Eye Of The Storm - DK3 (33 page)

Read Eye Of The Storm - DK3 Online

Authors: Melissa Good

Tags: #Lesbian, #Romance

BOOK: Eye Of The Storm - DK3
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A sense of vivid relief splashed over her and turned the colors nearby far more intense. “I’d like that very much.” Ceci took in a happy breath. “In fact, with the paintings and all, I’ve got a little money put by.

We could—” She hushed, as a large finger covered her lips. She grasped it. “It’s all right, Andy. That apartment belongs to Charles. I just pay him rent for it. There’s nothing holding me here, in fact—” Now she had to be quiet, because the finger had turned into an entire hand, which was larger than half her face.

“Shh.” Andy removed his hand. “When Dar was up here, she had to sign some paper stuff had to do with May’s trust, and—”

“Oh.” Ceci felt herself flush. “Goddess…please. Don’t…I’m so sorry about that.”

He paused. “Huh?”

Cecilia sighed. “It was my fault. I should have checked. I should have…that stupid trust.” She paused. “I’m sorry. I told her I was—”

“Ceci, what are you talking about?”

She blinked. “The trust. When the family found out I was…that I’d asked Dar to come up for the funeral, they asked me to talk to her about it.”


She shrugged. “It never occurred to them or to me, honestly, that she’d have been as successful as she is.” Ceci looked up to see honest hurt facing her. “I know. I know, Andrew. I fell into that trap.”

He looked down at the ground.

“Richard had mentioned that Dar had recently changed all her legal papers and had named a new heir. I guess the concern was…” Cecilia stopped and took a breath. “No. I’ll be honest. We—me included—were worried someone was taking advantage of her and she didn’t have the sense to realize it.”

Eye of the Storm

Andrew sighed. “Lord.”

Ceci exhaled and closed her eyes. “I don’t blame her for being upset.

When I realized…it was so hard, Andy. I didn’t even really know what to say. What to do. I felt like a fool.” She rested her head against one hand.

“What a mess.”

“Well,” Andy put his arm around her, “that musta stung, right nuff.

But I think Dar figgered out a way t’get her own back.” He chewed his lip. “Put it somewhere yer family’d go nuts with.”

“Mmm?” Ceci lifted her head. “What did she do? Give it to the Humane Society?” She half joked, as he slowly tugged something out of his back pocket and handed it to her. “What’s this?”

“What she done.”

She unfolded the paper on to her thigh and read it.

Then she read it again.

Then she looked up at her husband.

“Didn’t even give me a chance t’say no.” Andy smiled wistfully. “I damn near almost fell over.”



Ceci fingered the paper. “I feel pretty damn small.” She had a bitter taste in her mouth. “She’s so outgrown me.”

Andy pulled her closer and she felt a tiny thrill as his lips pressed against her hair, despite the shame that covered her. “We all made mistakes, Cec,” he murmured. “Let’s just tie our shorts tight and move on.”

She collapsed against him. “We got all sorts of new chances now.”

Yes they did, didn’t they?
Cecilia put her hands against her husband’s chest, feeling the powerful beat of his heart under her fingers.
were possible now.
Though the only one that had ever meant anything to her was real, and breathing, and surrounding her with strong arms.

Anything was possible.


THE SKY OUTSIDE slowly turned from black to purple to gray, and the birds started piping, just barely heard through the closed window.

Kerry watched their shadows through the blinds as she lay curled up in the waterbed, her arms wrapped snugly around Dar’s sleeping body.

It had been a very quiet, very peaceful night. Dar had fulfilled her part of the bargain and managed to get most of a bowl of soup down and keep it there, along with a half bottle of Gatorade. Then Kerry had done her part by forgetting about all the things she had to do and crawling into bed for a very long evening of pleasant cuddling.

They’d talked for a little while, then Dar had dozed off with her head resting on Kerry’s shoulder, feeling much better. Kerry wondered how much of that was the medicine, how much was her lover’s own sturdy physiology, and how much was the TLC, but in the end, it didn’t really matter, did it? She was content to think her care had helped, at least emotionally, and that was enough.

The hand resting on her waist moved, and she turned her head slightly, not surprised to see Dar looking back at her. “Morning.”

“Mmm.” Dar nodded in acknowledgment.

“How are you feeling?” Kerry inquired, smiling as the tall body next to her uncoil and stretch out to its full length, then relax. “Better?”

