Evil Allure (4 page)

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Authors: Rhea Wilde

BOOK: Evil Allure
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“Listen,” I said. “I appreciate the time but it’s getting late and I have to help them close up the bar.”

“I understand.”

I got up out of my seat to try and return to work but Vaughn stopped me for another second.



“I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable… I’d just… really like to get to know you better. Maybe some other time…”


I didn’t know what to think of him. I was conflicted. All I knew was his name and even though he just told me he wanted to get to know me better, I wasn’t sure I was okay with it. He was handsome and I was attracted to him. There was something intriguing about him that I couldn’t deny and May’s talk about me just needing to sleep with someone to clear my mind suddenly entered my thoughts. But Vaughn was still a mystery to me.

I helped the rest of the girls clean up the rest of the bar. As I did, Vaughn finally got up to leave. He was the last customer. After he left, Zoe turned to me with a curious look in her eyes.

“So? What do you think of him?” she asked me.

I thought about it for a few seconds before realizing I now had more questions than answers.

“I don’t know, Zoe. I don’t know.”

Chapter 4

I couldn’t get home soon enough. I was exhausted from working so hard. I didn’t get any answers from the mysterious Vaughn. And now that the gritty city streets were staring back at me, I remembered everything about the encounter with the thugs May dealt with last night.

I stood outside of the bar and waited for her so that she could walk me back home again. She eventually stumbled out of the bar with her boyfriend, Chris. The two of them sloppily made-out like they were drunk even though I knew at least one of them wasn’t.

“Can we go now?” I asked her. “It’s late and I’m already getting cold.”

The two of them continued going at one another like they hadn’t heard me. I tried interrupting them again to no avail. After what seemed like an eternity, Chris pulled his face away from her. The look in his eyes told me that I was watching the prelude to one of the erotic fantasies May had told me about.

“I don’t want to wait, baby,” he muttered to her. “Let’s just go back to my place and do it.”

“Alright,” May agreed with him.

“Wait a second,” I interrupted her. “Chris lives down the other block. I thought you were going home with me.”

May stared at me with a look of resignation in her eyes. When she did, Chris dipped back into her and started kissing her neck. The resignation disappeared as her eyes fluttered closed. She wasn’t putting up much of a fight and her desire was quickly overriding the need for my own peace of mind.

“You’ll be fine,” she said to me. “You don’t really need me to walk me home now, do you?”

“May, don’t you remember what happened last night? What if I run into those thugs again?”

Chris didn’t relent as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. May, still enjoying the pleasure from her boyfriend’s lips on her body, reached into her bag. She tossed the small switchblade to me and I whipped my hands up to catch it.

“I already taught them a lesson,” May said, half-groaning. “If they get out of line, remind them. Don’t worry. They won’t try anything.”

Before I could protest to May’s suggestion that I take matters into my own hands, the passion had already consumed both her and her boyfriend. Their lips were too entangled to give me a response even if I asked them. I watched them walk down the side of the street. All of the other employees had gone home for the night and I suddenly found myself standing in front of the bar by myself, completely alone.

I took a deep breath and sighed as May disappeared into the distance. Reluctantly, I made my way home through the dark city slums. I tried not to think about anything that could possibly go wrong but it was no use. My paranoia was getting the best of me. The rampant news of murders was still fresh in my head. The city was dark with who knows what lurking behind every corner. Even just a few more working streetlights would have put me at ease. But somebody decided that my boring walk home needed to be more exciting than it needed to be.

I gripped the switchblade tight in my hand so tight that the warmth started to make my palm sweat. I could feel my heart racing even though there was nothing out of the ordinary. The streets were empty and every building was closed but that didn’t matter. It felt like something sinister was waiting for me. I was beginning to fear the city itself.

Crash. The sound of metal banging down one alley made me jump back. I peered down the alley and saw a small cat rummaging through a trash can. My mind was playing tricks on me and I would have screamed if the tension in my muscles had allowed me to. I resumed my walk, increasing my pace. I was hoping and praying that I would just make it home without having to deal with anything. Just for tonight. A single night. That was all I was asking.

