EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two (10 page)

BOOK: EVO Shift: EVO Nation Series: Book Two
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“That was surprisingly uneventful,” Leoni says. I open my eyes and blink away the dryness. “You might have a bit of a headache, and a bunch of memories that don’t fit properly, but everything will sort itself out.”

Sitting up, I pull against the restraints on my wrists. The skin underneath has been rubbed raw and bleeds into the sheets. “I thought you said it was uneventful.”

She just smiles and unlocks the cuffs. “I don’t like the brown hair on you. What did Adam think of it?”

“Seriously? Don’t ask me questions about Adam because I won’t answer them. If you were around for him you’d know for yourself.”

“That shy little girl from fourteen years ago has found a voice,” she says, half laughing. “You don’t half talk a load of shit, though. I have been sat on this saddle of a stool for the last thirteen hours, so I’m going to have a pee, have a coffee, and then I’ll explain it all to you. Do you think you can hold off on the judgement until then?”

I’m speechless, gawping at her like a fish out of water. Leoni shakes out her legs before heading out the door. I like her. My intuition feels more in tune than it ever has. It’s like I’m reading her subconsciously. She has a chip on her shoulder to match mine. Yeah, I definitely like her.

“I can see why he is in love with her,”
Leoni thinks.

I know she thinks it because her lips don’t move. I didn’t even have to try, her thoughts just popped into my head without as much as a flinch on my part.

“I must remember it’s my weekend to have the kids.”

“I’m gasping for a cuppa.”

“Who ate my cereal bar?”

Different thoughts and different voices fill my head; talking over each other, screaming for my attention. I grasp at my skull in a bid to stop the noise. Leoni stops at the door and watches me over her shoulder.

“What’s up with her now?”
she thinks.

Even more voices fill my head; random thoughts obscuring my own. I can’t control this, I have no off and on switch, and a familiar ball sits in my throat, stopping my lungs from expanding. I cry out, but it’s more of a raspy gasp.

Leoni rushes back into the room, taking my face in her hands.

“They’re so loud,” I say, wheezing for breath. “I can’t breathe.”

“Pull it back, Teddie. The telepathy belongs to you, not the other way around.”

“This is different. I have no control. I can hear everything.”

“If a five-year-old girl can control it, a nineteen-year-old, grown ass woman sure as hell can. You don’t get to be weak, not when Adam is relying on you.”

The mere mention of Adam shocks me back to myself, and I inhale deeply before the panic can get me firmly in its grip. I focus on the telepathy, balling it up in the centre of my mind until it steadies and I can feel it waning. I want to lock it away, never to open it again. It’s scarily powerful and I can’t cope.

“I wanted to let you recover, but perhaps now is a good of a time as any. What Grayson said to you about Adam being safer if you don’t link, well, he’s wrong. You need to link with him, Teddie. You need to give them reason to need him. Tell him you’re alive. If not, he has no value to them.” Her hands are hot on my cheeks, painful almost. “Link or they’ll kill him.”

“You’re right.” She seems taken off guard by my response. Was she expecting an argument? This is Adam we’re talking about. “What do I do? The link only happened if we were close. It’s sporadic.”

sporadic,” Leoni says, smiling. “Try it now.”

“What if it doesn’t work?”

“Teddie, we’re alone in this building. Those voices you heard are from a packing factory about a mile down the road. Link with Adam, now.”

“What do I say about you?”

“You say nothing. He can’t find out like this.”

I know my telepathy is strong. It has always been strong; I just lacked the memories to remember what I was actually capable of. I tell myself to link with Adam and it’s as if I’m jolted from reality. My mind and body feel separate, and a warm crackle surrounds my mind. That’s not all I feel. A deep, dark sense of despair sticks to me like tar, chilling me to my soul. A hollow, emptiness threatens to engulf me.

I ask.

The crackle intensifies, giving me respite from the desolation.

“I’m dreaming again,”
Adam thinks.
“Just leave me alone.”
His voice is dead- TORO dead.

My heartbeat thuds around in my brain. Please, don’t be TORO.
“It’s me, Baby. It’s Teddie,”
I say, again.

“No. Teddie is dead.”

I show him my memory of walking into the Syndicate meeting with Jude. I show him Grayson’s face, my hospital gown, and my telekinetic episode as my brain seared with pain. The crackle of electricity feels hot in my mind.

His thoughts are wary.

“Hey, you.”

His emotion shifts from despair to exhilaration in an instant. The darkness creeping into my soul peels away from me.
“Where are you? Are you safe?” he asks.

“Yes, I’m fine. Where are you?”

