Evolution's Essence (23 page)

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Authors: Jr H. Lee Morgan

BOOK: Evolution's Essence
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Ye made the devices plural
for the blueprint. What are they, Lad?” Jake Dorgen asked as Renee
looked at her man simply at her side as always.

Well part of the
information I’ve discovered are detailed coordinates to eight
hundred and ninety three obelisks scattered between five
neighboring galaxies. Four hundred and eleven obelisks are here in
Andromeda. Canis Major, Triangulum, NCG-300
its sister world of NCG-55 should
be counted as one and last but not least is the M-81

What are the obelisks,
Grandpa?” Samuel asked when he stood over by his mother and

At this Oliver smiled. “It
should be obvious, Buddy.
obelisk just happens to be on Verard.”

Awe lit up many features as soon as they put
it together. But it was David Dorgen who asked “Are you saying that
maybe King’s Tusk tower is an obelisk, Uncle Olly?”

Correct.” He leaned back on
the throne and crossed an ankle over a leg. “It’s actually a
ceramic storage and concentration device capable of opening and
stabilizing a dimensional rift. After checking King’s Tusk I
realized its design very well have been made by me. It has a
similar creation I use in my designs. Well it is part of a piece to
be clear. When all are connected it’ll resemble a massive

Daddy, but I love hunting
for my food in that tower. What are you going to do with

I know you love going
hunting inside the obelisk, Jamie, but it wasn’t originally their
home. The Beasts took it over as a breeding area till the humans
sealed the tower in barriers so the B and A-Rank Beasts don’t
endanger the general public of Verard.” She pouted and fingered her
Star-saber war-hammer, also part of the warrior kingdom of Terra.
“As for what I need to do… I need to rip the tower from its
foundation along with other eight hundred and ninety two obelisks,
surround a class O supergiant star I’m going to destroy with some
help and open up the rift.”

Beyleez’s, what will happen
if this comes to fruition? A hypernova alone is
most naturally destructive
explosion in the galaxy. I’m no scientists, but aren’t dimensional
rifts dangerous just as bad?” Empress Coleson asked.

Callier nodded to the Asian
“Indeed it is, but what Oliver calls
an obelisk is a reinforced stabilizer to negate the distortion to
an isolated space where the doorway can only be opened from this
side. The fuel of a hydrogen depleted star is the necessary
ingredient to open a rift. And a supergiant O class star would have
the ample power necessary to fuel said rift. I am no expert either,
but the answers you all seek will be waiting for the rift to open

Did you see it done when
the Solarian’s disappeared?” Renee asked, tilting her head and made
her crimson locks tumble like a curtain. Oliver smelled apple and
strawberry and he liked it. In his mind as she usually was she
noted his pleasure at her shampoo and it got her horny. He sniffed,
immediately detecting her arousal though showing no signs her
panties got moist.

Since you are so close to
uncovering the truth, yes. All our people alive at the time bore
witness to their disappearance, but I was among the chosen to close
the rift and scattered the stabilizers. For many years our people
Netul said calmly, looking the
same as ever which wasn’t a surprise.

Grieved, what for? Surely
they still live on the other side of the rift still. They just
can’t open it from their side.” Said a male voice in the

Don’t count on it.” Oliver
said somberly. “Opening a rift would be a last resort. You forget
my people were at war. I’ve never ran from a fair fight. No male
would leave their female. They went too. Why would my people
vanish and leave so
little behind. Leave only me? The enemy must have been more
powerful and to beat them before being hunted, my people must have
united in a final battle by sending themselves and the enemy to a
different space-time. They made sure the bait was too tempting by
gathering themselves to hold back the tide.

From Laxus’ figures, when
my people disappeared there were six hundred zillion Solarians.”
The room gasped at such a number. “The enemy would have needed to
kill half that to decide on this plan. Something forced zillions to
flee this universe.

And when the enemy fell for
it my people sprang a trap they couldn’t even escape themselves.
For over twenty five thousand years my people have been on the
other side. If they survive still I’ll be sorely grateful, but more
than likely, if the enemy was
powerful… they were more than likely wiped

If that’s true, what is to
stop this enemy that took out the oldest and most powerful species
to ever live from crossing back when you open a way?” Talon said as
she twirled her long blonde hair around a finger. “They could be
waiting for us to do as you plan? If six hundred zillion fled,
Humans are royally fucked. Our numbers are barely five hundred
billion and we’re still young.”

It’s why I called everyone
here.” He was frank. “I cannot do this alone and it is going to
take months to gather all the obelisks and a specific star meeting
the requirements I need. Because the possibility is too great that
this unknown enemy is still alive, I require serious aid by both
the Empire and Creelin directorate. I need every warship we can
spare and every Mothership, fighter and heavy weaponry we got. We
won’t do this unprepared.

I’ve looked deeply into the
research contained in the finished puzzle and beyond the rift of
empty space. No stars or anything would be in that dimension. It’s
a true void of space. No stars or anything. Any matter brought over
is all there is to work with. So as long as the enemy can’t breed
and expand, it’s possible they died out, but only strict guidelines
could make the slim chance possible my people may survive. The only
way would be stasis. If that’s true we need every spare

Nevertheless, if anything
tries leaving the rift that
Solarian, it needs to be destroyed while weak. No
questions asked. You’ve all seen the size of King’s Tusk Tower,
though I need to fix it to work properly, there will be nearly nine
hundred of them. It’ll be more than large enough to fit ten Creelin
Motherships side by side and still have maneuvering room. So to
make sure every square millimeter is covered, I need to ask for the
heavy weapons. This city-ship will head that spear because it’s
defenses are second to none. I’ve made sure of it.”

