Execution (The Divine Book 6) (4 page)

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Authors: M.R. Forbes

Tags: #heaven, #magic, #vampires, #technology, #robots, #demons, #dante, #werewolves, #purgatory, #hell, #angels

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He was prepared for me to say that.

"Three reasons, diuscrucis. One: as I said, the link will be broken, and you'll be free of the demon. How long do you think he will wait for you to find a way to kill him before he decides to kill you? Two: I would still have to take the FOG from you, which leaves you with more control over your destiny. Three: you can't destroy Abaddon. It is impossible. Which means this is the only way you get out from under him."

I glanced over at Alyx. She was still glaring at Gervais, remaining silent and watchful. I hated that the demon was making any sense at all. I hated that his points were valid.

"One more question, then," I said. "If you know where to get the FOG, and you know where to find Abaddon, then what do you need me for?"

"That is a good question, with a very simple answer. I don't have the power to get the FOG back from the one who holds it. You do."

"And who is that?"

"Cain. The son of Satan."


"The son of Satan?" I asked. "Are you kidding me?"

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

"You always look like you're kidding. I didn't know Satan's son was on Earth."

Gervais' smile shortened to a sheepish smirk. "He isn't."

"Hell?" I asked.


"You want me to go to Hell?"

"That is where the Fist of God is."

"My powers don't work in Hell."

"Again, I say au contraire mon frère. Your Divine powers did not work on the other planes; that is true. As you like to tell me, you aren't Divine anymore. At least not in the traditional sense. Your power is all stored within you, like a nuclear reactor. You don't need to be on Earth to use it."

I had never considered it that way. It was an interesting twist. Even so, I wasn't exactly keen on the idea of going to Hell on purpose. "I've never been to Hell."

"Which is why you need me. I will bring us to a demon who can open a Rift from here to there, and I will get us back."

"What I'm saying is, I don't want to go to Hell. I certainly don't trust you enough to let you take me there. Besides, you told me you aren't welcome there anymore."

"It will be fine as long as nobody recognizes me. Believe me, Hell isn't as bad as you might be imagining it."

"So Dante's Inferno was completely off the mark?"

"Not completely, but he did embellish a little bit. Besides, that was hundreds of years ago. Things change there as they do everywhere else."

"We should go," Alyx said, speaking up for the first time. "I can protect you. I don't want Abaddon to kill you."

"See, Landon. Listen to your girlfriend."

I glanced back over at her. I knew she was only concerned for my continued existence, but she wasn't helping. "Have you been there before?"

She shook her head. "No. It can't be worse than living with Espanto."

I was willing to bet it could be worse.

"I need time to think about this," I said.

"Of course," Gervais replied. "Don't take too long. The longer we wait to move on Hearst, the stronger his position becomes."

"Gervais, could you wait downstairs or something?"

"Yes. Fine. Find me outside when you've realized that I'm right."

He bowed to me, blew a kiss to Alyx, and left the apartment. I could hear him whistling while he wandered to the stairwell.

"Landon, I don't want you to die," Alyx repeated.

"I know. I don't want to die either. But Gervais can't be trusted. He's liable to bring me to Hell and leave me there. The entire thing about the Fist of God could be nothing more than a misdirection."

"I understand. Espanto also lied often to get what he truly wanted. If you're worried that Gervais will double-cross you in Hell, then we can go without him."

For whatever reason, the idea of going to Hell without Gervais almost made me more nervous than going with him. At the very least he was an experienced guide. If I could trust him even the smallest amount, I wouldn't have to make this kind of decision.

"Who do you know that can guide us?" I asked.

"Espanto knew a lot of demons. One of them was a fiend named Damien. He traveled between the worlds quite often."

"Why does he go back and forth? Is he some kind of messenger?"

"Something like that. He transports artifacts from Hell to Earth. Runed blades, mainly."

"A Divine arms dealer?"

"That's a good way to put it."

"Can we trust him?"

She smiled mischievously. "You know you can't fully trust any demon. He's weak enough that we can keep him in line, and we can give him enough incentive to stay as honest as any fiend can."

"What kind of incentive?"



"I'll promise to sleep with him if he helps us. I saw the way he looked at me when Espanto visited him. He'll do it."

I froze in place. It was hard for me to see Alyx as a demon. She was so sweet to me and so innocent about how normal human life worked. It was incredibly endearing and occasionally shocking. Despite what Espanto had put her through, and could continue to put her through if he got close enough that his brand put her back under his control, she had a freeness of both sexuality and violence that made me uncomfortable. Maybe my human morals were off-kilter with the reality of the situation. I didn't care.

"No," I said. "I'm not trading any part of you."

She didn't seem disappointed, but she was confused. "Why not?"

"You aren't a thing to barter. You're a living creature. You have a soul."

"A demonic soul."

"I don't believe souls are good or evil. Or if they are, I believe they can change from one to the other. You get to choose what kind of soul you have. You're protective of me because you don't want me to be hurt. I'm protective of you because I want you to be able to make that choice with a full understanding of what it means."

