Everything You Want: Everything For You Trilogy 2 (43 page)

BOOK: Everything You Want: Everything For You Trilogy 2
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“So she’s not that far from here, then?”

His persistence makes me so mad I lose focus. “You should have been a detective.” Now I sound really devious. I take a deep breath to calm myself down. “She’s not far. It won’t take me long then you and I can pick up where we left off.” I try to distract him with a future of erotic possibilities.

He’s not so easily misdirected. He crosses his arms over his chest. Immoveable object meets irresistible force, comes soundly to mind. “I’m not letting you go out alone when I’m here to help you. What sort of man would that make me?”

“The one that I –” I pause, eyes widening. My biggest secret nearly slipped out but this is absolutely not the right moment to reveal it. It would make me sound completely manipulative, just to get my own way. That’s not how I want to tell him.

A mixture of confusion and irritation flashes across his features. I’m beginning to lose this. I try to focus but it’s so hard around him. Especially after today when I’m almost ready to convince myself he might actually care about me too.

“The fact is Libby’s extremely upset.”

“About a car breaking down?” Complete disbelief rings through his voice.

“No. About splitting up with her boyfriend.” My little white minnow of a lie is quickly turning into a whopper of gargantuan white shark proportions. “She took off in her car and now she’s stranded. And upset. She needs a woman to talk to. A friend.”

“I see. So it’s not about the car.”

“Well, of course, it’s that too. But it’s more about the emotional side of things. It’s made the car thing grow arms and legs, so to speak.” Like my lies. “So can I go?”

“You’re not a prisoner, Tabby. I just wanted to help you.”

I stand up and slip my arms around his neck. He holds me lightly by the hips but he’s still a little wary.

“I know you do. But, trust me, it’s a woman thing. I’ll take a cab. Both ways.”

“Damn right you will. I’ll call one from here. I’m not having you traipsing all over London on your own. Make sure it waits for you. Take Libby home and come straight back. Or call. I’ll be waiting.”

It seems a bit of a quick turnaround but Jack can be that mercurial, I suppose. I give him a brief kiss and let go. “I’d better change first.” I smile with relief.

His eyes trail down my body taking in my cropped t-shirt and my opened hip-huggers with even more of my belly on show. “Yes. Change.” He looks at me closely. “I’m not sure what you’re smiling about.” He glares at me. He’s not quite forgiven me for abandoning him mid-foreplay, I suppose.

I wipe the smile from my face. “Sorry.”

“I’ll get you a card with the number of a reliable towing service on it. Phone them and tell them it’s for me. They’ll handle the rest.”

“Thank you.”

He heads off to his study. He’s really sweet, helping me to help Libby who is probably stuffing her face with cake and ice-cream at this very moment without a care in the world. But why shouldn’t she? It’s my mess.

I realise I can’t turn up at a posh hotel like Claridge’s, dressed in a neon t-shirt which shows my bare belly over hip-hugging jeans. Not if I want to get through the front door, that is. I quickly change into a delicate summer dress.

“That’s what you’ve changed into? You’re looking very pretty.” His remark is not casual or complimentary. It’s downright distrustful.

“Too hot out for jeans, that’s all. It’s nothing.” It’s a feeble excuse and we both know it.

“It’s not nothing when you’re wearing it.” He says it like it’s suddenly a crime to look good.

“I’ll change back if you prefer.” I gripe as if I’m trying to hide something. Okay, I am but not what he’s implying.

“That would defeat the whole point, wouldn’t it?”

“What the hell do you mean by that?” I’m getting frustrated with his cryptic remarks. This is so much harder than I thought it would be.

“I don’t see why you need to dress up to go rescue Libby. Are you sure that’s where you’re going?” He seems doubtful.

“Where exactly do you think I’m going?” Has he worked it out? He’s smart enough not to buy my story, I can see that. It might be a relief to just admit the lot and ask him to pretend he didn’t find out from me.

“Dressed like that? Looking beautiful and desirable? Acting weird? I dread to think.”

“Oh, for God’s sake!”

