Exaltation (10 page)

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Authors: Jamie Magee

BOOK: Exaltation
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The owner had gotten wise and figured out it was a good idea to make his place one older kids would want to hang in. Out back there was racing. You had to have a ton of waivers signed but you could race if you wanted to. That always drew a crowd. Inside next to the large skating floor there was an auditorium full of ramps where skaters and bikers could ride, show off, and entertain. All through the entire place there was blaring music so even if you weren’t there for any purpose that had to do with wheels you could still come and dance.

Lately the girls had been working each weekend night. Raven would never call it work, though. The rink was exactly where she wanted to be.

Ash and River worked the concessions when they were not on the floor with Raven. Soren became friends with the DJ years back and managed to find a way to get paid to hang out with him. That is when he wasn’t skating with Raven or in the auditorium on both his board and bike. Soren dug anything that made him go faster.

In some way Soren and Raven were entertainment, as well. Each night the DJ would clear the floor for one song and let them skate dance. They were always wicked hard dances that would have sweet pauses within them. Over time the DJ had built a fictional love story up about them. All the kids liked to watch them act out the lie as they skated.

Tonight River and Ash were slotted for the ticket booth so Raven was on her own until the party got started. She had just put on her indoor wheels when Soren blazed by her and then did a u-turn.

“Have I seen you ‘round before?” he asked with a sly grin.

Raven glanced up at him. His hunter green eyes were sparkling with the wild energy he was known for when he was at the center. It was the skating, the music, and all the high energy that brought it out. At school he was mellow, kept it low key like the girls. Shy.

He had no idea he was a walking heartbreaker. He was lean and fit because of skating and had the sweetest little smile, semi skater boy hair that he did his best to keep out of his eyes with a sway of his head every now and again.

“You kinda look like a guy that gave me a few bruises.”

“Way to make me sound like an ass!” he said with a raised brow.

Raven laughed, knowing in most cases it was her fault he dropped her when they were practicing their routines.

“What property damage did you guys cause this time around? Mom told me I was being transferred effective immediately.”

“Nothing burned or flooded, we just traded classes without permission.”

Soren tilted his head pointing out that could not be all.

“This is my bliss zone,” Raven said, nodding to the room. “Do not jack with it. We’ll talk about it Monday.”

“You ready for tonight or are we hitting rerun on an old routine?”

“I got this.”

Once her laces were tight she stood up. Raven came to just below his chin if he held his legs just right on his skates. Yep, she was sizing up the ending to the routine they were going to do tonight. The kiss Ash was going to regret passing up.

“You’re going to chicken out and make me look like a fool,” he said with a boyish smirk.

“Am not. And for your information I told Ash I was going to make this look hot as hell and she was going to regret
begging me to switch with her.”

His hunter green eyes grew a little wider. “And what did she say?”

“Wasn’t listening. I was too busy running from her. Which means we’re going to make this ridiculously awesome.”

He raised his chin. “She into me?”

“We shall see. I know she’s facing a huge mystery right now—help her with that and you’ll get some one-on-one time.”

“Is it the same juice mystery?”

“Nope. We were ‘talked’ to today.”

“Hurricanes and car wrecks?”

Raven nodded. “You?”


Raven furrowed her brow. “At the risk of bursting my bliss bubble, I’m going to ask you if I should be the
bit concerned.”

“Grownups are shaken up but I’m good. Even though I was just involuntarily transferred.”

“Pretty sure that has been in the works for a while. Your file was already there.”

He shook his head and skated away. That was his way of saying ‘yeah, right, like your dad couldn’t have manifested that on the spot.’

The last few hours flew by. Raven was warmed up enough and had seen Soren hop on the floor a bit ago to get himself loose.

He had made it a point to skate around her and give her that
The one that made the girls around them scream like they were at a concert and the lead singer just leapt down into the crowd.

Raven found it hilarious they all thought she and Soren were really having some torrid love affair.

“All right. All right!” the DJ said over the mic. “I don’t know about ya’ll but I’ve been feeling a little
in the air.”

The crowd screamed. Raven’s heart started to pound. She knew the spotlight was seconds away.

“Maybe a little young love, hmmmm?” the DJ prompted. “I’ve been told that someone wants the floor cleared!” The crowd whistled and roared as they started to clear away. “That’s right, clear the floor so this man can hold his woman.” Catcalls were heard from as far as the auditorium.

There were only a few stragglers on the floor so Raven started to pick up her skate. The lights went out which was her cue.  She rolled into the center just as the spotlight came on. This part was easy, a few spins and in and outs, but the whistles had already started.

