Experienced (A Real Man, 4) (3 page)

BOOK: Experienced (A Real Man, 4)
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ugo’s driver
was waiting at the curb exactly twenty minutes later. I wasn’t surprised though. Hugo had power, connections, and this dominating air about him that had all other people taking notice.

We were in the back of a Mercedes and heading into the city. It was an hour’s drive from where my parents lived, and even though I was still nervous, I didn’t mind this alone time with him.

I looked out the tinted window and watched as the city came into view. I could see the skyscrapers in the distance and wondered exactly what we planned on doing. Hugo hadn’t exactly told me anything, just that we’d be spending most of the day here.

“You didn’t eat anything before we left,” Hugo said, and I glanced over at him.

“I wasn’t hungry.” And I hadn’t been, but at that moment, my belly started to grumble, giving away that I was now.

“How about we have some breakfast?”

I nodded and smiled. “Okay.”

He nodded, the expression on his face satisfied. “We’ll stop at Vellaim’s Café first,” he said to the driver.

“Of course, Sir.”

Hugo looked at me again. “Then I thought I’d take you shopping.”

That had my eyebrows lifting clear to my hairline, I was sure. “Shopping? For what?” The tennis bracelet on my wrist felt heavy, although I knew I mainly felt like that because I was hyper aware that Hugo had given it to me.

“I’d like to get you something nice for dinner tonight.”

I didn’t know what to say, although my first reaction was to decline. He’d already flown out to see me for my graduation, bought me this tennis bracelet that probably cost a fortune—a years’ salary of what my parents made combined, and here he was trying to buy more for me.


“I’d prefer if you didn’t decline, because it would please me to do this for you, although I’ll respect your wishes.”

I stared at him, wanting this man so much I ached in places that should have embarrassed me. But I also
to please him.

“You look shocked.”

“I am,” I said honestly.

“Is it that hard to believe that I want to do something nice for you?”

I shook my head instantly. “Of course not. You’ve always been kind and generous. But you’ve already given me the bracelet, and come all the way over here—”

“Because I wanted to; I wanted to make you happy.” He leaned in a little closer, and I smelled the masculine scent of his cologne as it consumed me. “And I want to do this as well, Sabine.”

How could I say no? He looked at me like he was … hungry for my approval. “Okay,” I whispered, suddenly feeling lightheaded and out of breath.

He smiled, this confident expression on his face.

But as the seconds moved by, and we held each other’s gazes, I felt the air shift around us. It got hotter, thicker, and I felt as if I was falling into the abyss.

But I anticipated the fall.

“How’s work?” I asked, my voice low, heavy sounding.

He didn’t speak for a long while, just watched me, these emotions playing in the depths of his eyes. “It keeps me busy.”

I nodded and licked my lips. I didn’t miss how Hugo lowered his gaze to watch the act. My heart thundered harder. “You’ve always been so busy.” God, my voice was so tight, my arousal shifting inside of me until it was as if another being resided there.

“Aside from you and your family, my business is the only thing of significance I have.” He shifted on his seat, and I wanted to look down and see if he was aroused. I had no idea why I desperately wanted to see, but that need overrode everything in my brain, making me almost feel like I was malfunctioning.

“I’m glad we have this day to ourselves.”

I looked into his eyes, his accent moving over me, making my skin tighten and my inner muscles clench in need.

“You are?”

He shifted on the seat again, moving a little closer to me. “I am.”

“Why?” God, was that my voice sounding so aroused?

“Because it gives us some time to talk, to be alone.”

I felt so dizzy, but in a good way. “You want to be alone with me?”

Yes, he just said that.

He took a second to answer. “I do, Sabine. So much.” His voice was just as thick as mine.

God, is this really happening?

I felt like this was a prime time to kiss him, or for him to lean in those extra few inches and kiss me. I wanted to, wanted to feel his lips on mine, feel that power, that experience I knew he had deep in his marrow. I wanted it to fill me.

He leaned in another inch, and I found myself doing the same. For a second, we breathed the same air. His body was so big, so muscular, that he seemed to block out everything behind him. I felt wholly feminine right now, and I wanted more.

And just when I thought I’d finally feel his lips on mine, and finally get a taste of the man that I’d wanted for so long it sucked the very life out of me, the car slowed.

“We’re here, Sir.”

I felt reality slam into me, and as I leaned back, I was aware of Hugo still watching me. He looked at me with heavy-lidded eyes, his focus trained on my mouth. His broad, defined chest rising and falling a little harder, faster told me he was still in that moment.

I hadn’t imagined this; I wasn’t the only one fantasizing about being together.

Hugo wanted me as much as I wanted him.

* * *


was hard
, painfully so. All I wanted to do was kiss Sabine right then and there. Of course, the timing had interrupted what I knew would have eventually happened. As much as I wanted to say fuck breakfast and just admit what I wanted with her, I gathered my self-control and helped her out of the car.

What I knew without a doubt was that Sabine wanted me, and I wasn’t going to back down now that I’d seen the truth coming off her in waves.