Dar nodded again.

“And the aftereffect of this is laryngitis?”

Dar chuckled. “No.” Dar’s voice was husky with sleep, but otherwise normal. “Just kick starting my brain. Still a little fuzzy around the edges.”

Though, to be honest, Dar mused, as she snuggled back into her warm nest of Kerry, she wasn’t sure if it was the medicine, or the aftereffect of being doused in solicitous affection all night.
Boy, that felt good.
Her stomach was still a little tender, but she wasn’t nauseous any more and her reactions seemed to have returned to a more normal alertness.

She stroked Kerry’s side and nuzzled her, receiving a low, pleased murmur in return. “Thanks for taking care of me.” Dar turned her head and peered up at her lover’s chin. “You did a great job.”

Kerry tilted her head down and smiled. “Glad to hear it.”

A dark eyebrow waggled. “You went to bed early last night. Bet you’re hungry.”

Eye of the Storm

“Mmm, yeah. How’d you know?”

Dar lifted her head and tapped the flat surface she’d been resting on.

“That’s some serious growling going on down there.” She winked and gave Kerry a tickle.

“Aruum.” Kerry cleared her throat, a little embarrassed. “Yeah, well, I kinda forgot lunch, too.”

“Tch.” Dar rolled over and glanced down off the side of the bed, where Chino was tucked in her basket. The Labrador had tried their waterbed once or twice, but decided it wasn’t to her taste, so they’d gotten her a comfortable, fleece lined bed to sleep in. “Tell ya what. I’ll get breakfast ready.”

Kerry snorted in laughter, then hastily covered her mouth with one hand as she got a wounded look from her lover. “Sorry. You don’t deserve that. You made me the best eggs I ever had once.”

Dar rested her chin on her arm. “You remember that, huh?”

“I sure do.” Kerry squirmed over to her. “You don’t have to get breakfast though.” She closed her eyes against the scarily adorable pout.

“Ooo, Dardar. Not that face. Nooooo.” She peeked, then rolled over and covered her face with her pillow. “Nononono—eeekk!”

Chino yelped and scrambled up to see.

“Gotcha.” Dar pounced on her and tickled her belly unmercifully.


“Eeeeee!” Kerry smacked her with the pillow, then wriggled out of the way, rolling herself up in the comforter. “No fair!”

Dar was up on her knees and elbows and she started slinking forward, a look of maniacal glee on her face. “Make fun of my breakfast will you.”

“Yeeoo!” Kerry scrabbled to escape, but couldn’t move fast enough and got caught in mid-lunge, finding long arms wrapping around her and pulling her down. She gurgled and tried to twist free, but got more and more tangled in sheets, blankets, and lots and lots of Dar. “Frisfig-ffifng,” she squealed, as a nibble tickled up her ribcage. “Darrrr!”

“Arrggghhh,” Dar growled happily, making Chino bark. She rolled them both over, then yelped as she forgot where she was, and felt nothing but air under her back. “Oh shit…”

“Yeooww!” Kerry responded, as they tumbled out of the waterbed and onto the floor with a double thump. “Ow.”

Dar, who had landed first and was now providing a resting spot for her lover, sneezed. “Dusty down here.” She closed her eyes as Chino rambled over and licked her face.

Kerry straddled her, sat up, and folded her arms. “Oh boy. Do I ever have you where I want you now.” She grinned with neatly evil intent.

Dar liberated an eyeball and turned it on her. “Uh.”


“Okay. I surrender.” Dar tried to fend off the puppy, who was now lovingly cleaning her nose. “Hey.”

Kerry unbuttoned her lover’s shirt and started her own licking.

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“Mmm. Chino, good idea.” Dar jerked as she nibbled her navel. “This beats eggs for breakfast hands down.”

“H-hey.” Dar swallowed, her body’s reaction sending colorful jolts up and down her spine. “I don’t think I…” She paused as the gentle touch traveled up the slope of her belly, with the tiniest nibble on a rib. “Uh, Ker. I’m still a little…um…”

“Um what?” Kerry advanced, treating Dar’s skin like an ear of corn.

“Hmm?” She slid up and braced her arms, peering straight down at the pale blue eyes.

Dar gave her a wry look. “A little knocked out.” She stroked the soft, fine hair on Kerry’s arms. “That tussle did me in.”