The music they were using was a mix of almost everything. It started out with a slow beat set to a snap and a deep bass that pounded at the perfect moment. Raven knew the second Soren glided on the floor because the girls screamed his name along with ‘marry me.’ Raven glanced back as if surprised he was skating toward her.

He rolled right up to her, her back against his front. He reached his fingertips for her jaw and wistfully outlined her cheek as their bodies waved slowly head to toe. This routine started out sensual and you didn’t get any more sensual than that, two bodies moving in rhythm as one.

“Get her, son!” some idiot yelled out.

They started to move to the beat, and as they passed the crowd they snapped on cue with the music leading the audience to join in. Not long after, the crowd was stomping their feet with the beat, too.

The beat picked up and so did Raven and Soren’s speed. This was the part where Raven played hard to get. They were acting out the story to the lyrics. The boy had wronged the girl and was fighting to get her back. She only meant to give in a little but by the end of this deal it was a happy ending.

Raven skated away from him, backward. A loud guitar came in at this point and that is when he fell to his knees and leaned back enough so he could slide between her legs. Raven turned just in time to see him back on his feet and reaching for her hand. He twirled her across the floor at mach speed.

The crowd was insane by then. Soren stopped Raven’s spin, pulling her back to his front as the beat slowed down to a snap again. Raven tilted her head all the way to the side, and just as he leaned in to act like he was going to kiss her neck she pulled away. But that was an act; a second later she was folded back into his arms and her right leg was hooked back as he spun them. BOOM BOOM.

With every beat part of Raven’s body extended, by the time the spin was over every part of her was off the floor, Soren was only holding onto the back of her knee and her side.  He spun her right with the beat and right as the lyrics said the boy pushed her aside, Soren let her go and she flew backward across the floor.

The next part was him chasing her and Raven running in perfect rhythm, forward skating, backward, individual spins, in and outs.

The end was coming; the lyrics were implying forgiveness now. He stopped on one end of the rink and Raven stopped on the other. Slowly they moved toward each other holding one another’s stare. When he reached Raven she pulled her scarf loose. His hands clasped her waist and then he started to spin them. The red scarf had cocooned them so only their shadows could be seen through the thin material. Right on point he clasped Raven’s waist and lifted her in the air. The music slowed, as did their spin.

Raven tilted her head to the side and he looked up. As soon as they were close enough, his lips clasped her top lip. Once she was safe on the ground he leaned her back, acting as if this kiss was a drug to him. He pulled away slowly as the girls screamed. For added effect his lips rested on Raven’s neck right as the lights went out.

“Hot enough for you?” he said into Raven’s ear. All Raven could do was laugh. She was high on adrenaline. She had never done anything that hard before.

The lights came back on as they made a lap holding hands.

“Hot! Hot! Hot!” the DJ said. “My man Soren, can the rest of us come out and play?”

They waved everyone on the floor. That was their job. Now they were supposed to skate with everyone. Get them to have even more fun out here. They were paid to make this look cool. Sometimes Raven felt like she was robbing her boss. She really did.

Chapter Nine

The afternoon for Rydell King had been full of plotting and planning. First he’d checked on different parts of his faction, trying to gauge the curse they were all fighting—meaning he was trying to see how many souls they had actually led to their death.
Too many.

No matter what they did, how they altered circumstances to get the souls to feel the rush of exaltation, as soon as they had their prize in hand the curse began. It was harder for them to feel it again, and if they did they’d have to have an even larger prize.

Rydell was certain if he didn’t figure this out soon, his sins were going to be far greater than Revelin’s. Hell, for all he knew he would end up creating a new line called Greed, because that’s all he seemed to come across.

He told a few sections of his people that had one too many victims to hang out at concerts, clubs, ball games, to feed that way until they could take a closer look at the curse. They wouldn’t really be satisfied that way, though. It was like being on a saltine diet—it was food, but light food that faded not long after it was consumed.

Beyond that Rydell was racking his brain about Jamison BellaRose. The name, something about the file they made for Berries, had given him an odd feeling. It was vague, but it was there.

Today as Rydell moved through the halls Jamison had walked he sensed him, his vim.

Every line of Escorts has their own scent, which tends to match the emotion or an occurrence in the sovereign’s rise. Rydell’s was an odd mix of ivory and fresh flowers. It had changed a bit since he had put space between himself and Revelin. The thing was, today, Jamison had near the same aroma—that clean nature scent. It was so familiar to Rydell it was driving him mad.

Insane enough to make him look back over all the notes he had of this prophecy. No one had the actual book. The tale had been told over and over. When this all came to light, Rydell started to look for solid facts.

