Faithful (49 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Faithful
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When we walked into the waiting room, we saw Jeff, Gunner, Ellie, and Ari all sitting there. Ellie jumped up and ran over to Heather.

“Well?” Ellie asked as she grabbed Heather’s hands.

I noticed Heather glance over to a grinning Gunner.

“One little boy…and one little girl.” She winked.

Gunner started laughing as he got up and walked toward me. He stuck out his hand. “Ah hell…congratulations, dude. That’s perfect.”

He reached over and took Heather in his arms. He just laughed as she bragged about winning the bet.

Jeff was next. Then, I looked at Ari standing there with a smile as big as the Texas sky.

My heart started beating faster as I glanced over toward Jeff, and he winked.

“A girl?” I asked.

She nodded, and Heather let out a small yelp. They both hugged each other as Ellie walked up and joined in on the love fest.

We sat down and talked about the ranch, Jeff’s breeding business, and how well my business was doing. Finally, Brad walked out with the biggest smile plastered on his face and tears just rolling down his cheeks.

We all jumped up.

“How’s Amanda?” Ellie, Ari, and Heather all asked at the same time.

Brad laughed. “She’s absolutely wonderful.”

“And you?” I asked as I reached out for his hand.

“It’s a girl!” He blurted out. “I have a baby girl.” And then, he lost it and began crying.

Motherfucker is gonna cause me to cry.
I had to look away before I started crying.

I glanced at Jeff as he wiped his eyes quickly. I just looked at him and mouthed,
, to him. He shot me the finger and walked up to Brad to congratulate him.

Gunner was slapping Brad on the back as he was congratulating him. When I looked back over toward Heather, she had the sweetest smile on her face. I felt tears building as I turned back to Brad. He was so damn happy.

I just stood there and glanced around at our little group. We’d all come a long way in the last few years. Each of us was married with kids and happy as hell, and it was about fucking time.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Victoria walking by. I quickly glanced at Heather, but she hadn’t seen her. When I looked back at Victoria, she smiled at me and started my way. Then, she saw Heather, and she stopped. She turned and walked away.

Okay…that was weird…but nice!

As I glanced over at Heather, she was watching Victoria walk away. She started to turn back toward Brad, but then she caught my eye and gave me a wink. I had no idea what that was all about, but the fire in Heather’s eyes turned me the hell on. I smiled back at her and shook my head.

“Y’all want to meet Maegan Ann?” Brad asked.

“Oh, I love that name, Brad!” Heather hugged him.

“My god, Heather…you’re getting bigger.” Brad laughed.

“Yep! We found out today that it’s a boy and a girl.” She looked back at Gunner.

I shook my head and followed everyone to Amanda’s room.

After we all piled in, Amanda made everyone wash their hands—twice—and then we had to also use sanitizer. Finally, we all took turns holding Maegan. She was beautiful, and my heart swelled up so much at the sight of her. I couldn’t wait to hold my own little girl and boy.

I watched as Heather was holding and singing to Maegan.
I need to get her home.

I leaned over to Gunner. “Does it make me an ass if I want to stop and get a room tonight for Heather and me?”

Gunner looked at me and smiled. “Fuck no, dude. When we dropped Alex off at Sharon’s, I’d already asked her if she could keep Alex all night. Got me and my girl a room at The Driskill.”

I just shook my head. “Fucker. Of course you did.”

Gunner started laughing as he shrugged his shoulders.

I excused myself and walked back to the waiting room where I pulled up the number for Hotel Ella. I reserved a room for Heather and me, and I was just hanging up when Gunner slapped the shit out of my back.


“Hotel Ella.” I smiled.

“Nicely done,” Gunner said with a wink.

“So, what brings you two handsome men to the maternity scene?” Victoria said from behind me.

I closed my eyes as I let out a breath.
Why won’t this girl just go away?

Gunner glanced at her and gave her a dirty look.

