Faery Queen (26 page)

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Authors: Michelle M. Pillow

BOOK: Faery Queen
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“I smell faery on you, as well.” Merrick gave him a meaningful look. “Am I wrong, King Hugh?”

“King…?” Hugh hadn't taken time to think of it. He reached for his back, not feeling the wings.

“Methought as much when I saw the wings beneath the faery glamour. Tania made you her king. It is just as well. You cannot go back to Bellemare. If you do, you will die.”

“I was told you might help me to go back.” Hugh loved Bellemare and didn't want to leave it, but he loved Tania even more. He longed to have both.

“And why might I help you?”

Hugh took a long look at his sister. Juliana's features didn't move. He silently urged her to speak to him, to give a sign. She didn't. “Because it is what she would want you to do.”

Merrick gave a slight smile and laughed. “Aye, it is what she would want, is it not?”




Tania watched the panels floating above the divining pool. They all showed the same thing—the way back to Bellemare from the Black Palace.

Her palace was back to normal. The faeries were celebrating in the above hall, dancing and drinking and sneaking off into the hidden parts of the palace to make love. They had much reason, as their lives were just as they were before—joyous and blessed, light and good, happy and free.

Tania was happy for them, but she couldn't be happy for herself. Hugh loved her. In that all her dreams had come true. Nothing else would ever compare to the knowledge. She loved him with her whole soul. But, Hugh was honor, duty and responsibility. Hugh was Bellemare. If Merrick could save him, would he go back to his beloved home?

It seemed an eternity, waiting in the sacred chamber, watching the panels for the travelers to pass by. She knew with a strange certainty that they would leave King Merrick's for Bellemare. Her powers had come back to her with a vengeance, almost as if they were stronger from being so dormant the last year as she pined for Hugh.

She saw Thomas and William first, walking as they led their horses toward the portal to Bellemare. Holding her breath, she waited. And then there he was, with his brothers, leading his horse forward like the others. The image of him turned around and she saw the proud lines of his face. Tania shivered, slowly nodding in acceptance. It wasn't surprising. Hugh was going back to Bellemare, back where he belonged.

“May all the magic of the faeries be with you, my king, until fate brings us together again.” She blew a kiss to him.

She waited as they swung up onto their horses and rode for the now visible front gate of Bellemare castle. Only when they disappeared inside, did the panels fall back into the divining pool.

Her wings fluttered, lifting her off the stone island. She had a celebration to oversee. Duty was all she had, duty and the dream that one day Hugh would be free to come back to her.




Thomas led the way up into the great hall, followed by a crowd of excited servants and knights welcoming them back. It was all he could do to smile as the men greeted William and a healthy Hugh behind him.

“It looks as if you were ready to celebrate.” Thomas looked around at the tables. Food was being set out, already prepared.

“Aye. In the circumstances, methought it a good idea. The last foal was born this morning.” Geoffrey had been in charge of the castle while they were gone. Turning to Hugh, he announced, “Healthy and perfect.”

Hugh gave a slight smile and nodded. Thomas hid his frown at the less than enthusiastic gesture. Sweeping forward to grab Hugh's arm, he excused, “He is still tired. Come on, brother, let us get you to bed. I will have a maid bring you something to eat.”

Geoffrey nodded in understanding and they took their leave. William didn't follow as he was already leaning against the head table speaking to a pretty servant.

“You have so much to learn.” Thomas led the way to Hugh's room. “And I have so much to teach you. The Bellemare horses are the pride of your people. This birth is the most joyous news the castle could receive. You will have to be more excited about it in the future, but not too excited as you are very serious of nature.”

“Aye,” Hugh's voice answered him, dejected. Thomas stopped, taking a deep breath. It was still eerie, hearing the sound coming from the man. He looked like Hugh, talked like him, but only he and William knew it wasn't their brother.

Turning, he started to put his hand on his arm, only to pull it back. “Ladon, I know you are lost, but I need you to try.”