Kerry leaned down and kissed her forehead lightly, then rubbed noses. “Okay.” She sat up and helped her lover to do the same, watching in a little concern as Dar leaned against the wall, looking a bit shaky.

“You okay?”

Dar took a breath and ran her fingers through her hair. “Yeah. Combination of that stuff wearing off and not eating for two days, I think.”

She exhaled. “Nothing a biscuit or something won’t cure.”

“Woof.” Chino heard “biscuit” and got excited.

“Let me guess. With butter and honey on it.” Kerry got up and offered Dar a hand. “C’mon. I could use something solid myself.” She pulled and put her other hand on Dar’s chest to steady her as she rose.


“Fine.” Dar nodded and followed her towards the kitchen, with the sound of two sets of bare feet and a collection of puppy pattering.

“MORNING, MARÍA.” DAR ducked inside her office and closed the door.

The secretary looked up, a little surprised. “Oh, Dar.
Buenos días
. I did not think you would be here today. Kerrisita said you felt so bad yesterday.”

She grinned. “Nothing a good night sleep couldn’t cure.” Dar’s blue eyes twinkled. “But thanks for being concerned.” She continued on into her inner office and put her briefcase down, then turned on her PC and unlocked her desk drawer. “You guys hungry?”

The two Siamese fighting fish swam guardedly past each other, eyeing her suspiciously. Dar took a pinch of the fish food, opened the acrylic case, and sprinkled it inside. The fish eagerly snapped at it, and she put the cover on. She tucked the box away and folded her hands as she watched her pets eat.

She hadn’t liked them at first. But as the months wore on, she’d gotten used to their colorful presence and now she liked to spend a few minutes in the morning just watching them, as the water collected the sunlight filtering in from behind her.

The door opened and María walked in, carrying several folders.

“You look very nice today,
. That is new for you, I think.”

Eye of the Storm

Dar glanced down at the embroidered lace shirt and crisply pressed black slacks. “Um…yeah, as a matter of fact. Thanks.” A surprise from Kerry materialized that morning while she showered. She had come out to find the pretty things laid out on the dresser without comment.
I don’t
think I’ll ever get used to that
, she reflected, then sat back, oblivious to María’s busy presence by her outbox, distracted by a sudden realization.

She ran through days in her mind, then exhaled. Her relationship with Kerry had just become the longest one she’d ever had.

“Dar?” María’s voice sounded concerned.

“Hmm?” She blinked and drummed her fingers on the desk. “Sorry. I was just thinking of something. What’s up?”

“I was saying you have the lunch meeting on Key Biscayne today and a briefing at two o’clock. Do you want me to try to move that a little?

Traffic will be terrible coming back from that construction.”

“Um, yeah.” Dar collected herself and turned her attention to the business at hand. She’d have time later to figure out a way to mark, at least privately in her own mind, the milestone. “That’d be fine. Tell Mark I need him and his team to get me the projected traffic patterns before lunch, and schedule a conference call with the overseas group after four.”


“Oh.” Dar pulled open her drawer and tugged out a manila folder with a name printed neatly on the outside in black magic marker. “Give this personally to Maríana, will you? I don’t want it floating around in the interoffice mail.”

“I will do that now.” María took the envelope and smiled. She paused before the door closed. “Oh. Dar? I thought you would like to know this–Mr. Ankow left yesterday. He said you would hear from him later.”

Hot damn.
Dar grinned. “What a shame. Sorry I missed him yesterday.”
Guess he didn’t find what he was looking for. Shucks.
“Thanks, María.”

She went back to her mail, deleting whole strings of it with piratical gusto.

KERRY RELEASED THE phone button and exhaled, her shoulder slumping as she stared at the desktop under her folded hands. It had been a great morning until that last call, too. She’d gotten a lot done, despite having to put up with a tiny, mischievous little gopher that somehow kept popping up on her screen and munching her windows.

She named it Dar and it snickered.

A rap came at her inner door and she looked up as it opened and a dark head poked inside. “Hi there.” Kerry smiled a little, glad to see the relaxed look on Dar’s face. “How are you feeling?”

“Not bad.” Her boss sauntered into the room and perched on the desk. “Not up to Thai food, but I’ve been working on a bottle of juice all morning. Hasn’t come back up.” She cocked her head. “What’s up with you?”

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“What makes you think something is?” Kerry asked.

Dar put a fingertip right between Kerry’s eyes, just over her brow.

“You get a little wrinkle right there when something’s bothering you.”

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