Faith and Fidelity (19 page)

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Authors: Tere Michaels

BOOK: Faith and Fidelity
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When the door creaked open again, Evan awoke with a start.

He had been dreaming of his last vacation with Sherri and the kids... five days in Diamond Head, South Carolina, where Sherri's cousin ran a small golf resort. The best part of the trip had been the drive down— anticipation heightening with each mile, each revised itinerary. In actuality it turned out to be three days of rain, and two days of trying to relax after spending the previously mentioned three days in five rooms with six people. On the way back, while the kids slept, he and Sherri had talked about the far off days of his retirement... where they'd live, what they'd do. They talked of someplace warm, someplace from the crowd but in the end Sherri just laughed merrily and made him admit that (a) he'd lose his mind anywhere without sidewalks, and (b) they'd never move too far away from the children. ‘Cause they were saps, and if there were grandchildren...

They laughed the rest of the way home.

That's what he was dreaming of. All that laughing.

* * * *

In the hospital room, now in this moment, he blinked his eyes clear and glanced at the doorway. Matt stood there, a shopping bag in one hand and the world's ugliest fern in the other.

“Hey,” Matt said, brightening when he saw Evan was awake.

Evan smiled, confused for a moment that it wasn't Sherri standing there— but she would have known where his gym bag was and used that instead of the Macy's bag that Matt had dug out of the pantry closet.

“Hi.” His voice sounded a little worse. Too much use from the morning.

Matt's grin nearly split his face. “You sound as bad as you look.” He dropped the bag on the floor, put the fern on the tray next to the bed.


“Like shit.” Matt came to stand right next to the bed. His hands tightened on the railing and for a second Evan was distracted by his hands. Men's hands, strong and dark, with swirls of hair and calluses and scars. He remembered what those hands had done to him.

“Hey. You okay? You want me to come back later?”

Back in the moment, Evan looked up and shook his head. “Stay.”

Matt nodded happily. He leaned down after hesitating for the smallest second and pressed a kiss against Evan's mouth. It made him shiver. His lips were so dry they hurt, but the kiss made the ache worth it.

“You want some water?” Matt was asking. His hand had some how found Evan's, and he was stroking his wrist.

“Huh?” Water. Yeah. Evan nodded. He felt so foggy. So fucking tired he could sleep forever.

Matt released Evan's hand and poured him a cup of water from the pitcher on the tray. There was a straw— thank God— because Evan was sure he was never going to be able to lift his head.

But Matt helped with that too, one strong hand under his neck, one holding the straw steady against his lips. He took a small drag on the straw, the effort pulling at the stitches in his chest, but it was worth it. His mouth felt so much better.

Gently, Matt laid him back down on the pillow, put the glass on the tray.


“No problem. Anything else?

“The kids... ”

Evan watched a weird cloud pass over Matt's face, a split second of time. He thought he might have imagined it.

“Your in-laws showed up and took them home. I called this morning before I came here. They're okay. I think they're going to be here tonight.”


Matt looked uncomfortable. “Couldn't get a firm answer.”

Evan didn't like the sound of that one bit. He understood the kids were upset— they had every reason to be— but that just meant they should be with him as much as possible.

“I'll call... myself... later.” Evan spit out, his voice tight.

“Mr. Tough Guy.”


“No problem.”

“Where did you stay last night?”

“The house. Kathleen gave me her spare key when I brought them here to the hospital.”

“Thanks again, for that.”

“No big deal. Shit— I was just working, you know. Making a living.”

Evan chuckled, the action causing more tightness in his chest.

“I owe you one.”

“One? The list is easily on its second page... ”

“Second page?”

“I had to take your garbage out. Fuck. I'm charging you double for that.”

And just like that, the cloud over Evan lifted. He just felt... lighter. Still sore, still tired, still worried about his kids. But lighter.

“Cash or check?”

Matt leered. “I'll make you work it off.”

Evan laughed lightly. Then winced in pain.

Instantly Matt's face showed concern and fear. He touched Evan's face gently with his fingertips. “You okay? You want a nurse?”

Shaking his head, Evan took a calming breath.