He knew in order for the new sovereigns to rise they had to take out five souls in the line. Three seemed to be at random. The last two were the First, which was Rydell’s title, even though he left Revelin’s side, and the last was the current sovereign. It was done that way because the only way to weaken a God such as Revelin is to take out points of power in his line. Right after the First fell, the sovereign would weaken to a point where almost anyone could take them down, at least for a short time.

Over the years Rydell had spoken with Escorts in other lines, trying to see if they had found a way to avoid this fate. No one had a clue how to stop it beyond killing those meant to rise.

The idea of slaughter didn’t sit right with Rydell. It was a nagging thought full of dread he couldn’t shake. He had no choice, though. He had to end one soul to save the millions he was trying to lead. The choice shouldn’t be as hard as he felt it was.

All plans were moving forward now. Rydell would be in the same classes with Raven, which would get him close enough to charm her, let him past the spells around her, and in a few weeks time this would be over.

He and Dagen had a backup plan as well. They were taking Benjamin’s lead. He’d said that if one of the guardians let you near then you were good. Their recon had told them one of those girls had a thing for cars, and one of the racers around school
her, meaning the guy actual managed to get River Sabien to acknowledge him.

Dagen had become friends with him; it was easy, Dagen spoke his language: horsepower. While Rydell had checked on his people, Dagen had worked on the boy’s car and gotten him ready for the race Rydell was getting ready to watch.

He was leaning against the building of the rink now, staring downhill at Dagen and Kade as they got his ride ready. There was no doubt Dagen could have made the car a winner tonight. Hell, Rydell could have vaulted it over the finish line with one glance, but they needed Kade around for a minute, they needed Kade to need them, so he wasn’t going to win.

Their hope tonight was that Kade could go ahead and break the ice for Dagen and Rydell, get them close to either the guardians or Raven.
Step one.



Raven’s shift ended two songs after her routine, but she was still flying high on adrenaline.

Just to give Ash a hard time she had put her scarf around Ash and made her go on the floor—hardly anyone could tell them apart from a distance—then she nodded for Soren to go after her, and he did.

Feeling like a third wheel in the large crowd, Raven put on her outdoor wheels and made her way outside to where she knew River was. She planned to dance, laugh, something. They only had an hour or so left before curfew and she was
too pumped to go home and settle. She had to burn the rush off.

Raven found River sitting on the metal bleachers in the back with a girl that hung around them, Kimberly. They were watching the cars lining up down below.

“Is your boy in line?” Raven asked her.


Easy to spot, the car was in dire need of a paint job but looked fierce. Raven couldn’t check the guy out because he was under the hood with another guy. From what she knew of Kade, she knew he wasn’t River’s type, but Raven assumed if you were trying to get over an ex, finding his complete opposite might be the trick.
Let the rebound begin!

River liked the alpha males mean, and strong. The hotties that would be all badass in front of the world, stoic even—then downright drool worthy sweet when they had their girl all alone. Conundrum, a challenge—River’s type hands down.

Kade wasn’t any of those things, he never had been, and even right now he was taking too much direction from the boy next to him, who was in fact River’s type.

Raven pressed her lips together so she wouldn’t smile, impossible not to do when something clicked for her. “You said you’re hooking up with Kade, right? Who’s that other guy?”

River bit her lip, and angled her stare down at Raven.

Yep, pegged that one.

“Kade asked me to watch him race...he said a friend of his, Dagen, was going to make his car a
on the track. He was amped about it.”

“Amped. About his friend?” Raven’s grin was nice and slow. She had hope for her girl, hope that she was going to kick up a little dust and have some fun, let the demons of her past rest for now. “Who else has his friend amped up?”

River raised one brow. Her eyes glinted with appreciation as she gazed forward, and continued to dissect the mystery of this Dagen boy that no one knew anything about—not even Kade.

Raven could still hear the music inside so she had every reason to dance in place. River looked down at her from her seat. “You’re high as a kite.”

“Did you see it? I didn’t fall,” Raven said, with a proud smirk. She had never worked so hard on mastering anything before. Spins were the death of her for a hot second. She always let go of Soren and crashed, hard.
“Your tolerance for pain is ridiculous,”
was Soren’s constant comment when he picked her up each and every time.

“I saw it and I hate you for it. Damn, that boy is criminal—it cannot be legal to look
dance that good,” Kimberly said with snicker.

“We need to get Ash to take him off the regrettable list,” Raven said to River.

She only nodded once. She was
focused on the Firebird.

Raven spun in place and right as she did she stopped cold.
What is it with this guy and dark places and crowds?
 “Mystery man is here.” Right as Raven spoke he edged around the wall so you could only see half of him—not that the move made him look less hot, mind you. He was fit like Soren only taller, thicker. His hair wasn’t as long but it wasn’t short either.

