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Authors: Cat Mason

Facing Me (20 page)

BOOK: Facing Me
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Waking up in Aiden’s
arms never gets old.  I hadn’t realized I had fallen asleep, but the quiet
humming of the bus will do that to you.  Snuggling deeper into his chest,
I absorb the warmth that is just Aiden.  My hands slide under the hem of
his t-shirt, desperate to feel his skin.  Closing my eyes, I visualize the
wings inked on his back, as my fingers run along each line.  I can’t
really feel them, though I’ve spent hours touching them, kissing them, clawing
at them; so much time, in fact, that I’ve dreamt about them every single night
we were apart.

Aiden has never
told me the story behind them, but I do know that he drew them.  Tattered
black and gray feathers, giving way to worn iron, looking like they have
weathered a lot, but came away strong.  From what he told me about his
past, I can make a pretty good guess at the meaning.  The broken soul, my
fallen angel.  So broken and yet I find my healing in him, my
comfort.  The man who exudes such control, such authority, but yet, he has
this side he only lets few see.  The vulnerable, intimate pieces of him
that he really only gives to me. 

My fingers skim
along, feeling tiny scars that I hadn’t noticed before. His hurt covered by
ink.  Aiden used something so beautiful to cover something that he felt
was dark and painful.  My imagination runs wild, visions of a belt
slapping against two small boys flashing in my head.  The shouts of an
angry, hate-filled man making them cower in fear of him, all while their mother
did nothing to protect them.  There are so many questions that I want to
ask her, so many things I want her to know about her boys.  About

Aiden sighs
softly in his sleep, gripping me tighter against him.  Whispering my name,
almost too quiet for me to hear, makes me still my hands.  Aiden is a
restless sleeper, but since I’ve been back I’ve noticed it has gotten
worse.  Part of me wonders if it is because of me, but I force that
thought out of my head quickly, chalking it up to stress of seeing his mother
and drama from Tad.  Just as he settles again, I see the arena come into
view through the side window.

“Aiden,” I
whisper softly. “I think we’re here.”

“Huh uh,” He
groans, pulling me tighter against him. “I have obligations tomorrow, so do
you.  Right now, I’m comfy; no one is making me get up.” He mumbles before
kissing my neck softly.

The door flies
open the moment I decide Aiden is right.  I start to agree to stay just
like this until the sun comes up, no matter who says differently.  Hunter
jumps onto the bed beside us, making me jump and ruining my plan. “Wakey wakey,
we’re in Bacon Georgia.  It’s time to celebrate!” He teases, sprawling out
across the empty half of the bed.

“We’ve been over
this for the last hour, dipshit.” Daisy snaps, walking in and shuffling through
her bag. “It’s Macon.  It is not named after bacon.”

“Yeah, yeah,” He
says, dismissing her opinion with a wave of his hand. “Anyway,” Hunter starts,
when Aiden cracks an eye open. “Big Man says we’re all going out, so get off
your asses bitches,
party time.”

“You got another
strip club performance planned?” I ask when he hops up from the bed.

“Nope,” Hunter
winks, “feel free to book me anytime though.  My bacon fund is dwindling
fast.” Patting his stomach, he pouts. “I can almost see my ribs.”

Aiden’s head
perks up, “Ribs?” He asks, making me giggle.  Aiden is insatiable for
meat; going from sleepy to ravenous with just the mention of the word doesn’t
shock me.  Honestly, I’m surprised he isn’t already sniffing out the
closest restaurant and deciding on side dishes. “We’re in barbecue country
aren’t we?  Bring on the smoked, seasoned, meaty goodness.”

“Come on,
Aiden,” I say, laughing at how cute he looks right now. “Let’s get ready to
go.  There’s some things I need to take care of before we leave.” I add
before kissing him softly, and leave to go change clothes.