He sighs with relief
. “We were deported back to Britain. I’m in a detention centre, but I don’t know where. I haven’t seen the others since we arrived. You have no idea how sexy your voice sounds right now. I thought I had lost you.”

“Are they hurting you?”
There is silence.
“You need to tell them that I am alive.”

“Not a chance.”

“Please, Adam. If they think you know nothing they will kill you. Give them a reason to need you. You have to do this. It will give us time to find you.”

“No. Stay in Italy and stay safe.”

“We’re in Britain at Syndicate’s headquarters. They saved my life. But I...I killed Maggie.”

“Because you had to,”
he says. There is no doubt in his mind at all. He trusts me implicitly. He doesn’t know what went down on that beach, yet still he knows the truth.

I will find you. Try and find out something about where you are, and let me know the next time I link with you. I promise I won’t leave you for long.”
I feel more drained than I have ever felt from linking. A dizziness swirls through my mind, distancing me from Adam’s thoughts.

“Teddie, what’s wrong? I can feel it. Are you sick?”

I can’t hold the link much longer.
“I’m okay.Things have kind of changed with my telepathy. Tell them I’m alive, Adam. You have to. I love you.”

I’m jerked back to reality. I open my eyes and Leoni watches me impatiently.

“Well?” she asks. I wipe tears from my eyes. She raises her hand to my temple. “May I see?” I allow her access to the memory. She sits in silence for a moment, composing herself. “I know it’s silly, but I expect to hear his twelve-year-old little voice. He has a man’s voice. It’s a kind voice,” she says, smiling to herself. “He sounds like a good man.”

I pick up on her emotions: pain, sorrow, pride, relief, love. She was keeping him safe when she left him. I’m unsure if I am reading her on a primitive level or if my telepathy makes me more intuitive. I know Leoni loves Adam. “He is the best of men,” I say, taking her hand.

She stares at our linked hands.

The door opens and Jude strides in. His eyes dart from our hands, to my face. “You linked, didn’t you? He knows you are alive, doesn’t he?” He sounds scarily angry.


He just glares at me. He doesn’t say a word, just glares at me. His chest rises and falls at rapid speed, but still he says nothing. Then, he turns on his heels and leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.



I enter the meeting room wearing a pair of Leoni’s jeans and Cooper’s grey t-shirt. I have had to tie it at my naval to make it fit better. He wears a hoody that is still stained with my blood. My Converse look worse for wear, but they have survived a lot with me and I just can’t throw them away. They have out survived the man who got them for me. God, I miss Golding. I prize my eyes from my feet, so as not to look little and afraid. Only Jude and Cooper wait for us. I was expecting ear ache from Grayson, but it looks like he’s left Jude to give me a double dose.

I look straight at Jude. “I won’t apologise for potentially saving Adam’s life.”

“It’s not what you did, but how you went about it, Princess.” His voice is softer now. The vein in his head isn’t bulging at me like before. “You looked me in the eye and said you wouldn’t link.”

Leoni steps forward. “This is my son’s life—”

“And you can shut your damn mouth,” Jude snaps at her. His anger for Leoni is still at full strength. “You took advantage of her straight after your voodoo memory shit. She wasn’t in the right mind to make the decision. I blame you for this.”

“For what? All Teddie has done is given Adam a lifeline. They’ll know nothing other than the fact that she is alive.”

“Exactly. You’ve told them that the one EVO that Towley wants is alive and well. He will never stop hunting her. She will always be running. I know you only care about Adam, he’s your son, but Teddie is
family, she is
world, and how dare you put her at risk.” Jude’s just inches from Leoni’s face.

I can’t help but smile. This angry, arrogant, sometimes obnoxious man wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn’t shy away from admitting his love for me. Thinking about it, he never has. I drag him away from Leoni. “I love you, Jude.”

He swallows hard, holding my head close to his chest. “I love you too, Princess. So, how was he?”

I grip Jude tighter, burying my face into the fabric of his shirt.

“He’s hanging in there,” Leoni says for me.

“And the others?”

I shrug. “He’s all alone.”

“Adam won’t tell them you’re alive, you know that as well as I do,” says Jude. “I was just mad that you went behind my back.”

“I know, but I hope we’re wrong. I get that Syndicate have their own plans, but I can’t just leave Adam and the others at the mercy of Towley. Getting them out of that shithole is my only concern. Screw Syndicate.”

“Teddie’s right, Jude. How are we supposed to save the world when we can’t even save our own?” adds Cooper.

“Who said we can’t do both?” Jude says, grinning. He turns to Leoni. “Lizzie is in.”

