Fair Game

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Tags: #General, #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Sexual Dominance and Submission, #Erotica, #Fiction

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Table of Contents
Jasmine Haynes
“Deliciously erotic and completely captivating.”
—Susan Johnson,
New York Times
bestselling author
“An erotic, emotional adventure of discovery you don’t want to miss.”
—Lora Leigh,
New York Times
bestselling author
“So incredibly hot that I’m trying to find the right words to describe it without having to be edited for content . . . extremely stimulating from the first page to the last! Of course, that means that I loved it! . . . One of the hottest, sexiest erotic books I have read so far.”

Romance Reader at Heart

Sensual Romance Reviews
“Delightfully torrid.”

Midwest Book Review
“More than a fast-paced erotic romance, this is a story of family, filled with memorable characters who will keep you engaged in the plot and the great sex. A good read to warm a winter’s night.”

Romantic Times
“Bursting with sensuality and eroticism.”

In the Library Reviews
“The passion is intense, hot, and purely erotic . . . recommended for any reader who likes their stories realistic, hot, captivating, and very, very well written.”

Road to Romance
“Not your typical romance. This one’s going to remain one of my favorites.”

The Romance Studio
“Jasmine Haynes keeps the plot moving and the love scenes very hot.”

Just Erotic Romance Reviews
“A wonderful novel . . . Try this one—you won’t be sorry.”

The Best Reviews
Berkley Books by Jasmine Haynes
(with Jaci Burton, Jasmine Haynes, and Denise Rossetti)
(with Susan Johnson)
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Heat trade paperback edition / June 2009
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Haynes, Jasmine.
Fair game / Jasmine Haynes.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-05378-2
1. Sexual dominance and submission—Fiction. I. Title.
PS3608.A936F35 2009


To Dee S. Knight
Thanks to Jenn Cummings, Terri Schaefer, and Kathy Coatney for always being there to keep me straight. To my agent, Lucienne Diver, and my editor, Wendy Mc-Curdy. I’d also like to thank the people at Graniterock, especially Don Roland, for all the time he spent showing me around the Quail Hollow Sand Plant. What a great tour guide! Any adjustments to the actual workings of a sand plant were made for the sake of expediency.
KYLE Perry was running late. He could have jogged the five miles across San Francisco from his home to the office faster than he’d been able to drive it. In fact, that’s often what he did when he was in town, except that today he had a morning meeting at the office, then a trip up to the Santa Rosa quarry in the early afternoon. Mondays were always a bitch. He was either catching a flight out, driving to a site, or prepping for endless meetings.
He made it into the garage elevator just before the doors closed on the cramped car, and ducked around a delivery man to hit the button for the thirty-fifth floor. At lobby level, there was a mass exodus and an equal influx.
Kyle moved to the rear, allowing room for the crush of new arrivals. Backing into him, a young woman knocked his knee with her notebook PC case. She turned her head enough to apologize, and he got an impression of green eyes and pink lipstick. She dragged the computer case in front of her to avoid hitting him again.
In the pack of overheated bodies, she smelled damn good. Not perfumy, but fresh, like flowers or fruits, something natural and outdoorsy. Dark hair grazed the collar of her black suit jacket, curling softly. A tantalizing patch of nape peeked through. Some women were incredibly sensitive right there. A flick of the tongue, a light kiss, even a warm puff of breath could make them a little crazy.
Kyle loved women, he loved sex, and he enjoyed the occasional flight of harmless fancy about a complete stranger a man might see on the street. Or in an elevator. The top of her head was level with his nose, her scent tantalizing his mind as he drew in the sweetness. That sliver of skin just above her collar made him hard.
The car jolted to a stop a couple of floors up, throwing her off balance and right into him, his cock gliding along the base of her spine. He didn’t move, didn’t speak, didn’t breathe, waiting for her to jerk away.
Instead, she remained perfectly still. The crush in the elevator eased by two, but she didn’t add even an inch of distance between them.
He closed his eyes a long moment and dragged in a deep breath of her, filling himself with her sensual fragrance. He felt her shift slightly, her backside caressing him. Or was that only in his mind? Hell no, that was her ass cradling his balls, her body rubbing his cock. One, two, three times. It was no accident.
Kyle dared to lay two fingers on her hip, just at the waist of her slacks, his touch hidden from view by her jacket. Everyone watched the tick of floors going by, waiting for theirs to come up. No one noticed where he’d placed his hand.
Except her. When the car stopped once again, she was flush up against him. He could hear his heart beating in his ears, feel the heat of her body seeping through his fingertips straight to his chest.
And he scented her. Like a lion scenting his mate’s heat, something feminine and musky. He’d bet the world that her panties were damp beneath the staid black suit.
More floors, the press of her body increasing against him. Then he felt the unmistakable slide of her hand between them. He was hard as a pylon. She cupped him, fit his cock into her palm, held him, gave a gentle squeeze. His eyes drifted shut as he relished her touch, her stroking him, taking full measure of him. He was ready to taste her, ready to take her, caught up in a fantasy of going to his knees and flicking his tongue between her legs. She would taste sweet, and her moans of pleasure would bring him to the brink. As she cried out in orgasm, he’d lift her up against the elevator wall, thrust inside her, high, deep, and come harder than he ever had before . . . The elevator stopped.
Her body heat faded. She didn’t even turn around to see exactly whose cock she’d touched. She merely exited the car and turned right down the hall. Disappearing as the doors closed, she left him alone with six other people who didn’t have a clue what she’d just done to him.
Turned his world upside down. Shattered his equilibrium. Damn, it was hot. He’d never see her again. Never know exactly what she looked like, just dark hair, green eyes, pink lipstick, black business suit; her fresh scent; and a hand that had the potential to take his cock to heaven.
As the elevator stopped yet again, Kyle realized he’d missed his floor. He had to laugh. A day that had gotten off to a bad start was suddenly looking up.
HEH. Well. That was sweet. Josie smiled to herself as she pushed through the double doors of SMG Industries’ high-rise San Francisco headquarters. Inside the lobby lay a gleaming black tile floor leading to a waist-high receptionist’s desk, the blond girl seated behind it almost hidden by her computer monitor.
Josie had started off the morning commute in a really bad mood. Ernie Masters, her boss and the head of Program Management at Castle Heavy Mining, had called her cell on the way into the city this morning and told her he wasn’t going to make the meeting with SMG. No way, no how. She’d have to handle it on her own. Which was fine, except that Ernie had all the hard copies of her presentation. Dammit, she knew she should have taken care of the packets. You want it done right, do it yourself. It pissed her off to no end that he’d cancelled at the absolute last minute; otherwise, she could have gone into the office early and printed more. SMG Industries was a first-time customer for Castle, and this project was a major machine upgrade for SMG’s Coyote Ridge Sand Plant, one of their quarries out in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Being Castle’s lead program manager on the quarry project, Josie wanted to make a good impression.
Because of that, her blood had been running high when she stepped into the elevator. Maybe that was the reason she’d done it. Or maybe it was because she was damned horny, not having had sex in at least two weeks. Whatever the reason, when she’d felt his hard-on at her back, she couldn’t resist touching. She’d caught a glimpse of his face when she stepped on the elevator. Short brown hair, blue eyes, older, late thirties she’d say, with a body she wouldn’t mind climbing. Not that she was into casual sex with strangers. She preferred casual sex with men she knew.

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