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Authors: David Halberstam

Everything They Had (53 page)

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“Say It Ain't So, Mike,” 159, 206–11

Juantorena, Alberto, 331

Kaat, Jim, 152

Karras, Alex, 230–31

Katz, Stan, 235

Kearns, Tom, Sr., 339–40

Kearns, Tommy, 337–43

Keller, Charlie, 17, 147

Kelley, Steve, 217–18

Kennedy, John F., 61, 62, 193

Kerouac, Jack, xiv

Kerr, Steve, 207

Killebrew, Harmon, 75

Kinder, Ellis, 155

King, Larry, 22

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 125, 320

Knight, Bobby, 161–62, 177–79, 180–81

Knight, Robert M., 119–20, 121

Kornheiser, Tony, 327

Koufax, Sandy, 63, 132, 133, 134

Kramer, Jerry, 63

Krovatin, Gerry, 272

Krueger, Charlie, 355, 359

Kruse, Bob, 354, 356–57, 358

Kubek, Tony, 230

Kukoc, Toni, 207, 209

Kuhn, Bowie, 68

LaFrance, Allan, 136

Landry, Tom, 224

Larsen, Don, 134

Lasorda, Tommy, 87, 88, 135

Lazarus, Emma, 32

Lee, Art, 357–58

Lee, George, 353–54, 355, 356–58, 359–60

Lefebvre, Jim, 75

Lehrer, Tom, 235

Lelyveld, Joe, 113–14

Leonard, Ray, 190

Lewis, Carl, 104, 331

Lewis, John, 219

Lincoln, Abraham, 31, 61, 226

Lindbergh, Charles, 37

Lipsyte, Bob, 18

Liston, Sonny, 47, 318–19

Litvan, Yefim, 298, 299

Lombardi, Vince, 224, 245

Longenbach, Zaddick, 290, 297, 298

Lopat, Eddie, 100, 132, 155

Lopes, Davey, 88

Los Angeles Lakers, 183–92, 202, 203, 212, 213, 217, 219

Los Angeles Rams, 224

Loughery, Kevin, 338

Louis, Joe, 40, 48

Lukas, J. Anthony, xvi

Lyle, Sparky, 104

McCarver, Tim, 25, 134

McClain, Sean, 290, 291, 298

McCullough, David, 201

McGrady, Tracy, 213

McGuire, Frank, 339–40, 341

McHale, Kevin, 185

McLain, Denny, 68

McMillian, Jimmy, 202

McNamee, Graham, 36, 37

Madden, John, 285

Malone, Karl, 208

Malteni, Moose, 241

Mantle, Mickey, 28, 62, 64, 66, 68, 90, 98, 196, 218

Marchetti, Gino, 45–46

Marden, John, 377

marketing, 247

Maris, Roger, 66

Marshall, George Preston, xv–xvi

Martin, Billy, 90, 137, 140

Martinez, Pedro, 152

“The Ultimate Gamer,” 129–36

Maynard, Don, 246

Mays, Willie, 50, 64, 65, 84, 125, 144, 154, 210

media, 191, 216–17, 285

see also

Mercer, Galen, 358

Meredith, Don, 230–31

Micahnik, Dave, 297, 299

Miller, Dennis, 238

Miller, Jock, 348–49, 350, 354, 355, 359, 360

Minnesota Vikings, 281

Mleczko, Allison Jaime, 300–305, 307–16

Mleczko, Priscilla “Bambi,” 305, 307, 309, 310

Mleczko, Sarah, 307

Mleczko, Tom, 262, 305, 307, 308, 309, 311, 313

Mleczko, Wink, 307, 309, 313

Montville, Leigh, 192

Morrall, Earl, 246

Motley, Marion, 251

Movsessian, Larry, 306

Movsessian, Vicki, 306

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 32

Mudge, Ann, 101

Murcer, Bobby, 134

Murphy, John, 377

Musburger, Brent, 191

Musial, Stan, 196

Mussina, Mike, 131–32, 140

myths, 61

“Baseball and the National Mythology,” 61–69

Namath, Joe, 44, 46, 63, 224, 227, 231, 245–46, 253–54

, 239, 332

Nashville Volunteers, 17

nationalism, 323, 324, 325

National League, 76, 86

NBA, 183, 190, 197, 198, 211

Negro League, 39

Nelson, Jeff, 134

New England Patriots, 282, 366

Newhouser, Hal, 98

New Journalism, 20

New York
Daily News
, 69

New Yorker
, 218–19

New York Giants, 36, 43, 44, 45, 46, 54, 223, 225, 227, 240, 242, 244, 251, 252, 254, 281, 283, 285, 286

New York Jets, 224, 244–47, 254, 286

New York Knicks, 54, 184, 203–4, 205, 217

New York Magazine
, xviii

“Character Study: Pat Riley,” 201–5

“Sunday, Boring Sunday: A Farewell to Pro Football,” 223–32

New York Mets, 25, 127–28

New York Post
, 16, 116

New York Times
, xiii, xv, xvi–xvii, 17–18, 19, 113, 114, 217, 323, 352, 362

“The Good Old Days—for Baseball Owners,” 115–18

“He Got a Shot in the NBA, and It Went In,” 337–43

“Horse Racing in Warsaw: Sport of the People,” xvii, 6–9

“The Perfectionist at the Plate,” 142–45

New York Yankees, 22, 24, 25, 28, 30, 36, 54, 109, 112, 113, 116–18, 127–28, 130, 132, 134, 155–56, 216