After changing
into a white tank top and a jean skirt, I walk outside just in time to see
security talking to Henry while Mack backs the ‘Burban off the ramps. 
Henry and both guards smile as I walk over to meet them. “Has the delivery been
made yet?” I ask, curious to see if the guys’ new guitars have arrived
yet.  Both guards nod, allowing me to relax about one detail then.  A
pretty damn big one at that; how the hell would they play without them?

“Yes ma’am,
everything is inside in the staging area.  Will you be needing anything

“No,” I shake my
head at the older security guard. “We’re leaving for a while this evening.” I
reply, before explaining our incident earlier and letting them know about Tad.

“Don’t worry Ms.
Allen, everything will go smoothly.  Nothing gets by us, or the day crew
for that matter.” The guard replies.

“That’s all I
need to hear.” Hunter says, before climbing into the front seat. “Let’s grab
grub, and then find a bar; I want shots, lots and lots of shots.”

“It’s Shaft
tradition!” Aiden whoops, grabbing my arm.  I say a quick thank you and
goodbye to the guards before being shoved into the back of the S.U.V.

“You touch my
bacon tonight, you big sonuvabitch, and I’ll have to tear you a new ass.”
Hunter says to Mack. “I don’t share my bacon, but I may share a bitch or two
with you.  I think it is a fair compromise if you think about it.”

Mack scratches
his chin, debating the offer. “I can work with that.” He nods before bumping
Hunter’s fist.

“Oh shit, don’t
go to the dark side Mack.” Aiden teases dramatically, “It’s not worth it. 
Hunter is a weapon of mass corruption.”

“Hey,” Hunter
shouts, glaring at Aiden before nodding. “Yeah, you’re right.  I tend to
warp the ones I hang with.” He admits with a shrug. “What a way to go though,

“When the hell
did I get demoted to the back seat around here?” Henry asks, sliding in beside
me once everyone else has claimed their seats.

“Big Man, you’ve
been driving all day.” Daisy reminds him, patting his shoulder from the back
seat. “Just enjoy yourself for a minute, will ya?”

“Is this what
they call takin’ a break?” He chuckles. “I don’t think I’ve had one of those in
damn near twenty years with these wild ass boys.”

“I bet you’ve got
some stories, huh Big Man?” I ask, nudging his arm with my elbow.

“You bet I do,
girl.” He chuckles. “I was never a dad to these boys.  We’re brothers, we
took care of each other and had a fuckin’ blast doing it.  It’s been a
crazy ass ride and the best is yet to come.  I’m a proud ass man right
now, knowing I’ve seen these guys through since day one.”

My phone beeps
alerting me to a text message, so I pull it from my skirt pocket, and thumb the
screen to read the message from an unknown number:

Enjoy your
ribs.  See you soon bitch.

Clicking my
phone screen, I shove it into my pocket to hide the text for now.  I know
it has to be Tad, yet again reminding me he has the power.  How does he
know what we were planning to eat?  The possibilities run though my head,
but only leading to one conclusion.  Not only did someone break in the
bus, but Tad had them do it.  Did they plant video devices or something on
the bus too and we missed it?  Looking around the vehicle, everyone is in
their own little worlds; everyone except Aiden.  Slipping his hand into my
pocket, he yanks my phone, pinning me with his stare.  His fingers fumble
with the screen until his mouth presses into a hard line.  Aiden’s eyes
meet mine, the wheels in his mind turning so hard I swear I can see them
move.  With a grin, he thumbs a reply and hands me my phone back with smug
satisfaction on his face.  Looking at the screen I see the sent message:

This is Aiden,
looking forward to it motherfucker.



It’s Goin’ Down



The entire time
we ate, I was pissed off.  Ready to hunt down that bastard, Tad, and ring
his neck until his eyes pop out of his head for threatening Cam.  Hell,
for threatening any of us.  The moment we got out of the ‘Burban I told
Henry what was in the message, so that he and Mack can sweep the bus for
anything Tad may have had planted.  Though I couldn’t help but wonder if
maybe Tad hadn’t had shit on the bus all along, since he had videotaped Landon
and Daisy together.  Just the thought makes my skin crawl, what he has
seen, or heard, the possibilities are endless.  I can’t imagine explaining
to Daisy that Tad may still be terrorizing her, and all of us, like this. 
My ribs were incredible, though I couldn’t really enjoy them as much as I would
have.  I kept my mask in place so the only one who knew something was off
was Cam, possibly Daisy and Henry. 

