Fall From Grace (12 page)

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Authors: Ciara Knight

BOOK: Fall From Grace
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Bruce pulled to a stop. Alexander wove
Boon’s muscle fibers back together one stitch at a time. He gripped
Boon’s wound, his bicep twitched in protest. Alexander heaved in an
energetic breath and pushed one last rush of cool energy through
his fingertips. He fell back, arms and legs shaking with
exhaustion. Brains were always the toughest things to mend. Another
few minutes and he wouldn’t have succeeded, and Boon would no
longer be with them.

Boon stirred, and Sammy pulled him to her
chest. “Please, come back to me.” Sammy’s tear and blood-streaked
face had a glimmer of hope. It felt good to finally do something to
help instead of harm her.

“S-sammy?” Boon managed through dark
red-crusted lips.

“Yes, I’m here.” Sammy covered his face with

Alexander caught a glimpse of Gaby and
Grace, both with tears in their eyes. He rested his hand on the
back of Gaby’s seat, and she took it in hers. Her lips trembled,
and she pressed them together then she pulled away. Opening her car
door, she helped Grace out and opened Sammy’s.

A gust of sea air blew into the car, and
Boon pushed to sit up.

“No, rest. We’ll help you.” Sammy stroked
his cheek.

Alexander shoved his door open and came
around to help. Sammy scooted out, and Bruce took one of Boon’s
arms while Alexander took the other and hoisted him out of the car.
They managed the few steps up the front porch into the house before
they lowered Boon onto the sofa.

Boon’s head swayed, and he leaned over,
resting his arms on his legs. Rope burns lined his wrists, and cuts
dotted all up his arms.

“What happened to you?” Alexander asked.

Boon looked up. Sammy squatted in front of
him with a damp rag and cleaned his wounds.

Gaby remained in the foyer, her hands in her
pockets. Grace waved, summoning her into the kitchen. Dishes
clanked around, and Alexander knew Grace would be appearing with
some sort of comfort food soon.

Alexander leaned toward Boon. “I can—”

“No, just superficial wounds. I can clean
them.” Sammy still fought the tears. “Thank you, Alex.”

He nodded.

Boon winced when she pressed the towel to
his temple. He took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles. “It’s
so good to see you.”

Boon’s voice came laced with a warning.
Sammy must have heard it too because she withdrew her hand and
studied him.

“What happened? How could you be….” Sammy
bowed her head, and Boon stroked her hair.

“It’s okay. I’m here now.” He kissed the top
of her head.

Bruce leaned against the back wall stroking
his jaw.

Alexander sat on the edge of the green
tufted chair across from him. “What is it?”

Bruce shot him a sideways glance. “Not sure.
Seems that if Boon has been able to appear demon for so long, why’d
the evil affect him so badly?”

“I wasn’t in demon form. Had to take human
form when the hunters showed up.”

Sammy gasped.

“Guess once I was in human form, and on
their sacrificial land, I couldn’t defend myself. My body wouldn’t

Alexander’s stomach rolled. That land should
be burned, blown up, exercised, or anything else that would drive
the evil away. His hands trembled at the memory of the darkness
clawing at his soul.

Bruce nodded. “Makes sense.”

“It was a blood bath. The hunters have some
sort of collar that will trap a demon, but there was one that
slaughtered two of the men with one swipe of his claw.”

A clanking drew everyone’s attention to the
hall. Gaby held a tray with a teapot and cups. “Did he have massive
horns and stand over ten feet tall?”

“Yes.” Boon gave her a questioning look.

The teapot rattled to the edge of the tray
so Alexander jumped up to take it from her hands. His thumb grazed
her fingers, and an instant heat surged up his arm. This was the
kind of situation when you clung to one another, not keep your
distance. He reached to touch her soft cheek, but she only walked
around him to the foyer as if ready to make a quick escape.

“Gaby saw the creature in her dreams last
night. She drew you like—”

Boon clutched her arm. “I see.”

Bruce pushed from the wall. “Master demon.
Hmm…this isn’t good. Guess the hunters were right, and Kemp is a

Alexander placed the tray down on the
ottoman. “Do you think it is because of Gaby?” He took a step
toward her, but she backed away. Even if she didn’t want him
around, he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

“Could be. She needs to keep her shoulder
covered. If the demons do their research, they’ll know she’s been
marked as a divine warrior.” Bruce scrubbed is face.

