EVREN: Enter the Dragonette (2 page)

BOOK: EVREN: Enter the Dragonette
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My mouth opened and closed.  I looked at him, really looked at him this time, forcing myself to see the guy behind the beauty.  I tried to see if there was deceit, a hint of evil, anything that would prove he was lying.  I could be perspicacious if I wanted to.  Davie taught me that word when I needed an adjective starting with the letter
to describe myself for English class.  It meant being a good judge of character—and I could be that if I could just manage to make myself see even the things I didn’t want to see.

I searched his eyes for lies but found none.  All I could see was impatience.

He wasn’t lying.  For now, I had to believe that.  I drew in a shaky breath.  I would really put my sister in danger if I went to her.  I looked away and studied my surroundings while gathering my thoughts.  I didn’t want to give the guy a chance to guess what I was thinking.  He didn’t seem to be the evil sort, but I wasn’t willing to trust him completely just yet.

Strips of clouds had moved in to blot out the moonlight, and while the stars dotting the sky were pretty, they were not enough to make everything around me crystal clear.  But even so, I could still see everything in vivid detail.  Either I suddenly had the best human vision in the world or something was seriously wrong.

I quelled the spurt of panic inside me. 
Nothing is seriously wrong, Deli.  You’re just imagining things.
  I don’t like inconvenient truths.  Knowing and understanding inconvenient truths hurt too much.  I didn’t care about whatever Al Gore would think.  Sometimes, ignorance was a blessing.  I had to face facts, but surely, there was something I could ask that wouldn’t make me hurt more?

“Why didn’t you take me to a hospital?”  There.  That was a sensible question, wasn’t it?  Davie would be proud of me.

“You were too far gone for a mere doctor to save you.”

I frowned, reluctantly recalling the bizarre fire ritual I had undergone.  “Which makes you…what?  A super, mega witch doctor?”

A choking sound to my left drew my attention, and I remembered then that we weren’t alone.  The other stranger stood a short distance away, dark-haired, and wearing a black cashmere sweater over a ruby red polo shirt and a nice pair of designer jeans.  If not for the streaks of soot on his face and arms and the holes and tears in his clothes, I’d wonder what he was doing here in the middle of nowhere when he was better off posing for a fashion shoot.

The pair of them looked too much alike not to be related.  Brothers probably.  But the similarities seemed to end there.  The other guy was less intimidating, gazing at me curiously.

“Hi.”  His voice was playful.

I welcomed the tone.  I instinctively knew he was like me, the type to keep things casual and free from complications.  “Hi.”

“My name is Dyvian.”  He actually blew me a kiss.

I smiled.  Here I was, lying on the ground, recovering from being swallowed—but not burned—by a fire-breathing monster, and some time before that from an accident that I still didn’t want to dwell on, and now I was making new friends like it was the first day of school.

“Deli,” I told him.

He quirked a brow.  “Deli?”

My cheeks heated.  “Like, short for

He burst into laughter.  “Delilah?”  He laughed again.  “Where’s your Samson?”

It was the same old joke.  I kept on hoping people wouldn’t know about that particular story in the Bible, but there was no such luck for me.  And they said we Americans weren’t so religious.  Ha.  I wished.

I scowled.  “Just call me Deli and forget about it.”  I normally didn’t admit that Deli was short for anything, but Dyvian had caught me in a vulnerable moment.

“Delilah,” he teased.

I glared up at him.  “You’re one to laugh when your name sounds like

“It doesn’t bother me though.”  Then he added, “Delilah.”

I looked back at Green Eyes, hoping he’d be in a better mood to talk.  He answered with an expressionless stare.  I sighed.  Which of them was the lesser of two evils?  Dyvian was fun but annoying.  This guy, Mr. Impassive, was silent but disconcerting.  But both of them were nice to look at, at least.

I almost jumped in my skin when Green Eyes spoke.  “You need to come home with us.”

“I don’t even know your name.”

He blinked, as if my words had surprised him.

I almost rolled my eyes.  I looked back at him and was startled at being the recipient of his glare.

“It doesn’t matter.”

What was he so angry about?
And what did he mean it didn’t matter?  God, what an idiot he was.

“Now, will you come home with us or not?”

“Not if you’re acting like that, I won’t,” I snapped back.

”  Green Eyes glared again but his mouth flattened into another tight line, as if he didn’t trust himself to speak.

“We’re just not completely safe here, Delilah,” Dyvian intruded softly.  “We’ll tell you in time but please, trust us.  We need to leave soon.”

“I truly can’t go home?  Or see Davie?”  It wasn’t really a question, but I wanted to hear him confirm it nonetheless.

Dyvian nodded.

“I’m going to be safe with you?”

Another nod.

I took a good hard look at them.  In any other situation, to meekly go home with a pair of strangers was the height of foolishness.  But I trusted my instincts, and they told me that I was safe—maybe even safest—if I went with them.

“Then…yes.  And…thanks for offering me a safe place to stay.”  A thousand more questions raced in my mind but I pushed them away.  I knew there wasn’t any point ignoring life’s inconvenient truths.  They could only get worse and worse until they stared back at you in overwhelming quantities.  But for now, I just wanted a break from them. 
, I promised myself silently. 
Tomorrow, I’ll face the truth

Besides, I was getting sleepy.

“You’re tired,” Green Eyes bit out.

“Yeah, so?”  I could barely keep my eyes open as Dyvian helped me to my feet.  I hoped their home, wherever and whatever it was, was nearby.  I was dying to surrender to sleep so I could forget about everything and enjoy a few hours of blissful ignorance.

“I’ll carry you on the way home.”  He reached for me.

My eyes shot wide open and I pushed his hands away.  “No.  There’s no need—”  I stumbled, feeling woozy all of a sudden.  Well, okay, there was, but I didn’t want to risk him thinking I’d eaten one pound of chocolates too many.  Which I had and which really meant I should avoid being carried.

