Fall of Darkness (The Chronicles of Darkness) (12 page)

BOOK: Fall of Darkness (The Chronicles of Darkness)
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Dominic offered Kate his arm. “Shall

“Absolutely,” she said, linking her arm
through his.

Together, they stepped through the
leaded glass doors of The Grand Theater. Kate gasped as Dominic led her through
the opulent lobby. Her eyes trailed up the ornate walls and pillars of gleaming
marble to follow the Michelangelo-inspired mural across the ceiling a sparkling
waterfall of jewels and lights that cascaded down the center of the room.

Dominic produced two tickets from his
jacket pocket and held them out to the waiting usher. The usher directed them
to the orchestra seating area. “Seats CC2 and 4, straight ahead and to the
right. Enjoy the show.”

Kate trailed along beside Dominic as he strolled
to the front of the theater. He indicated for her to take a seat and she
obliged, sinking into the burgundy seat he’d indicated as he settled into the
place next to her.

“I hope you don’t mind that we’re not in
the front row,” Dominic said with an apologetic smile. “I find you can see more
of the stage from a few rows back.”

Kate shook her head. “Oh, no. This is
beyond amazing.”

This was the closest she’d ever sat to
the stage, but he didn’t need to know that. Back in Chicago, she and her
friends had sprung for the occasional dress circle tickets as a rare
indulgence. This was a fantasy brought to life. That she was experiencing it
with Dominic was icing on the already decadent cake.

The lushly appointed theater with its
soaring hand painted dome ceiling, decorative archways, and ornate railings was
breathtaking in its grandeur. The masses filed in to claim their seats and the
room grew loud with the chatter of collective humanity. Eventually, the
auditorium grew quiet, the lights dimmed, the show was announced, and the
orchestra struck up the opening measures. Amneris stood center stage, flooded
in white light as she belted to the rafters,

story, tale or memoir
Every saga or romance…”

Kate laid her head on Dominic’s shoulder
and lost herself in another place and time, in the hearts of the characters and
the choices they faced. The sweeping story of loyalty, friendship, and
forbidden love unfolded on the stage. Kate soaked up the pleasure of the moment
like the warmth of the sun, letting the poignant music and Dominic’s
intoxicating presence flow through her. If Heaven existed, it would definitely
be like this.

All too soon, the actors were taking
their bows and the people of the audience were on their feet in standing
ovation. The lights came up and Dominic was smiling down at her.

“Did you like it?” he asked, helping
Kate to her feet.

“It was phenomenal. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” He lifted their joined
hands to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of hers. Kate’s insides melted
from the warmth of his tender affection, like butter on a hot day.

They made their way through the milling
crowd to the exit. The limo idled at the curb amid the lineup of other limos
and taxis waiting to whisk the theater goers away. Their driver waited with an open
door and a nod of welcome.

“Where to next, oh fearless leader?”Kate
asked as they ducked into the car.

“That is up to you,
answered. “You have a choice to make. We can return to the plane. You can be
home in a matter of hours. Or we can stay in the suite I have reserved at The
Plaza and enjoy all New York has to offer for a few days.” Dominic paused, his
eyes burning into hers with enough heat to set her soul on fire. He sucked in a
deep breath, and let it out in a rush of words. “Stay with me, Kate. Let’s
sleep in late, eat breakfast in bed, and explore the city together.”

The combination of his piercing gaze and
the hidden promise of forbidden passion in his words, heated Kate’s blood,
leaving her breathless. “I… I can’t. I don’t have a toothbrush.” Probably the
least of her worries, but the most coherent thought she could muster.

“Yes, you do. Lindsey packed everything
you need.”

Of course she did. Lindsey would make
the bed herself, if she thought they’d sleep together in it. The traitor knew
the plan all along.

A whirlwind of emotions whipped around
in her mind, all vying for prevalence. Frustration. Joy. Fear. Lust… Yes, lust
was definitely in the lead.

“I don’t know whether to be flattered
that you went through all this effort or pissed off because you assumed I’d
sleep with you after three dates.” Kate crossed her arms over her chest in
protest. Her traitorous body and heart had no such objections. Both throbbed in
heavy, desirous beats at the thought of a night alone with Dominic.