“What? I don’t even get a hello from the two men who know me oh-so well.”

I turned around and just glared at her. “Really, Tori? What part of
fuck off
don’t you get?”

She threw her head back and laughed. “You really mean to tell me that you two…” She looked us both up and down. “Are happy being married? Just being with one girl all the time? Somehow, I don’t see it.”

“Well, look harder. Honestly, Victoria, begging doesn’t become anyone, not even a dog,” I said.

Victoria’s smile faded, and she tilted her head as she gave me a go-to-hell look. “You weren’t that great in bed anyway. Neither of you were.” She turned and walked away.

I shook my head as I turned back to Gunner.

He was watching her walk away. “Fuck.”

“What? I think she might leave us alone now,” I said.

Gunner shook his head and turned to me. “Yeah…but I wanted to know which one of us was better.”

My mouth dropped, and I just stared at him. “What?”

“You or me. Which one of us was better? I mean, I’m sure she would say I was.”

What a bastard!
“Dude, please. I think you’ve got that backward. I’m pretty fucking sure she would say I was better…way better.”

Gunner just smiled. “Okay, I’ll let you have it.”

“Oh no! There’s no letting me have it, you bastard. We both know I’m way more experienced, and—”

“More experienced in what?” Heather asked as she walked up from behind Gunner.

“Um…” I looked at Gunner for help.

“Uh…” Gunner said as his head snapped over toward Ellie.

Ellie came up to Gunner and let out a sigh. “I’m exhausted. Can we go pick up Alex and head home?”

When Gunner glanced back over at me, I could see his body relax instantly.

“Sweetheart, I’m taking you to The Driskill for the evening. Your mom is going to watch Alex for us.”

Ellie’s face lit up as she jumped up and down. “Oh god, Gunner! I love you so much!” She slammed into his body and kissed him.

As he pulled back, he pushed a piece of her hair behind her ear.

I had to laugh because he did that all the damn time.

When I looked over at Heather, she was watching the whole thing with a smile on her face.

I walked up to her and whispered in her ear, “Baby, I made reservations at Hotel Ella for the night.”

She smiled and pulled me off to the side. “I love you more than anything, but I’m not feeling very well. Can we just go home?”

My heart started beating faster. “What’s wrong, princess? Do I need to call the doctor?”

She let out a small laugh. “No. I just want to be in my own bed. Is that okay? I mean, I love you so much for doing that. I just really want to go home.”

I smiled as I pulled her to me. I leaned over to give her belly a kiss. “Whatever makes you happy…makes me happy.”

We went back to Amanda’s room and said good-bye to everyone before we walked out with Jeff and Ari.

I helped Heather into the truck and then ran around and jumped in. By the time we got out of Austin, my princess was sleeping peacefully. When I looked over at her hands resting on her stomach, I felt tears building in my eyes.

In a little less than four months, we would be parents to two babies.

Holy hell. I sure hope I don’t drop one!


I sat on the porch, drinking my ice water.
I swear if it gets any hotter, I’m going to melt. This has to be the hottest July ever in Texas.

Amanda and Brad had left a few hours ago with Maegan. She was already two months old. Josh had made a crib for her It was breathtaking, and I was so proud of him.

I had laughed at him though when he was holding Maegan.

Josh had kept asking Brad, “Have you ever almost dropped her?”

Shaking his head, Brad had just laughed each time.

Why is he so afraid of dropping one of the babies?

I watched as he came running up the street from his evening run.

Oh. My. God. He looks sexy as hell, dripping in sweat, with his white T-shirt plastered to his body. Oh Lord…I want him so badly. Too bad I can hardly move.

That was when I saw Mindy walking up to her little fence, waving for Josh to stop.

Bitch! I just want to slap the hell out of her for her stupid excuses to get him to talk to her all the time.

I watched as he ran his hand through his hair while he laughed at something she’d said. When she motioned for him to follow her into the house, I instantly sat up.

