Fall Into Darkness (13 page)

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Authors: Valerie Twombly

BOOK: Fall Into Darkness
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“Then I’ll bargain.”

“Like hell you will,” Eli growled.

She totally ignored him and addressed her father. “What really happens when a fallen angel gets their soul back after they’ve fed?” She couldn’t imagine that they could simply be whole and normal again after going insane.

“We really don’t know. I suppose it depends on how long they’ve been separated. Some may never fully recover and others, while they may come back to us, may never be the same.”

Then it was decided. She jabbed her fists on her hips. “You can either help me or not, but either way I’m getting my mate’s soul back.”


f an angel could feel more
than one emotion at a time, then Eli was at least successful at something. Pride filled him. His woman was born an Angel of Death. Cream of the crop and as she stood there dressed in black leather pants, a pink tank and black leather stiletto boots, he wanted to peel the clothes off her like a piece of fruit and taste of her nectar. His other half, however... Well, it had gotten him tossed out on his ass when he’d demanded she leave well enough alone and let him worry about his own soul.

The void currently screamed out in agony, wanting to be filled and made whole again.

“You okay?” Tegan asked.

“As well as can be expected considering,” he shot back.

“Your fangs are showing. You hungry already?”

Eli leaned against a tree and let the sun heat his face. He wasn’t sure why since it failed to warm him. Nothing took away the chill since he’d fallen except for Ashley. She’d managed to toast him up nicely. Help him push back his hunger, even if only briefly, by allowing him to drink her blood.

“I’ve discovered they make an appearance not only when I’m hungry, but pissed as well. Your daughter will not seek out Lucifer.”

Tegan gave a short grunt. “Something tells me that your
will not be stopped. She will find a way to defy both of us. I see we have only one choice.”

“That is?”

“Either support her or piss her off,” Tegan replied. “We’ve both seen what she’s capable of when pissed.”

True. Eli chuckled when he’d seen the look on her face after she pointed her finger toward the door. Both men had literally flown out and landed on their backsides. His mate was one powerful angel. Still…

“I might rather piss her off. At least she’d be safe.” Eli shoved off the tree ready to throttle someone.

“Will she? Be safe that is? I’m not so sure any of us are. However, she will learn how to use her power and protect herself. We can’t keep her in a bubble.”

Well he could try.

Verek and two others appeared in front of them, and Tegan settled into a fighting stance. “Verek. Let it be known I’m not one-hundred percent on board with this plan nor do I fully trust any of you.” He shot a glance at Eli. “Sorry that includes you as well. One tiny step out of line, and I will take you out without blinking an eye.” He glared at the other three fallen angels.

“Look, we came here to offer our help,” Verek snapped. “I don’t blame you for not trusting us, but you can shove the attitude. It’s not going to make an uncomfortable situation any better.”

“Fine.” Tegan relaxed. “The first thing we do is go after the Seven. My gut tells me they are behind this or at least know what’s going on.”

“I’ll not be a bit surprised if those bitches are really demons,” Eli ground out.

“Nor I. We need to take care and make sure Ashley is protected at all times,” Tegan said.


Eli went on to explain to Verek and his companions how his mate had turned into an Angel of Death, and she would be needed when they tried to weed out the demons. “And as Tegan stated, she is to be protected at all costs or I will be very unhappy.” There was no telling what he’d do if anything happened to her, but he knew it wouldn’t be pretty.

“Wow. I can’t believe it,” Verek replied.

“I know the Maker hasn’t spoken with any of us in a long time, but I feel this is her work.” Tegan’s voice had dropped to a near whisper.

“This brings hope for so many,” replied the angel that stood next to Verek. Eli finally recognized him to be Damon and the other Akriel. Both had lost their souls about a year ago. If the three in front of him could hold out and fight their hunger, he could as well. Somehow, he’d get his shit together. In the meantime, he’d have to decide how he would handle having a mate.

“Then let us start with the Seven and eradicate some demons,” Tegan commanded.

All the men vanished, headed for what Eli was certain would be war. Only this time, it would be on their own home turf.

shley practiced summoning her wings
, then making them disappear, while Eva showed her how to call for a dagger in case she ever had the need of one. Even though she was supposed to be able to kill on contact––sorta––she had no idea if it would truly work and wasn’t willing to find a test subject.

Seph, Eva’s mate and also a reaper, had spent some time schooling her on how to negotiate with the devil, as well as traveling between the two realms and the human world. There was so much to take in that her brain actually hurt, but she was as prepared as she could be, considering her situation.