“Trust me.”  Dyvian’s voice was dry.  “He won’t think you’re heavy.”

“You.  Go away.”  He was fast becoming the annoying little brother I used to dream of having.  I guessed that really meant you should be careful of what you wish for.

Dyvian laughed.  “I like her, Lucian.  I’m glad you saved her.”

So that was his name.  It suited him somehow. 
Lucian Green Eyes Alien. 
I smiled.  Nice ring to it.

“Very funny,”
a voice growled from somewhere inside my head, startling me.

“Is something wrong?”  Lucian crossed his arms.

Imagination, I decided, brought about by my injuries and exhaustion

I shook my head.  “Thank you for saving me.”

I wasn’t expecting him to answer—he didn’t seem the type to say, “you’re welcome”—but he did.  “You deserved to be saved.”  And without warning, he scooped me up in his arms with seemingly effortless ease, pulling me close to him.  My head rested against his heart, and I listened to it, expecting his heartbeat to accelerate at the added exertion of carrying me.

But it didn’t.  His heartbeat remained steady. 
Physically fit
.  I liked that in a guy.  Someone laughed inside my head, but I chalked that up to my injury-induced hallucinations as well.

In his arms, I could see more of our surroundings.  Night was slowly giving way to dawn, and now the brownish hues of the mountains I had glimpsed earlier had turned bright red in the light.  I could make out the figure of a professional climber wearing a blue-and-white striped shirt.  A few miles away, I espied a pebble-gilded oasis with the gleaming surface of a silver mirror. 
How can I see all these things so clearly? 
But again, I pushed the question aside.

“Close your eyes.” 
There it was again.  I hadn’t been imagining the voice inside my head.  It also sounded
unmistakably like Lucian’s. 
I promised myself again.  Lucian’s voice in my head would be question number two I’d ponder.

Then Lucian started to move, so fast I could almost imagine his very speed was creating a trail of wind behind us.  I opened my eyes and immediately wished I hadn’t.

How could I be at eye-level
with treetops?

I looked down almost reluctantly and this time, I closed my eyes, shutting reality out.  That did it.  I just couldn’t possibly be looking down on trees and mountains.  We couldn’t be flying.  That was impossible.  I had a concussion.  That was it.  Tomorrow, I’d wake up and all this would be a dream.  Yes, that was it.

“Rest.  I will keep you safe.”

Yes, the voice is right.  I just have to rest.

I snuggled closer.  Lucian stiffened.  I ignored it.  Too bad for him, I’m good at ignoring lots of things.  Dyvian chuckled somewhere to my left, and I ignored that, too. 
, I promised myself. 
Tomorrow, I’ll force myself to handle reality.



Chapter Two


My nightmares used to have something to do with ugly prom dresses, failing in Trig, or having Dad hear me talk about the S-word.  But now, I wake up screaming because of hissing monsters, the look of fear—frozen by death—on my parents’ faces, and a pair of forest green eyes


“Wake up, Deli.  Wake up.”

The voice lifted me past my subconscious, and I woke up reluctantly, a scream straining to escape from inside me.  I was scared, thinking that when I opened my eyes I’d see the same images.

My sleep-blurred gaze slowly cleared.  My muscles loosened up at the familiar sight of mahogany-paneled walls.  I had glimpsed the same sight in my brief snatches of consciousness.  But I could barely remember anything else about the time I had spent here.  I didn’t even know how long I had been here.  All I could vaguely recall was burning up with fever and having the Chevalier brothers look after me.

A face stared down at me, and it took me seconds to realize who it was. 
Relief coursed through my body, and I sank deeper into my bed.  I stretched a bit, feeling like I hadn’t left the bed for ages.

The night lamp next to me cast shadows all over the place, alive and hungry.  I turned away hurriedly and my head spun at the abrupt movement.  I was a lot weaker than I realized.  My gaze landed on the windows to my left.  It was dark outside, but there were no shadows at least, just empty blackness, which was fine by me.

“Are you okay?”

Tonight he had on a white undershirt with its collars folded on top of a silvery sweater.  A pale gray knee-length overcoat, beige khakis accessorized by a white leather belt with a gleaming platinum buckle and black Italian leather shoes completed the look.

Dyvian looked better suited to attend a movie premier than to babysit a stranger his brother rescued.  That stranger was, of course, me.

“What time is it?”  My voice sounded scratchy to my ears.  I pushed myself up carefully, not wanting the room to spin again.  I caught sight of my reflection in the mirror across from my bed.  My long black hair stood up in all directions.  Huge circles made my brown eyes darker, and my skin had the pallor of an invalid.

He glanced at his watch, which I could see was glittering with diamonds even from my position.  They were that huge.  “Just a few minutes past midnight.  Your fever broke earlier this morning.”

“H-how long have I been here?”

“Three nights.  You’ve been unconscious most of that time.”

I bit my lip.  “I’m so sorry you guys had to play nursemaid—”

“It was no bother.”  He hesitated.  “Are you okay now?”

I didn’t answer.

He winced.  “Are the nightmares that bad?”

“Yes.”  I didn’t have to elaborate.  He had been there, too.  Why could I forget so many things but not the ones I didn’t want to remember?

“I’m sorry, Delilah.”

“Maybe…we should talk about it?”  I ventured slowly even as I dreaded his agreement.  “I just think I wouldn’t dream too much if I understood things better.”  I squeezed the pillow between my hands restlessly.  “I just don’t understand.”

Dyvian hesitated before nodding.  “All right.”  He dragged the chair from the dressing table and sat, stretching out his long legs in front him.  He squirmed, trying to make himself comfortable on a chair too small for his size.

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