“You misunderstand me,
said. “Our suite has three bedrooms, any of which you could have to yourself if
you like. I promise to be a complete gentleman.” His eyebrows twitched up as a
devilish grin spread across his handsome face. “Unless of course, you persuade
me not to be.”

The proverbial ball fell into her court
with a huge thump. Great. With her recent track record of self control, she’d
be naked by the end of the night. All rational thought seemed to migrate south
for the winter whenever Dominic was near.

He offered an opportunity that may never
come again, the chance to experience New York with him. What did she stand to
lose? Her virtue? In reality, it didn’t have a prayer, no matter what the
locale. Her heart? He’d already stolen that the night they met.

“Okay,” she whispered. Dominic’s face
lit up like a child given his heart’s desire. She could’ve basked in the warmth
of the exuberant joy her answer induced.

“You won’t regret it,” he assured her.
Cradling her face in his hands, he claimed her lips with his own. The heat of
his kiss made her weak with desire, her heart beating like a hummingbird’s
wings as she melted in his arms.

No, she definitely wouldn’t.





One kissing-filled limo trip and a
private elevator ride later, Kate stood in the center of a suite that could
easily accommodate a large party. The opulence and grandeur of Dominic’s world
was overwhelming. Even the air in the room felt expensive. Dominic seemed to
fit the old world elegance and ostentatious lifestyle so effortlessly. She
however, was afraid to move, fearful she might mar the perfection of the lavish
Louis XV trappings.

Dominic must have sensed her discomfort.
With a reassuring smile, he took her by the hand and led her out onto the
balcony. Kate stepped up to the railing to take in the most coveted view in the
city. Manhattan gleamed like a brilliant jewel around them, its lights rivaling
the stars above in beauty and brightness.

“Dance with me, Kate?”                                                                         

Kate turned at the whispered request.
Dominic gifted her with a soft smile, extending his hand in invitation.

there’s no music,” she answered, cocking her head to one side and leveling him
with a curious glance.

there is. Can’t you hear it?”

she admitted.

arm encircled her waist, drawing her body closer to his. He held her right hand
in his left, intertwining their fingers as he caressed the skin of her hand.
The warmth of his breath tickled her neck as he swept his lips up her throat to
her ear, sending delicious shivers of desire down her spine. His husky voice of
dark velvet crooned softly in her ear.

The simple melody mesmerized her, his
lilting voice wreaking sweet, torturous havoc on all her senses. This big,
beautiful man held her in his arms as if he never wanted to let her go. Swept
away by the firestorm he ignited within, Kate lost herself in the feel of his
body and the gentle caress of his song. Kate didn’t understand the foreign
words, but she didn’t need to. She could feel their meaning all the same. She
found paradise in Dominic’s arms, swaying to the impromptu music as he made
love to her with words beneath a glittering blanket of stars and city lights.

Snuggling into his neck, she inhaled the
intoxicating scent that was Dominic, a heady combination of mint, eucalyptus,
and man. She sighed in contentment. Never had she wanted anything more than
this man and his love.

In that moment, she knew. Knew she would
never need anything as much as she needed him. Knew she would give anything to
stay wrapped in his arms. She lifted her gaze to meet his eyes of smoldering
obsidian, her heart bounding in anticipation of the consequences sure to follow
her decision.

“Make love to me, Dominic,” she pled in
a breathless whisper.

Kate heard his breath catch in his

With a low growl of desire, Dominic
lifted Kate into his arms, cradling her against the hard wall of his chest like
a precious treasure. Carrying her to the bedroom, he set Kate on her feet
beside the bed. Their eyes locked, the air between them crackling with white
hot electricity. 

Dominic held her with the heat of his
gaze as he stepped back to shed his jacket, draping it over the chair. Kate
watched the graceful movements of his deft fingers as he unknotted his tie. A
throb of need pulsed from deep within as she imagined the feel of those big,
agile hands on her body. Flames of desire spread through her like wildfire.