I’m fighting with him again. On his birthday. I begin to wonder if any of this is worth any stupid surprise party. He’ll probably want me barred from it by the time we’re through. I’m beginning to think Amanda guessed this might happen. Well I won’t give her the satisfaction.

“You want me to trust you. Well how about you trust me, Jack? Please. I’ll be back here before you know it.” I adopt as much honest appeal as I can muster, whilst lying through my teeth.

When his eyes narrow again, I deploy my big guns. In his obvious state of frustration it may just work. My arms slide round his neck and I press my lips softly against his. He stands rigid for a moment as I work my magic. Reluctantly his arms circle my waist and he gathers me to him hard and returns my kiss. He can’t resist me this way. If only I was as confident his emotions were engaged too, I’d be the happiest female alive.

He draws back and looks at me. “Okay, I’m trusting you. Behave yourself.”

“Me?” Okay, that may have been a sass too far.

But he visibly unbends. Perhaps he’s reasoned it might be something to do with his birthday in the end. “Be good.”

“I will if you will.” I give him a cheeky grin and he slaps me on the rump.

I know he doesn’t want to let me go, especially without him, so his faith in me is a pretty big deal, even if it is reluctantly given. I have to remember, he was pretty ticked off the last time I left him at Belvedere and he’s made me promise over and over not to run.

I have an evening gown and one of Jack’s dinner suits with shirt, shoes and underwear already tightly folded in a hold-all and hidden in the bedroom. I’ll have to get the hotel to sort out any creases when I arrive. I place it by the lift as Jack returns to see me off.

“Here’s the card. Have you got enough money for the cab?”

I hold up my purse, an essential part of the ruse, and slip the card inside it. I turn stiffly to pick up the bag. This is an awkward moment as he’s bound to query what I’m doing with a hold-all. I almost wish I’d hidden it outside the apartment but figured he’d insist on walking me outside anyway and picking up a bag hidden in the garage would look even more suspicious. If only Amanda had given me more time to plan.

If he insists on looking inside, I’m screwed.

“What do you need a hold-all for?” It’s hard to imagine he believes any part of my tale especially as I’m practically squirming.

“Just girly stuff Libby might need.”

“That’s an awful lot of Kleenex.” He stares at me like I might be packed and running out on him.

I think of everything he taught me about confidence in CEOs, turn and face him; steeling my nerve. “Don’t be sarcastic, Jack. Knowing Libby she probably ran out of the house in a bath-towel. I just threw a change of clothing into a bag, in case she needs it. And some toiletries and over-night stuff so she can go straight to her mother’s or a hotel.”

I face him down.

It works. He hits the button to open the elevator and accompanies me down to wait for the taxi. “Keep your phone handy. Let me know the minute you reach Libby.”

I pat my bag as if it’s inside. But the phone is where I deliberately left it, on silent, on the floor just beneath the edge of the bed. When he finds it, it will look like I dropped it there accidently.

Jack is going to kill me when he discovers the lengths I’ve gone to, to deceive him. I intend to direct that wrath towards Amanda when the time comes. If Advance’s planning is no more organised than hers, then CaidCo have the Zee-Com contract in the bag. That thought cheers me up a little.

The taxi pulls up and I turn to Jack. “I’m sorry if I’m spoiling your plans.”

It’s the wrong thing to say.

His voice chills. “Is that what you’re doing, Tabitha?” It’s clear he doesn’t altogether believe these events and this may have ruined all the headway we’ve made today.

But I have to trust he’ll understand when we meet up later. “I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”

I jump in quickly and close the door. I can’t stand the look of disillusionment on his face. Even anger is easier to deal with than that. He looks hurt and confused that I would want to be without him now and there’s nothing I can say to make it better.

I smile and wave yet he doesn’t wave back. The look of doubt on his face disturbs me but I shrug off the bad feeling that rolls over me like a winter’s wind and freezes my marrow. Anyone would feel bad, if they’d had to pull off a pretence like I’ve just done.

