Exodus of the Xandim (GOLLANCZ S.F.) (69 page)

BOOK: Exodus of the Xandim (GOLLANCZ S.F.)
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One by one or in small groups, the refugees came to the campfire; hurt and bereft, grieving, shocked and bewildered. The Nexians had done their best, lending out all the old clothing and
blankets, furs and skins that they could spare, but the Tyrineldians huddled together, as much for warmth as for mutual support.

Iriana and Taine stood hand in hand in a group of friends: Corisand, with Taryn, Rosina, and several other Xandim clad in a ragtag medley of borrowed clothing; Yinze, who had Kea and Crombec
beside him; Ionor, Chathak, Thara and Melisanda, who had just returned from Independence, with Aelwen and Kelon standing close by. Avithan, grim-faced, walked out in front of the bonfire and began
to address the assembled crowd.

‘My fellow Tyrineldians and the good citizens of Nexis, yesterday was a day that will forever be recalled in the annals of infamy and tragedy. At this time we survivors of the fall of
Tyrineld are all shocked and grieving too much to consider how we will carry on through the days to come, and with the tragic loss of my beloved parents—’ His voice thickened, but he
brushed a hand across his eyes and squared his shoulders, making a visible effort to keep his grief under control. ‘With the loss of my parents, Cyran and Sharalind, the burden of Archwizard,
for the time being at least, has fallen upon my shoulders. First and foremost, I must thank the Nexians who have made us welcome and given us this so desperately needed refuge. I would also like to
pass on our utmost gratitude to the non-Wizards who have aided us today: the Winged Folk, the Leviathan, the newly rediscovered race of the Xandim, and even the humble mortal fisherfolk. Any who
wish to return to their homes will go with our thanks for what they have already done, and such help as we can spare them. Any who wish to stay with us and share our hardships are welcome to
remain, if they will continue to help us rebuild our city and our lives. I have been conferring with the respected merchant leaders of the settlement—’

At this a wave of jeers, boos and catcalls drowned him out for a moment, but he raised his voice above the outcry of the objectors. ‘I have decided that Nexis will become the new capital
city of the Wizards’ realm. There will be no more Tyrineldians and Nexians: we will all be as one. We will build new homes here, new workshops for our crafters, a new Academy and new
marketplaces for our merchants. We will mourn our lost loved ones, then we will set to work to make this place a fitting monument to their memory, and we will see the Wizard race flourish and
thrive once more.’ This time he was drowned out by applause and cheering. In this dark hour his people desperately needed hope – any hope – to cling to, and his words had provided
them with exactly the optimism and moral support they needed.

As Avithan walked away between the tents, Iriana, despite their differences, felt proud of him. The old Avithan she had known and loved was still there – and in that moment she realised
that he would go on to be a great Wizard and a fine leader.

About an hour later, Iriana and her own Wizard family – Ionor, Chathak, Yinze, Melisanda and Thara – were sitting round a smaller fire of their own, sipping thin soup, together with
Corisand, Taryn, Rosina, Taine, Aelwen, Kelon, Kea and Crombec. Though they were all exhausted, they needed this time together, drawing comfort from their bonds of friendship, for their relief and
gratitude at being alive and reunited was tempered by anxiety and sorrow. Zybina, Yinze’s mother and Iriana’s foster mother, had been among those who’d been rescued, and was
resting in a house in the settlement as comfortably as could be expected with concussion and a broken arm, but all of them had lost other friends that day, and Chathak and Kea were both mourning
the death of Atka.

Chathak, his blond hair flopping over his forehead and glinting in the firelight, cradled the Dragon’s egg on his lap as he sat with the others. Iriana and Corisand had combined their
powers to enshroud it in a blanket of warm air that would retain its temperature and stay in place no matter how much the egg was moved, and Kea and Crombec were planning to help him return it to
the Dragonfolk at Dhiammara.

‘Though I don’t know how we’ll make it without our bearers,’ Kea was saying. ‘I can’t believe that Incondor used his authority to call them away from the
rescue work to take him and that girl back to Aerillia.’

Melisanda’s mouth tightened at the mention of Chiannala. She had already told the others about finding the real Brynne, who had been taken by the Xandim back to her home, to be reunited
with her parents until some provision could be made for training the student Wizards now that the Academy was no more.