“Don't... make... me... laugh.”

The smirk returned. But Matt didn't stop touching him. “Damn. I got pages of good material just waiting... ”

“Save... for later.” The touch of Matt's fingers relaxed him, made him feel warm. Evan tried to give Matt a sexy look but given the way Matt rolled his eyes, he wasn't very convincing. “Make it up to you. I promise.”

“Good.” Matt bent down to kiss him again and this time it didn't hurt. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Matt stayed until the nurse came back to check his vitals. They kissed, held hands, talked of what the doctor had said. Evan worried about taking care of the kids and Matt reassured him that everything would be fine. Between him, and the in-laws, the kids would be taken care of.

And then Matt announced he would be taking care of Evan until he got back on his feet.


“Shut up.”


“Evan! What the hell are you going to do otherwise? It's me or your in-laws, and since they're better equipped to take care of four kids, guess what, you're shit out of luck. I'm your fucking nursemaid.”

Evan sighed, frustrated. He hated feeling so helpless and out of control. He hated that Matt was right.

“I'm not telling you you're right.”

“Whatever. I already know I am. I don't need your two cents.” Matt crossed his arms and glared down at him. “So we're clear? I'm going home with you. I'm staying at the house. I'm taking care of things until you're on your feet and you and the kids are okay on your own.”

“Fine.” Evan had the sudden urge to stick his tongue out at Matt.

The fake glaring was cut off by Pam's arrival. She bustled in and started her routine.

“Hello, Mr. Haight. How are you?”

Matt shot her a dazzling smile. “Fine, Pam. How are you?”

“Good, good. Sorry to break up your private time, but I needed to get this done. How are we doing, Detective Cerelli?”

Gee, nice to finally get around to me
, Evan thought sourly. “Okay. Throat's sore.”

“Didn't the doctor tell you to slow down the chatter? I bet you ignored that completely.”

Matt threw himself in the pleather brown chair in the corner. Evan could see his face but Pam couldn't. He was smirking openly.

Pam went about her business, chatting the whole time. Maybe it was a nurse thing, but she acted like Evan was seven and needed help navigating his feet under the covers, which was really irritating considering he guessed them to be around the same age. She seemed to be sharing a lot about her brother, who lived in the Florida Keys with his “friend” Maurice, and Matt was now laughing in his hands, silently. Evan used all his strength not to roll his eyes. When Pam went into the small bathroom to grab a new sheet, Evan shot daggers at Matt, who was gasping for air.

“She knows?” Evan whispered.

Matt nodded.


Matt rolled his eyes. Made a kissy face. Winked.

Evan groaned.

Pam walked out of the bathroom, still chatting.

Matt excused himself and walked out the door.

Pam watched him go and smiled sweetly at Evan. “Your boyfriend is a real doll, honey.”

* * * *

The phone was hooked up shortly after Matt left— he needed to make some phone calls for work— and Pam came back in to dial the MacGregor's number for Evan. Some Percocets had Evan feeling like he'd spent a long day in the sun sipping beer— but he didn't hurt anymore.

He wanted to know how his kids were. His voice still sounded like shit but he had more control over it.

Two rings and Josie picked up— her chirpy voice hitting Evan right between the eyes.


“Evan!! How are you? You're talking on the phone! That's wonderful.”

“I'm fine. How're the kids?”

“Oh dear— they're just exhausted. I kept them home from school— they need their rest. They need someone to take care of them. This has been quite hard on them, Evan.”

Evan counted to fifty by fives, concentrated on the thin water damage mark that ran across two tiles over his bed.

“Thank you, Josie, for coming to get them and taking care of them for me. It shouldn't be too long, I promise.”

“Oh it's no bother, dear! I just love having the children here. It reminds me of when my girls were small.” She sniffled softly.

“Can I talk to Miranda please?”

“She's resting.”

“Is she asleep?”

“Noooo... ”

“Then please put her on.”

He heard the small sound of disapproval and didn't give a shit. Then Josie called out to the other room and he heard answering shouts of “Daddy!” A second later, Miranda voice was saying breathlessly...


“Hey, honey. You okay?”

