told you. We’re going to visit Juan Carlos.”

Vanessa looked around. “Well why are you pulling up to a restaurant parking lot? We just had breakfast.”

They were at a steakhouse. It looked to her to be pretty upscale.

“He works here.” When they entered the restaurant, Scotty said something to the hostess.

They were still preparing for opening because the wait crew was bustling around but there were no customers. Scotty led them to the bar where the female bartender cooed at Crash and gave him a pretzel.

A man came from a door near the bar. He was wearing a pristine white jacket and a tall chef’s hat on top of his head, which had short salt and pepper hair.

Vanessa’s smile faded when she noticed the resemblance to Tino--Valentino Tremont; her half brother and the man who had once kissed her and threatened to pimp her out when she was just a child.

The man in chef clothes was watching her and when Scotty saw him he stood and greeted the man enthusiastically.

“J.C.” They slapped hands and hugged.

Juan Carlos looked from the little boy held in Scotty’s arms to his mother who sat looking scared and stricken, perched stiffly on the bar stool.

The look saddened Juan Carlos. She was absolutely beautiful and reminded him of her Mother. He could see a bit of himself in the girl, but he mostly saw Leelah.

He looked down at his grandson and a proud smile covered his face.

“Hi there, young man. You must be Matthew.”

“Crash,” Scotty corrected. “It’s the name he goes by.”

J.C. lifted his grandson into his arms. Crash stretched for his father who he had become very familiar and comfortable with.

“That’s your granddaddy.” Scotty said while allowing his father to win his son over.

“My daddy!” Crash said.

The men laughed and J.C. looked at Vanessa who had finally climbed down from the barstool to join them.

“Hello, Vanessa.”

“Hello, Juan Carlos.” Her eyes swept across him. He didn’t look old enough to be her father even though he had salt and pepper hair. He was handsome. She had gotten her height from him—she certainly hadn’t gotten it from her mom or grandmother.

She remembered when her mother had first told her about her father.

‘Your father’s no Trick. Your father’s a pimp…’

He held out his hand to her. She placed hers in his and he shook it gently.

“It’s nice to see you. You were a baby the last time we saw each other.”

Vanessa just nodded, her eyes never leaving the man that had changed the course of her mother’s life--the man that had lied to her so that he could pimp her out--the man that had left a legacy of pain and dysfunction in his wake.

“So you are a chef?” She asked politely.

“Yes. I’m the sous chef—second in command but hardest working.” He chuckled and Vanessa reached to take her son from him.

“Juan Carlos has been going to culinary school here at the Art Institute.”

“Art?” Vanessa asked.

“Culinary arts.”

“Oh, right.” Vanessa said.

She bounced Crash up on her hip when he kicked to be released in order to explore.

They didn’t stay much longer. And although Vanessa was polite, Juan Carlos noted that she spoke to him as if he was Scotty’s dad and not hers as well. At one point she referred to him as Mr. Tremont before he insisted she call him J.C. or Juan. But what he really wanted was for her to think of him as ‘Dad’.

But that was something he was prepared to work for.

Scotty gave him a hug and whispered in his ear.

“Give her time.”




“Where are we going now?” Vanessa asked once they were in the car.

“Do you have any plans for the day?” Scotty asked with a smirk.

She shrugged. “I’m all yours.”

He looked at her. “Good to know.”

They ended up going to a shopping center. It was two days before Christmas and the place was packed.

Scotty bought a car seat for Crash. “It’s too dangerous driving around with him sitting in your lap.”

He purchased some toddler friendly dishes, toys—specifically a set of Hot Wheels, training pants and a potty chair.

“What is all this about?” She asked with a raised brow.

Scotty scowled. “I changed this boy’s diaper this morning. Any boy who smells like a grown man needs to do his business in a toilet.”

She placed her hand in his as they continued their shopping.

Back in the car, Scotty whisked her away to another mysterious destination. Crash had fallen asleep in his new car seat and Christmas music was playing softly over the radio. She felt more comfortable than she had in a long time. She looked at Scotty.

“Remember when I told you that there was something that I’d rather do than performing?”

He looked at her. “Yeah. I remember.”

“Well the answer to that is
is what I want to do more than performing, more than anything.”

Any look of humor fell from Scotty’s face. They drove in thoughtful silence.

