Expect Me (Rivers Edge Book 3) (15 page)

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“I haven’t been with anyone either. How could I when you consumed my thoughts. I’ve craved you since that night. One time wasn’t enough then and I know it won’t be tonight either,” I tell her honestly as I position my larger body above her smaller one, positioning my throbbing shaft at her entrance.

I lock eyes with Josselyn’s hazel ones that look deep, dark brown right now, and slowly start to slide in. She’s insanely wet and tight as her heat surrounds me, gripping me, like some amazingly erotic hug. Josselyn’s eyes widen and she gasps as I stretch her. I stop for fear that I’m hurting her.

“No,” she says as she reaches around and grabs my ass, pulling me forward and sliding deep inside of her. It’s just like that first time. I don’t move for a moment as I try to catch my bearings and breathe through the desire to pump everything I have into her fast and hard. “Don’t stop,” she moans. “Please, Travis.”

I pull myself almost complete out of her before slowly sliding back inside. “I won’t break, Travis.”

I rest my forehead against hers and I breathe in her scent. “I don’t want to hurt you or the baby, Joss.”

“You won’t,” she tells me. “Sex is safe for both of us.”

I slowly start to pick up my pace which seems to please her more. I shift myself above her so that I’m kneeling in front of her, giving my hands the opportunity to explore her body further. I touch her stomach, her hips, her breasts, her thighs, as my hips continue to pump.

My pace starts to quicken as if completely on its own, and I can feel the familiar tightening deep down. Josselyn starts to moan, and I can feel her starting to clamp down on my shaft. I lean back over the top of her and link my hands with hers. My lips find hers for a kiss that is all hungry lips, tongues and teeth.

Just when I’m reaching the point of no return, Josselyn clamps down on my bottom lip with her teeth and surges up against me, moaning her release which helps tip me completely over to the other side of oblivion. I release myself unrestrained deep inside of her in the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced.

We both lay there, breathing heavily from exertion, and covered in that fine sheen of sweat that only good sex can properly bring. I roll to the side of her so I don’t crush her or the baby, and cradle her against me spoon-style. My hand instantly drops protectively down to her abdomen while the other is cradling her head. Neither of us speak for several minutes as we both try catch our breath.



“Can we do that again soon?” she asks, smile evident in her sweet voice, as she pushes back slightly, rubbing her amazing ass against my already hardening groin.

“Baby, are you trying to kill me?” I ask playfully.

“Would there be a better way to go?” she asks as she opens her legs and starts to stroke me between her thighs.

“What? What was the question?” I ask, completely losing my train of thought with each stroke of her firm hand.

Before I realize it, I’m hard again and she’s positioning me at her entrance. I give a slow, gentle thrust as I fill her once more. I lovingly kiss her neck and her shoulders as I slowly make love to her. This time, there’s no urgency. No fierceness. No demand. This time, it’s slow and tender and passionate.

I keep returning my hand to her stomach as I push us each slowly towards that cliff of ecstasy. When we’re both right there, I reach down and gently rub the pulsing nub between her legs causing her to come undone in my arms almost immediately. Her core tightens around me as I follow her and release myself deep inside her for the second time in a short amount of time.

The only movement is her snuggling deeper into my embrace as we both start to drift off. She sighs contently just before her breathing evens out as sleep takes over. I revel in the feel of her body against mine as I close my eyes. There’s no going back after this. I know it, and I hope she knows it too.

I expect it all now. All of her.


Chapter Nine


24 weeks – 6 months


Travis has been working crazy hours this past month trying to get the house ready to move in by November. It’s early August and it’s hotter than hell. Seriously. Hell called and wants its heat back, Missouri.

I’m not venturing out – at all – unless it’s to go to work. I haven’t been to the new house since the late July heat wave hit causing my ankles to swell into cankles and my feet to become practically unrecognizable. Plus, I’ve put on another four pounds since last month’s appointment. Not good.

I’ve found that even with the stifling heat outside, I have a crazy amount of energy inside. I’ve cleaned closets, organized cabinets, and learned to cook via home cooking shows on the Food Network channel. The only problem with that is that Travis hasn’t been here to enjoy the fruits of my labors.

Every night when he falls into bed, he quickly fills me in on that day’s progress. We have a roof and walls and the interior work is in full swing. We have plans to go to the home improvement store in St. Charles this weekend to pick out flooring, bathroom fixtures, lighting fixtures, cabinets, and countertops. I honestly have no clue when we’re going to be making this lengthy trip between my work at the diner and his work on the house, but at some point, I guess we’ll figure it out.

I want to ask Travis to take this Friday night off. Off from working at the new house. Off from the stresses of decision making. Off from the heat and the humidity. Instead, I want to go on a date. We haven’t been on one in over a month. Even dinner seems to be a big production that we can’t seem to schedule correctly.

I’ve been talking to Matty multiple times a day lately either on the phone or by text.

“What’s up, dollface?” he says as way of greeting when I call him Thursday morning.

“I’m bored out of my mind, Matty. I can’t sit around in this apartment any longer. I’m going to go crazy.”