“Me? I'm fine— how are you? Are you all right? You were so out of it yesterday... ”

“I'm feeling much better honey. My voice sounds bad but that's pretty much it. I should be out of the hospital in a few days.”

“That's great!”

“I still have some recovery time ahead but it'll be better for me when I'm home.”

“Are we staying here?” The tension in her voice made his whole body tighten.

“Yeah, honey— I'm sorry. I know you'd rather be home. But I'm going to be out of it for at least a week. I want you guys to be with people who can take care of you— ”

“Daddy, I'm not a kid. I can take care of things until you feel better— ”

“Miranda, listen. I know you're not a kid and you've done an amazing job helping me since... last year. But midterms are coming up and you have a lot on your plate. I want you to concentrate on school, okay?”

Miranda sighed heavily. “Just until midterms are over, okay? Once I finish the tests, we'll come home. So we can get ready for Christmas.”

Oh shit, Evan thought. Four weeks away. He coughed, feeling uncomfortable.

“It's a deal, kiddo.”

“Who's going to take care of you?”

“Uh... Matt is going to stay with me for awhile, until I can get around on my own.”


Evan squirmed. “Yeah, he has some vacation time.”

“That's nice of him,” she said politely.

“Yeah. He's a good friend.”

“He took real good care of us till Grandma and Grandpa came to the hospital... Tell him thanks, okay? I think I forgot in all the excitement.”

“I'll do that, honey. Let me talk to Grandma again— I want to find out when she's bringing you guys by.”

“Uh... sure. I'll talk to you later, Daddy.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Evan's eyes stung. He hated,
not being able to take care of his kids. Hated they were so far away and— as far as he was concerned— alone.

“Yes, Evan?”

With a deep breath, Evan tried to get hold of himself— a stern voice was going to be mandatory in dealing with his mother-in-law. “Josie— I was wondering when you and Phil were planning on bringing the children by? Visiting hours... ”

Josie cut him off, her voice honey and steel. “Phil and I have discussed this Evan, and we feel it's best for the children if they have a little break from the whole... hospital thing. When you're released and home, then we'll talk about bringing them... ”

“Josie,” Evan spit out, his voice dangerous, “They are my children and quite frankly, I don't give a shit what you and Phil discussed. I am their father and they need me. I want them here tomorrow. If it's a problem for you to drive them into the city, I'm more than happy to send a friend to pick them up.”

There was dead silence from the other end of the phone. Evan's entire body hurt like hell and his throat felt raw. He fairly shook with rage at Josie's... presumption... that she was in charge of his children.

Josie cleared her throat. “I'll speak to Phil. I'm not sure when we can get out there,” she forced out.

Just barely civil, Evan replied, “Visiting hours are until seven p.m. If possible, I'd like to have at least an hour with the children.”


Then nothing but Josie's breathing. Through her nose— which meant she was furious. Quietly furious.

“Thank you. I'll speak with you tomorrow.”


“Good night.”

Josie said nothing. Evan heard the phone click on the other end.

“Fuck!” he raged at the ceiling. He threw the phone receiver to the floor. The effort of the day, the conversation, everything sent pain shooting through his body. Shaking, he closed his eyes, trying to calm himself. It didn't work. Long, painful moments that Evan sweated out, clutching the bedcovers and dazedly staring at the watermark on the ceiling, trying to remember when Matt said he'd be back. He hadn't felt this out of control since Sherri's death and it scared the hell out of him.

He tried not to think about the conversation with his mother-in-law. It only fueled his greatest nightmare, the terror that had lurked in the back of his mind since Sherri's death...

What if someone tried to take his children away from him?

Chapter Nine

Evan stared out his hospital room window as dusk settled outside, hazy from the sedative they'd been forced to pump into him a few hours earlier. After the phone call with his mother-in-law, Pam had found him tense and trembling in bed, grinding his teeth in frustration. She soothed him for a few moments with her gentle voice then called the doctor. Evan got a stern talking to about relaxing and giving his body a chance to heal, followed by a shot in the arm. He spent the rest of the morning drifting in and out, barely able to acknowledge his visitors.

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