“Where?” River asked as she glanced from the Firebird to Raven.

Raven spun back around. “The corner wall right where everyone and their momma are walking by.”

River furrowed her brow in his direction but then someone revved up an engine and her attention moved back to the firebird. “I told you to kiss him and put him in his place. Prey or predator—there are only two choices in this game, Raven.”

Raven sighed and rolled her eyes, games—screw games.

“Do what? What am I missing?” Kimberly asked.

“Nothing. I have to pass under the school to get to two of my classes and I always end up against this senior and he has a good time with that fact.”
I kinda do too.

“Does he, like, grope you or something?”

“Not bad. I mean we are slammed into one another down there, but he’s put his hand on my hip and smelled my hair.”

“Do what?” Kimberly almost shouted.

“Yeah, he knows he’s cute.”
Walking sex.

“Which is why I told you to kiss him,” River said again, only partly paying attention. “You walk up to that boy and take control and he will get an attitude adjustment.”

“I don’t get you two,” Kimberly said. “Kissing a boy to punish him?”

“It’s the power struggle. Boys like him think they know a thing or two and just have to make us giggle to give them an in. You show them they don’t and they stop the BS. Then they’re the ones with the goose bumps and can’t think straight.”

“You want to handle this for me? Because I’m not about to make a fool of myself,” Raven said. “I don’t claim to be a master in that department.”

Kissing Soren was one thing. It was an act. Teasing a boy? She wasn’t mean enough to do that.

“Who does?” River said with a sideways glare. “It’s not how good you are, it’s the way you do it.”

“Exactly. Do you want to do this for me?”

“All right here’s the deal,” River said, leaning down to look eye to eye with Raven. “Once we go back to normal on Monday you might not even pass him anymore, which means he had the last laugh. Part of the speech I got today was about making sure I let you rise up when you needed to so in turn you would be able to protect me. Deal with him. Close the chapter.”

“Now I’m totally lost,” Kimberly said.

No one answered her. River was focused on the race which was about to start, and Raven was halfway considering the dare. She was still flying high on adrenaline and half the reason she didn’t do it before, beyond being a chicken, was because he was so freaking tall. On her skates she could control the situation, at least reach to pull him down.

“No weird vibes?” Raven asked.

River glanced to the wall but he had moved to the side more, you could only see his arm, his very well defined, cut with lean muscle arm. It was almost like he was moving away from the girls who were crowding him.

Right then a tepid wind picked up. River glanced down to Raven and tried to hide a smile. “I didn’t do that,” she mouthed.

Raven grinned.

River’s attention was back on the firebird. “The race is about to start. As soon as it’s over we’re out. If I were you I would do it right when the cars peel out. Make it short and sweet, and if you can, think of a snide remark to add before you skate away. That’ll work.”

“You’re crazy.”

“And you’re a chicken.”

“You guys have me pumped up now—want me to do it and say Raven says hi?” Kimberly asked.

“I got this,” Raven said, knowing that Kimberly would completely
her if she tried it.

The announcer started to talk, saying the race would start in a few seconds. Raven skated toward the guy before she lost her nerve.

She figured everyone else would be staring at the field, including River, so if she messed this up the only one she had to deal with was the boy. Hopefully, River was right and she wouldn’t see him when she followed her regular schedule.

Raven kept telling herself to just pretend it was Soren—all for show.

Right as she heard the engines rev up and the horn blow Raven circled the corner. One quick glance confirmed it was her mystery boy.

The sight of him would make any girl blush. He wasn’t just hot—he was magnificent. His eyes were almost clear, otherworldly clear, thick lashes made them even more mysterious. A dusky stubble outlined his strong profile, lush lips. Raven’s gaze rushed over his broad shoulders, chest, down to his lean waist.
So strong.

When she met his gaze once more she found them glinted in recognition.

Raven was struggling with the oddest sensation, it was like a magnet—pulling her to him but as she edged closer it rebelled. The air around him was electric, sparking with Raven’s drug of choice, bliss—fun—excitement, and outright joy.

Her gaze dipped to his lips, then, like a viper, she reached up and laced her fingers through his dark locks and pulled him to her lips. Fighting the repelling sensation, and the moment she passed it, a
sensation came to life, raw, primitive, and an all-engrossing awareness.

River was right—the boy was so stunned his entire body went tense. Raven pushed his lips apart and dared to sink her tongue into his mouth.

At first, Rydell was not thrilled to come face to face with this distraction—he was on the hunt for his prey. But then she smiled at him and he felt a surge of exaltation rushing from her...his drug, his intoxication.

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