“Come here.” Though spoken softly, his
words were rough with need.

riot of butterflies fluttered to life in her stomach. Heart racing, legs
trembling, she closed the space between them. Searching for the courage to look
him in the eye, she focused on the tawny skin of his throat and watched the steady
thrum of his pulse beneath his lightly shadowed jaw. She slowly lifted her gaze
to meet his. Those gorgeous brown eyes were alight with the smoldering fires of

Metal would liquefy under such heat. Kate
was no different.  Her knees softened beneath her like melted butter. Dominic
placed steadying hands on each of her arms and gently caressed the bare flesh
there in tantalizing circles. Her skin leapt to life beneath his touch,
erupting in delicate goose bumps as if she were chilled. She wasn’t. His touch
seared her sensitive skin with each soft caress, making her burn hotter than

Dominic brushed his lips tenderly across
her forehead. His hands trailed up her arms, across her shoulders and up her
neck, until he held her face in his hands. She leaned in to him, intoxicated by
the desire he incited. His lips swept down the bridge of her nose and grazed
each of her cheekbones.

He brushed a kiss to one eyelid, then
the other. He showered soft kisses down each side of her jaw from ear to chin,
his fingers tangling in the hair at the nape of her neck. With slow, measured
movements, he pulled each pin from her hair. Kate heard a delicate
as each one fell to the floor. Her hair tumbled down around her shoulders.

 Dominic lips brushed lightly against
hers. Kate’s heart hammered double time in her chest. As she would’ve deepened
the kiss, he withdrew. Apparently, he intended to tease her. With a soft tug of
her hair, he tipped her head back and pressed his lips to the delicate curve of
her throat. Her breathing grew ragged as his mouth burned a fiery trail down
her neck and across her collar bone.


grabbed a fist full of his hair and tugged, pulling his mouth back up to her
own. Their mouths melded, smothering his low growl. Her arms wound tightly
around his neck as his found her waist. The softness of her body faded into the
hardness of his. His mouth slanted over hers, his tongue tracing the lines of
her lips, then dipped deeper to caress her tongue in languorous strokes.

 Matching his ardor with equal fervor,
Kate strained to press her body even tighter against his. She couldn’t get
close enough. The sumptuous taste of him made her hungry for more as she kissed
him with a passion she’d never thought possible. The ache of desire blossomed
low in her belly, a sensation she associated purely with Dominic. He was her
passion, her desire, and her love.

hands skimmed up her back, searching for the zipper at the back of her dress.
Kate struggled to keep her breathing even. She was so glad she’d gone with the
sexy black lace bra and panty set when she’d dressed for the evening. To think,
she’d almost worn something with a little more granny appeal to encourage
herself to keep her clothes on. Fat lot of good it would’ve done.

Making love with Dominic was an
eventuality, like the sun rising and setting. She knew that now. It was never a
question of if, but when. Kate was glad she wasn’t doing it in white cotton
granny panties.

Dominic’s deft fingers slowly eased the
tab downward. The zipper slid open with a soft
. The cool air of
the room lapped at the newly bared skin, but was quickly replaced with the
warmth of his hands as he stroked the smooth expanse of skin. He peeled the
satin sheath from her body, all the while ravishing her mouth with his own.
With a soft swish of fabric, a pool of black satin formed at her feet as her
dress fell to the floor.

Kate gasped at the shock of her
nakedness, feeling exposed and vulnerable as she stood before a fully dressed
man in nothing but her bra, panties, and sheer thigh high stockings. She didn’t
even count the sheer stockings and stilettos. It’s not like they did anything
to hide her nakedness.

But Dominic dashed all feelings of
discomfiture in an instant. He looked at her with such stark hunger, such open
adoration, she couldn’t help but feel like the most beautiful woman in the
world. Beneath his appreciative gaze, she no longer felt awkward, she felt
sexier than ever. The steady ache within deepened, her body throbbing in
anticipation of the pleasure to come.




Dominic’s breath caught in his throat.
Perfection stood before him, the soft moonlight gleaming on her ebony tresses
and alabaster curves, her emerald eyes sparkling with desire. Full breasts
crested over a lacy black strapless bra. A tapered waist and toned abdomen gave
way to the black lace hugging generous hips and an ass made for a man’s hands.
Every inch of her skin was like ivory satin, soft and smooth, begging to be
touched and tasted. She was the sexiest woman he’d ever seen. And she was his
for the taking.