“I need to see my Aunt Viv.” She’d called a few times, letting her aunt think she was still in Alaska, but at some point she would have to go home and try to explain. “But I can’t let her see me like this.”

She tried to pick up a glass of water only to spill it; her hands shook so badly. The hunger Eli experienced wore on her and as she tried to keep from doubling over in pain, it manifested itself in other ways. However, she would do whatever it took to keep it hidden from both her father and Eli.

“Are you okay?” Eva questioned.

“Yes. Please don’t tell Eli or my father. If either of them knew… Well it wouldn’t go over very well,” she pleaded.

Eva laid a hand on her arm. “Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.”

Ashley liked this woman a lot. She was strong and determined and like Ashley, she would do anything for her mate.

“It’s time. The others are on their way.” Seph entered the room and held out his hand to Ashley. It was understood that Eva would stay behind. She wasn’t a fighter and Seph didn’t want to worry about her should things go bad. Everyone, including Ashley, was certain it would get violent.

Ashley accepted his hand, only to help guide her to where they were going. One moment they stood in his living room. The next, the expansive corridor she recognized as being the one she’d walked down to see the Seven when she’d asked for help. Something told her they were all corrupt, except for maybe Ambriel. The angel had seemed to want to help her, unless of course, it had been a front. Christ, who the hell could they trust?

“Things are a little too quiet here,” Tegan whispered from behind them. Eli and three others she’d never seen slid in around her.

You will stay within the protection of the others.
Even in her head, Eli’s tone was commanding. She narrowed her gaze.

Are we going to play this game again?

Your death is not a game. At least not to me.

I don’t intend to die but apparently, you wish to remain soulless for eternity.
She snapped back.

Tegan gave them both a hard stare. “Would the two of you stop,” he growled.

Ashley was stunned that her father had apparently heard their conversation. Had the others as well? He was right though. Her and Eli needed to deal with their personal issues later. Things were about to get dangerous. “I’m sorry. However, there’s one thing I need to do.” She leaned into Eli, cupped his face, and kissed him. It was brief, but still hot, and left her breathing heavy. “Your death isn’t a game to me, either. Please be careful.”

His fangs peeked out, and his arousal wrapped around her as he took a step back. “I have no intention of dying.”

“Let’s go. We need to take care. At this point, we’ve no idea who is what around here. We need to keep at least one of them alive for questioning, if possible.” Tegan summoned his dagger. “Otherwise, they all die once Ashley can release the imprisoned souls.”

They moved along the corridor, and she was surprised how easily they’d slipped in. Something wasn’t right, and she swallowed down the lump in her throat. As her heart raced in her chest and she battled with Eli’s hunger, her head began to hurt.
Now isn’t the time for a freaking headache!
Busy battling her own inner demons, she missed how the fight in front of her suddenly started.

One of the Seven, the red-headed one, was in front of them. A large sword caught the light as she swung it, narrowly missing Verek’s head. Instantly they were surrounded, and Ashley could hear the clink of metal against metal. Energy whooshed past her, sending prickles across her skin. She searched for Eli and found him right in front of her.

I know where you are, love. Stay behind me.
His ebony wings spread wide, providing a shield to protect her from the onslaught.

How am I supposed to help when I can’t see?
She loved him more for wanting to protect her, but she also had a job to do and hiding wasn’t getting it done. Something soft brushed across her arm, and she shot a glance to the right.

“Ambriel,” she whispered. The one who had helped her earlier now stood beside her, and Ashley wasn’t surprised by what she saw. The woman literally glowed, and it was almost blinding.

She smiled. “We’ve waited a long time for you to come, and I’m happy to see you are fulfilling your destiny.”

“What do you mean?”

“When the Seven sent Eli to earth, I made sure he landed close by. You two were meant to bond so you could become the Angel of Death.” She stepped closer. “Call the souls to you. You have the power.”

“I’m not sure I understand.” It was frustrating as hell not knowing what she was supposed to do.

“Don’t you see them?” Ambriel asked.

Ashley looked around, and it was then she noticed the Seven and the others who fought with them were surrounded by a dark shadow. A small bright light hid in the center of each one, and instinct told her that was what she was looking for. “Yes,” she laughed. “I see them.” Blood spilled at her feet.

“You need to hurry. Set them free so the others can destroy the demons.”

