Experience the Impossible: Simple Ways to Unleash Heaven's Power on Earth (19 page)

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Authors: Bill Johnson

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No one was ever criticized, scolded or corrected by Jesus for seeking His gifts.

t has become common for people to talk about seeking God’s face instead of His hand. I understand the idea behind it, as a relationship with God is much more important than a physical miracle. But you just cannot find such reasoning in any of the conversations with Jesus recorded in Scripture. In this metaphor, God’s face represents a relationship; His hand represents what He can give us. But for me, that is really too much information. I tell people that if they have been seeking His hand and not His face, just look up. They are not that far apart. One leads to the other, according to Jesus.

Sometimes people without experience give the weirdest counsel to those who need a miracle. In the absence of power is a lot of foolish religious reasoning. The blind beggar Bartimaeus cried out for Jesus, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” (Mark 10:47). He was seeking healing. Jesus did not scold him and say it was more important that he get to know the Healer. Of course, that is true, but that is not the approach
that Jesus took when ministering to Bartimaeus, or anyone else for that matter. So why do we? Probably because all too often Bartimaeus’ eyes are still blind after we have prayed for him.

A couple very dear to me just found out this week that their newborn baby is completely deaf. That is devastating news for them and for us. Of course, someone thought they would try to help them with their challenge and point out the fact that being deaf is such a blessing. The deaf get to develop other parts of their lives to make up for what they are missing by not hearing. Even if that is true, it is stupid reasoning. You can only come up with ideas like that in the absence of miracles. Jesus has given the example to follow—the authority to be commissioned with access to the same power from on high. In some ways, the rest is up to us.

Jesus took a different approach: “If I do them [the works of the Father, the miracles], though you do not believe Me, believe the works, so that you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father” (John 10:38). Jesus was okay with their not believing in Him (which sounds very strange to say), if they believed the works He did. In believing the works, the miracles, they would know the Father was in Him and He in the Father.

That is a stunning realization. Jesus came to reveal the Father, which cannot adequately be done apart from miracles. And He was even okay with people wondering about Him, as long as they did not wonder about the miracles. The miracles revealed the Father. As a result of this realization, they would naturally believe in Jesus.

In other words, what came from His hand took them to His face.


Heavenly Father, please help me to stay away from all excuses or reasoning that could insulate people from the courage to cry out to
You. Clothe me with power from on high again and again and again. Please help me to reveal the Father through a life of miracles, and to bring practical solutions to people’s lives just as any good father would do. Help me to live this way, for the glory of God.


Jesus accomplished everything necessary for me to follow in His footsteps. And even though my efforts do not equal His, I refuse to lower the expectations for my life to an acceptable norm. I embrace the privilege of revealing the Father through miracles, signs and wonders. I do these things for the glory of God.


God wants our minds to be renewed so that our will can be done.

realize that this statement seems to be off a bit, but, honestly, consider it. I am more convinced than ever that this is the heart of God for each of us.

This is not a bid for our rights as believers. It is not a new teaching on “How to get your own way with God.” Quite the opposite! The almighty One transforms us that we might transform everything around us. We all know that the last thing we need is more self-willed Christians fighting for what they want and think they deserve. A self-centered Gospel is not the Gospel at all, as it is not the Good News it claims to be.

We also know by now that God was not interested in creating robots that would automatically do anything He programmed them to do. That would have been easy. Deliberate partnership is of supreme value to God. This is especially true when we consider that humanity is the only part of creation that was created like God—in His image. Our purpose for being is wrapped up in the concept of co-laboring with Him, helping to turn the nature of our world into a mirrored image of His.

When God saved us, He restored us to His purpose of co-laboring and co-reigning. I do not think it has really hit us yet,
but the hope of our calling is connected to our being in Christ, and—purely from that place of presence—having authority over every name and power that has ever existed. This is what Paul prayed we would understand. Look again at these verses:

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling . . . and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might which He brought about in Christ. . . . And He put all things in subjection under His feet.

Ephesians 1:18-20

As you can imagine, if we really get that part of the equation about hope, we will worry a lot less about the rest.