Hunter was
telling Mack about some of his fuckscapades, as he calls them, but something
was off about him.  Hunter just seemed to be trying too hard to look so
damn happy.  Whatever went on last night, or this morning, between him and
Chase is none of my business, but, damn, it’s easy to see that it is fucking
with his head.  That.  Does.  Not.  Happen.  Everyone
talking about mundane things, or the show tomorrow, even the fest this
weekend.  Which is exciting, I admit.  We’ve played bars, some damn
nasty ass seedy places, then the arenas; but an outdoor event with thousands of
people.  That has me itching to tear into my kit.  Abby said in the
studio that it’s her way to show us off.  For Ironsound to show off all of
the new talent, before we go into the studio and start recording an
album.  Yeah, we’ve had shit on the radio, even made a demo, but an album;
I hadn’t really thought enough about it with everything going on, but we are at
the edge of this cliff.  Shaft can jump into the big time, finally, after
all the struggle and all the work we have all put into it.  Henry is
right, we should be damn proud after all we have been through.  Now, here
I am sitting at a half empty club doing shots, while Cam and Daisy dance.
 I try desperately not to think about the fact that, before we leave town,
I will be face to face with my mother.  There is a lot I want to say to
her, but the other part of me doesn’t even want to go and face the woman who
carried me nine months and spent years watching us be beaten without lifting a
hand to stop it.  Downing another shot, I watch Cam dance.  Her jean
skirt stretched tight across her ass while she swivels her hips to the beat. 
Her eyes drifting closed while she absorbs the music.  Cam lifts her hands
over her head, spinning in a circle silently commanding my attention with her
body.  Every inch of her calling to me, with every twist of her arms,
twist of her hips, it undoes me.       

“You gotta
piss?” Gray asks, nudging my elbow. “Last time you watched her like this, you
had to take a piss.”

Not taking my
eyes off Cam, I slide out of the booth making my way across the floor. 
She doesn’t see me coming, but she can feel me, I can see her body language
changing.  The way her moves become even more erotic, a show she is
putting on just for me.  The music pulses in my ears, but all I can see is
Cam.  By the time I reach her, my dick is rock hard, my body on fire with
the need to just touch her skin, inhale her scent.  I want to consume her
until there is nothing left of either of us. 

My hands grab
her hips, yanking her back against me.  I can feel her mold herself
against me, rolling her ass into my hardening erection. 

My fingers dig into the denim, pressing into her skin; I can’t hear it over the
music, but I know she moaned.  Cam’s breath accelerates, her breasts
rising and falling rapidly.  Running my mouth along the shell of her ear,
I nip with my teeth.  She shudders in my arms, making me smile against her
skin. “Camaron, you wanted my attention.  Now you’ve got it.” I say
accusingly against her ear, grinding my cock against her ass.

She turns in my
arms, meeting my eyes. “You’ve been off all night,
.” She says,
almost purring, “I just wanted to get your attention back where it should

Turning us away
from the others, I sway my hips against hers. “My mind is always on you,
Camaron.  Every piece of you calls to me.  Nothing and no one could
ever change that.” My fingers slide down to the hem of her skirt, toying with
the frayed denim; I pull it up enough in the front to slip my fingers inside
the lace to meet soft skin.  Sliding through her wetness, I tease her clit
with the pad of my thumb, making her grind her pelvis against my hand.
“Greedy.” I murmur, “I like how brave you’re becoming Camaron, but I don’t want
to do this in front of an audience.”

