Exposed: Laid Bare (6 page)

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Authors: S.R. Grey

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Exposed: Laid Bare
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What other options did I have, anyway? Lounging on the sofa all night, watching more TV? Or, God forbid, continuing to pine away for Lucien?

“Hell no,” I mumbled.

Veronica replied with a confused, “Huh? Hell no to what?”

“Nothing, nothing.” I swished my hand in the air dismissively, and then I made what I hoped would be a good decision. “I think I’ll tag along with you to the party. If that’s okay, that is.”

“Are you kidding?” I could hear the smile in Veronica’s voice. “Of course it’s okay. It’s better than okay, in fact.” She paused, and, clearly pleased with my change of heart, added, “I’m happy you’re coming with, Dahl.”

he next night found me rummaging through my closet. Sadly, I couldn’t find a single thing to wear. I was going for sexy, but I was at a loss beyond the lingerie I’d picked out.

Sitting down on the edge of my bed in a black demi-bra, black panties, and black garters and stockings, I put my head in my hands, and lamented, “Ugh, I have nothing hot to wear to that damn party.”

But then I recalled a dress I had bought in the fall. It was for another party, an art gallery opening I’d been invited to in September. I’d fallen ill and had not been able to attend. That dress would be perfect!

Jumping up, I returned to the closet and pushed the clothes and hangers aside as I dug to the back. “There it is,” I said, sighing when I spotted black sequins sparkling in the dim closet lighting.

The dress was ideal for a New Year’s Eve party, particularly one being held in such a high-end, trendy nightclub.

Pulling the hot little number off the hanger, I slipped it over my head and stood in front of a mirror.
The hemline was short, very short, and there was a plunging neckline where the sequined fabric draped down almost to my waist.

There’s no way I can wear a bra with this dress
, I determined.

After taking off the dress, I discarded the demi-bra I had put on earlier. Staring at my reflection in just panties, a garter belt, and stockings, I decided to lose the underwear, as well. Without the matching bra, the black panties just looked kind of off.

I felt like a slut, wearing nothing but a garter and stockings under such a revealing dress, but I kind of liked the feeling. I wished Lucien were here, as I wouldn’t have minded being his slut for the night.

My breasts felt full and heavy, swelling at the mere thought of Lucien. My pink nipples pebbled and I brushed my fingers over them in response. The black garter belt accentuated my hips and contrasted with my creamy skin, particularly at the juncture between my thighs.

Quickly, I made myself think of something else. I was wasting no more time getting myself off every time I thought of Lucien. After hanging up on me, he didn’t deserve that kind of attention.

For the second time, I slipped the dress back over my head. The tops of the stockings and clasps to the garter belt were left slightly exposed by the short length, but it all looked just right. With the plunging front showing off
of my ample cleavage, I felt ultra-sexy.

“Take that, Lucien,” I said as I slipped on five-inch pumps and spun around once in front of the mirror.

At that exact moment, I knew what my New Year’s resolution needed to be—no more thinking about Lucien Chambers. Not in any way, shape, or form.

usic pulsed all around in the club. It was dark, the industrial interior dimly lit. Every so often, strobe lights flashed rapidly, making everyone on the dance floor appear as if they were moving in slow motion.

“It’s weird in here,” I yelled to Veronica over the loud house music.

The name of the club, Solstice, was a reference to the winter solstice, and the club was thusly decorated as a winter wonderland. Everything was covered in faux ice and snow. I found it all quite realistic. So realistic, in fact, that I began to shiver in my skimpy dress, the sequins shimmering in the low lights.

Veronica leveled me with an are-you-serious expression.

“What?” I asked.

“You,” she said, pointing to me, “have
room to talk.”

“What are you talking about?” I inquired. I truly had no idea what she meant.

But it all became clear when she replied, “Dahlia, you can’t call a place weird when you yourself can’t stay away from weird.” She gestured to a crowd of men in suits, up on the second-floor level of the club.

My eyes followed her hand, and I uttered a quiet, “Oh,” when I spotted one man in particular. That was who Veronica was referring to as

The man emerged from the crowd of men, who were laughing, drinking, and talking. Casually, he leaned on the edge of the railing and peered down at me.

“Lucien,” I whispered. “What is he doing here?”

Veronica rolled her eyes. “Please, Dahlia. You can’t fool me. I know you must’ve invited him.” Her gaze softened. “If you did, though, it’s okay.”

I swore to Veronica, “I didn’t invite him, V.”

“Well, he wasn’t on the guest list.”

When I glanced back up at the second floor, Lucien stepped out of sight. Sighing, I said, “Not being on the guest list wouldn’t have mattered.”

Veronica made a face, before taking a sip of her mixed drink. When she lowered her glass, she said, “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

Whatever the circumstances, I couldn’t believe Lucien was here at the club. I just knew he was here because of me. But really, the nerve of that man! After his rebuff and dismissal when I dared to call his precious private line, you would think he’d be playing it cool and backing up his dismissive words by ignoring me. That would drive his point home, right?