She raises an eyebrow in approval.

I look to Cooper, but he shrugs his lack of knowledge.

“Who the hell is Lizzie?” I ask.

“I am.” A woman enters the room with Grayson, Kesh, Ingrid, and Silvain.

Her blonde hair is pulled back into a simple, but severe ponytail. She has vibrant blue eyes made all the more vivid by the dark bruising around her eye sockets. Her strong nose and jaw add to her intimidating presence. I recognise her, but can’t place her. She can’t be much older than twenty-five, but her demeanour is that of a middle aged woman. She shakes my hand and I return the gesture, still trying to place her in my backlog of upturned memories.

“It’s good to meet you, Teddie. And I want to apologise to you for what my father put you through.” I tilt my head and look to Jude for answers. “I’m Lizzie Roscoe.”

I knew I recognised her. I’ve only ever seen Lizzie in a photo on Roscoe’s desk at Facility One. She is the daughter of the man who put me through hell and was going to turn me into a soulless TORO. Isaac abducted her and held her hostage to ensure Roscoe would bring Tess to him.

“We had been watching both Facility One and Gabe for a while. Kesh intercepted correspondence between Gabe and Roscoe, so we knew Lizzie had been abducted. We had been aware of an old warehouse the E.N.C used to store trafficked weapons, and on a whim, a few days ago we went to check it out. They had been using it as Lizzie’s prison. 

I skim her mind as delicately as I can, but there is an overwhelming rush of voices. I class reading a Roscoe as a necessity. From what I can pick up before I throw up, her thoughts are streamline, purposeful, and highly opinionated, but she’s legit. She hated her father nearly as much as I did. She knows I read her- they all do if my facial expression is anything to go by. I can’t control this telepathy and I’ve lost my ill practised tact.

“My father’s ideologies were primitive and out dated.
A scientist who hinders progression is a fraud in my book. I'm utterly ashamed.”

I shrug. “Whatever.”

Lizzie watches me for a moment, and then hands me a green paper file. “I think you’ll be interested in this.”

I take it, skimming through pages of names. Name after name after name, and then I see it- Adam Lovick. I continue flicking through until I find all their names. “You’ve found them?” I ask Lizzie, incredulously.

“Yes and no,” she says. “That list is from four days ago. There are four hundred and nine names. In the last four days another twenty-five detainees were signed into that centre. She hands me a second green file. “Yesterday, thirty-one low grade EVO were either transferred or registered and released. That should make the tally four hundred and three in that detention centre, but I have personally counted every name on that list and there are only four hundred and two. I’ll give you one guess of whose name is missing from the second list.”

“Adam’s,” I say, deflated. “So, where is he?”

“I generally don’t like to make assumptions, but given the evidence we have collected, he is still there, but in full security isolation. They will keep any inhumane treatment highly classified.”

“Inhumane treatment?

“Yes. There has been reports of torture; sensory deprivation, pharmacological interrogation, flogging, water boarding—”

“Whoa, Miss Cheerful. We get the picture,” Jude interrupts. He turns to me. “Adam’s been through worse. You linked with him, so you know he’s holding up.”

I frantically scour the pages for a location, but there is nothing. “Where is the centre?” I ask Grayson.

“We will divulge the location once we have decided on a course of action,” Grayson adds.

“Like hell you will. Tell me the location- now,” I snap.

“This is only for your safety and maintaining the integrity of our objective.”

Leoni rounds on Grayson, forcing him to retreat behind the desk. “You heard the girl.”

“Leoni, do you seriously think you can singlehandedly break into a military detention centre, locate and release detainees, and escape with your life? You will endanger your son more so if you do not act wisely.”

“She won’t be single handed,” I retort.

“We advise against this. Syndicate—”

“Screw Syndicate. How many times do I have to say it? When will you people learn that I don’t care about your little club?  I only care about my boyfriend and my friends. I’m going to get them with or without your help.”

Grayson sighs in frustration. “Just hear me out, Teddie.”

“Only if you give me the location.”

I dip into Grayson’s thoughts. The thoughts of everyone in the building, and god knows how far away, sound in my mind. I fight the urge to faint.

Grayson shakes his head in discomfort, but I briefly glimpse the image of a map, with a red circle on it. He keeps that map in his desk.

“Did you try to read me? Teddie, that’s a violation of my trust. You can’t—”

“Oh, give me a break. There isn’t trust between us. I don’t know you any more than I knew Isaac.”

“Okay, Lara Croft,” laughs Kesh. “Listen for five minutes before you go Rambo on us. Lizzie has been given a place on Towley’s team of sciency peeps.”