This entire life of ours is about learning how to reign. The purpose of prayer is to learn how to reign. The purpose behind our life of discipline and devotion is to learn how to reign. The reason behind our need for divine order in our lives as it pertains to family, business, health and overall well-being is that we are learning to reign. The apostle Paul described this, saying that we “will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:17). The Passion Translation of Proverbs captures this thought of “reigning in life” quite well, page after page. It thrills me! No one who truly sees this plan of God could become haughty or arrogant. I do not think it is possible. There is an overwhelming sense of undeserved favor on this one that endears us to God in worship. It is a privilege of the highest order.

Jesus is the One who set the grounds rules. He turned to His disciples and offered them the deal of a lifetime. Remember: He said numerous times that they could have anything they asked for. It is not as though this promise was without conditions. In one of the promises, for example, He said, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and
it will be done for you” (John 15:7). Jesus then went on to say that this process is one of the ways the Father is glorified. Think of it—the Father is glorified by His plan working, which is you getting what you have asked for. This is amazing! Whenever we get an answer to our prayers, it is a testimony that God’s plan of co-laboring and co-reigning actually works.

Perhaps this is part of what is implied in Ephesians 3:10: “So that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places.” For all of creation to know of God’s greatness through Him is a no-brainer. God wants the heavenly realm to learn from the redeemed ones, who represent His heart well in all matters. This is the testimony of God’s wisdom. His plan works.

It comes down to this: Our minds must be renewed so that we use this undeserved position of authority and responsibility in a way that brings Him glory. It must be consistent with His heart, His ideals and His purposes. He longs to see a generation who can ask for whatever they want, and have it completely fit into His plan for planet earth. And by this He is glorified.


Heavenly Father, I need to think bigger. Your plans and purposes for my life are so much greater than I ever imagined. Please teach me what and how You think. I want to use my life well, that I might demonstrate Your wisdom to all the powers in heavenly places. These are the things I long for that You may be honored and glorified.


I will not allow the fact that I am in a position I could never earn to keep me from my God-given assignment. It is not about me; it is about Him. He must be glorified by all that exists because His plan of co-laboring with His people has proven to be wise. I will live unto this end, that God might receive glory forever and ever.


False humility will keep us from our destinies, but true humility will take us to them.

alse humility is often seen in self-abasement, self-criticism and self-condemnation. The word
in each of these phrases should give us a clue as to what kind of humility this is—it is counterfeit humility. It is the most dangerous form of pride because it is thought of as a spiritual value, which gives it permission to stay. As such, it is guarded and protected as though it were a godly trait.

Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. This is a challenge for those embracing the selfless lifestyle of Jesus. It almost seems like a contradiction. But it is not. It is one of those apparent paradoxes of Scripture that are essential for our well-being. We stay healthy only as we embrace both sides of the issue simultaneously.

To love ourselves as Jesus described does not lead to self-centeredness or selfishness. It is what keeps us healthy and strong in the things of God. Jesus taught this as the second great commandment. Paul said that this role is one of
our flesh (see Ephesians 5:29). We do this instinctively in many ways if we stay emotionally healthy.

I am careful around people who are highly critical of themselves. Those who are easily moved to judge themselves harshly will probably do the same to me when the occasion arises, for we tend to love others the way we love ourselves.

The Bible says, “Let another praise you, and not your own mouth” (Proverbs 27:2). Self-promotion is not a good way to live. Praising oneself is a disgusting practice, unless it is done by a three-year-old. Then it is cute. But maturity means we pull away from seeing the world rotating around us, and we take on the position of becoming what is best for the world. I think we get the meaning of that verse quite well, as most of us would not feel comfortable praising ourselves, even if it came to mind. We have too much social skill to do such a thing. But it is the first part of the verse that caught me off guard one day.
Let another praise you.
I will be honest. This is very uncomfortable for me. But this is a command. And it must be learned.

People give honor to an artist when they acknowledge the quality of a painting. The painting is an expression of the artist, and it receives the glory that belongs to the artist. The artist is not glorified by the painting criticizing itself, if that were possible. In a similar way, we are giving honor to God when we give honor to people. He takes it personally. This means that when someone gives me honor I have a responsibility before God. First of all, I give thanks to God for the privilege of being honored in His name. Secondly, I realize that all honor given to me is undeserved, in the sense that whatever is good did not originate with me. Thirdly, I must give that honor to Him, because He really is the One who deserves it. What I must not do is tell the person who is complimenting me, “Oh, it’s not me; it’s Jesus.” Turning away their efforts to honor God by complimenting me is a dishonor to them, God and me. Honor—accept it, learn to enjoy it without taking credit for it and finally, give it to its rightful owner.