“Well, at least it’ll be a short trip, sweetie,” he quips with a hint of humor in his voice.

“Not funny and not helping, Mister. Seriously, Matty. I can’t take these white walls anymore. Please come rescue me,” I beg. That’s right, I beg. I’m not above begging where Matty is concerned.

“Can’t today, doll. I have a photo shoot in about twenty minutes for twin boys. What about tomorrow? I can probably rearrange my schedule and come spend the afternoon with you,” he adds.

“I work tomorrow. And besides, I’m hoping to go out with Travis tomorrow night.”

“Hoping? Why are you hoping? You don’t know for sure?”

“No. I haven’t been able to talk to him much lately. He’s super busy working on the house,” I say not even trying to hide my disappointment. I don’t mention the part that we haven’t even had sex in over two weeks, but my raging hormones won’t let me forget.

“Well, make time, sweetie. Call or text and tell him you guys have plans tomorrow. He’ll drop whatever he’s doing for you, I promise. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about that tall hunk of man-meat, it’s that he’ll do anything for you, Joss. Just ask him out. Spend time with him.” I hear the sound of a door dinging in the background. “Shoot, they’re early. The twins are here, Joss. I’ve got to go. Just ask him tonight and call me tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay,” I tell him before I hang up. My conversation with Matty doesn’t help improve my mood any which is rare. Usually Matty’s happy-go-lucky demeanor helps lift my spirits like only a best friend can. Well, a best friend and a dog. Maybe I should get a dog.

I’m pacing the small living room with one hand firmly on my belly and the other on my lower back when I hear a knock at the door. I walk over and take a quick glance through the peephole only to see Travis’s mom, Elizabeth, standing on the other side. I fling open the door, excitement evident all over my face, I’m sure, and invite Mrs. Stevens inside.

“Come in. It’s so hot out there,” I add as I close the door.

“Thank you, dear. I was just in the neighborhood after leaving the bakery and wanted to bring you this,” she says as she offers me a white bag.

I glance down and pull out the Styrofoam container inside. My mouth starts to water uncontrollably before I even have the lid open. The chocolate and caramel scents perforate the air in the kitchen as I open the lid.

“Ohmygosh,” I moan. “Is this the chocolate and caramel brownie cake that I heard about Sunday at dinner?”

“One and the same,” she says as she retrieves two forks from the drawer. She sets them both down on the table and takes a seat across from me. Honestly, if it wasn’t for her sitting in front of me right now, I wouldn’t even bother with that fork. I want to pick it up in my hands and dive in like it’s the only food I’ve had in a month!

I grab my fork and dive in – and not a small piece, either. The explosion of caramel and chocolate is heavenly. I actually close my eyes as I savor this bite of deliciousness. “This is soooo good,” I mumble with a mouthful of cake.

“Isn’t it?” she asks as she takes a small bite with her fork. It takes everything I have not to pull the container away from her so she can’t have any of my cake. But, then I remember that she did bring it to me in this heat, so sharing a little of the cake is the least I can do. “How’s everything going?” she asks in between bites.

“Okay,” I reply. She must sense what I’m not saying more than what I actually do say because she stares at me intently like she can read my thoughts.

“Has Travis been home much?” she asks. Okay, maybe she can read my thoughts.

“Not too much, Mrs. Stevens.”

“Elizabeth, please. Travis has always been a hard worker and a go-getter. He hates to ask for help, too, which is why he’s taking on this entire housing project practically on his own. I know he feels stressed and under the gun with this house and the baby coming. Just don’t hesitate to talk to him and ask him to spend time with you, dear,” Mrs. Stevens says as she sets her fork down on the table.

I take that as a sign that she’s done so I dive in with gusto to the remaining cake. “My friend, Matty, said basically the same thing just a bit ago. I don’t want to bother him though when he’s working so hard at getting the house done.”

“Spending time with you is more his job than the house is. Don’t be afraid to remind him of that,” she says with a warm, friendly smile.

I hear what she’s saying, but I don’t feel like I should necessarily come before the house right now. He’s been working on it since before I showed up on his doorstep knocked up. Once the house is complete, I’ll still be here, right?

“I have an idea. Why don’t we get out of this apartment and do a little shopping? I’ve been meaning to discuss some things for the baby with you. What do you think? Do you have a little time this afternoon to humor an old woman?” she asks with a smile on her beautiful face. Seriously, I think this woman is telepathic.

“I’d love to get out of the apartment,” I say before shoveling the last bite of cake into my mouth.

“Great,” she says as she pushes her chair out and heads towards the door. I throw the container in the garbage, lick the fork completely clean before dropping it in the sink, and grab my purse.

We drive to St. Charles to hit one of the big, chain baby stores. Once inside, I’m almost overwhelmed by the amount of baby stuff crammed in this enormous warehouse sized building. It’s almost frightening to think that I have nothing and the baby will be here within four short months.

“So, Michael and I have a surprise for you, dear. We want to purchase our grandson’s bedroom furniture for you as a gift to you and Travis,” she says with a smile.