“What?” Gaby’s eyes shot wide. “You knew all
this time what that mark meant. The one you called my Mitsubishi
brand?” She did finger quotes and her nose scrunched.

Bruce went to his daughter and took her
hands. “We were supposed to have years before the demons began
their reign of terror on Earth. After watching my parents being
murdered by demons, my entire life from the time I could read was
spent obsessing over how to kill them all. I wanted you to have a
chance at a normal life for a while. A boyfriend, family, being
loved. I was shuffled all over the foster care system. But you have
a family here. People you love.” Bruce nodded in Alexander’s

“Some gift. Yes, I had people around me that
I loved but can never have.”

She spoke in past tense. Could it be true,
she didn’t love him anymore?

“It would be easier if I never cared for
anyone.” Gaby bolted out the front door, and Bruce chased after

Alexander collapsed back down in his chair,
and Grace placed a calming hand on his head.

Sammy gave him a reassuring smile. “Don’t
worry. I’ll talk to her. She’ll be here tonight.”

Boon’s eyes lit up but then faded. “Are you
sure? The demons are at our doorstep; what if somehow I fell—”

“Never say that. Won’t happen. You never did
anything to fall to Earth, you are pure.”

Alexander poured a cup of tea for Grace and
she took a sip. “Do you think we should wait until tomorrow when
you are feeling better and rested?”

“No.” Boon snapped. “I mean. We can’t wait
until tomorrow.”

“Why?” Sammy asked.

He hesitated and clasped Sammy’s hands.
“Because I have to go back to the master demon before dawn.”

Chapter Eleven



Gaby sat on the old, warn leather seat. The
trees blurred by while her dad drove back to Grace’s. Maybe it was
time for her to get her license. She hadn’t really thought about it
until now. What if she wanted to leave the reception early? Of
course, every time she got behind the wheel, images of the car
crash that claimed her mother’s life flashed, and she couldn’t
bring herself to turn the ignition.

“You know, Hon, you don’t have to go.”

Dad’s words broke the rhythmic sound of the
pavement under the tires, and she realized how quiet she’d been,
lost in her thoughts.

“Yes, I do. It’s Sammy and Boon. They’ve
devoted their life to protecting me.” Besides, she still clung to
the hope that something would change and she’d be able to Soulbond
with Alexander someday. Curiosity trumped sadness.

Dad pulled to a stop in front of Grace’s.
White bows decorated the banister of the front porch, and red
petals were scattered from the house to the beach. Only angels
could pull off something like that in a matter of hours.

A few clouds dotted the blue sky. The cool,
gentle breeze refreshed the air. The sun hung low in the sky, and
she knew the ceremony would start soon. Dad popped the trunk to
retrieve their gift. She hoped Sammy and Boon would like the
portrait she’d drawn. If her mom would’ve been around, she could
have painted it, but Gaby never mastered that technique.

“Gaby!” Sammy shouted from the front porch.
A large white flower pinned Sammy’s dark hair behind her ear. She
wore a beautiful, yet simple, white cotton dress. “I’ve been
waiting for you. I can’t get married without my maid of honor.”

Words didn’t form, and Gaby struggled to
talk. She’d never imagined anyone wanting her to be a part of their
wedding. Heck, six months ago she didn’t have a friend in the

“That’s what it’s called right?” Sammy

“Yes…it’s just that I’m, well…honored.”

Sammy giggled. “Who did you think I’d ask?
Avery?” She rolled her eyes and strung her arm through Gaby’s.
“Come on, we need to get in place before Boon and Alexander walk

Bruce carried the wrapped picture. “I’ll put
this inside and be down in a minute.”

Gaby glanced at the porch in hopes of seeing
Alexander then forced herself to turn away. Her heartbeat
quickened. The square rug in the middle of the beach where they
would be married caught her attention. This was going to be harder
than she thought.

Sammy pulled her tight. “Don’t worry. I know
some day you and Alexander will be together.”

Gaby shook off her own disappointment.
“Today is about you and Boon, not Alex and me.” She took a deep
breath. “Besides, you’ve been waiting two thousand years for this.
I’ve only known Alex less than a year.”