I must try to relax and trust everyone else manages their part of the deal. At least the plan is working and I’ll see him soon enough to explain everything. I comfort myself with that.

The next time Jack sees me I’ll be looking totally desirable, wearing a beautiful gown, holding a glass of sparkling Champagne in my hand and wishing a very surprised man a special happy birthday.



Chapter Nineteen


The taxi glides along Brook Street and deposits me at the entrance to Claridge’s hotel. A liveried doorman steps forward to open the door as I finish paying the fare.

“Good evening, madam.”

“Good evening.” I step inside as the sun drops behind adjacent buildings and cross the shiny bold black and white art deco lobby floor to reception.

Crystal chandeliers, pillared arches, open fireplaces and framed paintings create a stunningly luxurious ambience and I can see why Amanda chose this hotel as the venue for Jack’s dinner. It’s tastefully elegant.

“Welcome to Claridge’s. May I help you, madam?” The smartly uniformed receptionist smiles, making me very glad I changed into my Vera Wang dress even if it did cause a little friction. Clothes inspire confidence. Jack taught me that. He can hardly complain when I use the knowledge to my advantage.

I have no idea whose name any of this is booked in. “I’m here for Jack Keogh’s party?”

She consults her monitor and looks up smiling. “Tabitha Caid?”

“That’s me.” Amanda is more efficient than I give her credit for. At least it saves me any long-winded explanations.

She clicks a few buttons and sorts a key card, handing it to me. “The Prince Alexander Suite has been reserved. I’ll have a porter show you the way and take your luggage.”

“Thank you.” It’s a bit embarrassing carrying a silly gym hold-all in this swanky environment but I’d never have got out of Belvedere alive with a posh suitcase.

A suite seems a bit over the top as a room to change in but as soon as I remember Jack will be using it to change too it makes a little more sense. Amanda and Advance are going for broke but I know Jack better by now. It will take more than a fancy hotel room to sway his mind over a lucrative contract with Zee-Com.

The receptionist wishes me a comfortable stay and the porter carries my bag like it’s Louis Vuitton, not high street.

“Elevator or stairs, Miss?”

“Stairs please.” The exercise will settle me, besides, call me childish but I really fancy the idea of sweeping up that amazing curved staircase.

He leads me to the suite. When he opens up and shows me the rooms, I’m stunned by the elegance. The sitting room reminds me of a Regency novel, except with comfortably modern upholstered furniture. A vast mirror covers the fireplace wall but what really takes my breath away is the grand piano. This all seems rather excessive even for Amanda’s grand schemes.

I hand the porter a tip and when he leaves I rush into the bedroom. Instantly I picture Jack and me in that enormous king-sized bed with the striped sofa at the foot. This will be the place I tell Jack I love him, I decide. I don’t even care if Amanda has other ideas. They will not supersede mine.

Perhaps she booked this opulent suite to seduce Jack in herself. Well she’ll have a hard job as I’m not letting him out of my sight for a minute. I’ll drag him up here if I have to. With every instinct I possess, I know I’m standing in the place where everything will come to light. I picture myself naked on the bed, willing Jack to come to me. I see the look of longing on his face as he stands in the doorway. I feel the heat of his desire.

I can’t wait. It’s time he knew the truth.

It’s hard not to let my fantasies run away with me. I test the bed with a little bounce and caress the high quality linen. Then I dance through to the sitting room and tap out a tune, one-handed, on the piano. I find myself humming a few bars of
Price Tag
which makes me laugh. This place is all about the money but my love is definitely for free.

A moment of nervousness stills me. What if he rejects me this time too?

I can’t allow myself to think like that. All the signs were there today that he finally wants me the way that I want him. I’m wearing his eternal knot pendant to prove it.

Remembering the clothes I packed for the dinner tonight still crushed up in the holdall, I rush to check the damage and hang everything up. The creases should drop out of my gold silk gown and Jack’s shirt, especially if I hang them in the bathroom while I take a hot shower but I decide to ask house-keeping to press his suit. I want everything to be perfect.

BOOK: Everything You Want: Everything For You Trilogy 2
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