Slipping my hand
out of her, I wrap an arm around her shoulders and usher her into the hall
toward the fire exit.  I don’t look back at the others scattered between
the bar and table, or to where Gray has now joined Daisy on the dance floor; my
sole focus is on Cam.  At the end of the dark hall, I shove her against
the wall.  My hand diving under her skirt, ripping her arousal dampened
panties from her body.  I can see nothing but the hunger I have for
her.  The need to take her here and now is so strong I have no will to
fight it.  My fingers slide along the lips of her pussy, teasing myself
just as much as it teasing her.

“Aiden, please.”
She pants as fingers slide into her heat.  I think my dick is going to
explode.  She throws her head back moaning loudly, though no one can hear
her over the music.  My other hand pins her wrists above her head, my
control weakening, because I want nothing more than to thrust into her and fuck
her against this wall.

I lean down
against her ear, my tongue running along that sweet spot on her neck. “Cam,
it’s my job to give you what you need.  I love to hear you beg baby, but
I’ll fuck you once I know you’re ready to take me, not before.” I growl against
her ear before sucking on the little patch of skin behind it.  My thumb
finds her clit while I thrust my fingers into her.  Camaron grinds her
hips against my hand, desperate for more. “You want to come don’t you?” I ask
confidently, because I already know the answer I just want to hear her say

whatever you feel that I need, Sir.” She pleads, frantically.

My thumb circles
faster, the walls of her pussy clenching tight around my fingers as she
explodes.  I slam my mouth to hers, swallowing her cries of pleasure as
she rides the waves of her orgasm.  Cam’s body trembles, legs shaking;
watching her come is a thing of fucking beauty, knowing that I gave her this;
that is fucking perfection.  Removing my fingers, I free my dick from the
confines of my jeans, my other hand still holding her wrists to the wall. “Wrap
those legs around me.” I command, dying to get inside her.

Cam’s legs wrap around
my hips, her heels digging into my ass as I thrust home.  She cries out,
clamping down on my cock the minute I am balls deep. “Damn, Cam you’re fuckin’
killin’ me already baby.  Arch your back.” I moan.  Rolling my hips,
I bury my face in her chest, thrusting harder and harder.  Driving us both
toward release.  People could come down the hall right now, shit they
could be watching us with video cameras ready to post it online, but I don’t
give a shit.  I have to lock my knees or I’ll take us both to the floor,
the intensity is of us coming together like this just too much.  My hips
pound against the back of her thighs, again and again.  My dick swelling,
aching for release and no matter how hard I try to hold back I can feel my
orgasm coming. 

“Come with me
Cam.” I pant against her skin; she doesn’t make me wait either.  Cam’s
body tightens, as she cries out sending me over the edge.  I pump into her
over and over again, losing my mind. “Fuck!” I shout, filling her with my
release before my knees give out.  Cupping her ass with both hands I take
the brunt of the impact with the harsh tile floor.  Her lips brush over
mine so sweetly, so softly, I can barely stand it.  She is so gentle with
me, as if I were delicate and cherished.  It cuts me, exposes me. 
Cam sees everything just by looking into my eyes, and I am afraid that will be
our downfall.  If she’s sees how broken I am, will she get tired of trying
to fix me?  The thought of losing her, of losing this, makes my chest
ache; I can’t imagine being without her now that
finally got her back. 

Standing to my
feet, I help her right her skirt, then fix my jeans. “I’ll be back in a sec.”
Cam says, kissing my cheek before disappearing up the hallway and into the




“What the hell
did I just do out there in a damn hallway?” I ask my reflection in the bathroom
mirror.  I’ve never been okay with being in a position to be caught. 
Even on the dance floor I was desperate to let him take me even there. 
The thought of what happened thrills me, yet scares me at the same time. 
That was the most incredible sex I have ever had, and part of me thinks it may
have been because we could have been seen.

“You just fucked
my brother and gave me wood while doing it,” Hunter groans from the bathroom
stall, making me scream in surprise. “Damn that shit was hot girl; nearly had
to yank one out.”

“Hunter, what
the hell are you doing in the ladies room?” I ask, as Aiden barrels through the
door like a bomb went off.