Ashley held out her hands and spread her wings. Power coursed through her veins and as she focused on the small balls of light, they began to pulse and grow until they burst from their confinement. Floating free from their prison, their hosts suddenly changed form and showed their true identity. Demons with fire-red skin, oily black scales, and horns of all sizes that protruded from heads, shoulders, and arms were now exposed for what they really were. Yet, the balls of light still hung in the air.

“Why don’t they go?” She turned to Ambriel.

“Some may be confused if they’ve been parted from their original body for too long. Give them time.” She pulled Ashley out of harms way as a demon’s head went whizzing by.

Sharp pain sliced across Ashley’s arm and when she looked down, she expected to see a bloody gash. What she saw instead was unmarred skin. She frowned, and then the realization hit that it wasn’t her wound but Eli’s. Anger and concern welled up as she pushed her way through the fighting and disarray. She spotted him backed into a corner by three demons.

“Oh that is so not fair,” she growled and before she realized what she was doing, she’d raised her hands in the air. A language she didn’t recognize, or understand, slipped from her lips and the demons turned to ash. Eli took out the third with his dagger then cast her a sly grin.

“You’re handy to have in a fight,” he replied.

She studied her hands, turning them over to gaze at her palms, and expected find the answers to what she’d just done lying there. Eli took one in his, turned it over, and planted a kiss on her knuckles. “Everything will be fine.”

She forced a smile. Why did her gut tell her this was far from over?


li lay
with Ashley tucked in his arms. His hunger sated, at least for the time being. After they’d finished cleaning up the mess and slaying all the demons they could find, he’d brought her back to his cabin. She’d asked about his home in the clouds, but he’d had to explain he was still a fallen angel. The only reason he, Verek, and the others had even been able to get in was because of Tegan. They were drifters, stuck between worlds, belonging to neither. Oh sure, the minute he became a soul sucker he could access Hell and become one of Lucifer’s lackeys. That was a battle he still fought, and as soon as Ashley was awake he’d go looking for the devil and figure out a way to buy his soul back. He’d start with the last place he’d seen him in New Orleans.

She stirred. “You’re still awake?”

“Not tired.”

“Are you worried?” She traced circles on his chest.


She lifted her head and studied him. “I thought angels were truthful?”

So she sensed his deceit. “I don’t want you to worry.” He kissed her forehead. “You need more rest. Yesterday took a lot out of you.”

“I am still tired.”

“As much as I love being in bed with you, Tegan and the others will be here soon so we can discuss what to do next.” He rolled from under her warmth and out of bed.

She groaned. “I should get up too.”

“There’s no reason,” he replied, slipping on his jeans. “You should stay in bed.”

Flashing a coy smile, she threw back the covers and revealed her delicious curves. “Yes, I’m sure you’d rather I did stay here.”

His cock responded, and it was his turn to groan.

“You’re a tease. Hurry and put some clothes on before I forget we have company coming.” He pulled on a tee and left the room, closing the door behind him. Throwing up his shields, he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. Sweat beaded on his forehead, and the hunger battered him with the fury of a thousand Hellhounds. His legs shook with the strain of holding him up. Why had he been struck so hard this time? Something was wrong, because if this kept up there was no way he could fight against it for much longer. He would pull Verek off to the side and ask him about it. One thing was certain; he had to keep this hidden from Ashley. No way in hell did he want her to suffer with his pain.

Just as he was regaining his composure, Tegan and the others arrived.

“You’re looking a little pale. You okay?” Verek inquired in a low voice.

“Not really. I need to speak with you later,” he whispered back, and Verek nodded before both men joined the others.

“Seph said he had duties to take care of so he’ll catch up later,” Tegan announced, taking a seat at the small table.

“So did you learn anything from those captured?” Eli asked.

“Yes. After some torturing, we found that all the Seven except Ambriel were demons. They were the ones purchasing souls and bringing other demons into our realm,” Tegan sighed. “It explains so much now, including why they wanted the fallen brought to them. I guess they hoped to completely turn them.”

“What makes no sense is why’d they throw out the mates of those who’d fallen?” Lyzander asked.

“I suspect it might have been too easy for them to catch on to what was really happening. Since there weren’t that many mated, they wrote them off as a loss,” Tegan replied.

Eli cringed. How had something like this gone unnoticed? “Any idea how many more there are?”

Verek shook his head. “No. We’ve been unable to get a definite number, and the Sevens’ mates are all missing, so we suspect they are demon as well. Devon has been the leader in this, of course, with backing from Lucifer. Who really knows what we’re dealing with?”

“And what of the souls released?” Eli asked.