Sammy squeezed her hand. “It doesn’t matter.
I knew I loved Boon from the first moment I connected with him in
Heaven. Now, I’ll have a chance to feel that connection again. A
soul to soul bond.”

Gaby longed to comprehend what she meant.
The only thing she’d ever experienced was physical touch with
Alexander, and even that hadn’t gone far.

Alexander popped over the hill, and the
sight of him dressed in a suit took the air from her lungs. Her
gaze ran from his broad shoulders to his narrow waist. The white
collar accentuated his chiseled jaw line, and the bright blue tie
made his eyes stand out like deep pools of serenity.

Alexander sauntered onto the rug and kissed
Sammy on the cheek then his lips brushed Gaby’s, sending a shock of
energy deep into her bones. He paused for a moment and whispered in
her ear, “Sammy might be the bride but you are breathtaking.”

She swallowed hard and longed to stay close
to him, but Bruce approached with Grace on his arm, assisting her
down the dune to their side. The sight of her dressed in robes made
Gaby’s stomach flutter, and she wasn’t even the bride. But someday
she would be and Grace would bond them.

Orange light reflected off Sammy’s cheek
when they turned to face each other. Grace clasped her hands in
front and nodded to each of them.

“We are here today to join not only two
bodies in marriage but two souls for eternity.”

Goosebumps erupted up Gaby’s arms. Alexander
took her hand in his, and the next few words Grace spoke were lost
somewhere over the ocean, never reaching Gaby’s ears. She imagined
it was Alexander and her standing in front of her family being
blessed by Heaven to never be separated for eternity.

“You both understand once this bond is
granted there is no way to ever break it. The lowest fate will keep
the other. If one is doomed to walk Earth for eternity you both
will remain locked from Heaven.”

“Yes.” They both said in unison.

Alexander held out two rings, and Gaby’s
soul ached for her mother’s ring, but it was torture to wear a
symbol of something that was denied to them.

They slipped the simple gold bands on to
each other’s fingers and kissed. Their small frames pressed against
each other, and a white light flickered around them.

“Let Heaven bless your union for all
eternity.” Grace spoke, and the white light pulsed brighter until
it engulfed Sammy and Boon.

Want soaked through Gaby’s skin to her soul
as she imagined connecting with Alexander, living forever as one.
The light rose twenty feet into the air and lingered for a moment
then shot into the sky.

Gaby stood breathless watching the dot
disappear from sight.

Waves pushed onto the shore, and the sun
dropped to a sliver in the distance, leaving the world a little

She faced Alexander and knew he wanted her
as much as she wanted him, and yet he denied them. No, Heaven
denied them. How could she fight and defend something she didn’t
understand? A different world where the people in charge did
nothing but take her mother away and deny her the one she

“Gaby, we have now.” Alexander stroked her
cheek. “And who knows what tomorrow will bring.”

“It’s not good enough. Heaven will just rip
you away like my mother.” She pushed him away and ran up the sand
dune. An edge of hostility was building like before. Heaven got it
wrong, or maybe her dad did. Perhaps the scar on her shoulder
really was just the Mitsubishi symbol, from the car, burned into
her skin from the crash. All of this crazy talk of her being a
weapon to stop the rise of Hell was wrong. But she couldn’t deny
the change in things. Her abilities came and went daily.

What good were they if she had no control?
She slumped in the chair on the front porch, and took deep breaths
refusing to cry like a little girl again.

“We’re headin’ out to County Line Road. If
that hunter believes he can collar the master demon, he’ll be
tortured and sent to the underworld.” Her dad spoke with a
tentative voice.

“Is it safe?” Gaby shot up from her chair
and stood on the top step, clinging to the porch rail.

“Yeah, we won’t get too close G-Bear. Just
gonna drive the perimeter. I’ve got a hint where he might be.”

“He tried to kill us. Is it worth risking
your life?” Gaby didn’t even believe the words as she said them. No
one deserved to face that monster in her dreams.

“He might be a confused man with his beliefs
like I was, but I can’t just let him suffer that kind of fate.”

“No, of course not.” Grace headed for the
front porch. “Gaby will keep me company while you’re gone.”

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