“I will,” he promised.

“Thank you,” Thomas said. “I know this cannot be easy.”

Ladon nodded. “I could not stay there. I needed time away, so thank you. Please, show me where I may rest and you go celebrate your horses. Tomorrow we will start my training.”

Thomas nodded, leading the rest of the way to Hugh's chambers. “A maid will bring you food. It will probably be best if you send her away. My brother's been celibate for nearly a year.”




Hugh grinned as he saw his wife walking into the hall. Her head was held high. The gesture bespoke of her regal bearing. She was truly a fine queen. His queen.

He was sure he'd never seen anything quite so lovely in all his life. Her toes pointed toward the ground as she floated through the air. The silk of her gown hugged her lithe body and the long skirt trailed behind her on the floor. His eyes devoured the way the white material clung to her breasts and hips, shadowing and lightening with each movement. He became entranced. The sound of music faded into the background of his mind and no one spoke. They hadn't since he'd walked into the castle without help.

Being king of the faeries obviously came with some strangely innate abilities—finding his new home was one of them. The Silver Palace called to him, as Tania called to him, with the promise of joy and happiness. It was hard to leave Bellemare, but the same power that led him to Tania and his new home also told him that his people were safe for now.

It was hard to give up his title, but in his heart he'd always be the earl and no matter where he lived, he'd love and care for his people. Besides, it wasn't Tania's fault King Lucien had ordered a walking dead man to attack and kill him. Merrick could do nothing for him, or wouldn't. Hugh wasn't sure. He didn't trust the man. At least he'd be closer to Juliana in this realm. Out of all his family, she needed him the most. He swore to find a way to help her out of her stone prison.

“You are stunning.” Hugh did not care that the entire hall could hear him. Let the faeries know he loved the queen. When he looked at Tania, he saw his future and he was happy. Duty and responsibility never looked so bright. Together they would take care of her faeries and his people.

Tania blinked several times and her wings stopped as her feet dropped onto the hall floor in shock. Her lips parted as she gasped and she glanced over her shoulder the way she'd come only to look back at him. “But…?”

“I told you I would come back for you,” Hugh said.

“Aye, but…” She smiled happily, running for him. Her wings flapped, causing her to lift up slightly so she was on her toes. Hugh opened his arms and she jumped into them, crashing into his chest. Around them faeries cheered.

Hugh held her tight, meeting the soft press of her mouth as she kissed him. Tania's tongue delved inside. She tasted sweet, like berries from the forest. Her hands gripped his tunic as if she would pull it off him.

Hugh chuckled, leaning back. He felt as eager as she, but the sounds of the hall suddenly penetrated his brain to remind him they were not alone. “Why do not we go abovestairs, my queen?”

“Aye, my king.” Tania moaned, pulling him with her as she backed toward the stairwell that would take them to their chambers.

“Wait?” Lady Lily rushed forward. She held out a silver crown. It was thicker than Tania's, obviously meant for Hugh. “We made this for our king.”

Tania took the crown and placed it on his head. “My king. My husband.”

Hugh touched her face. “My queen. My wife.”

The faeries cheered.

Tania winked playfully, her wings flapping as she flew backwards, leading him. Hugh walked, his wings still hidden. It had been hard telling Thomas and William he'd not go back, but they understood he couldn't. He promised to keep in better touch than Juliana had. None of them knew what to do about their sister, but it was something that would never be far from their thoughts.

William had snickered when Hugh admitted to Tania's love turning him into a faery. Thomas had merely shook his head, looking sad even as he'd accepted what fate gave them.

When they were alone, she said, “I saw you ride into Bellemare. How is it you are here?”

“Prince Ladon,” Hugh answered.

“The Tegwen prince?”

Hugh nodded.

“I do not understand. He is alive?”

“William saved him from Lucien's dungeon. He was here when William came for me.”

“I did not see,” Tania pulled him harder, making him quicken his pace up the stairs. “I was not myself.”