“Those whose host bodies were still alive have managed to find their way back. Others transcended. Reports in the field are fallen angels that regained their soul have been showing up back home. Some seem fine, while others… Well it will take some time.” Tegan rose from his chair. Palms on the table, he leaned in. “The treaty’s been broken. I don’t need to tell you what that means.”

“The peace between Heaven and Hell has come to an end and those like himself––the fallen––will be summoned by Lucifer,” Eli answered. The devil would seek to build his army and take down the enemy. He looked at Verek who’d also realized they were both doomed.

Eli shot out of his seat, his existence now a ticking time bomb. “I need to speak with Ashley.” He headed for the bedroom and flung open the door, desperation now chopping at his heels. What greeted him was an empty bed.

She was gone.

ot only had
she felt Eli’s last bout of hunger, even though he’d tried to block her, Ashley had overheard the conversation the men had in the other room. Her mate’s emotions slammed into her, although she was positive he’d tried to block those as well. She may be new to this world, and the way things worked, but she was smart enough to understand what it all meant.

If she didn’t do something and quick, Eli would be lost forever.

She tossed on a pair of jeans and a tank because where she was going would be warm. Pulling her boots over her calves, she heard him coming down the hall. She vanished just as he touched the doorknob. Seconds later, she was knocking on the door to Eva and Seph’s home.

Please be here.

Relief swept over her when Seph himself opened the door. “Hey, what’s up?”

“You need to show me how to find Lucifer. I need to get Eli’s soul back. Now.” She took a deep breath and tried to slow her racing heart. “I don’t have time to try to track him by myself.”

“Does he know you’re here?” Seph cocked a brow.

She pulled her shoulders back. “No and we need to hurry before he finds me. He’s going to lose his soul permanently if I don’t help him.”

Seph simply crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her. “I cannot do this without his knowledge.”

“Fucking stubborn men,” she whispered under her breath. “I’ll figure it out myself then,” she stated with more conviction than she really had.

“Seph. Help her.” Eva stepped in beside her mate and placed a hand on his shoulder. Ashley could already see him soften under her touch.

With a sigh, he agreed. “Fine.” He held out his hand. “Let’s go.”

She slipped her hand in his and everything turned black. Searing heat surrounded them before the veil lifted, and they stood inside a chamber. Ashley glanced around at the strange rock formations that made up the room. Snakes, thick as her thigh, slithered across the floor. Their tongues flicked out testing the air. One especially large one with soulless black eyes headed toward them. She had to blink because the closer it got its body began to transform. By the time it had reached them, the same man who’d imprisoned her and took Eli’s soul stood in front of her.

“Well, well,” he laughed.

She refused to look into his eyes. Lesson learned last time. “I want Eli’s soul back.” No reason to beat around the bush. Get in, get out. That was her plan.

“I’ve been expecting you.” He waved his hand, and the entire room went from a dank cave to white walls with black marble floors. A table with gold plates and silver goblets encrusted with glittering gems was perfectly set on a crisp cloth. Ornate high-back chairs magically pulled themselves out and waited.

“Sit.” It was not a recommendation, but a command she knew she shouldn’t disobey, so she made her way to a chair. Lucifer took the one at the head and as soon as he was seated, two demons with the bodies of men and the head of a bull flanked in on either side of him. One poured a red liquid in the goblet; the other set a silver covered tray in front of him. He waved them off.

“Leave the wine.” He sipped from his cup then held up the crystal decanter. “Care for some?”

“No thanks.” There was no way she would trust him. It was then she noticed Seph hadn’t joined them.

“He isn’t welcome at our table. He can stand in the corner.” Disdain filled his voice.

“I thought the reapers brought you the condemned? That should make you happy.”

“Oh they do, but I have no control over them.” He leaned closer, and she cast her gaze at the table. “Look at me.”

Her pulse sped up, and she tried to fight but it was useless. She was compelled to lift her gaze upward and meet his. Black orbs. No white, no color only black filled his sockets, but they were quiet this time. There was no war or bloodshed like before, and she sighed with relief.

He laughed and sat back. “It is only because I choose what you see. I like to remain in complete control. Now, begin your bargain to regain your mate’s soul.” He raised a black brow. “Angel of Death.”

The name spilling from his lips caused her to shiver. “I want his soul back. He had no right giving it up for my life.”

He raised his goblet and sipped. “And what are you willing to give me in return?”

She swallowed. What could she give? Could she offer her own soul in exchange?