‘Talking of Healing – in a roundabout way – is there nothing you can do for Avithan?’ Yinze interrupted. ‘He’s shocked and grieving and he’s bearing so
many burdens just now, yet when I tried to talk to him a little while ago, he just brushed me off; said he didn’t have time.’

‘He did the same thing to me and Chathak,’ Ionor said.

‘And to me,’ Thara added.

‘I had a fight with him,’ Iriana told them. ‘That couldn’t have helped.’

‘That fight wasn’t your fault, it was his,’ Taine said firmly.

‘It was, really. I just couldn’t get over my anger at the way he ambushed me while I was fighting the Moldan. Of all the stupid, dangerous, irresponsible things to

‘And you’re still just as angry,’ Melisanda interrupted. ‘Iriana, you have a right to be. No matter how unhappy Avithan is right now, that doesn’t change the fact
that he behaved so badly to you. You’re both going to need to put some time and space between you before you can become friends again – but hopefully, one day you will.’

‘Well, that makes me feel better, but what about Avithan? No matter how angry I am with him, I hate to see him suffering like this. Can’t you help him, Mel?’

The Healer sighed, and rubbed a hand across her face. ‘I tried when I came back, but he wouldn’t listen. He kept saying that he was too busy to talk; that he had too much to do, that
the Wizardfolk are his responsibility now – though I wonder at the motives he won’t admit to himself. Most of his closest friends now have other friendships with outlanders. I know
it’s not fair, and without the Xandim, the Skyfolk and the Leviathan, not to mention our Hemifae friends, we would have been lost indeed today. But with his family gone, Avithan feels that he
needs us more than he ever has before.’

‘And there was nothing you could say to change—’ Yinze said – and cut himself off abruptly. ‘I’m sorry, Mel. I know what you’ve been through. I
can’t imagine how weary you must be.’

‘Not as weary as Iriana and Corisand,’ the Healer pointed out. ‘They gave their all for us, and with little thanks for it. Yet without them none of the Wizardfolk might have
survived.’ She smiled at her old friend. ‘Iriana, you deserve your new gift of sight. I can’t explain it and I don’t understand it, but I’m so happy for you that I
don’t care.’

‘We think we can explain it, Corisand and I,’ Iriana replied, as she nursed Melik on her lap. It was wonderful to look down and see the cat with her own vision, instead of using his
eyesight for herself – not to mention the great black dog Bear, who lay protectively at her side, along with the white cub, Yinze’s gift to her. By this time, thanks to hours of loving
care from Thara and Melisanda, it was out of danger, weaned onto milk and finely chopped meat, and growing fast. Iriana was delighted with it. Yinze couldn’t have brought her a more perfect
gift, and looking at the size of its paws, it was going to grow up to be absolutely enormous . . . And her mind was wandering. With an effort, she forced herself to concentrate on what she’d
been saying.

‘We think that we linked so closely with each other through the Fialan that we almost became one being for a time. I believe I might have more than Corisand’s vision when we come to
examine the phenomenon closely. I may have picked up some of her powers too, and she might share some of mine.’

‘Only time will tell,’ Corisand added, smiling at her friend. ‘Where the Fialan is concerned, anything is possible.’

‘Ah, the Stone of Fate,’ Ionor said in wonder. ‘I can’t believe the adventures you two must have had. And to actually be befriended by one of the Creators – not to
mention that she gave you a message for me, of all people.’

‘You have a close tie with me, and also with the Cauldron that the Leviathan are trying to build,’ Iriana explained. ‘Athina saw the link, and used it to pass the message on to

‘It was just as well she did,’ Ionor replied. ‘She came to me in a vision, and it meant that we set out south without delay, so that I could talk to you. If it hadn’t
been for that, and if I hadn’t been in such a hurry, we’d never have made it back here in time to help.’

‘What about Aldyth?’ Melisanda asked. ‘I’m surprised he didn’t come back with you.’

Ionor smiled. ‘The old man is utterly content where he is, delving into the lore and history of the Leviathan. It’s a good thing we have that spell to survive indefinitely in the
depths, because I don’t think he plans to come back any time soon – in fact, he’s helping them with the Cauldron too.’

‘And are you going back?’