“Deputy Researcher,” Lizzie interrupts.

“Basically, she has an in that we need to exploit. We can get the proof we need that Towley is torturing EVO and testing on kids. We can show the world the truth- the real truth.”

“Isaac already did that and look how that turned out,” I say.

“True, but who was it that created Isaac?” Grayson interrupts. “Isaac gave Towley the excuse he needed. The public now believe that the mean, scary EVO that need controlling are being reasonably punished for the protection of the nation. But we cannot just muscle our way into detention centres without seemingly offering more truth to that ridiculous claim. Syndicate needs to keep our hands clean, so we can offer protection to both the EVO and Non-EVO caught up in this war, and potentially come out the other side with some kind of foothold in society. We must maintain trust.” I go to protest, but he holds a hand in my face. “However, there is another group who are older than both Syndicate and E.N.C; a group that you are bound to by blood.”

“She is not bound,” Jude snaps. “And this group haven’t any connection to the original or to my father. They’re a bunch of kids running around with an old concept and new misconceptions.”

“What group is this?” I ask.

Leoni hands me a gold band ring. It has been engraved with an ‘S’ made to look like a strand of D.N.A. “This is a membership ring for Shift. Shift was a group of EVO who had similar ideologies to Syndicate. We were looking at ways to out EVO into mainstream society with minimal damage. We were anonymous; I didn’t even know the other member’s names- only the leader- your grandfather, Rafe Lloyd.”

“My grandfather?”

Jude tucks his hands into his pockets. “Shift did nothing except get its members killed. Don’t deny that, Leoni. Your husband died because of your connection to my father, didn’t he?”

Leoni squares up to him. “What would you know about it? You didn’t stick around for long, did you? He told me everything, Jude. You broke his heart when you swanned off to join the E.N.C. What was it that enticed you… money… power?”

“Why I joined is none of your business. Anyway, the point is that Teddie has no obligation to Shift, or to you,” he says, turning to Grayson.

“What is it you want from me exactly?” I ask.

“We want you to find Shift. You and Kesh in particular. Kesh can listen out for any talk of Shift activity. You have the ability to find them and bring them to us. We have a proposition for them; one that keeps everyone happy and ensures we’re all on the same team.”

“I’m doing nothing for you until Adam and my friends are safe.”

“Teddie, you will be captured and suffer the same fate as the friends you want to save. What good will that do? Shift are your best hope at getting into a detention centre of that security. At the very least, let Lizzie get started, she is Adam’s best chance at survival. Just give her one day, two tops.”

I laugh a slightly hysterical laugh. “I won’t leave him suffering for another two days!”

Leoni places a restraining hand on my chest, and then turns to Grayson. “If we agree to wait, Adam’s immediate extraction must be priority in the plan.”

“No, Leoni. They’re hurting him. We can’t wait any longer.”

Grayson ignores me and thanks Leoni.

My stomach swoops at the thought of Adam being tortured for another two days. “How can you agree to this? Never mind, I’ll go alone.”

I barge Grayson out of the way, but Jude steps between me and the door.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

“Get out of my way,” I tell him. He shakes his head, stepping toward me, but I hold my ground. “You can’t do anything to stop me going.” Grayson grabs my arm, and a cuff is clipped onto my wrist. “What is this? What are you doing? Get this thing off of me.”

“This is for your own good, Princess.” says Jude, helping Grayson restrain me.

“She remains locked in her room with someone outside at all times,” Grayson tells him.

“Hey, this isn’t us, Grayson,” Kesh protests. “When did we start imprisoning people?”

“She will jeopardise not only her life, but the lives of those in that centre. Not to mention our objective. When we make contact with Shift she can join them if she wishes, but until then she acts under my lead.”

I struggle in his arms, screaming like a feral cat, and I kick my legs up, meeting Jude’s chest. He staggers backwards, but grips my ankles. My stitches smart from the effort and I’m sure I’ve popped a couple.

“She’s going to injure herself further,” Ingrid says. “Take it easy on her.”

I look to Grayson. “You’re a coward. Syndicate is full of cowards. Passive aggression never works. You need to be aggressive for yourself,” I scream at him as I’m dragged from the room. “How can you expect other people to do your dirty work for you? Now is your chance to prove that Syndicate can be strong, that you can really make a difference and keep people safe. Help the people in that centre.”

“Scaring people is the E.N.C’s game not ours,” Kesh replies.

“You can have strength and mercy.”

“Like you had when you killed Isaac?” Grayson asks.

That was a low blow, but a true one, and probably why I feel physically punched in the guts.

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