“Cam, are you
alright?” Aiden asks, grabbing my shoulders.

“She’s fine.
 I jus’ scared ‘er ‘sall.” Hunter mumbles, nearly falling over when he
comes out of the stall. “Bitches have every right to be scared of me.  I
just screw ‘em then push ‘em away into the arms of some damn body better.” He
slurs, staggering toward the door. “That damn Tiger Lily poisoned me, the room
is spinnin’, damn that fuckin’ bitch for tryin’ to make’ me love her.” Hunter
wobbles before Aiden and I can get to him, he collapses to the tile.

Kneeling beside
him, I check his pulse. “Cam, he’s not dead.  The asshole is drunk.” Aiden
says thumbing into his phone. “I just text Henry, we gotta get him back to the
bus and sober his ass up before tomorrow.”

Not even sixty
seconds pass before Henry flings open the door, minus his sunglasses, worry
etched all over his face as he takes in Hunter’s body on the tile. “Shit, this
asshole had me out of my mind for the better part of thirty minutes. 
Should’ve known the idiot would end up trashed.”  Bending down, Henry
scoops Hunter over his shoulder. “Mack is loading up everyone into the ‘Burban,
come on you two, let’s get him back to the bus.”

“Do I need to
call a doctor?” I ask, walking out alongside Aiden.

Henry looks over
at me, shaking his head. “No Cam, I’ve done it enough times to know what to
do.  He fucks up, I fix his ass.  Hunter may be loud, obnoxious and a
complete perverted tool most of the time, but he’s my brother.  Underneath
all the shit, he would lay his life down for any one of us without
much as a word.”

Sliding into the
‘Burban I help Henry settle Hunter into the middle seat before he follows him
inside. “Is he okay?” Daisy asks, leaning up in her seat to help me straighten
his neck.

“Yeah, I think
so.  Sure will wish he’d died in the morning though.” Henry says, once we
pull away from the curb.

Hunter’s head
lolls on my shoulder, his breathing so shallow I can barely feel his chest
rising.  I can’t believe this.  It’s my job to take care of the guys,
and I didn’t even notice Hunter had been drinking so heavily.  I only saw
him nursing a beer at the bar while I was dancing.  How had he gotten so
drunk in the matter of time Aiden and I had been gone?  “How many shots
did Hunter have?” I ask, trying to sort this out in my head.

“I never saw him
with anything other than a beer.” Daisy says, confirming my suspicions.

“Me either.” I
reply. “Henry?” I ask, looking around Hunter’s face into Henry’s now concerned

“You don’t
think…” He doesn’t even have time to finish the thought before Aiden shouts for
Mack to get to the hospital.  Mack turns the curve at damn near racing
speed, the engine roaring up the ramp to the highway while Aiden brings up the
address for the nearest hospital on his phone. 

“I don’t
understand how anyone could have gotten that close to any of us.” Gray mutters,
“It doesn’t make any sense, why Hunter?  I thought Tad was after Daisy,
maybe even me, but not Hunter.”

“How many times
did Hunter go off hinge on Tad, Grasyon?” Daisy shouts, burying her face in her
hands. “He stuck up for me time after time with Tad.  Shit, he saved my
life.  If…”

“Nobody better
fuckin’ say it.” I shout, unable to hear the words.   I just tell
Mack to floor it and to hell with the red lights. “If no one is coming, run the
damn things.  I don’t know what is going on but the police better get
their shit straight.” I announce, grabbing my phone from my pocket to dial

By the time Mack
pulls up at the Emergency Room entrance, everyone in the car is frantic. 
Everyone except Hunter, who, no matter what we try to do, can’t seem to wake
up.  His breathing is steady, but still so shallow, though his pulse seems
normal.  Henry flings Hunter over his shoulder like a sack of flour,
trudging through the doors while I try to keep up. “Help, I think he was
slipped something at a club.” I blurt making it up to the desk. 

BOOK: Facing Me
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