Hearing the strain in Melisanda’s voice as she fought to hide her sadness, Ionor took her hand. ‘I’m sorry, Mel, but I must. I hate to leave you again to face all the burdens
that will be put on you as the Tyrineldians try to build a new life – but I’m needed by the Seafolk. It was you I had in mind, when I first suggested to them we might try to make an
artefact that would heal, instead of harm. I was in this with them from the very start. We had reached an impasse with our work, but now that the Creator has given me a clue—’ He looked
warily at Iriana, tacitly imploring her not to tell Melisanda what Athina had said. ‘I feel I have to go back and help them. Please forgive me, Mel. It won’t be for ever. Or better
still, why don’t you come with me? Or go with Iriana, or one of the others.’

‘Are you
going, then?’ Melisanda was wide-eyed with dismay.

‘Well, I am,’ Chathak said. ‘I was so obsessed with Esmon’s death that I neglected poor Atka. Without you, Kea, she would have felt very lonely and isolated in Tyrineld.
I’m committed to returning her child, at least, but I’d like to stay on in Dhiammara, if they’ll let me, and be part of their quest to create their artefact.’

‘And I’m going back to Aerillia with Kea and Crombec, to work on the Skyfolk artefact, the Harp,’ Yinze said firmly. ‘I’m sorry, Melisanda, to leave you with this
mess on your hands, but—’

‘Nothing to forgive,’ Melisanda said lightly, though Iriana saw her straighten her shoulders as if to take on an extra load. ‘We all have our duties now. Our world has been
torn apart, and we must do what we can to piece it back together.’

‘Yinze, is it wise to go back to Aerillia?’ Thara asked. ‘If that swine Incondor has gone back home, then surely all the trouble between you will begin again. I thought that
was what Queen Pandion wanted to avoid.’

‘I’m hoping Incondor has learned his lesson, and he’ll stay out of Yinze’s way this time,’ Crombec said. ‘If not, then we will deal with him. Last time, we
had no idea what was happening, because Yinze was so close-mouthed about the whole business. Cyran, may he rest in peace, wanted to avoid any controversy. But this time the Queen is already aware
of the situation, and no such restrictions will apply. We should be able to avoid trouble – if I didn’t believe that, I would not take Yinze back. But with all the will in the world, we
cannot stay here. We need the facilities a city can provide to make our Harp, and it ought to be Aerillia. This is, after all, the Skyfolk Artefact.’

‘Besides.’ Yinze glanced across at his foster sister. ‘I want to be within visiting distance of Iriana.’

‘Because I’m going with Corisand and the Xandim to help them settle into their new lands on the Wyndveil,’ Iriana finished for him. ‘But I’ve been talking to
Corisand, and she and I, not to mention the rest of the Xandim, have decided not to go until spring, if we’re needed here to help the Tyrineldians get back on their feet. With the flying
spell, there are a hundred and one ways that we could help build a proper settlement for the refugees, and make a start on the wonderful city of Avithan’s dreams.’

‘Then I won’t leave until spring either,’ Yinze said. ‘I’m sorry for the delay, Kea and Crombec, but right now my mother needs me, and so does Avithan. I want to be
here for both of them. And we’ve all been apart for so long’ – he gestured at the other Wizards around the fire – ‘that I want to spend some time with all of you,

‘If it’s so important to you, of course we can wait.’ Kea turned to her mentor. ‘Can’t we?’

‘It seems I’ve been outvoted,’ Crombec said. ‘Very well, Yinze, if this is what you need to do, we can at least begin our work here, and return to Aerillia in the spring
to complete it. Besides,’ he added wryly, ‘it will give Queen Pandion time to send back our bearers that Incondor stole.’

‘If Iriana and Corisand, not to mention you, Mel, will help me take care of Atka’s child – before and after the egg hatches, then I would like to stay and do my bit too,’
Chathak said. ‘Everything here reminds me of Esmon, and I wanted to use the egg as an excuse to escape, but I’m not the only one grieving. Hearing you talk, I’d rather share my
grief with all of you, especially Avithan. Maybe we can help each other.’

‘I was longing to return to the ocean,’ Ionor said. ‘I think that for the rest of my life I’ll be torn between my friends on land and those in the sea. But for now the
sea, and the Leviathan, can wait. If Avithan needs our help to build his dream, then I’m quite happy to postpone my own dreams for a while, to help him out.’

‘I didn’t know whether to stay here, where I would be needed to try to get some emergency foodstuffs growing, or go with Iriana to help the Xandim learn how to cultivate their
crops,’ Thara said. ‘After what they’ve done for us today, they deserve all the help we can give them, and I wanted to be part of that.’ She grinned. ‘Now I’ll
have a chance to do both, and spend the winter with my best friends in the world.’

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