It seemed reasonable to me but I should have known better. This city was beyond reason.

A man stumbled from around the corner, with my apartment just in front of me. His jeans were tattered, his shirt the same. You could say the same about his brown hair or the growing beard on his face. He was a part of this city just as much as it was a part of him.

I made my way across the street to avoid him even though walking around would make it longer to get home. When I stepped foot on the other sidewalk, I found myself staring down the darkness I was trying to escape. The shadowy figures in the alley started to lurch forward and before I could make my escape, their pace suddenly quickened and blocked my path.

“What’s the rush, baby? Why don’t you stay a little while?”

I looked up at the slum dweller standing in front of me. He looked ordinary. He was wearing a pair of jeans and had a jacket over his shirt. His hair was slicked back and it looked like he had just shaven. But none of the matter. His eyes were enough. It was a look that told me his intentions were devious, regardless of anything he might do or say to deceive me.

I swallowed nervously as I stood there, the switchblade tucked underneath my armpit as I wrapped my arms around myself. Three of his friends started to walk behind me, surrounding any other exit I might be looking for what.

“You the quiet type, baby?” he said, a smile forming at the corner of his lip. “It’s okay. I like shy girls. They’re really pretty.”

He placed his hand up slowly against my cheek, brushing a few strands of hair that were dangling. Instinctively, I jerked my head back and whipped my arm out. I pointed the blade at his neck as he put his hands up.

“Whoa! Easy there, girl. You don’t want to do that now.”

“I just want to go home,” I pleaded with him. “Just leave me alone.”

I had no idea what I was doing and I couldn’t hide it. My hand was shaking. My palm was sweating to the point that the handle was beginning to slip out. I didn’t want to be in this position and I wondered if I even had the nerve to do what needed to be done. I turned around to look at his friends to make sure they didn’t try anything either.


A split-second was all he needed. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it, the blade falling down onto the ground. I yelped in pain from the sudden movement. He pulled me in closer to me as I continued to groan.

“Stupid bitch!” he said as he got into my face. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“Please,” I begged him, only now beginning to fear the worst. “I just want to go home.”

“You don’t want to go home, girl. It’s still early. You can stay and play a little while with my friends.”

He leaned in close to me and inhaled along my neck. I closed my eyes tightly and shuddered from the feeling of his face so close to mine. I could feel all of them chuckling and smiling at me as I stood there helpless in his grip.

“You like to play rough, bitch? Good. So do I.”

I screamed as he dragged me into the alley with one of his arms. I stumbled into the darkness and felt the presence of the men behind me as he shoved me up against the wall. It was so dark that the exit was barely visible. I just had to make it out to the side to escape. I tried running but ran into the shadowy figure of one of the men.

“You’re not going anywhere, bitch.”

I couldn’t even decipher who was who. I could just hear them standing around me, breathing so hard. One of them grabbed me and turned me around, pinning me up against the wall. My face pressed up against the cold bricks of the building and they pushed my hands up to join it. I struggled but it was pointless.

I felt a hand brush between my thighs and a shiver shot through my spine. I started sobbing louder and louder as the hand worked its way up my legs, regretting that I had worn a skirt tonight. When it reached my entrance, it started to rub me through my panties.

“I’d suggest you get a little wet. Make it easier on yourself. Because I’ve got a big cock and it’s going in all the way whether you like it or not.”

“P-please… P-please don’t… I don’t—”

“I like it when bitches beg and plead. It’s always a lot more fun when there’s a struggle. It makes me fuck them even harder.”

He gripped my panties and in one violent motion, ripped them from me. The sound of the fabric tearing as it pulled against my skin sent a stream of tears flooding from my eyes. While my arms were pinned against the wall, I felt two sets of hands grab my legs and spread them. I tried to resist but nothing had changed. It was still just as pointless as it was the first time.

He raised my skirt up over my now bare ass. I could feel the night breeze blowing against my skin, my pussy completely exposed to him. Knowing how dark it was that he couldn’t see anything did nothing to appease me. The darkness of the alley made it so that I would have to focus on the feeling of what he was about to do to me.