She’d be mine.



e’d left
the coffee shop half an hour ago, but with the traffic and the fact that Hugo wanted to take me to this ritzy, exclusive boutique, we’d just arrived five minutes ago.

But already I was in a dressing room, the woman working the floor shoving dresses at me. She’d been very friendly with Hugo, but I hadn’t seen it as sexual, or even attraction on her part. She’d been pleasantly surprised to see him.

I thought about Hugo’s profession, about what would happen if I were involved with him. It might be wishful thinking, and I supposed I needed to be realistic, but it was hard not thinking about the
what ifs

With him owning his own business, he traveled a lot, going to different countries, making deals to further his business; he had connections that made my meager life look dull and unappealing. But he’d always been a facet in my life, and I couldn’t see myself not having him there. He’d always been there, even from afar. Hugo had always shown me it didn’t matter how much money someone did or didn’t have … if they were genuine they were valued.

And he was as genuine as they came.

I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. For a second, I didn’t even recognize myself, not with the expensive dress draped over my body, showing off my curves in the most tempting ways.

Yes, I admitted I looked nice in this dress, beautiful even, and a part of me felt uncomfortable with that fact. I didn’t dress up, and when I did, it certainly wasn’t with lace and silk.

Will Hugo think I’m beautiful?

I smoothed my hands over the cream colored material, the lace beneath my fingers smooth, yet slightly raised. The V-neck was right above my breasts, and the large swells gently rose above it with every inhalation I took
I only stood there for a few moments before I heard Hugo clear his throat. My heart started racing harder, knowing he was right behind the dressing room door.

“You’re well in there?” he asked, and I looked myself over again. The lace detailing had rose-colored threads throughout it, and the material fell to my knees. It was classy, yet revealing without being obscene.

“I’m good,” I said, but immediately cleared my throat as my voice sounded thick. The arousal still thrummed through my veins.

“You’re dressed?” he asked, and I heard the distinct change in the pitch of his voice. It got lower, huskier, and I wondered if he was imagining me without anything on.

The car ride played through my head again, and I felt my cheeks heat. Looking at my reflection, I saw my cheeks had this rosy glow to them.

“I am,” I said softly.

There was a moment of silence.

“Let me see you, Sabine.”

My pulse jackknifed, and I felt my throat tighten. I looked down at myself, knowing I wanted to show him, because I thought I looked nice in the dress, but I felt so nervous. I’d never felt so … pretty.

“Sabine.” He said my name deeply, with a touch of authority.

I reached out and grabbed the handle and, for a second, just held the little brass globe in my hand. It started to warm when I finally pulled the door open. Hugo stood just a few feet from me, this air of confidence and control surrounding him.

He looked so damn good.

I felt my cheeks heat even further, but prayed I didn’t look like a total twit. I didn’t want him thinking I was embarrassed by this moment or his generosity. I also didn’t want him to think I couldn’t control myself and the clear attraction I’d felt between us in the car.

And God, had I felt it. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the heat that had consumed me at the way he’d looked at me. He didn’t speak for long seconds, but he was definitely appraising me.

“It’s too much, isn’t it?” I felt my hands start to shake from my nerves. I was losing it, but I couldn’t stop the energy moving through me.


I felt butterflies take root in my belly at the way he called me beautiful. It was only one word, but it sounded like he meant so much more with it.

“You’re absolutely beautiful, Sabine.”

I felt my damn blush intensify. “Thank you.” I saw the woman holding up a few more dresses, but Hugo waved her off.

“I love this one. I think this one will be perfect for tonight.” He looked up at me after scanning my body for several seconds. I liked that he took charge. I loved this dress, but hearing him shut any other dresses down, and telling me this was the one, made me feel very feminine … very happy that he was pleased.

We didn’t speak for long seconds, and I wondered if the woman still standing in the background felt weird just watching us. Surely she could see the connection that was going on? Or maybe I was the only one that felt it?

“We need some privacy,” Hugo finally said, addressing the woman. She was gone a second later. I ran my hands down the dress, but caught myself and curled my fingers into fists. Hugo took a step closer and another and another, until he was right in front of me, just a few inches separating us.

I had a hard time breathing with Hugo’s scent filling my head. He glanced down at my lips, licked his own, and exhaled roughly, as if he was having just as hard a time as I was.

“There are a lot of things I want to say right now, Sabine.” He still stared at my mouth.

“Say them,” I whispered, not caring if anyone could hear us.

“They aren’t proper,” he said and took another step closer to me, so much so that if I inhaled our chests would brush together.

“I’m past proper, Hugo.” I was feeling bold, braver. “I know what happened in the car wasn’t just one sided.”

He was still looking at my mouth. My heartbeat filled my head, and I grew dizzy.

“No, it wasn’t just one sided.”

And then he leaned in, pushed my hair aside, and said softly against the shell of my ear, “It’s always been you, and I’m tried of waiting, Sabine. I’m ready to make you mine.”

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