The silence lasted only a moment before Vikki
stepped forth in a full, thick blue gown despite the warmth of the
room. Her vibrant red hair tumbled all the way down to the small of
her back while a crown decorated with snowflakes adorned her brow.
“Daddy, you also need to consider that by removing King’s Tusk
Tower from its foundation that the citizens need to leave the area.
It will destabilize the ground and most likely destroy all nearby
buildings, including Galicom which was build nearest its base.” She
was always the voice of reason.

I’ll negate that by holding
the ground and land still.” Renee volunteered herself. “Besides it
being Verard’s landmark, few go near it except for food. It’ll need
to be cleared anyway so we’ll hunt and store the meat on ships for
a duration needed to hop around the four galaxies and open up this
rift. Any Beast eggs or manageable young can be sent to other
worlds while we harvest the meat of adults.”

Very well, Ma. Just as long
as any destruction of property will be compensated should Daddy do
too much.” Vikki stepped back.

Netul stepped forward and
“I’ve just been informed the Archivers
will grant a total of five hundred and a half million Motherships
along with a billion lesser and more maneuverable craft upon
completion of the obelisk gathering, before activation of the rift
systems, but asks you open in deep space between galaxies. Should
disaster occur, we will be allowed to safely unleash our full might
without need of authorization and should that fail we will see to
it the space cleansed by a weapon we believe
eliminate the enemy. It was
developed fifteen thousand years after your people vanished, but it
is our last resort. It will destroy all matter within a spherical
influence nine percent larger than this very galaxy. That means, if
we fail and so does our final weapon, we will die regardless in

Quite a hefty allowance
from your people.” Emperor Markeese Coleson said, looking up into
Netul’s eyes. “But my old man used to say an old Earth adage,
‘Better safe than sorry.’ Fine, we won’t be left out either. When I
go back to Earth I’ll pull every spare warship we got.”

I’ll make a shitload more
flying toys! Bigger cannons, bigger…” Angie voiced and sobered some
when Renee glared, reminding silently she was still in

Then while you all devise a
strategy,” Vikki said loud enough to cut the chatter. “I’ll go to
Verard and petition an evacuation order for the nearby area. Izzy,
can I ask you to help Ma cleanse the tower?”

Goes without saying.”
Isabella at last smirked, still holding her Match’s hand. “My
people have been wanting a serious challenge and I need to get the
new recruits seasoned. Most still find raw meat and brain
squeamish.” This had all Isabella’s sisters laugh. Not a single one
didn’t hesitate to rip into fresh meat still dripping blood.
Solarians were predators. Not omnivores. “We’ll just need a
clean-up crew because we won’t stop till the tower is

Angie, Queen of water had eyes that expressed
blue mist. “I and my people can turn the kills into pellets,
Sister. Don’t horde all the fun though. Save a few kills for the
rest of us.”

Not a chance, Sis. When I
start hunting I don’t stop till it’s all over.” Isabella

Girls,” Renee leapt
gracefully from the throne. The three former Hunters following as
always. Visor flew in slow circles high overhead. “get it done.
This means a lot to your father and me. At least pretend to work
together. I do not need any bullshit while we’ve finally got the
key to the biggest secret we have ever faced. Do not tempt my
patience. This is too important to fuck up. One foot out of line
that jeopardizes your father’s hard work and you’ll beg to go for
retraining. Understood.”

Yes.” “Yes, Ma.” And other
acknowledgements were voiced by all daughters. She nodded and
nearly a quarter of the room disappeared because all the girls and
grandchildren had a Valek. They transported themselves to a
teleportation sector and vanished to go do what was needed. Their
mates and Prides also gone.

I sure hope they don’t
start fighting again.” She mumbled as enormous arms wrapped around
her chest from behind. “Relax, they know how important this is to
everyone. Besides, we raised them well and they know better. They
can’t help bickering. Sibling rivalry is normal, even for

Well I’m glad I’m not
dropping another egg for a good long while. We’ve got more than
enough to deal with ruling a kingdom. Oh, earlier Laxus told me he
sent someone away. She was trying to scan one of your

Wow, what’s it been? Two
years since anyone tried breaking the ban?” Steven asked with his
trademark grin. “Last time you beat them so bloody even Oliver

Two years, three months,
five days and nine hours to be clear.” Oliver calculated. “Any
history, Red?”

Not from the report. Just a
kid wanting to see inside the thingy that you made that allows for
living metal to do anything you tell it.” She still wasn’t good at
technical jargon unless it was in the field of medicine.

Oh, you mean the magneoetic
conversion repair and reformatting fixers?”

thingy. I didn’t press charges,
but she’s been assigned to the city cleaning detail for nine months
for the ban breach. Ignorant or not, she’ll be sure to tell others
that Laxus is everywhere and makes sure the rules aren’t

Hey, I’ve got an idea.
Before Vikki issues the evacuation order, how about you and I go to
Verard for the evening?” He offered. “You can deal with the girls’
behavior later.”

As long as we go to The
Pits for a couple fights I’m game. I want to see someone get their
ass kicked.”

Grandma, can I come too? I
want to enter the tournament.” Said one of the oldest

Why not, Natalie. I think
Marcus would faint if another of my grandkids came in to fight for
him. Last time was too funny and it’s been a few years since I’ve
gone. My work is never finished. Seeing a few bloodied fighters
will be just what I needed.”

Thanks, Grandma!” Natalie
hugged her before running off to go get ready.

The two grandparents had a little laugh
before Renee went over to hug her father, brother and stepmother.
It had been awhile since she got to spend time with family.

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