At some point we have to acknowledge God’s work of grace in our lives for us to step into His purposes more fully. This confidence is frequently seen in the apostle Paul’s life. And I doubt any of us would say he was arrogant or self-centered. His confidence in God’s grace brought glory to God and stability to himself. As someone once said,
True humility is not thinking less of
yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.
Our destinies await a people whose confidence in God’s grace will take them where others fear to go.


Heavenly Father, I know that everything good in my life is because of You. You are the source, and You are the reason. Thank You. Help me not to fall into the religiously acceptable practice of self-criticism. I know that ultimately it dishonors You. I simply want to glorify You in all I do and in all I am. I give You praise as the One who does all things well, even Your work in me. Thank You.


I refuse to protect self-criticism as a spiritual value, but instead will work to acknowledge His work of grace in me. If I am honored, I will give all the glory to God, as He is the author of all that is good in me. By God’s grace, I will not deflect the honor given to me, but will instead show respect to the person giving the honor, again that God may be exalted. I do these things for the glory of God.


When we submit the things of God to the mind of man, unbelief and religion are the results. When we submit the mind of man to the things of God, miracles and the renewed mind are the results.

t least a couple of times Scripture says that God sits in the heavens and laughs. Both times that I know of it is because He sees the plans the enemy has against His anointed and in opposition to His purposes. Apparently, it seems funny to God that finite beings think they can match wits with Him and effectively strategize against Him—a laughable concept for sure.

How true that it is that the fool says there is no God (see Psalm 14:1). And for some of the supposed greatest minds of the day to make such statements is entertaining to say the least. I find it interesting that people will spend their lives studying how the universe, the body or life is designed and come away thinking there is no designer. You cannot have a design without a designer.

The atheistic mindset influences the Church at times. I do not mean by this that believers conclude there is no God. We know better. I mean that people begin to respond to issues of life in the same way as their atheistic neighbors, without noticing that the thought processes are not that different. It should stand out to us. And while our theology does not allow for atheism, sometimes our lifestyles do. It is not okay to face life without having the God who invades the impossible at the center of our affections and pursuits. It is simply not okay—not for anyone who confesses Jesus as Lord.

I have noticed quite often that people need to be convinced that a real miracle has happened. X rays, doctors’ reports, etc. are requested before they will believe. I understand that need, as there have been many fakes throughout history. The request for proof seems reasonable. But it should not be necessary—not for one who confesses Christ.

Don’t get me wrong: The doctor’s report that confirms a miracle is always an encouragement. We can welcome the medical community’s confirmation of the works of God. But the fact that we need one to believe is not a sign of intellectual strength; it is a sign of weakness. It is an indicator that the thought
There is
no God
is imbedded deep in our hearts. Instead of becoming people who pursue the breakthroughs that draw thousands or even millions into the Kingdom, we want evidence that He is what He says He is: the same yesterday, today and forever. He exists, but many think He is simply a force, without personality or concern or intent. Nothing could be further from the truth. He is God: Father God. He is a real father who loves people—really loves people.

Submitting the things of God to that mindset seldom works out well because we tend to require things of God we have no right to require. He has left us with enough evidence of His nature and heart to spur us on to change the world—literally. But whenever we submit our minds to what God is doing—wow!
Transformation takes place. It is beautiful to see a mind come under the influence of the work of the Holy Spirit. A transformation takes place that becomes the glorious example of His brilliance. While faith does not come from the mind, it is wonderful to see a mind illustrate and enhance the life of faith.


Dear heavenly Father, please help me never to be intimidated by those whose intellectual strength is greater than mine. Please help me to see the full influence of my faith on how I think. I want to represent You well, illustrating how You think about how I live. I purpose to do these things for Your glory.


The renewed mind is my portion, my inheritance in Christ. I declare that it is the Father’s good pleasure to teach me how He thinks, and in doing so, He will help me to remain childlike for His glory.

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