"But you said you don't love me. Why do you want to keep something you don't love to yourself?"

"I don't want to keep you to myself. It's your choice to be here or not. Just because I don't love you doesn't mean I want to see you make decisions that will hurt you. I don't love all of the humans who are out there. I still protect them from the Divine because I believe in their freedom to choose to be good or evil."

She pursed her lips, considering my statement. "I think you do love me," she said at last.

I didn't say anything. Most of our conversations seemed to go this way.

"It is my choice to stay here with you. I will never change my mind. It's also my choice if I want to make a deal with Damien."

She threw me again, turning my words against me.

"I'm asking you not to. We can find some other way to pay him. You're too valuable to spend like currency."

She smiled, her entire posture melting into something entirely different. It was all I could do to keep my heart from pumping right out of my chest, and my arousal was impossible to prevent.

"I love you," she said, noticing my reaction. She was doing it on purpose.

"I know," I said.

In her own way, she did. I didn't feel the way I needed to use those words. I didn't deny that she was incredibly sexy, in part because of how ferociously protective she was over me. I didn't deny that I had come to desire her more and more over the last three weeks. But I was still a virgin because that wasn't a good enough reason for me. There was a huge gap between love and lust that would have to close.

"I'm going to head up to the roof for some air," I said. "I'm not taking Damien out of the equation, but if we need to pay him, we'll find some other way to do it, okay?"

She hesitated for a moment and then nodded. "Okay."

I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. She nuzzled her face against me.

"Keep an eye on Gervais for me?"

"Of course, Mast... Landon."

I left her in the apartment, moving to the fire escape and climbing it to the roof. Once there, I pulled my cell from my pocket. I needed a little more advice than the people around me could offer.


"I appreciate that you trusted me with this, Signore," Dante said.

"I know we've had our differences over the years. This one is too big for me to manage on my own."

We were standing together on the top of my building, standing near the edge and looking down at the street below. When Dante wasn't writing notes of our conversation down on a small pad he had brought; I could tell he was keeping his eyes on Gervais, who was standing in front of the deli smoking a cigarette and looking smug as usual. I was switching my attention between the demon, the poet, and Alyx, who was sitting with her legs dangling from the fire escape and keeping close tabs on everything.

"Well, of course, you know the last thing I think you should do is trust that demon," he said. "That one fiend should cause so much strife among the Divine is an offense to the balance."

"To be honest, all of his schemes haven't come to that much. I mean, he had potential with Sarah, but Josette messed him up on that angle."

"I would argue that Sarah tripped him up herself. People make their decisions in life. Even though her mother was an Angel, she could have decided to seek evil."

"I'll accept that. So, what do you think about Gervais' plan?"

"I'll have to consult Alichino about the specifics, but on the surface I believe it would be possible. There is no way to say for certain, however. Your situation is unlike any I have encountered before. Going to Hell, on the other hand? Signore, you do not want to do this thing."

"I've already established what I don't want to do. But I might need to do it. Is it really that bad? Part of the reason I called you was for a straight answer."

"It has been many years since I was there last. Heaven and Hell are a reflection of humanity as much as anything else. For me, this representation took the form of circles, as I wrote about in the Inferno. You have seen for yourself in Purgatory how things change based on perception. Both Heaven and Hell are no different."

"So everyone experiences it differently?"

"In a sense. What will make Hell dangerous for you is that every being there is a demon. You can trust no one, and they will all be seeking to take advantage of you. Every last one, in one way or another. You must also steel your will against the torments you will see, and remember that these souls are cast down for a reason."

I knew that would be the hardest part. To see people suffering and recognize that it was deserved.

"What about Cain, and Lucifer himself?"

"You will not see Lucifer. He remains in his palace at all times, though his consciousness is everywhere."

"So he can see me?"

"He knows every soul that arrives in his realm. He might be amused by your presence, and he might entertain himself by watching you. As you are a visitor and not one of the damned, he will not intervene in any way. Cain, on the other hand, is dangerous. Very dangerous. I will be honest with you, Signore. I don't know if you can defeat him if it came to a battle of power. You may not have kept enough of it to battle the son of Lucifer."

"I don't want to fight him. I want to sneak in, grab the FOG, and go."

"That may be difficult considering the size of the armor."

"I should be able to carry it. So, you agree with Alyx that I should cut Gervais out of this?"

He nodded. He looked energized to be involved again. "Yes. Even if the demon doesn't plan to leave you there, you will be better off with a guide you can control."

"I still need him to lead me to Abaddon's prison."

"I will work on that, Signore. With Alichino's help, we may be able to determine the location of the demon. Any prison that is strong enough to hold him will have made waves somewhere."

I put my eyes on Gervais again. He was watching a woman who had just come out of the deli. She was black, well-dressed, with a large chest and a plump rear. He dropped his cigarette butt, stamped it with his foot, and began walking along the street behind her.

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