But not only was Lucien not ignoring me, he was now making his way down to the first floor.

“Shit,” I moved to hide behind a thick column of faux ice. “He’s coming this way, V. We have to lose him.”

Veronica peered in his direction. “Too late,” she said, sighing. “He can see you hiding, you crazy bitch.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me out from behind my icy cover. “You may as well give up on playing it cool.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I murmured.

Veronica’s eyes met mine. “Seriously, though, do you want me to get rid of him for you?”

I replied with an uncertain, “Yes?”

“Be cool, then.” Veronica squared her shoulders and encouraged me to do the same. “Just say hi, and then we’ll send him on his way.”

Like that was an easy task. It was laughable to think either of us could send Lucien Chambers on his way. I had the sense no one told him what to do…ever.

When Lucien reached us, he gave Veronica a curt nod and promptly zoned in on me.

“Miss Vaughn,” he said, “I wanted to stop down and personally wish you a very happy New Year.”

“Well, that’s nice of you.” I glanced at the time illuminated on my cell that was on the table. “But it’s not quite midnight yet.”

“No, it’s not.” His dark eyes seared into me, branding me. “However, if you’d be so inclined—and since it is
to midnight—I’d like to celebrate the ringing in of the New Year with you.”

He offered me his hand, and I took it without hesitation. His skin was so warm, so inviting. I flushed with excitement.

. It was like we’d never even had that heated conversation the other day. It was like Lucien hadn’t heard me when I’d threatened him over the phone with the incriminating photograph. Or perhaps he didn’t care. Like how I no longer cared that he’d dismissed me so coldly. I was supposed to be mad at him, yes, but who could stay angry when gazing into such mesmerizing eyes?

Not me, apparently.

Veronica cleared her throat, and I glanced over at her.

She frowned, and I shrugged.

Curtly, she said to Lucien, “Would it be okay if my cousin and I had a minute alone?”

Lucien let go of my hand and stepped away. “Certainly.” He cleared his throat. “I need to freshen my drink, anyway.” He lifted his empty rocks glass, a lock of dark hair falling to his forehead. He looked rakishly handsome before he spun around and walked away.

“Hot,” I muttered to myself.

Veronica leaned into me and hissed, “Are you crazy? I thought you were planning on staying away from him.”

“I never said that,” I replied, in defense of my behavior.

“What? Five minutes ago, you wanted me to get rid of him, right?”


I thought I was done with Lucien too, after his terse treatment of me. But did I really want to stay away? “No,” I replied.

“No what?” Veronica questioned.

“No,” I stated more resolutely. “I don’t want to stay away from him, and I don’t want you, or anyone, to get rid of him for me.”

She shook her head. “What is
with you, Dahlia?”

“I don’t know,” I whispered. It was the truth.

“You’re acting so hot and cold.”

Veronica sounded frustrated, and I couldn’t blame her.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, eyes downcast.

I didn’t understand my behavior, either. Lucien had this hold over me, particularly in person. That was the only explanation I could come up with.

Veronica shot a furtive glance to where Lucien was making his way back to us, fresh drink in hand. In a hushed voice, she said, “Look, I understand you’re confused about your feelings for him. That’s to be expected under the circumstances.” She waved her hand around. “Losing your virginity to him and all. But I’m worried for you, Dahl. Sure, Lucien is gorgeous, rich, and successful, but there’s something
about him.”

,” I retorted.

,” she countered.

Lucien was well out of earshot, but I swear I detected a hint of a smile on his face. He was well-aware that there was something
about him. And that was what made him so damn fascinating.

Turning to Veronica, I said, “Look, V, I’ll be fine. I’m just going to talk to him for a little while, okay?”

She appeared skeptical. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” I motioned to her friends in the bar area. “Go hang with your friends. I’ll re-join you guys later tonight.”

“Okay,” she said, relenting. “But for the record, know that I support you, Dahlia, but also know I really don’t like this.”

And with that, she walked away, giving Lucien a wide berth as she passed him.

He lowered his head and chuckled to himself. And then he came to me.

“Come, Dahlia,” he beckoned.

“Where are we going?” I inquired.

“Somewhere more private.”

My heart raced and my body immediately heated with desire. I was terrified, but so incredibly sexually excited. This man was going to be the death of me, I was sure of it.

But even that unsettling thought didn’t stop me from smiling and saying, “Let’s go.”

aybe this man
capable of magic. Maybe he himself was filled with some kind of magical powers.

I wasn’t sure, and it all seemed kind of nutty, but I had no other explanation for how I was able to so willingly forget his dismissive treatment of me on the phone.

But forget it I did.

I allowed Lucien to lead me away from the throngs of people. I allowed him to guide me—my hand in his—to a private, closed-off part of the club where the music was nothing but a distant echo of bass beats.

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