When they got out the car again, Vanessa knew that this was where Miss Gloria, Tyrone and Ginger had moved.

“Everyone is going to be here; Beady, Phonso, even G and his wife and kids. He’s got two now.” Scotty finally got the straps released from the car seat and lifted his son into his arms.

“G is clean?”

“He’s working on it.” After he lost his drug business and was unable to pay back his loan he’d gotten both of his arms broken and was in the hospital for nearly a month with various life threatening injuries. He could have been killed but they hadn’t wanted that. They wanted the next best thing; for him to live in fear and pain.

The front door of the townhouse opened and Ginger came rushing out. Her thick red hair was now cut into a cute short style, which caused her to look more mature than her fourteen years. Only her eyes and her broad smile indicated that she was much younger than her chronological years.

“Vanessa! You came home!”

She threw her arms around Vanessa and hugged her tight. Vanessa laughed and kissed her freckled cheek.

“Ginger, you’re all grown up!”

“I’m not as tall as Erica.”

Beady was suddenly there and the pretty young woman hugged her briefly and then cupped her cheeks. “Last time I saw you, you were in misery. You look happy now.”

“I’m much happier.”

Phonso was suddenly there and he grabbed her in a tight bear hug and swung her around until she laughed.

“Phonso, put me down!” But she still clung to him until Scotty scowled.

“Okay, lets get into the house before we all catch pneumonia.”

Miss Gloria, EJ, Erica, and Ty were waiting to greet her from the warmth of the house.

By the time that all of the greetings had been made, Ginger had taken possession of Crash, removed his winter gear and was busily engaging him with a stuffed animal. She didn’t mention the bar on his feet--if she even noticed it.

G and his wife arrived a short time later along with their kids—one of which was younger than Crash. G now walked with a cane and looked gaunt. There were scars on his face but he smiled and looked honestly happy to see her and Crash.

He lifted the boy in his arms and announced to the room that the baby was whiter than Scotty. After the laughter died down Miss Gloria announced that dinner was served and they gathered around the large dinner table where Miss Gloria had prepared a lasagna, salad, garlic bread, fried catfish tenders and boiled potatoes. Desert was spice cake with orange icing and green Jello with fruit cocktail suspended in it.

Vanessa loved it and she laughed and talked and ate as if it was old times.

She helped clean up the dinner dishes and then Scotty wanted to go into the living room where the Christmas tree was neatly decorated so that they could all relax and get caught up.

Ginger kept Crash preoccupied. She was being an attentive baby-sitter, allowing him to explore the Christmas tree without letting him to pop tinsel or ornaments into his mouth.

Miss Gloria put on a Motown Christmas album and Vanessa rested her head on Scotty’s shoulder as they talked and laughed.

“Can we do this again at Christmas?” Ginger asked.

“Maybe we can do it on every special occasion.” Scotty said. He turned and gazed into Vanessa’s brown eyes. He took her hand, his thumb gently sweeping over her engagement ring.

“Two years ago I made the biggest mistake of my life. I forgot that I was in a partnership. I thought that I had to be the one to make everything right. And in the process I nearly lost my soul mate and my son.”

“Awww …” Ginger said.

“Shhh.” Erica replied while watching the two people who were still obviously head over heels in love.

“Vanessa White, I asked you once if you would marry me and you said yes. I want nothing more than to be married to you, but I want to ask you again because this time I want to offer you not just marriage but an understanding.

“I promise you that I will never attempt to think for you. That our life together will always be a partnership and if you ever need me to say yes, even if I want to say no, than together we will come up with a compromise.

I promise that my love for you is enduring; and I make this pact before the people that I most love and value. Will you marry me Vanessa?”

Vanessa couldn’t stop staring into his eyes. The both of them had learned a hard lesson. But they had learned.


If there were other words that Vanessa would have spoken, none could have been heard overt the cheers of their family.

Crash looked around in surprise, not sure what all the noise was about but it gave him an opportunity to allow his loud, random screams to it.

Vanessa jumped up. “I have to call my grandmother! And Charisma!”

Vanessa was on the phone for nearly half an hour before she was able to rejoin the celebration. She stopped at the doorway and just looked silently at the people gathered in the living room and felt love for them all.

Family was not comprised just of blood and flesh, but from love.

BOOK: Everything is Everything Book 2
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