“The Fan Divided,” 96–105

“If They Strike, I'm Going Fishin',” 146–52

Smith and, 77

“Torre Makes a Good Boss,” 137–41

NFL, 53, 224, 225, 228, 229, 232, 249

“How I Fell in Love with the NFL,” 237–43

Nicholson, Jack, 213

Nike, 197–98, 199 9/11, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 359

Nixon, John, 240–41, 242–43

Nixon, Norm, 191

Nolan, Marty, 147

Nureyev, Rudolf, 195

Oakland Raiders, 245

October 1964
(Halberstam), 24, 28

Odden, Patsy, 312–13

Oh, Sadaharu, 91, 93, 94

oil culture, 34

Oliphant, Jeff, 177, 179–81

Oliphant, Tom, 177, 179–80

Olsen, Jack, 67

Olympic Games, 198, 199, 200, 201, 215

Dream Team in, 329–30

fencing team and, 291, 295, 299

“Olympiad XXVIII,” 329–33

women's hockey team and, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 313, 315–16

O'Neal, Shaquille, 207, 213

Ortiz, Manny, 153

Oscars, 248
Out of the Red
(Smith), 15

Owen, Mickey, 128

Page, Joe, 155

Parade Magazine

“Why Men Love Baseball,” 111–14

Parish, Robert, 185

Parnell, Mel, 109, 155

Patagonia, 281–87, 344–60

Patterson, Floyd, 48, 321

Patterson, Tony, 179, 180

Pelé, 195

Pendergast, Pat, 282–83

Pepitone, Joe, 67, 68, 79

Perfect Game, The
(Seaver and Schaap), 63–64

Pesky, Johnny, 97–98, 109, 147

Petrocelli, Rico, 101

Pettitte, Andy, 134

Pew, Bill, 260, 269–70

Philadelphia 76ers, 212, 219–20

Piniella, Lou, 103, 104

Pippen, Scottie, 122, 207, 209

Plasman, Dick, 369


“The Education of Reggie Smith,” 70–95

Plump, Bobby, 165, 166, 167, 169, 171–72, 173

Poland, xvi–xvii, 323

“Horse Racing in Warsaw: Sport of the People,” xvii, 6–9

politics, 248

Powell, Colin, 22, 125

Powers, Bill, 179–80

Powers That Be, The
(Halberstam), xviii

Princeton University, 233, 235, 236

Quigg, Joe, 340, 341

Quinn, Sally, 22

Rabi, I. I., 31

race and racism, 27, 31, 32, 39, 46–47, 48, 50–51, 53, 125

black athletes and,
black athletes

black Muslims and, 47, 48

civil rights movement and, 14, 17, 26, 49–50, 215, 238, 318, 332, 333, 363

Radatz, Dick, 83–84

radio, 36, 37, 55, 131, 147

baseball and, 43, 250

football and, 42–43, 45, 250, 251–52

Ramirez, Manny, 153–54

Ramos, Pete, 25

Ramsay, Jack, 26

Rank, Mr., 267

Raschi, Vic, 28, 42, 100, 115, 116–18, 155

Redford, Robert, 346

Reed, Willis, 184

Reiser, Pete, 15

Reston, James, xiv

Reynolds, Allie, 100, 155

Richards, Ed, 292

Richardson, Bobby, 25

Ridenour, Ron, 219

Rice, Jerry, 122

Rickey, Branch, 40, 125, 175

Riley, Pat, 184

“Character Study: Pat Riley,” 201–5

Río Grande, 281–87, 344–50

Riswold, Jim, 197

Rivera, Mariano, 155

Rizzuto, Phil, 28, 64

Robertson, Oscar, 170, 174, 175, 176–77

Robinson, Frank, 76

Robinson, Jackie, 39–42, 48, 50, 86–87, 175, 215, 319–20, 363

“History's Man,” 122–25

Rocker, John, 127

Rodman, Dennis, 186, 209

Rodriguez, Alex, 151

Rohr, Billy, 101–2

Rose, Jalen, 209

Rose Bowl, 37

Rosenbluth, Lennie, 340, 341

Rote, Kyle, 45

Roth, Philip, 101

Rotier, Johnny, 240, 241

Rotier's, 240–41, 243, 251


Royle, Marlene, 377

Rozelle, Pete, 227, 249, 253, 255

Rudolph, Wilma, xiii, xiv, 331–33

Russell, Bill, 65, 190, 197, 242

Chamberlain and, 216–17

Russell, Bryon, 208

Russell, William F., 67

Russia, 324–25, 331

Ruth, Babe, 32, 33–34, 36, 62, 66, 242

Ryan, Nolan, 73, 74

Safire, Bill, 22

St. Louis Cardinals, 24, 28, 86–87, 118, 138

San Francisco Giants, 77

Schaap, Dick, 14

“Schaap Was a Pioneer … and a Good Guy,” 361–65

Schaus, Fred, 202

Schilling, Curt, 155, 231

Schorr, Daniel, 250

Schroder, Roger, 166, 167

sculling (rowing), 330

“Death of a Sculler, in Three Acts,” xiv, xvii, 1, 3–5

“The Fitness-Goers,” 374–79

women's, 304

Seattle Times
, 217

Seaver, Nancy, 63–64

Seaver, Tom, 62–64, 71, 73, 105

September 11 terrorist attacks, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 359

Seymour, Paul, 342, 343

Sharpe, Howard, 178

Shaughnessy, Dan, 135, 154

Shecter, Leonard, 67, 69

Shoriki, Toru, 78, 94

“Silent Season of the Hero, The” (Talese), xv

Silverman, Al, 15–16

Simpson, O. J., 190

Sittler, Darryl, 306

Sittler, Meaghan, 306

Sittler, Ryan, 306–7

Sloan, Jerry, 208

Smith, Ben, 301, 302, 303, 305–6, 314–15, 316

Smith, Dean, 169, 206, 338

Smith, Emmitt, 122

Smith, Ray, 278

Smith, Red, xv, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20–21

Smith, Reggie, 101

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