He set down his goblet. “Tell you what. I’ll let you into the room where his soul is being kept, and you can have it. Take it back to him and he can resume his previous life. However, you must make a choice.” He waved his hand again, and this time one wall showed Eva in her kitchen washing dishes. Seph leapt forward and the air charged with fear.

“Choose which of them lives,” Lucifer demanded.

“No!” Panic rose and burned her throat. “Take my soul. I give it freely.”

He tipped his head back and laughed. “Oh, but I already own you. You will stay here and do my bidding. I need someone like you. One who can kill my enemy and raise my dead.”

“Leave her alone. Take my life and let Ashley go. Let Eva live,” Seph pleaded.

Lucifer’s brows pinched down, and a burst of power pinned Seph to the wall. “You have no voice in this matter.
.” His deadly gaze came back to her. “Decide Ashley, the clock is ticking.”

She pushed out her wings and held up her hands. The same words that she’d whispered earlier––that had killed the demons––spilled from her lips, but Lucifer only laughed.

“Stupid bitch. You are far too weak to kill me.” An invisible vice wrapped around her windpipe and squeezed. “Try that again and I will crush you.” He released her and she gasped for air.

She looked at Seph and could hardly see him through her tears. Things had gone all wrong, and it was her fault. Why had she thought she could come here, and get what she wanted, without a price having to be paid? “They are innocent,” she whispered.

“Then you should have come alone. Now pick one before I decide to kill them both!”

“Ashley,” Seph pleaded. “Let me die. Save my Eva. I can’t live without her, but she will one day overcome her grief.”
Negotiate your term here then let me die. He needs your agreement; it’s your only way out.

She blinked and understood what he meant. “First off, I agree to stay here and serve you, but my term will be three-hundred and sixty-five human days. No more, no less.”

He rubbed his chin. “No. Two years that is my offer.”

Don’t take it. Stick to your guns. You’re an angel of the Maker; he cannot force you to stay. You have to give it to him.

“I do not accept your terms. I stand firm on the time frame, but you will let both Seph and Eva live as well as give me back Eli’s soul,” she demanded.

He jumped from his chair, and the room reverted back to its original rock formation.
I think I pissed him off.

Hold your ground, but you will have to let me go. It will be required that you pick one of us. I don’t fear death, but I fear living eternity without my Eva.

“I will accept the three-hundred and sixty-five mortal days, but someone must die. Who will it be?” He towered over her. “My patience has worn thin.”

She swallowed. “Seph. Seph will die.” The words choked her and she couldn’t breathe. Within seconds, power filled the room and the life was sucked right out of her friend. The picture of Eva still played on the wall, and her wails of sorrow echoed across the room. Ashley fell to her knees and crawled to where Seph lay. Tears splattered his cheek as she leaned down to kiss him. “I refuse to let you go,” she whispered as she laid her hands on his chest. Heat escaped through her fingertips, and again words she didn’t understand fell from her mouth. It was as though someone else had taken control of her mind and body, but she didn’t resist.

Seph gasped for air and opened his eyes. He blinked then gave her a wide smile. “You will do well.”

She kissed him on the forehead. “Go home and tell Eva I’m sorry for scaring the hell out of her.”

He winked then faded right out from under her. Ashley rose to face Lucifer’s wrath.

“You brought him back!” the devil spat. “That was not part of the deal.”

She shoved her hair back and lifted her chin in defiance, though she’d never been more terrified in her life. However, Eli’s soul was more important than anything. “You asked for a death, and I chose. You never stated I couldn’t bring him back. Now, give me the soul you promised.”

He lifted his lip into a snarl and revealed a set of thick fangs. “You might have found the loophole this round, but mark my words. I will not make the same mistake again. Now pick your soul.”

A stone wall moved to reveal a room with hundreds of clear glass globes that hung by a gold thread from the ceiling. Without hesitation, she approached.

“Which one is his?” she asked and the devil laughed, making her want to choke him.

“You have to find the correct one. Surely, you must know your own mate’s soul,” he chortled again.

She looked back at him. “You’re a bastard.” Then she stepped into the room. Closing her eyes, she let a calm surround her. Where she’d managed to find such inner peace in her present surroundings was beyond her, but she wouldn't question it. When she opened her eyes, she focused on one globe hanging in the corner. It shown brighter than all the others and beckoned her. She strode toward it without hesitation and grabbed the gold thread, pulling it free from its hook.

“This one.” She knew, without a doubt, it belonged to Eli because it blanketed her in love. She looked at all the others.
I will free you all one day.
Her mission now became clear and she walked from the room, the wall closing behind her.

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