Reading the pain in her eyes, he shook his head. “It's all in the past. We start anew. The two of us. I know you didn't mean any harm and I'm sorry for every harsh word I ever said to you and for every harsh action. I love you, my queen. This is where I want to be.”

“But, I still do not understand how you are here. How is it Ladon took your place? I saw you walking into Bellemare, not he.”

“Merrick used magic to make him like me. Shapechanging, he called it. Ladon has taken my place and will pose as the Earl of Bellemare until things are set right with the horses and so Thomas can be legally named my successor. It will assure that Bellemare stays in the family.”

“And Ladon?” They reached the top of the stairwell and Tania didn't stop. She continued to face him, flying backward without glancing behind her as she navigated her way. “His family is here. Why does he go? Is it to repay William for saving him?”

Hugh reached for his shirt and she let go of him as he pulled it over his head. “Merrick feels Ladon will be safest in the mortal realm, where Lucien cannot go. Ladon sent word to King Ean about it, but it was Ladon's choice to make. At Bellemare he will be surrounded by the blessed, but also the powerless. Ladon's powers are weakened, as is his body, and he needs time to heal both. Thomas will help him pretend to be me. Honestly, I find the whole idea strange—a man playing the role of me—but it is a good plan. When Ladon regains the memories he has lost and is ready to rejoin his people, his mortal death—or rather my death—will be faked or he'll leave on campaign where news of my death will be sent back to Bellemare. The details on that point are still hazy.”

“You are amazing, Hugh. You have it all worked out.”

“Aye, it is all arranged.” Hugh nodded. He kept walking, past the bed toward the bathing pool. The clothes melted off her body. Tania gasped, looking down. “I did not—”

“I did.” Hugh laughed, pulling her naked body close. “I have to admit. I am going to like having some of these powers.”

“And the wings?” She looked over his shoulder to where they were still missing.

“Let us leave them be for now. Let me get used to one change at a time. First, I will learn of these new powers I have, learn to control them, learn to put you under my euphoric spell.”

Tania giggled as they lowered into the pool. Warm water surrounded him, but it was nothing to the caress of his wife's body. As she leaned in to kiss him, all he saw was her. Everything would work out. He believed that now. Happiness and contentment was his, at least in this moment.

“I have been under your spell since the first moment I saw you, my king,” Tania answered lovingly. “I will always be under your spell.”

About the Author

To learn more about Michelle M Pillow's titles or the Realm Immortal series, please visit her website at
. Send an email to Michelle at
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or join her Yahoo! Group to learn of upcoming and current releases!


Look for these titles by Michelle M. Pillow

Now Available:


Realm Immortal: King of the Unblessed

Realm Immortal: Stone Queen

Talons: Seize the Hunter


Can a powerless witch find happiness with an arrogant, impatient dragon? If the dragon has his way, she sure as hell will.


The Distressing Damsel

© 2006 Shelly Laurenston


Talaith's life has never been easy. A goddess has forced her into servitude. Her husband despises her. And all those in her tiny village fear her. But just when she doesn't think her life can get any worse, she's pulled from her bed one morning to be burned at the stake for being a witch. What she never counted on was a terrifying silver dragon deciding to rescue her.

Briec the Mighty didn't really know what to do with a human female. Especially this one. Chatty and a bit of a complainer, he doesn't understand why she can't simply admit to herself that she wants him. Who wouldn't? He was Briec the Mighty after all. Females fought to spend the night in his arms. But this one tiny woman with her many secrets and her annoying habit of referring to him as "arrogant" has turned his simple dragon life upside down



Enjoy the following excerpt for
The Distressing Damsel:

It was the long tongue on the back of her knee that woke her up. Forcing her eyes open, she looked over her shoulder to see Briec, naked and beautiful, stretched across the enormous bed. His big arms placed on either side of her legs, holding his body over her as he leaned forward and again licked the back of her knee, reveling in it as if someone had spread the finest honey on her skin.

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