“You make one move to go inside that house, and you will regret it!”

I looked around when I realized I had just said that out loud.

Then, he started to walk up to her front porch.

What in the hell is he doing?

Just then, one of the babies kicked me so hard that I had to suck in a breath of air.

“Oh, not now, sweet babies. Mommy has to watch your stupid-ass Daddy flirt with the pretty skinny neighbor.”

I watched as he lifted up a huge plant and moved it from her front porch down to her walkway. Mindy placed her hand on Josh’s arm and laughed as she said something to him. Josh shook his head and waved good-bye as he turned and started to head over to our house. I stood up and put my hands on my hips.

Mindy kept her eyes on Josh as he walked away. She finally looked up and saw me standing there, and she smiled and waved. I really wanted to give her the finger, but I picked up my hand and forced myself to wave and smile back.

Then, she called out, “Thanks again, Josh! Next time, stay for some tea!”

Oh no, she didn’t.
She. Did. Not. That twatface bitch of a whore! It doesn’t take a gynecologist to pick out a cun—

“Hey, babe! You look pissed. Is everything okay?”

I just looked at him. “You enjoy your run?”

He smiled up at me and nodded. “Yeah, but it’s hot as hell. I should have taken Mindy up on that tea.”

“Uh-huh. Well, it’s not too late.” I turned and walked into the house, slamming the door behind me.
I stomped into the kitchen, opened up the refrigerator, and pulled out a beer. I was just about to open it when I realized what in the hell I was doing.
Oh god. I need these babies out. I can’t make it another month. I’m going to explode.
I looked over at the watermelon and smiled. I started to take out a knife as Josh came into the kitchen.

“What in the hell is wrong with you?”

I turned around and looked at him. “Me? What’s wrong with me? Oh hell, Josh, I don’t know. I’m tired, I’m hot, I’m being beaten to death from the inside out by two very strong babies, you’re flirting with the cute skinny neighbor almost every night after your run, we haven’t had sex in almost a week, and even if we did, you’d probably be wishing it was with someone who didn’t have a huge stomach in the way, and…and…I just want some damn watermelon and a fucking beer!”

Josh was just looking down at the knife in my hand. I had pointed it at him as I shouted. When my hands started to shake, I dropped the knife. Josh reached down and picked it up. He walked over to the sink and cleaned it off before he started to cut up the watermelon. I just stood there and watched him as he cut up the whole watermelon, put it in a giant bowl, and then cleaned up the mess. He turned around and set the bowl in front of me before dropping the knife in the sink.

He looked at me and let out a long breath. “I don’t know what to tell you about the beer, Heather. As far as sex, I happen to love making love to you while feeling our children moving in your stomach. It’s probably one of the most amazing things ever. I’m sorry I’ve been working late every night, but I wanted to finish up your surprise. While you were visiting with Amanda, Brad helped me with it. I didn’t realize it was causing you to think that I didn’t want to be with you.”

When he ran his hands through his hair, all I wanted to do was walk up and kiss him.
Oh god…what’s wrong with me? Why am I being such a bitch?

“I’m going to go take a shower and go to bed. I’m tired.” He turned and headed out of the kitchen.

I just stood there and watched him walk away. I closed my eyes and felt tears building. I wasn’t even sure how long I stood there.

Shit! I hate being so moody and then taking it out on him.
I looked down at the watermelon, picked up the bowl, and put it in the refrigerator. I started to make my way to the babies’ room. I opened the door, and as I looked in, my heart dropped to my stomach. I put my hand up to my mouth and instantly started crying.
The cribs.

Two almost identical wood cribs were sitting in the room. They were breathtaking. Josh had used tree posts for the four corners and wood slates for the rails. The front right posts had a branch that extended up and over the crib. Josh had made six wooden stars that were hanging from the branch. One crib had six blue stars, and the other crib had six pink stars.

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