I’m shocked and don’t really know what to say. I open my mouth and then close it again as no words come out. “You don’t have to do that,” I tell her quickly when I’m finally able to speak.

“We want to. We did it for Avery when she was pregnant with Brooklyn and we feel it’s only fair to do it for you and Travis. Besides, we really want to,” she adds.

I follow behind her as we make our way towards the rows and rows of cribs, changing tables, and dresser sets. White ones, wooden ones of all shades, all lined up on display for the picking.

After walking the first aisle, I see one that catches my eye. It’s a beautiful oak crib with matching changing table and dresser. It has clean, square lines and is probably the simplest set ever, but it also looks rustic and modern. It will fit the log cabin perfectly. I run my hand over the smooth grains of the wood as I take in the set.

“This is the one, isn’t it?” Elizabeth asks with a smile.

“Yeah, this is it,” I whisper as I stare at the crib. The crib that my son will sleep in soon.

Mrs. Stevens flags down an associate and makes the purchase. She tells them that she’ll take delivery in November when the house is ready to go which they comply with.

While Mrs. Stevens pays for the crib set, I walk around and check out all the other baby stuff that I’ll eventually need to purchase or register for. I find small onesies and sleepers. The image of a child small enough to wear them is almost frightening. I have no clue how to care for a baby. How to feed one, how to rock one to sleep, how to bathe one. I’m clueless in that aspect, but the thought of having Travis by my side to help me figure it out – together – is all I need to calm my nerves.

Browsing around the clothing section, I find a sleeper with little tools all over it. It’s a blue sleeper that says “Daddy’s Little Helper” on the front. I smile at the thought of our son wearing this for Travis. I grab one off the rack that says zero to three months and head up to the register with my very first baby purchase.

Mrs. Stevens looks down at it and smiles widely. “That’s perfect, Josselyn. He will love it,” she adds. “You should register while you’re here, dear. It’ll be handy for anyone who wants to get the baby a gift. Plus, you’ll need to do it for your shower.”

“Oh, I don’t think I’m having a shower. I don’t really have any family around here and my friends are all busy,” I say.

“Well, humor an old woman, anyway. Let’s register. It’ll be fun,” Mrs. Stevens says with a motherly smile.

“Okay,” I reply as I finally give in.

Mrs. Stevens talks to the girl behind the counter and comes back with a little hand-held scanner. “She says we just point and shoot at the bar code. It’s already set up in the system for you and Travis.”

And with that, we start to wander around the large store. Mrs. Stevens is actually a huge help for me, offering advice and suggestions every step of the way. But the thing I love about her is that even though she’s offering her opinion, I don’t feel like I need to do it just because that’s what she says. She’s giving me the choice to make up my own mind for me and the baby.

An hour and twenty minutes later, my feet are sore and swollen as we walk towards her car to head back to Rivers Edge.

“Thank you so much for helping me with that, Elizabeth. I know I couldn’t have done it without you,” I say.

“Oh, I’m sure you would have done just fine, dear,” she replies as she cranks up the air conditioning.

“No, seriously, I was starting to feel overwhelmed and having you with me, answering my questions and offering suggestions helped me more than you will ever know,” I tell her as I gaze seriously into her crystal blue eyes.

“You are going to be an incredible mother, Josselyn. I have complete faith and confidence in you. Even when you’re scared or unsure, you will make sure my grandson is cared for and loved and that’s the most important thing. Every parent makes mistakes. Lord knows I made plenty, even with Avery after having four before her. Just trust your instincts and know that you are not alone on this journey.” My eyes fill with tears as I listen to her comforting words. It’s as if she knew exactly what I needed to hear at this moment. “I couldn’t have picked a better partner for Travis than you. You two apart are two incredible people, but you two together are magic. I expect wonderful things from the two of you in the future. A house full of love and laughter. Friendship. It’s already there just waiting for the two of you to grab a hold of it. So, do it, Josselyn. Grab a hold of it and enjoy it,” she says as she leans forward and wraps her arms around my neck.

I never had this with my own mother. Understanding and support. I feel like Travis’s mother believes in me no matter what decisions I make, what path I choose. She’s just there to walk by my side and support me. It’s what I’ve always wanted with my own mother. Before I realize it, the tears are flowing freely and my shoulders are shaking as I hold onto Mrs. Stevens.

“I’m so sorry, Elizabeth. It’s these hormones. I cry at everything now a days,” I say, wiping the tears off of my face.

“Don’t ever apologize for sharing your feelings or expressing yourself, Josselyn. You are a beautiful, strong, determined woman and everyone needs a good cry every once in awhile. My shoulder is always available to you, dear,” she says as she helps wipe the remaining tears from my face.

Mrs. Stevens throws the car in reverse and drives us back to Rivers Edge. We make small talk off and on during the ride, but my mind keeps going back to Travis and whether or not I’m going to ask him to not work on the house tomorrow night and have a date night. I want to – so bad – but I know how much he’s stressing about completing the house before November. I guess I’ll just wait and see if the right time presents itself tonight to ask.

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