But she shouldn’t be. Hidden beneath the
sheer lace of her panties, somewhere near her right hip, was a small,
triangular birthmark. To any other man it was just a difference in
pigmentation. To him, it was so much more.

That little triangle marked her for what
she was. A vampire. His enemy. Yet here he stood in complete readiness to
commit the ultimate betrayal. In fact, he’d never wanted anything more. She was
forbidden fruit and he was not a man easily forbade anything.

He’d reached the point of no return,
with no desire to turn back. Her claim on him was branded on his heart, deeper
than any mark or tattoo could ever penetrate. He’d never imagined he could love
with that kind of thoughtless intensity. Never imagined he would throw his
world away for the love of a woman.

If he was wise, he would walk away. Only
heartache awaited them down this path. Was the pleasure of now worth the pain
of the future? Her full lips parted in a seductive pout that drove his mind
wild with erotic fantasies. Hell yeah, it was. All thoughts of honorable
intentions burnt to the ground, lost somewhere in the ashes of his resolve.

Come what may. He would have her.



With his lips and tongue, Dominic scorched
a fiery trail from Kate’s collar bone, past her scar, to the rounded tops of
her breasts. His mouth felt warm and damp on her nipples as he nipped and
teased them through the lacy fabric. He reached around her. With the flick of
his wrist, he unclasped her bra. He tossed it to the floor and buried his face
in the softness of her breasts.

Drawing one taut pink nipple into his
mouth, he suckled and tasted the tender bud, then the other in turn. Her
nipples tighten beneath the heat of his mouth. Her heated core throbbed in
response. Kate tangled her fingers in his hair, tugging and stroking as he
worked his maddening magic.

Falling to his knees before her, his
mouth trailed tantalizingly lower, blazing its way down her tummy, tickling her
umbilicus with the swirl of his tongue as he traced its shape.       He caught
the waistband of her panties with his teeth and slowly dragged them down over
her hips and legs. He pressed his lips gently to the birthmark on her hip
before running his tongue in slow, languid circles around it.

Kate sucked in a sharp breath as his
kisses continued their path even lower. His tongue flicked at the sensitive nub
tucked within the folds of her woman’s cleft.

“Dominic,” she gasped, her cheeks
flushing red hot as she backed away from the overwhelming shock of pleasure. “You
don’t want to do that.”

He grinned, that heart stopping,
dazzling grin as she backed herself right into the wall. Reaching around to
cradle her hips, he locked them firmly in place.

“Oh yes, I do,” he growled, nuzzling the
mound of feminine flesh between her legs.

Kate opened her mouth to protest
further, but forgot why as she lost herself in the feel of his mouth on her
tender skin. His mouth wreaked sweet havoc on her body. His touch filled her
with a thousand forbidden sensations, each one crashing over her like flashes
of lightning. And she wanted more.

Tangling her fingers in his hair, she
pulled his head in closer as she rode the rhythm of the strokes of his tongue.
Chuckling at her passionate surrender, Dominic continued his delectable assault
on her senses. He sucked and nibbled at the sensitive bud, lapping at the
moisture slick folds of her femininity. His tongue delved deep inside her,
tasting her core as he pleasured her with his tongue and teeth. Kate’s legs shook
beneath her, but Dominic held her steady. The pressure within her built, her
body pleading for fulfillment. She cried out as he drove her body to climax
after shattering climax.

Her breathing ragged, her body tingling
from head to toe, Kate sagged against the wall on unsteady legs. Rising to his
feet, Dominic gave her a self-satisfied grin.

“See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Kate didn’t answer. Her mind was numb.
She couldn’t think, couldn’t speak. All she knew was Dominic and need. She
needed him inside her more than she needed air to breathe.

She pitched herself into his arms,
twining her own around his neck and dragging him to her. Melding her body
against his, she claimed his mouth with her own. Their tongues mated in a
ravenous frenzy. His hands cupped the cheeks of her buttocks, lifting her to
wrap her legs around his waist, grinding her against the jut of his arousal.

He inched backwards until the bed hit
the back of his legs and the two of them tumbled to the soft mattress in a
tangle of limbs. Kate straddled his waist as he lay on his back. Her eager
fingers fumbled with the buttons of his shirt.

BOOK: Fall of Darkness (The Chronicles of Darkness)
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