Is this what it felt like? Is this what it was like to be raped? The feeling of being completely violated made me feel even more queasy as I felt his thick cock pressing up against my ass. The firmness of it let me know that he had every intention on following through with his punishment of me.

“It’s real simple, girl. You just stand there and take this cock. Struggle. Resist. Fight. It doesn’t matter. You can tighten your pussy all you want but my cock is still going in you.”

The words he whispered into my ear forced a scream from my lungs. Like so many prayers from so many different people, it fell upon the deaf ears of the city. His cock pressed up against the inside of my thighs as he started to search for my entrance. I was shuddering and sobbing, bracing myself against the wall that his friends had me pinned against. The tip of his cock pushed up against my opening and I gasped.

“Mmmm, baby… You’re so tight.”

I closed my eyes as he slowly began to push himself deeper into me.

“Let her go.”

The voice boomed from behind me. I was so distraught that I thought I was hearing things. It was a voice inside of my head that I wished was there. But then he suddenly pulled out of me and I realized that it wasn’t just me.

“What the fuck?” a voice exclaimed behind me. “Who the fuck are you?”

“I said let her go.”

“Man, kick this guy’s ass, would you?”

My hands fell free from the wall and the body pressing up against me pulled away. I turned around and could barely see anything through the darkness.


The visceral slashing sound filled the air followed by a thud against the ground. Another slash ripped through the air followed by more screaming. I felt a wetness splash against my body. I braced myself up against the wall, paralyzed with fear. I couldn’t see anything clearly in the alley. I could only make out a tangle of figures wrestling and fighting with one another.

The sound of the men screaming and then sudden silence filled my ears.

“What the fuck are you?” a voice muttered.

An almost primal growl filled the alley. It was followed by the sound of flesh being ripped and another body thudding down to the ground.

What happened? What was going on? One moment I was pinned up against the wall, about to be raped, the next, someone or something had come to my rescue. I squinted my eyes through the darkness in front of me and stood up against the wall. I could see a lone figure turned in my direction. I was trying to see who or what it was but it was too dark. I couldn’t see anything except for one thing. Their eyes. Pupils staring right at me. They were a yellowish tint that seemed to be illuminated among the blackness of everything else. I gulped in fear and put my arms up against myself.

“P-please…” I whispered instinctively. “I-I just want to go home. Don’t hurt me. Please...”

The figure just stood there in front of me. The set of eyes looked at me as if trying to do more than just observe. It was like they were peering into my soul. I was in a trance, too frightened to move and too confused to comprehend everything that was going on.

But nothing happened. The figure just stood there. The eyes just stared at me, unblinking, as if they were floating in the air. The sound of one of the men gasping on the ground finally snapped me back to reality. Gathering my senses, I rushed from out of the alley and toward the dull lights of the city streets.

I just ran. My apartment building was right in front of me but it had never seemed so far before. When I got into my apartment, I slammed the door shut behind me and quickly bolted the locks. I turned around to see the peace of my living room in front of me. Leaning up against my front door, I banged the back of my head against it and closed my eyes. I started to cry after trying to put together everything that had just happened.

I was saved. Someone or something in that alley protected me from those men. My cry for help was answered but I still felt completely violated.

I brushed a hand against my face to try to compose myself and made my way to the bathroom. My reflection in the mirror told me just how bad it was. My mascara was running down my cheeks. My lipstick was smeared. I had an abrasion on the side of my face from how hard they pushed me up against the wall.

I leaned over the sink and splashed some water on my face to try and wash everything away. I stared closer at my reflection and tried to forget about everything. Then something caught my eye. I looked closer at the mirror and noticed several stains on my shirt.

I turned down and noticed it. My white top was smattered with spots of red wetness. The realization of blood on me forced my heart to skip a beat. I ripped my clothes off and threw them into a pile around my ankles. I looked all over my body, trying to see where else I was injured. But aside from the scrape on my face, there wasn’t a scratch on me. It wasn’t my blood.

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